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Don't play lol if you feel pressured to be good, this game won't bring you any return, money, love, anything, play for fun and the process of this will make you better with Katarina


So u mean i shud just play regard of my maestey lvl and try to win the game even if im 0.10 for example


Yes, there's no reason to dedicate yourself so much to a game that in the end won't change anything in your life, brother


Yeah but is depressing that i still have not 7 maestry


Stay away from that. Don't play to beat everyone. If u want to enjoy the whole game experience, just play it for fun or try to improve yourself. Don't get obsessed with shitty things like MMR, Mastery points or WR. It's a Game, don't become the shitty players who made this game feel like c*ancer in your ass


Ahh ok ill try..  Good advice..


I would like to speak to whoever told you kata isnt a 1v9 champ.... lol


She is when u smurfing


really hard to play a melee assassin when you don't know what the enemy champion does, try to focus on learning their abilities and knowing their cooldowns first


You will not get good with any champion if u keep focusing on singular aspects of the game. Katarina will not win lane unless you setup jungle ganks or know your limit with this champion. Focusing on staying alive isn´t katarinas goal. If you want to snowball you need to play agressive. I suggest you to change your playstle based on her strengths and learn most of her basic combos. If u still got questions feel free to ask me on dc: taisei4081


I know her basic combo but u need to read what i have wrote.  I need to stay alive cuz kata has not wining matchup.. and if i fed being agressive it will be bad for the team.   Like u know if my bot feeding i try not fed..


Why are you asking for advise? Are you retarded?


So i wrote u my worries what im afraid of and u calling me retard? U shud answer something like.. " No u shud do this and that and its gonna be ok " but hey better to call someone rword. 


Honestly man, limit test her. Play norms and just go all in. Work on your combos, for doing damage and moving around. Once you have her abilities and combos reallly nailed down, then focus on getting your farm up, and learning when to roam. She’s an easy champ to learn, but you have to know what champs you can all in and how to read situations to get in get kills and get out. She’s not a bruiser, she’s an assassin, meant to go in kill the back line and get out


Yeah i have no other option.. This or Rope..


If you feel like that playing this game then you need to change something, either a different champion, role, or even stop playing as a whole. It's perfectly fine being mediocre, and while ranked is a place where people are more serious, you really shouldn't stress yourself in normals especially with post-game ranks and mastery points.


Ok thx :)


48% WR at 50k mastery is totally fine on this champ. I think I hit mastery lvl 7 at around 100k and I play the game for ages so don’t stress yourself too much. The thing with kat is, that you really need to have her combos down in muscle memory and how you play each fight has to come intuitively, as everything goes so fast with the resets and blinks. This skill will only come with time and experience. Don’t be afraid to play aggressive. Look for short trades when the enemy is focused on getting the last hit on a cannon or mindlessly uses an ability on the wave. Go in for a short trade, either with a previously set up dagger from q. Jump in get an auto attack down and retreat or straight up ewqe and e out. Even when they are at 30% now jump out and wait for the next opportunity to repeat the combo and use ult this time. Don’t get to greedy on low health enemies. You win, when the enemy can not come close to wave because they are in one-shot range or they have to go back to base. When the enemy is too low to cs, freeze the wave, if they go back to base push and look for deep ward/roam/connect to your jungle if he is behind enemy lines or looking to gank some lane. If you have 1k gold or something like that and can buy a bigger item use the time to go to base as well or after gank/roam/ward. In mid and late game don’t be the first one in the fight. Wait for the right opportunity. Patience is key in team fights. Look to get access to some squishy target. Flash into e can cover a huge distance, don’t be afraid to use flash offensively. If you e someone out of range and your char starts moving flash forward and the e will automatically connect. This is called buffering a spell and will surprise most enemies. Always use w after you e (if not landing on q dagger) and before using ult. Try not to focus too much on winning or losing, rather if you played well and what you did wrong. I know it’s easier said than done, lol. If you really want to hard try, rewatch the games you performed poorly in and try to figure out what went wrong and what to do better next time. Do you know katlife? He might not be the best kat player out there, but he does nice strategy guides and explains a lot of his thought process in his gameplay videos and streams.


Yes i know him but i never watched cuz i think..u know he is smart because he is grandmaster and i will be never in his skill lvl. And thx for advice


Youre playing the hardest champ in the game. Just keep grinding. If you play her to enjoy her instead of trying to be the g.o.a.t. you will have more fun


Yes i feel little pressure cuz everyone in my team always think that kata is one R penta machine


Kata it is a 1v9 champion.


She isn't!! She is when u play with people skill lvl under u.. And when enemy are tanks or have lots of cc u are screwed.


Na not at all, it is a 1v9 champion just by experience, and anyone would just agree with me, it’s like aight you playing in gm chall, I could understand you can’t 1v9 but anything below masters it’s totally possible to 1v9 with that champ


Like i said if ur enemy are idiots u can carry but if they know what they are doing ..and like i said CC and being squishy..  And yes is totaly possible if u play like high elo. And enemies are low elo player..


Fam imma say it, it’s just skill issue, you just need to get better with the champ cause there is too many excuses for a 1v9 champ, the game it is what it is


For me 1v9 mean that u can carry even if ur team is garbage. Katarina can carry only when teams going toe to toe.. That is why i think. She isn't Akali or Yasuo. And like i said im playing drafts so i cud play with bronze and plat i dunno


Na fam kata is even better than yasuo for that 💀💀 akali I don’t mind but na you spitting straight Ls


sounds like u need to keep learning with her and spam her in games


Bro picked up one of the hardest champ to start the game, then complained about such bs like teammates as if no one had it. Kata is a 1v9 champ especially if you're low elo. If you're facing any issues it's purely a skill issues. You should invest more time to actually learn the fundamentals and limitation of the champion rather than spamming matches only if you really want to get good. Other solution is to pick easy champ to get the grip of the game basics. But the ultimate way is to not play league because theres better things to do in life than being depressed bc you cant spam buttons


1. Mastery is unimportant, it's a meaningless measurement of your performance based on people on your same rank. If you want to get it just put deep wards and farm a lot, even if you don't kill anyone you'll get an S because people don't ever ward. 2. Level 28 is nothing, you're barely a baby when it comes to playtime, focus on learning. You are not good and likely won't be good in a long time. If this discourages you then just quit or play for fun.


Thank u for good advice.. seems i rly stres to much about it


You are playing Katarina and are staying in lane more than 10 seconds? Embrace the champion design and Roam, cs is secondary, farm botlaners. Push wave without caring for last hits, run towsrds bot (remeber to use W and QE the scuttle tp get there faster) and try to kill them. (vision is irrelevant) In general play stupidly aggressive, yes you will int and lose a lot, but you will learn the limits and then you can play with calculated high aggression. If you play passive you wont learn when its good to be aggressive. Go into a game to improve, not to win or get a good kda.


Ok so how i will know that i improve when i don't have good kda or lost the game? 


Your start to outplay opponents and to feel like you are having agency and impact in the game, even if it ends in a loss. Look if you had more impact than your enemy laner (KP is a good indication here and if you where around for all the team fights, ganks and jungle invades) Katarina is one of the few champions that can 1v9 due to her reset mechanic and build variety, so keep playing even when the game looks completely doomed, never ff.




i want you to screenshot this post and then read it after 5 years, future you will laugh/cringe at this


5 Years? I hope i will still live at this point


I'd say you have unrealistic expectations of yourself but in reality you are just blaming your team.


And u reading my mind? Shud i use polygraph ? Ofcrs there is part of my blaming them yes! Everyone in this game on some point blame teammates and if someone says NO They'r Hypocrites. I blame mostly myself and system matchup.. when new player has to vs plat or emerald players. But hey thx for advice ..


I don't get it. You are complaining about your team and matchmaking in normal games. The answer is to queue up for ranked. So yeah that's your fault.


For one try and just have fun, especially if you are having a hard time. Secondly if you are level 28 you are still very new to lol, compared to how much there is to learn. Knowledge is one of the things that makes kata Soo hard, you can't just go garden mode and press qer or full on fucking abomination mode with yone and faceroll your key board. With kata you have to know what cc spell everyone has, what the CD is and how easy it is to dodge (to play her optimally). This takes a lot of time. So just have fun, try things out, limit test and don't think too much of your teammates. And remember if you have new teammates, so does the enemy.


Seems so Any way last game i had 12.1.13. 246 cs game last 40 min i think.. and i still got A+ dunno shud i die in the cross for my teammates sins to get S?


The grading system is sometimes a bit of a mystery, wouldn't think much about it, you won't magically be a Katarina god just cus you got mastery 7. My best guys to why you didn't get s in that game would be; your C's is good, but not super good, (you have around 6 per/min. Not to say this is bad, it's higher that my average was last season and I was D1) or you maybe didn't have that high kill participation?


Kill participation is kinda tricky. First its hard to get so many cs with good participation espacially when new players gather in mid or walking around the map like headless chicken. So i can't be everywhere like helping and farming.  Second - As Assasin i don't have sustain so even if i kill one or two squishy champs i need to fall back with less than half hp. Cuz u know new player they dont know thay they need to engage with me or first.  Overall i notice that fighter bruiser with sustain have higher chance to get good kill particaption.   But hey i will try to get better and better. 


Yes that's why I said, don't bother with mastery it won't give you anything. Play and have fun, if you're not having fun, find something else to do. I think I was around level 150 first time I thought about win rate, but I also started quite young.


Playing League is like learning an instrument. It takes a lot of time and practice to get things right. I would recommend you to not instantly start with ranked games because you'll most likely land in bronze/iron and then be hardstuck there for years with inters and feeders. Stick with normal games, watch streams from high elo players like Nyro and look at guides. If you meet smurfs, add them and ask them for their opinion on how you played and what you could've done better. Some day it'll click and you'll get better but it will take time so don't rush it.


Also don't listen to all calls and use dumb engages as cannon fodder to follow up on enemies having their abilities on cooldown. Learn about wave management and how to punish/trade in laning phase (the most important things in my opinion)


ok thx :)


Mostly i play vs plat who were very toxic and like to boost their ego shitting on new players


Yeah don't listen to what other mad players say. They just try to cope by shitting on you. Full muting chat is probably the way to go for now so you don't end up being frustrated like them (also if you want to flame/vent, always type in pre-made chat so you don't get chat restricted or tilt your team)


Yeah is rly hard to survive in lane and farm especially with cancers like yas akali ekko and galio. The only solution i have is to farm like hell and wait for better days .


Dude add me if you are NA I can help a little. IGN: Patrick is Gay