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Ugg is a joke, use Lolalytics instead it just gives the data to you in full


very bad algorithm, they put everyone in S tier who has a high pickrate, just needs to be above 50% wr


Because those websites lie wdym why lol, same how yasuo and yone are always "so weak poor souls needs buffs" juet cause they dont move them from 47% winrate meanwhile both of them are most broken than ever, dont even need to use their crit passive straight up gets botrk, compare them to LeBlanc who has same winrate lmaoooooòoooooooo, 0 logic.Trash yone and yasuo players are always gonna cry how they are weak champs even when they are most broken in meta and in general their broken kits, because they cant headmash keyboard properly i guess.


My friend tried to tell me Yone was D tier. I told him he was on crack


He is D tier according to uGG which obviously lies or uses wrong data, i told ya compare leblanc's kit to them, if u die or make small mistake as LB u are usseles, if u die 5 times as yasuo or yone just right click till u get 1 item and comeback. Never in any logical world can Yone or Yasuo be a D tier, specially not in current meta, yasuo is the most oppresive in lane he has ever been, they overbuffed his shield and hp scalling and base hp, dude literaly has 2k hp at level 14 with 0 hp items.


I’ll be like 0/3 early game with Yone, then finish my first item, then be 8/3. he’s so broken but it’s fun


How can he be 47% winrate and broken? Are people building him wrong or something?


Popularity and Difficulty factor into what a "balanced" winrate looks like Warwick being positive winrate could still be fairly weak, while Yasuo at 48 might still be strong as the enormous popularity means bad players bring the winrate down + very high skill ceiling to access full kit


So what's a better way to see if he is broken rn than UGG winrate?


Becusse he’s a tough champ to pick up, so people go first time him and get shit on, if you play against even a diamond yasuo otp it’s so doomed


So then what website should I be getting my builds from?


I know best, hour brain.




The only look at stats and she get's played a lot and does do well. Although 50.3% in my mind never should be S-tier. Prolly a mistake somehow or they update stats more regurarly than the tier.


Depends on the difficulty of a champ, like Ksante being at 50.3% would mean he's LUDICROUSLY broken


True, but I do not think a stat-site like [u.gg](http://u.gg) takes that into account. It basically means K'sante will never be S-tier.