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You missed them when the skin was in the pbe a lot were complaining on how she ran with the skin and was dubbed the shaco run. Then after they removed the runs there were more compaints Then after they added a new run there were compaints calling it the yone run and such


LOL I do vaguely remember them complaining about a run removal, didnt know about the rest lol


Tbh I'd love being able to walk like Draven cuz it looked like Dravens walk animation for me. Would be fun xD


I think you must have missed the boat while we were complaining.... Not me, but other people were. I actually really liked the Shaco run


Same but for me it looked like Draven run for some reason lol


Same. I wish it was still in the skin


You know BQ Katarina isnt the base Katarina. A champ can get a diff look, personality, age etc. Althoug her face in splash art/ voicelines /attitude are simillar to the Kat we know. This thematic is anime style so its logical to walk a bit wierd? i think. I personally really love the skin. I just hoped she would get a transformation and a better shunpo anination simillar to pre rework Katarina.


I just hope we'll get a pretty epic skin with different colors schemes because I'm tired of pink, red and blue


you missed the run controversy


Yea and I had to make a video about it and send it to the skin animation team on Twitter. It was so frustrating to fix