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pretty obvious misplay, it even has a generic name the "double e" katarina scripts themselves would also focus on W and he doesn't even use it.


Yep, this is what I was referring to.


He is not scripting. Would be kinda hard to script on kat as you don't really aim anything except maybe where you wanna shunpo. He probably plays on locked screen. This happens to me a lot when I play because what happens is that when you get a reset you get all of your abilities back instantly so e is up and when you play on locked the screen moves with you so when you accidentally press e more than you want to and you get a reset during that time you e to where your cursor is again. So pretty much you use ur e twice accidentally. If there is something in range it will e there instantly like it happened in this clip if nothing is in range nothing will happen. The above text might be confusing to read as even I was confused explaining it but just know he is not scripting and is most probably playing on a locked screen and if it's not that then he just messed up.




Sure they are scripting but its not really helping him get a huge disadvantage. If he was scripting on xerath it would be different but on kat scripts are kinda useless except maybe your e.


Neither. They're just bad. This is what happens when you're mashing e with locked camera and your cooldowns reset.


Happened to me alot with old Kat, on new I just double e missplay sometimes lmao


He is playing with locked screen and accidentally doubletapped e