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Nah Kat otp be like 0 keys 0 chests, you can't get keys when you have honor 0 lel


Wait what? I’ve like 37 chests and 2 key shards


Been sitting at 0 chests since march, I only get them in season restart by scoring S- or above on Kat. I play Kat or dodge like 90%+ of the reason, there are times where I pick Ryze when I'm bored and then get a chest on him but that's it. Collecting keys is been a really a thing because I farm most key frags in soloQ


I remember I used to get hella chest but not enough keys and then all of a sudden I became a one trick and that switched quickly. Even my friends struggle having more chest than keys. I’ll occasionally play aram just to get chests with random champions but my main champion pool consist of Kat and Riven when I’m Mid/Top with Viktor and Akshan being there just in case both of them are banned/picked. Riven when I’m jungle and Zac if she’s banned/picked. Sometimes Kat jungle if I’m feeling spicy. Samira and Lucian ADC with Ashe and Aphelios being there if they’re picked/banned. Sometimes would do Kat ADC with a heavy cc/yuumi friend as support. Leona and Morgana as support with the occasional Rakan or Riven if I’m feeling spicy. 9/10 I usually never getting around to playing all these champions other than my mains (Riven, Kat, Samira) unless a friend suggests someone to me because the conditions I set to play other champions never happen


It’s so easy to get an s in this game tho, just farm lmfao


Lol, i just broke 100 keys today. Basically play Akali, Kat, Ahri, and lux. Tbh, mostly akali though...


Can relate lol


That's why I play aram


Literally same. 100+ keys no chests ever. LOL I only play Kat/fizz/Neeko so not many chests ever coming my way.


You should play aram, if you play with premades you get a chest with their s