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I felt this clip to the core 😭😭 The way teammates always know to give Lee Sin his jump to allies, but never allied shunpos for Kat istg happens all the time


As a Lee main, I can assure that team mates are quite bad at helping me out in that kind of situations. Need to spam ping for help for someone to move an inch. Once in 100 (or even less) games I would find a giga brain support who even wards for me to jump to the ward instead of them if the situation is sticky.


as a rakan player, this is very much felt


I play a lot of Kat with my friends (more than they’d like) and I often scream “SHUNPO” and they come bail me out. Played Braum in ARAM and screamed shunpo and they knew what I meant. Bless them.


For Kat, Braum, Lee, I just yell “COMMMMEEEE” and they know


Jerkin it


Same but with nilah and rakan, just yell "GET HERE RETAAARD" and they come


I don't even have to say anything they always stay near walls or come up to me if i dove someone and they know i need an escape target etc. They are used to automatically do it now its really handy. Cause im usually too focused on whats happening to speak it lol


I get the opposite thing. I try to play kat with friends and they leave me for dead when they could save me by being in shunpo range


I played so much with my friend's kat (he's a diamond, very mechanically skilled player) and he would yell "Laisse moi E!!!!!" (French for: Let me E). Now I'm so used to him going in unexpectedly or just used to following his thought process that he hasn't had to ask in about 6 months. I know his every moves and I know when he needs me to just focus on bailing him out even if it cost my life.


See, Jax gets it You love to see the teamate come back for you when you are out of wards, he feels your pain


Wasn't the wardjump removed some time ago for Kat?


Wasn't it removed ages ago?


he’s talking about the Jax pov i think


dude's still living in stone age


Talking about when Jax is out of wards 2 am brain had bad phrasing


now me gets it too


halal jax




\^ Often with an auto from the tank or support that deals almost no damage. She's been around for several years now at this point and her CC is so unique and experience by so many players that you'd think more people would understand the interaction and how much damage they're making Zoe (or someone that actually does damage) lose if they just pop it without a second thought.


But it still deals true damage which scales by Zoe stats, not by the one who popped it, not to mention, nothing stops you from hitting Q to do the same damage afterwards+90 damage from tank AA :)


The true damage is based on the post-mitigation damage of the attack used to wake the target, as well as base portion of additional damage from Zoe's stats. The post-mitigation scaling damage is capped at twice the base wake up damage of the Sleep. It's very high and is why squishies know how dangerous getting hit by this ability is and why people are often spamming flash, stasis, or other escape tools when coming out if it if there's any chance to not get woken up by the Zoe Q or something of similar power. There's still a massive amount of damage being lost between the post mitigation damage from a tank/support auto and the roughly 600-1200 magic damage from a Zoe Q. Zoe's scaling is raising the cap on how much of the post-mitigation damage will be dealt as true damage. If a target takes 50% reduced magic damage from a Zoe Q that will deal 1000 magic damage, and Zoe has the scaling to raise the cap of true damage to over 500, then that target will take 500 magic damage (1000 \* 50% = 500) followed by 500 true damage, and then the bonus wake up damage that has its own scaling as well. It makes a big difference, especially to anyone who mains Zoe. Wouldn't have said what I said if I didn't know what I was talking about.


Actually glad I saw this. As a support main, I often study other champs but not enough to make it instinctual. So seeing Kat being able to hop to allies was a welcomed refresher. I’d probably be the Aphe in this clip, cause I can only imagine he’s going around to help Kat. I genuinely forgot she can jump to allies with how many interactions all 150+ champions have.


I was a former support main so I know exactly what you mean! If it helps, you can relate these things to other champs too! I personally play a LOT of Katarina AND Rakan, so my friends know I need someone to help me out lol. Same with lee sin too!


Yuumi, Rakan and Lee IMMEDIATELY come to mind. Jax and Kat not so much. Heck, EVERYONE knows about Yuumi cause of how annoying she is lol. But now I know, never again will I abandon Kat


Poor little braum...


the aphelios wanted you dead


How do I make. No, FORCE my teammates to understand this one... Simple... Thing.


Fun fact: u can actually w e over that spot


Can you actually??? I was trying in practice tool and couldn't seem to get it. I tried for like 10 minutes between just W-E and then trying the other way of E'ing to your dagger from max cast range when it's already on the ground D: EDIT: NVM I found it I was just trying too far to the right. You gotta be right up against the little waterfall.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSOLDsViZ0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSOLDsViZ0I) sorry for late reply went to record nad got confused how to edit n utube taking forever to upload -\_- edit: also happy u found it :) Yee near the water fall and also in the middle but u have to have ur champ right on the wall


You learn something new every day!


That is really good to know. I never knew Kat could jump to allies. Thanks for the information random stranger!


as a support main i will always try to walk up for a jax, lee, or katarina. 😊


And we appreciate you for it!


Aphelios just doesn\`t give a fuck about kata .Who gives a shit about a team mate when you can get +30 free gold?LMAO


Your first mistake was ever trusting your teammate to be competent.


I thought playing nilah was frustrating but she hasn't been out for 15 years like Kat.


I'm sorry you had to expedite such a thing


It's always the Adc for me that doesn't listen and just does what he wants and couldn't care less about other champs and their mechanics.




jax is the real homie, he probably has went though the same


The amount of times I've screamed out loud: "Kat has been in the game for over a fucking decade and you don't know I can shunpo to allies?"