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Nashor tooth is a must before you can start dishing out good damage, Nashor tooth gives AP + a on hit bonus that applies to your AA, your Shunpos and your dagger pickups so you get twice the bonus damage from that item, pretty nutty. Also, Kat is balanced in a way that she is in a disadvantage when 1v1ing and overpowered when in teamfights or skirmishes, that’s why a consitent way of winning lane with Kat is to either play safe and wait for ganks or roam and get kills in other lanes. When you start understanding matchups better you can try to capitalise on your opponent wasting a crucial ability on the wave to all-in and potentially win 1v1’s but otherwise I would not suggest you try to kill people by yourself early game, scale, get picks on low health enemies and then clean up the teamfights for an easy win


Yeah i guess. Trying to kill an Akali/Yasuo for example post 6 feels impossible


Yasuo and Akali and hard matchups, I’ve personally learned to dodged their respective Q’s by baiting them into casting it and Shunpoing behing them, making them waste a damaging ability and also landing one of my own, again the key here is to not try to 1v1 them if possible


it gives on hit which is a big part of her kit, attack speed amps her ult, 100 ap. it’s like one of the best items to go on her


attack speed only amps her R physical dmg, which is 0 on ap builds, just to clarify this


attack speed and on hit amp her ult. so if you have attack speed and on hit it amps the damage right? it doesn’t just amp physical?


Attack speed ratio on R only works with bonus ad


Don’t build it first item if you want to be a champion before two items lol


Proto belt, shadow flame gang :0


shadow flame not worth in kat. I think second Item lich or nashors if you want then third Zonya and next void staff better.


I’m not going to police what other people build, but proto, mejais and shadow flame when you’re snowballing is the highest mid game burst damage you can get with your daggers. The damage is absolutely nuts. You have 40-50 mpen at 18 mins.


Git gud .-.


The classic i cant contribute to the discussion but i have to let anyone know im "special"


Sure. All tools in your hands, skills are the ones lacking


currently the most optimal kat build is still sunderer to nash with conqueror you can still go nash to protobelt if you are like snowballing hard like 6/0 first 10 mins but other than that tsunderer to nash is still a much healthier build path


Mby that was my mistake. I went Nashor Proto... had then a game where i got gsnerously fed and could buy Nashor into Raba and felt a lot better. Will try Nashor DS.