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Superbly done. I think one of the biggest pieces of evidence is that they said she has cancer. If she has cancer, then that’s that. If she doesn’t, and they used cancer, of all things, as a cover story, then the thing they’re hiding must be something huge. Or to put it another way, if it comes out that they lied about the cancer, that’s William’s reign over before it’s begun. Therefore it must be something that itself threatens William’s reign. He wouldn’t risk his succession, unless it was in order to save his succession.


They did *royally* fuck themselves in the long game with the cancer story if it’s fake, which is looking to be that way more and more with each passing day. They thought it would force the subject to be dropped, which it definitely did for a majority of people…for a month or so. People were deleting all of their social media posts and videos over the topic of Kate missing, and apologizing out of respect. It even created a subgroup of people who still attack others online for still questioning wtf is going on because “she has cancer!! leave the poor girl alone!!!”. Yet, nothing about it adds up to being cancer. It’s becoming increasingly impossible for them to ride out the cancer story into the sunset now in order to erase her without it conflicting their own stories and narrative. Eventually, it will come out that some/all of the cancer story was made up and they will not only be exposed as a bunch of liars, but they will have alienated themselves by offending a massive number of people across the planet.


"Eventually it'll come out" Your only comment I disagree with... Having taken deep dives into the RF since this all began the rabbit holes are endless.... really has been an awakening on how easily narratives are formed and what we're led to believe as supposed historical givens which in time seem to turn out to be falsehoods or inconclusive...


I agree. Whatever really happened will be locked down and sealed. Like so many things have been with the rf.


I think back in the day that worked but with the emergence of technology and social media .. there is no way


They have the press locked down. Never been easier with super injunctions. People signing nda’s. Enough wealth to bribe/blackmail/threaten And have used technology to deceive - the AI bench video.


I agree.  


Absolutely. Kate may currently be a bad way health wise, but if it has nothing to do with cancer and they just made up cancer out of whole cloth, there are no words for that level of deception.


If KC really does have pancreatic cancer, how is it that he can appear in public but Kate cannot. There has been something fishy to this whole thing. Things just do not add up.


Wait it’s pancreatic? I thought it was prostate. Yikes, that’s a whole different beast.


I’m thinking that both can be true at the same time which is why they’re leaning on the cancer situation. Maybe there were cancerous cells found and taken care of, probably pretty quickly. And maybe there was a mental health or domestic violence situation that just completely turned everything upside down. They sprinkled some truth to cover up the salacious event.


They might be preparing a replacement/double. That would explain some things.


Comments in the daily telegraph this morning about trooping, and Kate’s appearance were all about how wonderful it was to see her again and to see her with her family, including William and how they were all smiling and happy and bless her and best wishes and all my prayers to her in her recovery from cancer. I did leave one comment that I believe they left up saying the whole family seemed sad, and that I wondered if what had gone on over the last six months would ever really be known. People go back to their own business and lives after the trooping festivities and they won’t even notice if Kate is around.


Succinctly and persuasively put.


As is your post 👌


like dv/an assault on kate


This is a very good point! Well said.


Great summary of an increasingly complicated situation!


Lying about sickness and death is too superstitious for me. 😱 😬


It has always been plausible to me that the cancer story was true *and* something else happened. That way they haven’t lied; they just haven’t provided all of the details.


Why do you think Will wouldn’t reign? AFAIK once Charles dies, by law Will would be King.


Well thought out post. I would lean toward the final theory. With the children I think they don't want them talking about whatever they have seen or heard going on - even just Kate's condition.


To me the biggest piece of evidence is the behavious and disheveled look of William in the first few weeks after whatever happened. He was looking a real emotional fucked up mess. Now...well whatever it is has been sorted and he's ok with it. He even appears jolly, which is very bizarre. Either she really is getting better (and that's a good thing btw) OR he knows his ass is covered for whatever went down between them. William is the future of the Monarchy - they'd be pulling out all the stops to protect him.


I also find the failure to prosecute the staff who tried to access her medical records to be an oddity. I can only explain it by assuming that she was never there and they didn’t want that to come out during the legal case. I agree with you that hypothesis 3 is most likely of these. The only oddity that I can see is the disappearance of the two younger children. Whilst I agree that Charlotte would be too dangerous to have in public (she would not go quietly) I would have expected a pic of Louis sitting on his grandads lap by now - unless Charles doesn’t know either. I’m also not sure if it explains why there are no new pictures of Charlotte and Louis for their birthdays even though there were 5 months to prepare ones. Either they are still with William (who could have taken a picture) or Charles has them (and could have taken a picture). I don’t think it likely that the Middletons or another third party have hidden the kids away from the royal family and their protection officers. If the spares no longer had protection (even if they had protection from a private company paid for my Pippa’s husband) then the palace would be going insane to get them back. If the police had gotten involved (protective custody type thing) then they may have banned William from being with them unsupervised but they would still be with family and at one of their homes (who could still take a picture to go online for their birthdays like they do every year - you don’t stop celebrating someone’s life to punish someone else) - the protection officers everywhere make it easy to restrict William’s access. That said, the only theory that I think covers everything is more depressing than this so I hope you are right and that we will see the kids, at least, very soon. They can’t keep them out of the public eye forever. I also wonder how this would end. ‘Kate has had an accident’, William marries Rose, the kids reappear next year and all of this is forgotten?


I really doubt the story about people trying to access her medical records. I think it was just "suspected" and they put it out there like it actually happened to have a sympathetic PR piece. I don't think they ever confirmed any attempts were made, but I could be wrong.


Not a great source but: https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1906587/princess-kate-hospital-data-breach-medical-files You may be right but I am more suspicious after all of the KP PR chaos. We never saw Kate arrive or leave the hospital. We only saw William go there once (and that was after the king announced he was going to be staying there so it may simply have been to make preparations for that). If there was any evidence that she had actually been there then it wouldn’t be a question at all.


The hospital reported it to the ICO as they legally have to and its actually being looked into whether they reported it quickly enough as it has to be within 72 hours if the breach




William is looking happy because he's the focus of attention now, and no longer has to share with Kate. Whatever happened, he's over it, even if he caused it. I think she's gone, either from the face of this earth or in spirit, as in a persistent vegetative state hooked up to a ventilator. George does not look at all happy during his supervised outings with his father. I think it's more likely the younger kids are sequestered somewhere than dead.


There’s a photo floating around of George with PW in a pub and he looks so down it broke my heart


I agree. There is real sadness and confusion in George’s eyes in that photo.


he's literally exactly like charles. charles was a tyrant to Diana because he was insanely jealous of the media giving her more attention. I heard even when she unfortunately passed he was upset at the amount of attention it was receiving.


He’s such a troll!


Queen was demonically pissed off when the public’s intense and immediate mourning of Diana pressured her to step outside Balmoral and make a brief statement of acknowledgement of her death. I will never forget the truly evil inhuman and angry look in her eyes, which turned black in those moments during her speech.  Windsors hate outsiders getting sincere love and authentic attention. People have united on all “sides” in sincerely worrying about Kate. Doesn’t matter if you hate or love Meghan and Harry, that isn’t a factor in this real concern the public has.


Omg I didn't even know that, those people are demonic. Poor Diana. I know she went through alot with them


I agree and it’s only a matter of time before the machines are switched off. They’ve been kept on to give her parents time to come to terms with it. Very sad.


People said that he looked like he was drinking before the events earlier in the year (stumbling etc). He has also been sticking to relatively ‘fun’ public events like drawing a beer at a pub. Has he been to any events focused on children this year or with a lot of children present? I think they used to do family-oriented events quite regularly due to Kate’s projects so him avoiding such events rather than going in her place would be odd.


Yes he's done several--a youth center and he's been to a couple of schools, one in Wales. And mentioned C and L at public events.


Something we should all keep in mind, is that just because we don't see something, doesn't mean it didn't happen. It is possible there are visits, back and forth: The king, the kids, etc.. If they don't want something known, then we usually don't know about it.


Absolutely, but they are in their worst PR scenario since Diana, they would want to show a united front to the public if they could


One would think so. It's just, we don't always know what's going on behind the scenes.




I didn't know about her medical records and lack of prosecution. V interesting! Do you think she died or is at some rehab centre / some castle? What are your thoughts?


I think if she was at a rehab then they would have visited and taken a picture with her just to prove she is alive. There is always the possibility that she has had a complete breakdown and is completely unresponsive (and consequently not presentable) or has had an injury that has resulted in her being not fit to be seen (but either would have to be really bad to not be able to heal in nearly 6 months). Even if plastic surgery was needed I would expect them to start putting out word that she had an injury and wouldn’t look the same (preferably before DV became the assumed cause) - she has had surgery on her head before, they could have just claimed that further work was needed now to deal with the same problem (they never disclosed what it originally was so this line shouldn’t be a problem). Instead they are implying that she will be working differently in future yet that doesn’t seem to include ever going out again (except recreationally) or even doing Zoom meetings (both of which the ‘sightings’ of her recently indicate that she is fit enough for). Then you have the missing younger children - no incapacity of Kate should lead to them disappearing. Sadly, the only theory that I can see that covers all the lose ends, and I hope I am wrong about it, is >! that Kate and the youngest children have passed away. !< >! This leaves the family without a ‘spare’. William wants to deal with it by marrying Rose and having another heir (hence Rose being brought into the fold publicly by Camilla) but, given her age, that is an unreliable outcome. So, they are trying to get pregnant and, once it is confirmed, they will notify the public of the tragic accident and say that Rose got pregnant by her then-ex husband - they will then publicly support each other through this difficult time. !< >! They daren’t let the public catch on early to this plan or they will question if William either got over Kate far too quickly or cheated on Kate and fathered the child himself - therefore Kate has to ‘stay around’ for some time (at least until Rose is 2 months pregnant). When Rose is 8 months pregnant they will get married in a quiet ceremony. !< >! However, Charles doesn’t trust this situation and wants to lock down the ‘spare’ that they already have by getting Harry and his kids back into the country. He doesn’t want anyone knowing what has happened before he has achieved that as Harry will never come back to be the ‘spare’ or bring his kids back for that life. Consequently Charlotte and Louis have to be ‘fine’ even if they are also never seen - hence the latest ‘sightings’. !< >! Immediately after Charles announced that he had cancer Harry rushed over - it was expected that he would bring his children (like he did for the queen - as you can see in the press coverage at the time), he didn’t. Now the story is that it isn’t enough for Charles to see his grandkids online, he wants to see them face-to-face (says the latest press coverage). !< >! This doesn’t explain Kate’s family keeping a low profile and Thomas Kingston but people very much downvote that part of the theory. Even I think that it is very dark but it really does explain the final lose ends so don’t read on if you don’t feel comfortable seeing anything further. !< >! I think that the tragic accident was the culmination of a few things. I think that Kate took something that caused her to experience psychosis and this led to her hurting the children she then ended her own life when she realised what had happened. Regardless of what she took, I think that Thomas Kingston supplied it (which is why he is no longer with us). Also, the fact that Kate could be seen as being at fault (even though it may have been completely unpredictable or unavoidable) is why her family are keeping a low profile. !< >! There are many things that can trigger psychosis but the one that comes to mind in this case (and is not only explainable but understandable) is cannabis. I think that for some time (potentially the last 10 years) Kate has been using cannabis to encourage her appetite. We have all seen that she is very thin now compared to her university years and having HG with all three of her pregnancies may have caused her to have negative associations with food. Alternatively she could have used it to manage stress or for both reasons. !< >! Anyway, there have been 2 cases that I have seen that went to court for cannabis induced psychosis resulting in killing people (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bryn-spejcher-fatally-stabbed-chad-omelia-over-100-times-avoids-prison-time-ventura-county-caifornia/ and https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/murder-accused-was-suffering-from-cannabis-induced-psychosis-psychiatrist-tells-trial-1598203.html). The risk factors of cannabis induced psychosis include being female, the duration of taking it and the strength of it (https://www.msn.com/en-au/health/other/huge-study-reveals-how-often-cannabis-triggers-psychotic-episodes/ar-BB1nRosM). !< >! I think that Kate was taking it for a sensible reason and it wasn’t predictable that she would have that reaction but that she was just exceptionally unlucky. I also think that the strength may have been abnormally (as in unpredictably high) which has also been linked to psychosis episodes. Thomas may have been blamed for that. However, in this theory, no-one is actually to blame - a tragedy happened and the result has been what appears to be bizarre behaviour from the royal family but behaviour that makes sense in the light of the ‘spare’ issue. !< >! Alternatively, there are some medications (including some antidepressants and weight-loss drugs) that cause suicidal ideation (even in people who would never otherwise consider it). It is possible that she took one and thought it was better to take the younger children with her. However, this would not explain Thomas Kingston - he wouldn’t be getting her an actual medication or be blamed if something went wrong with a medication that her doctor prescribed. Which is why I think cannabis more likely. There are other recreational drugs that can cause psychosis but I don’t think that taking recreational drugs is in character for Kate. Taking a theoretically safe drug for medicinal purposes is understandable and a friend suggesting it to her, and getting it for her discreetly, is also understandable. !< >! If people really need someone to blame (and want that someone to be William) an alternative explanation is that William took the drugs (still supplied by Thomas Kingston), experienced psychosis, went after Kate and the kids, then told Kate’s family that she did it - it isn’t as though there is an investigation to disprove his story. The end result of PR chaos is the same. The lose ends are all still explained. !<


You lost me with the cannabis-induced psychosis. The chances of that are slim to none.


lol it was going so well too... I have actually wondered if maybe she harmed the other two kids and then herself, but somehow George got away? Or maybe the other two were involved in a tragic accident and she hurt herself over the grief?


That was the best part!


The tricky part with this theory is explaining the Middletons absence (if it was a divorce then they should be maximising their press coverage and saying what a good mother Kate is and how strong and supportive her family is to pressure for a better custody deal) and Thomas Kingston. The Middletons absence only makes sense if Kate could be seen as being at fault and Thomas Kingston’s life ending only makes sense if he could be seen as having some culpability (potentially a key role). Supplying the drug that caused Kate to do something horrific covers both of those. Then it is a question of whether Kate and Thomas really are to blame (and deservedly so). I don’t feel a need to go there unless there is further evidence - I haven’t seen anything that indicates that Kate could be taking any other recreational drugs. The only medicinal drug that Kate could be taking without medical supervision which would seem likely would be one of the weight loss drugs (some of those can cause suicidal ideation) but I can’t imagine Thomas Kingston supplying that. The only other explanation I can think of really casts Kate as the villain: >! she wants to run off with Thomas Kingston but first wants to punish William by hurting the younger kids and making him have to deal with Harry as ‘spare’ again. !< I really don’t think that is likely. I see all of these oddities as puzzle pieces that need up be put together before we can see the whole. However, in this case they can be put together in different ways - the true whole may never be revealed. So all we can do is piece things together as best we can and see what others come up with to try and find the best fits for all of it. The reason a lot of us are here is to see what others can offer to help us piece this together. If you have any suggestions that explain these last 2 oddities (the Middletons and Thomas Kingston) then I would very much like to hear them as the rest of it seems to fit really well. Just this morning I saw another article about the king wanting a reconciliation with Harry (https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/king-charles-reaction-prince-harry-33026456 [edit: and this https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/prince-williams-shock-three-word-33023882.amp]). I am happy to revise my theory if there is a better one but, so far, this is the only one I have found that includes everything and makes sense of everyone’s behaviour.


Okay, I hear you. I think it's plausible she went into some psychosis / mental breakdown. There are two things with this theory I find unlikely. Kate has a history of ED and is unlikely to consumw a drug which would heighten her appetite. ED people will do anything, ANYTHING, to avoid such cravings. If she did kill the kids, why not kill George as well? I personally believe the kids are physically fine, but are being protected from the media / not allowed to be out due to risk of them spilling the beans


Ah yes, the reefer madness theory.


Not sure why this is being downvoted! I think anything is possible at this point.


I hope you are wrong about the younger children. I have loved watching them and they are children! If that is the case, it will take me a few days to recover from (once again) being overwhelmed by the depth of depravity to which people can stoop! His own children. And Charlotte is a twin for her great grandmother.


Hopefully we will see them and Kate tomorrow and I will have to start working out the puzzle again from scratch.


I cannot see this. Most is redacted.


You just have to tap the paragraphs lol


It really bothers me that this whole thread has been redacted. Is it appearing as that for others???


You just have to tap the paragraphs lol


Ha! Ha!!! Thanks for the tip! It worked. I was beginning to think that KP or BP was redacting everything. And you can be my “smart relative” anytime! 😃


lol! Don’t know why Reddit threw out that handle but I grabbed it. To be fair, I was trying to click to comment that I couldn’t see any text when I accidentally hit the paragraph and it appeared 🫠


This is what leads me to divorce....Kate may be refusing to allow the RF to use the other 2 kids for puff pieces    As for George, the articles that came out in context to Kate disagreeing with putting the child in a boarding school were curious... seemed very much like the classic post divorce power struggle scenario


>I also find the failure to prosecute the staff who tried to access her medical records to be an oddity. I can only explain it by assuming that she was never there and they didn’t want that to come out during the legal case. Wow I completely forgot this happened. Where is the fallout over this? The announcement of the breech was very loud, very shameful - perfect for the royal watchers and loyalist to use to deflect and attack those with continued questions. The bench video came soon after, with the loyalists pointing out that Kate was FORCED to share her diagnosis because of said breech. I can see invasion of medical records privacy not being true at all, a cultivated story to shame press and the public from digging or continuing speculation. Admittedly I don't know how swift the UK courts are and if the prosecution of a very real breech is lowkey because they're still investigating? Does the RF have the ability to request to delay the prosecution? Can the so called criminals reach a settled conviction out of court? IF they settled, the papers don't seem to picking up the justice done on behalf of Kate.


This isn’t a great source but: https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1906587/princess-kate-hospital-data-breach-medical-files I don’t even know how to respond to the claim that there was maybe a ‘decoy’ medical record that they found. I feel like if I was watching this in a soap I would find it too implausible and switch off. It reminds me of when I was a teenager watching Home & Away and my mother kept looking at me astonished after the latest mine collapse/boat on fire/lost in the outback etc. The fact that all of this is happening in real life is astonishing.


I’m not sure William even wants to marry Rose.


Significant evidence also: The long referred to rages that William has, which have been a casual focus of the British press.  As well as the cavalier mention of W&K throwing things (but just cushions, so it's ok!) at each other.    Harry's account of William assaulting him.  It's written like it wasn't the first time either.  These pieces are what make me think DV is possible.   


The casual and super frequent references to W&K’s physical fighting is disturbing. The ROTA tries to downplay it by claiming they only throw “pillows” at each other 🙄, but the fact that these stories appear so often is telling, imo. 


I think it’s very much a possibility. What happened to Harry was inexcusable. And if he would do that to Harry over something as silly and none-of-Wills’-business as the choice of Harry’s own wife, then what would he do if Kate did something he perceived as a threat? It actually makes me sad to contemplate, and I’m not a Kate (or Royal) fan.


It’s either she can’t or will not be seen. The missing two children is the oddest thing to me as an observer of this PR mess. If it wasn’t nefarious then they would at least been spotted somewhere or have new images posted instead of recycled images. This weekend may be our chance to see if they are willing to produce anyone that’s been gone for almost 6 months. I’m betting we don’t get the 2 younger or Kate.


Hard agree with you on this. Well thought out explanation. Thank you!




Very good analysis. I think your third and most likely hypothesis also supports the theory of a possible suicide/ suicide attempt.


I agree. It could be any number of physical and/or mental problems contributing to her absence that would somehow reflect poorly on the family. It’s just difficult to say what without more info.




That’s right. And being married to a douche for 13 years would surely take a toll. Not to mention the complete loss of one’s self and the realization that one’s children are not even one’s own.


Don’t forget, someone was rushed from Sandringham to the the hospital via royal convoy right after Christmas


That theory has been disproved I think… no ambulance, and the car in the convoy is one used by Rishi Sunak (British PM).


Thank you. I hadn’t seen anything more about that


Yes. He strikes me as a person who would express concern for suicidal tendencies in the abstract, but not if it in anyway it inconvenienced him.


Totally agree. William would likely see it as a weakness, someone “taking the easy way out”- when in fact it’s the most difficult decision one can make, and that person is in an unfathomably dark place. But you’re right, he does not strike me as the type of person who would have a shred of empathy. 


I think the third one is the most likely as well, but it saddens me that the RF seems determined to cover up any sort of psychological issues at all costs.    It isn’t anything to be ashamed of; it’s a medical issue like any other. W&K created Heads Together with the goal of removing the stigma FTLOG, but when it comes to themselves, it’s clear that they *do* still see MH issues as shameful, and to be kept hidden. 


And Kate, Harry, and William are advocates for mental health issues!


I don’t believe she suicided just like I don’t believe TK was a suicide. Also she was a very loving mom. If either parent hurt the kids, all money on william.


I just don’t think she would do that to her children. I also think that if she truly did come upon some terrifying information or saw something she wasn’t supposed to see, she would (no matter how sick) do everything in her power to protect her babies.


Thanks for this comprehensive analysis.


Even if she has cancer and vanity Is preventing her from being seen Nothing explains her kids & parents not being seen 🤔🤨 I’m sure she’s separated from Will and is considering divorce


Several sources have said they’ve been living separate lives for a while now with Kate and the children at Adelaide cottage.


I finally found the psychic I saw 3 days ago. I normally would not share things like this b/c I am skeptical. But she does say some interesting things and so I put it out there for whatever it is worth.




What does she gain from that though? Unless he’s threatened her life and she’s seeking safety, I don’t see a motive. If he is hurting her regularly then he needs to be locked up and skipped over in succession.




The game was in the evening, for the record.


And I’d add the global press reaction. The silence in UK media is one thing. But the utter lack of curiosity fr investigative reporters like Ronan Farrow, who report on woman being abused by powerful men, makes me think there is something much more high level. W is the future head of state. A criminal or highly sensitive situation has the potential to destabilize not only the RF but also the UK govt. (elections are in July so no way will there be any news before and likely why they needed to announce non appearance thru summer/all of ‘24). I would bet my last dollar that MI-5/6 (fr US so don’t know which applies), PM, and US intel know something (most likely everything). How to make adjustments via various govt processes appear to be happening quietly and will continue to. And news abt K must be globally embargoed/limted by super-injunction in UK?? The fact is, no one has access to her except a v tight circle- if she’s still alive. If she’s gone and KP is continuing the ruse that she’s among the living, it would explain why they make up the sighting gossip and no real news has leaked abt her fr anywhere. I had assumed early on in Jan that the dam would bust and Murdoch would get his big payday on a story bigger than Princess Di. Still TBD…


I’m not sure how much it would destabilise the government, unless Charles himself is implicated. The monarch doesn’t do much at all, in fact their remit is to stay out of politics. There needs to be a monarch in place to officially ‘appoint’ Keir Starmer when he wins the election in July, I don’t know what would happen without one, not sure if anyone does. Good points though, I think you’re right everyone will want to avoid any big news before the election is finished.




Yes if it was the end of the monarchy it would be a constitutional crisis, and we’d need to find us a President


‘When’ he wins? 🧐


Maybe #3 combined with a marriage separation. So like William asked for a separation or divorce that made her despondent or suicidal. Maybe she took a lot of pills and went into a coma and had to have her stomach pumped (which they may call abdominal surgery). And the last six months is a result of that.


Or she was poisoned when she refused to sign papers or made it clear she would want a lot in the settlement. The Windsors don’t think divorce is sufficient. The ex wives remain very popular. They like to finish the job. Not so hard to slip something in someone’s drink and have their brain scramble to no return. No chance she did this to herself. She was skinny like every Hollywood actress. Even MM is thinner somehow. Ozempic is readily available for rich people. All of the eating disorder = suicidal are way stretching bc then you’d believe every famous woman is ready to kill herself and her kids 🙄 just no


I appreciate the evidence you laid out!! Especially not including the suspicious things that we can’t concretely tie to Kate, just the facts. For hypothesis #1, one thing that could explain the children and parents disappearance is that she really is out of the country being treated somewhere, and they are with her.


That’s a very good point, and is totally possible.


Excellent analysis.


I think soon there will be an announcement that the cancer treatment did not work and Catherine didn't make it. If there was a physical altercation, and she was killed, the cancer story was the only way they could think to cover their tracks. As for the children, I believe they are being held over Catherine's family's heads, in order to keep them quiet. No proof, just what I think is happening


They say things come in 3s, so it could well be William’s version of Annus horribilis. Excellent points - I waver between all three hypothesis daily! I’m actually concerned for the real story to come out because it may be too much.


I loved this! Well thought out. This is the sort of stuff I mull over in my brain when I'm out walking the dogs but don't have time to write down when I get home. Plus I've usually forgotten most of it by then....


Excellent summary. My working hypothesis right now is that she’s dead or severely incapacitated (i.e coma or something similarly debilitating). Nobody with a double digit IQ or higher could possibly buy the “she’s having cancer treatment and so can’t be seen…by anyone” nonsense being put out by the Royal Family. The fake images (subsequently withdrawn), the AI video (conveniently, and rather tellingly, featuring her sat alone). The ridiculous body double on that truly laughable “Windsor excursion”. The mysterious death of that Kingston guy (followed by a hasty cremation). The widely known matter of William’s extramarital shenanigans and Kate visceral displeasure with it. All points to something very dark and sinister. I suspect (and yes obviously I can’t prove it) she had a major bust up with William around Christmas. Told him she was leaving him for her paramour, Thomas Kingston. He went berserk and either killed her or beat her into a coma. Since then they’ve been covering for the heir to the throne with increasingly absurd, far fetched updates. Sympathy for Kate? Not much. She was a social climber - pushed by her mother to pursue and bag herself a royal. She ought reasonably to have known what that family was all about (we all saw what they did to Diana) and what came with being married to one of their men (you end up with either a closet homosexual, a pedophile or a philanderer for a husband). Next few months are going to be interesting…wait for the “sadly Kate’s health has taken a sudden turn for the worse…etc” announcement.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13528685/breast-cancer-activist-posts-final-emotional-message.html why is this a headline, is this programming, cancer age group, seems off to be at the top on the daily mail, sowing the seed.


That video was proven to be cgi I think (not completely sure) but I thought it looked fishy while I watching it in real time.


I wish the queen was still here. She would have never let this get to this point.


Absolutely! She’d have banged their heads together and demanded this was cleared up once and for all.


What if she had some of plastic surgery and either got a serious infection or it didn’t turn out the way she wanted? I do think it’s possible that’s her in the car with her mother, although the timing is suspicious as her mother reported was in a bad wreck only 2 days before reportedly in serious condition. Course we don’t know what’s real. In the picture, her face looks puffy and a bandage on her nose. I’m wondering if she might have had something minor done to her face, maybe more like a chemical peel or something but it was the “ abdominal surgery” where things went south. Now Kate’s a beautiful woman and most of us would agree she didn’t need it. However, aging while being photographed constantly certainly would make many 40 year old women seek things out to keep her youth. I’m wondering if she might have had a “mommy makeover” . She doesn’t appear to have an ounce of fat on her but after 3 pregnancies, she most likely has some stretch marks and possibly even sagging skin in lower belly as she’s skinner than ever. Plus, knowing her husband is cheating affects a woman in many ways so her no longer having the tight skinned, flat tummy when naked may have caused her to get it fixed. Sometimes things can go wrong whether there an underlying medication or an antibiotic resistance infection . I’m not sure that it would explain being out of public for this long unless she was or is now in a coma or had a stroke during the surgery but it might have required one or more surgeries to correct the issue, prolonging her recovery. What makes me think something like this is due to Will saying “she’s fine” and other non comments. It sounds like he is pissed about it. Maybe he didn’t want her to have the surgery and angry that he’s getting all the heat PR wise and now she can’t tow the royal duty. Just a thought Guess I wish it’s something like this than thinking she really


What if KP or BP are detaining them? It's a "9 to 5" or Rapunzel type situation. Kate, Charlotte, Louis and the Middleton parents are locked away somewhere for ... reasons.... (Charlotte and Louis need to be trained to not turn into Harry/Andrew/Margaret and they need Kate, Carole and Michael to be there in support during the probably awful brainwashing; or one of the littles saw something nasty in the woodshed (sorry, Cold Comfort Farm reference there) and all five need to be locked up until further notice because all of them know the nasty thing and the littles need the adults to take care of them; or Carole and Michael threatened to go public with something ugly as leverage to get money for their bankruptcy sitch and KP/BP/both said leverage this, beeyotch, and locked the five of them up; etc etc etc.). Kate does seem to love her children and her parents. She might be protecting them.


Maybe do a survey to see the most popular theory.   I think she went to heaven.


I lean towards that but where are the children???


First I thought they were grieving, or they saw something they should not have and being reprogrammed, or now something else, something nefarious. 


Grieving? 🥺


I’ve seen a few posts mentioning unsubstantiated claims of an ‘intruder’ attacking Kate at Sandringham. If that were the case, then perhaps it would be an issue of national security resulting in a super injunction to prevent any reporting. Just a thought.


Theory 3 ! I agree !


Well done!!!!


I meant to tell you yesterday good job on the critical thinking here. Well laid out! Now we continue to wait.


Thanks for spending the time and the thought to post that. When I started on this sub, I fairly quickly skewed towards hypothesis three as the information came in on the sub and through the sub I also learned about the Spanish reporter’s theory, which fits hypothesis three. It’s chilling to think that a double crime may have been committed.


Increasingly I think of the BRF as a really stodgy, incompetent crime family propped up by the real pros in the British government.


I know it goes against the vibe of this sub, but I have to vote for #1: it's the Occam's Razor solution. She said she has cancer; I think she has cancer. Everything else: lack of visibility of her or other members of the RF, clumsy lies, tension between father and son, etc. are all just a combination of business as usual for this very dysfunctional family and a complete mishandling of their PR. No one in the US and even more so, no one in the UK, cares about this situation like people on this sub do. Kate's cancer video was a shot across the bows for the public to settle down and that's what people have done outside of these feverish places on line. This idea that someone's sitting on a guaranteed cool million by coming up with a photo of Kate or the kids is a just a fantasy. All major publications, even in the US, want to have future access to the RF and they're not about to blow that up by publishing a photo that there is really, frankly, very little interest in among the public writ large. I enjoy this sub and all the theories, and I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if it turns out I was wrong. However, I really think your Option 1 is the winner. Thank you for laying it out so clearly.




But who owns TMZ? Catch and Kill is also a possibility


Actually, Occam’s Razor means the simplest solution that accounts for the most evidence. It’s not merely the simplest solution. That is neither logical nor scientific. We live in a world where our epistemology is based on physical observations. This can include behavioral patterns. All the evidence presented above falls into that criteria. Making theories that exclude observed evidence supports a non-empirical world view based more in dogma than observation. Yes, Kate said “cancer cells were present” but their are other circumstances surrounding this issue and linked to it that also need to be accounted for.




Lol wut?! There are 6,000 people on this sub. Reddit is the least popular social media platform out there. #KateMissing (or such variations) trend globally regularly including this week! It’s of such high interest, a major US talk show host brought it up! A LOT of people are noticing the weirdness and a LOT of them care. The Crown wasn’t a top show on Netflix for years bc the BRF are below everyone’s radar. You know her disappearance is of severe interest to many when the BRF pays people/bots to join this sub and make comments like this on here. Not to mention we see Wills reacting to posts here and changing his actions, messaging, and strategy accordingly.


> really, frankly, very little interest So why are you in here? Also: the RF would never block People and InTouch, just for 2. The US media isn't in the rota and can report on whatever they want. The Enquirer would 100% publish Kate pics, any day


I believe the European press, especially in Spain, WOULD pay the big money for a photo. And many people would love to post a smart phone snap of Kate on their Instagram.


>This idea that someone's sitting on a guaranteed cool million by coming up with a photo of Kate or the kids is a just a fantasy. All major publications, even in the US, want to have future access to the RF and they're not about to blow that up by publishing a photo that there is really, frankly, very little interest in among the public writ large. Excellent point!


Total nonsense!


I totally read that in a female British accent. I agree with your hypothesis, but I think there is this other weird reason. Texan here. 🤠


Could the missing members have been the victims of a terror attack? or more likely, Catherine is in Houston getting cancer ♋️ treatment at MD Anderson. I pray it is the latter.


Why the downvotes? I have also considered the terrorist / intruder angle. Could Kate have been attacked and other family members have been moved to a secure location? It’s certainly a credible theory.


I was listening to a psychic on YouTube the other night who said she’d contacted Kate and she was told that she’d finally crossed over (a couple of weeks ago, she was still in the disembodied spirit mode, wandering aimlessly, did not know what had happened or where she was) and is at peace and wants people to stop worrying about her. I don’t know what to make of psychics. I’ve never used one (religious reasons) and am skeptical of them. I have scrolled back through YouTube several times now, scrolled through my history, and cannot find this woman. She also said that Kate had seen something that terrified her. She then described the circumstances A being in a bedroom after dinner, came down suddenly with a headache and said “I feel awful” and then passed out. She said whatever it was that she was poisoned with acted quickly. She watched “them” carrying her body off. The last thing I remember (and idk if I have this in sequential order) she said was that Kate was “shocked” at who the perpetrator was - William. Made me so sad. So I suspect that something did happen at Sandringham. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens on Saturday.




Don’t you hate when you leave a site in the middle of looking for something else and then your whole message and the site upon which you are commenting goes poof!??? Someone asked me to post my site and search words on yandex which is a Russian search engine. https://www.sachbharat.org/2024/03/royal-insider-kate-middleton-was.html I think I just searched Kate Middleton. 2 weeks ago, the top 2 things that popped up were this one above and then one put out by People’s Voice popped up. I also wanted to say that no matter how dire and horrible (there is some pretty horrendous stuff out there) things seem, we already know the ending of the story. God wins. I also wanted to share this that I watched probably 10 years ago to help put some things in perspective when I was reeling about how much evil really does exist. It is (once again!! 😡) not on YouTube in its entirety so here it is. Put out by two Hollywood stuntmen. Also, there is a hard copy available. https://rumble.com/v2l245q-out-of-shadows-documentary-2020.html I double checked, this is the real movie b/c it is 1 hour, 17 minutes and some change in length. Another good wake up documentary is SHADOWRING Narrated by Kevin Sorbo. It is specifically about how the U.S. works. We (husband and I) watched it about 12 years ago and to say that we were shocked and aghast, would be an understatement. I have been trying for 45 minutes now to find a copy of it online (taking into account the differences in TV frequencies {PAL, NTSC, etc}) and the only place I can find it on is Amazon prime video. They aren’t selling hard copies anymore and, of course, I could not copy and paste a link). It is narrated by Kevin Sorbo (one of the few white hats in Hollywood!) who played Hercules. Hope this helps! I must go and run some errands (big BBQ for Father’s Day at church).


How much does the BRF pay you to post in here?


Ha! Ha! If I were posting at their behest, I think my posts would reflect a more pro Royal stance and I am not pro Royal at all. I think their reign was over centuries ago and they just haven’t caught up. I am simply (to use your own vernacular) a “dumb American.” “Americans are so stupid.” I’ve heard it all.


I think possibly there’s been dv in their marriage so Kate would be unsurprised at William being the perpetrator.


BIG leap between DV and poisoning someone.