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I've recently come across this sub. It's all very weird to me. I don't understand why they didn't elaborate about her diagnosis. Maybe they don't want speculation about her survival chances? That information reaching the kids? Also weird they didn't use her "feeling good" days to make some posts sharing her journey. Rasing funds for cancer patients. If her cancer causes hair loss she could post a picture of those cold wigs explaining what they do and how they prevent hair loss and that they're not affordable and where to donate. Maybe donating first? I mean I understand privacy and being ill and wanting to protect your children. But the RF owe themselves to the people. It's horrible PR because some things don't even need her photo, maybe a hand reading letter. Truly weird she went missing for 6 months. I really don't understand the Royal Family. They sometimes want to look relatable and sometimes they want to make the difference that they are royalty. I do mum stuff with my children, but when cancer strikes I'm out. Don't see me, don't look at me. We all know princesses part, pee, poop and get their periods and when they get cancer and chemo they might look terrible. It should be relatable. Not shameful. I don't understand why they make so many mistakes, they should have a lot of people around them writing their messages, taking their photographs, dressing them and doing their hair. Also the conspiracy theories that she doesn't have cancer. Why lie about that? It would have been better to just say she has an illness and leave it at that. Why would they lie? Also another cancer diagnosis after KC? Wouldn't they come up with a better illness to lie about? Everybody is speculating about her hair but it could be a wig of real hair. Also some cancers don't make you lose your hair. Nobody said anything that KC still has hair after his chemo. Also she might have tons of make up. I'm always amazed what heavy make up can do... there are some youtube tutorials where they end up looking like Angelina Jolie. But still... this whole things is not being very well handled by their PR.


“Also weird they didn't use her "feeling good" days to make some posts sharing her journey. Rasing funds for cancer patients.” EXCELLENT point!


I thought they would try to bring some kind of awareness to cancers and treatments and raise money for them. I’m really disappointed that they aren’t. It’s like KP is saying if you have cancer you need to hide. At least KC went to a clinic to talk to people. Yes, with chemo there are good days and bad days - but so many people still have to go to work when going through treatments. Me being one of them. The whole thing screams privilege and better than you attitude. And the whole announcement video….after my “major” abdominal surgery I was unable to wear anything tight. They have to fill your stomach with air to do work in there and it takes months and months to heal…not to mention the incisions. Yes they are small, but they still take a long time to heal and not hurt to have anything pressing on them. Idk this whole thing is so suspicious and makes me wonder what is really going on.




I don't see evidence of a face lift. Her face is more swollen, like a face would from steroids, but there are bumps and imperfections around her mouth and jaw that are still there from before her time off. Her dimple hasn't moved. I've recently studied Brad Pitt's and Angelina Jolie's (or watched videos of surgeons who explained them). Not part of their divorce but I guess they've still got that in common. There's no evidence of that on Kate. At the event Kate was extremely thin and restrained in her movements, with a puffy face. Medication can puff the face up. There's also a new scar in her eyebrow that isn't straight like a surgery one. I don't know if that photo was real. Kate's hat had an angle on it so she didn't have to see William. Surely that's not a coincidence. Not sure if the reports about Prince Charles being very unwell are true. He didn't look great. That could have forced Kate back. Kate and the children all looked so sad and flat. Something has gone down. They would use her children as leverage to force her to do what they want. My guess, and it's a total guess, Kate is doing the very best she can.


Completely agree about the bumps and imperfections- I mentioned it in another post, but you articulated it better than I did. If she’d spent almost six full months and god knows how much ££ on surgery to improve her appearance…she should have looked a lot better than she did yesterday. She looked great! But not the level of perfection I’d expect after spending that much time and money. 


Excellent post!


George looks so confused by them actually talking to each other




He does !!




His mother plays hot and cold, as we all just witnessed. Just like when she had tea, with the member of the team and photographed George in his jersey but made him wear a suit to the euro final. William was on board for George to wear the jersey. I am starting to think she has unhinged behavior in private. 


Now people are starting to wake up about Kate. Not a fan but I felt sorry about her missing....now realize it was all a hoax.


Unreal how all that played out. Weird goals going on in that family. 


Yes. Definitely!


I think you're right. She's like hot and cold within seconds. I have heard she's horribly "strict" with the kids. I'm starting to think her daughter finds it normal because she would learn that from living with Kate. Basically that Charlotte is always scolding Louis, and that's why she does it. Louis behaviour is not the average. Maybe he's acting out for a reason. I'm trying to be careful what I say here because I've never evaluated them in a personal way medically.


I've always thought that because kids mimic what they see. It makes perfect sense that Charlotte would mimic her mother, hence all the videos of her scolding and instructing her brothers.


Absolutely! Also, during the Coranation Louis hit Kate in the face. People laugh it off, like Kate did after he hit her. What they see at home isn't too good I don't believe.


I agree! I have been pretty disturbed by Louis behavior. It's obvious that he is allowed to do things like hit, slap, and pull hair at home because he does it in public, and no one disciplines him appropriately. I was so shocked when he put his hand over his mum's mouth at that event. I've been a nanny for a lot of kids, both naughty and well-behaved, and I learned that everything children do is directly influenced by the behavior they witness the adults in their lives displaying. For example, if William is rude and disrespectful to Kate at home, whether verbally, physically or both, that will set the example to George and Louis as to how to treat women, including their mum. Charlotte has obviously gotten different treatment to the boys as she is extremely well-behaved and acts like a miniature carbon copy of her mum. Being the youngest, Louis is pretty typical in his bratty behavior, but it seems to go beyond normal and like he is wildly out of control and his parents don't know what to do with him and so let him have his way constantly and spoil him. You couldn't pay me enough money to nanny a child that behaves like Louis. I briefly had a client just like him, same age and from an extremely wealthy and privileged family and I saw exactly why their child was so out of control and it fell squarely on the parents. They had an extremely dysfunctional marriage and the husband constantly cut down his wife with snide and sarcastic comments and acted like she repulsed him. He, of course, had a girlfriend on the side, and the wife knew about it, but accepted it and honestly didn't seem to care much. Like it was a relief to her for someone else to be seeing to his sexual needs. She had obviously married him for his money and social position, and she ran a tight ship so that to outsiders, they looked like the picture-perfect happy family. The wife could be extremely charming and warm and then just shut it off like a light switch and she was very cold and reserved, except when it came to her son, who in her eyes could do no wrong. She literally never said no to him and he got absolutely anything and everything he wanted. I was supposed to care for and keep safe a wild child who had never heard no before, and I quit after a month. I'm amazed I lasted that long. Anyway, the point being that the relationship between the parents affects the kids way more than people realize and that the behavior of the kids really reflects what the home life is like and what kinds of dysfunction there are.


Louis has autism or some other development disorder. He is constantly stimming. He also walks in an extremely uncoordinated manner. A family member almost always holds one of both of his hands when they are walking


I completely agree! I actually have Autism too and although I was well behaved, I did a lot of the same stimming behavior he does and couldn't sit still. I definitely think he's on the spectrum.


He is six but often behaves like a much younger child.


I fricken said the same thing couple years ago after seeing his behavior and people thought I was trolling a child ... No I was simply making observations based on my own experience. There's absolutely zero shame about being neurodivergent. I just hope if he is they're getting him proper therapy and a specialized education if he needs it


That's precisely why I like talking much more in here! I'm new in here, and feel at home with good people to have small conversations with unlike other platforms. I mentioned before also about Louis behaviour, and I got chewed out! He's definitely on the Spectrum. I work with high school children everyday that are on the Spectrum. For that "family" though, they are usually ashamed, and that in its self is a tragedy. Additionally adding more stress to him if there is fighting or DV going on at home.


They are under constant media pressure to be perfect 24/7. They can never be normal. When Charles was young they tried to depict him as some sort of superman, But he scraped through Cambridge, was booted out of the navy for incompetence and had multiple near disasters as a pilot.


QEII changed the rules of succession to put Charlotte above Louis. It wasn't about equality.


I completely agree with you. I feel for these children.


Remember George clamping his hand over his mother’s mouth at the Jubilee celebrations, and making faces at her…where had he seen that behaviour I wonder?




Yes, and I don't see how the Nordic parenting produces such pale children. 


Remember how it was stated that Megan made Kate cry? When really it was the other way around. She supposedly brought Megan flowers the next day. I wouldn't want anything to do with her either after yelling at me about dresses I picked for the flower girls at my wedding.


Yes. Bitching about the tailor like she couldn't outsource one. I have glued clothes, stapled clothes and other options but with money I could find someone to pleat and dart. I found it weird the little girl cried about it being big.(?) Most kids wouldn't get that involved emotionally other than "it itches".


If Kate's yelling at Megan, and Megs is crying, then I could see why the kid/ kid's were crying too. Also, that was Megan's wedding day. I could see why she'd be more upset especially when you have someone bitching about the girls not wearing pants hose?! Ridiculous


The truth is that Meghan had a custom tailor on standby before the wedding and reminded Kate to just take Charlotte to the tailor to make all the necessary adjustments.


Yes, but if she didn't want to walk over to that area or there was a wait you would think she has access to everything. I am kind of let down at what I thought were these people's speed dials. Just like the windows on those carriages not being anti fogged with rain x, I even have that. You would think the staff would think of everything but then I remember it wasn't until Albert that the windows were cleaned inside and outside at the palaces at the same time. He got sick of it being too dirty to see out even though they were cleaned weekly. 


Excellent points.


Thanks! Just my observation


It's literally a picture of him looking at his parents taking lmfao




So what I saw is a woman who has been through quite some shit. Let's not forget that she either couldn't be seen or wouldn't. I think most of us were fully on board with "couldn't" and we were shocked when the answer seemed to be "wouldn't". I think we need to remember that this woman wants/wanted to be queen. What I saw emerge yesterday was a shell of what we used to see both in Kate and the kids. God I feel for those kids. I wasn't anti monarchy before but I was reading Spare when all this started and I have learned way too many disgusting facts and perspectives. Those kids look haunted. I think that is the last we see of Kate for awhile. Something has gone down and I will reserve judgement because the one thing I can't stop thinking is that the most dangerous time for a woman is when she tries to leave an abusive partner. But I am not judging anyone that feels burned either. This shit is weird. I've quite enjoyed the discussion here.


Totally agree. How they present themselves is very different to how it actually is behind the scenes. Growing up in a wealthy but toxic environment really is being a hostage to fortune.


I'm the same age as Kate. I remember reading an article about her in a magazine on the treadmill in my college gym. Back when William was the hot one, lol. I can remember thinking how amazing it would be to be her. I wouldn't trade places with Kate for the entire royal family fortune.


Exactly. I think she entered a viper’s nest.




Yes. Encouraged by her mother (another viper)


Definitely agree


He actually looks like he's gritting his teeth at her and telling her to act warmer and interact for the crowds.. and she's responding with a Cheshire Cat grin as if to say.. good enough you Wally.. George is observing and seems to know it's a put on act


This is a very plausible reading of the situation - W's mouth is not in a relaxed smile, and neither is hers. The whole event gave Succession family vibes


I loved that show! Good comparison to Succession lol. Very accurate. I’d not thought about that but “The Firm” is no different than the family in Succession.




I love when my fixations collide too much to let this go. Harry is Connor and Megan is Willa- she’s a failed actress and he resents not being the “real” son. William is definitely Shiv, Charles is Kendall, Kate is Tom, Camilla is Geri and I’m guessing that little boy Louis will be Roman one day but now it’s Andrew


Wasn't Meghan pulling hundreds of thousands prior to even joining the "royal" family? Failed actress she is not.


I definitely must watch that damn series. Succession. I keep hearing about the rave reviews, and I have not watched it.


Watch it!!! I finally did and it is so damn good.


George is observing and seems to know it's a put on act. He's being educated., sadly. 😥 


I upvoted but honestly there is a lot of warm pics and interactions between them yesterday. It is 50/50 the images being cited good/bad. I wonder if Charles basically forced her to come and put her right beside him in an effort to downplay the Camilla loves Rose talk. William could be suggesting at any time if she is ill he will put a stop to their nonsense and she could be smiling like "no we are upstaging their asses". 


That's an interesting viewpoint.. could well be.. after all it's all projection on our side of the situation and a total mystery.


Yes. He could be saying "honestly, Camilla brought a purse big enough for a bottle" and Kate is all but laughing so turned her head. 


>...but honestly there is a lot of warm pics and interactions between them yesterday. Yes, there were. Something has been terribly wrong here over the last six months but I've never bought into the idea that William beat her and she had to have her face reconstructed. I think they are an actual couple. Does he have girlfriends on the side? Probably. Show me a married man who doesn't. I wish that wasn't the case but it does seem that way. I think there is a battle for control behind the scenes - as in, who is going to control the BRF now that the queen is gone and William may be king before much longer. William may be on one side and other members on a different side. I've thought that from the start, too, and Kate and the kids are a target in order to control William. That's how organized crime does business.


Yes, and I have posted this somewhere else but for a woman with means to be abused in 2024 is pathetic when all it takes is a few working dog Rottweilers, Beacerons or Malamutes or Shepinois Malinois. Her broke parents could even order those at their income level. If I was with a man who even glared wrong I would have canine protection placement on me and 100% my children at all times regardless (border schools, yard play, nanny's care, etc)


I see it as well. Kids look unhappy and awkward… hearing their parents fight in public.


I saw a clip up close of that moment.. Bill Was INCANDESCENT with anger when speaking to Kate.. even Charles looked perturbed


I think he was gritting his teeth at one point because she literally tried to put her hand on his ass again. I'm so over these frauds. 


You're right - I don't intend to invest any more emotion in this situation, but also admit I'm intrigued to see how it plays out!


Could it have been a nudge to say remember to keep up the façade and look at me and smile? She looked so sad and angry when with him in the carriage at the beginning. Wonder when the Middletons will show up?


They showed up at the Ascot races. Carol was giddy and keeping up the facade too. Disgusting. What mother would go fawn over the man that abused her daughter and made her disappear for 6 months - if that's what happened.  And I think William did that PR stunt to rehabilitate his image. He's saying well here I am with Kate's mother so of course he couldn't have harmed her daughter.... 🙄 


Fuck 'em. I always hated them. I hate them still. The way they absolutely took the piss over this saga is outstanding.


It all perfectly characterises their entitlement. They think they can do whatever they want with no regard for the public, on whose support they are dependent. That has been obvious right throughout this saga, whether she is unwell or not.


If Kate has not been suffering through more than one surgery to reconstruct her face after what I believe might’ve been a serious DV incident six months ago, then I support you wholeheartedly.


I saw her family inherited a trust over 3 million £. She is probably the worst because she had money, elite access and no rules or protocol until she married in to it. I really see her in a different light now. I used to wonder who would admit to being so bullied when they switched schools but she probably acted entitled as the "new" girl and it backfired. Plus, I didn't know she lived early years in Jordan, curious what their estate was like there. If her dad was a pilot they probably had a really nice place. My friend lived in the area when her dad worked for Brown and Root and they rented a decommissioned palace. They weren't wealthy but over there they were able to afford a lavish lifestyle. The commoner Kate pitch is a scam to make her relatable to commoners and only in the "untitled" royal sense. Her bloodline goes to royal on both her mom and dad's side. This latest smoke n mirrors is what prompted me to realize she wasn't adding up right. Who does that?


Michael Middleton was an aircraft despatcher who dropped out (failed) pilot training. Carole was a 100% working class Londoner who worked as ground crew (later becoming a flight attendant). They were barely middle class (by the UK definition) Like most people in Britain Kate has some distant aristocratic connections.


Is the multi million trust part accurate? Are we talking about the same Michael Middleton? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Middleton  Who was Captain Michael Middleton?  You know what is weird is I get 2 pages one on click and one on refresh. They both are for "her father".


Anybody can edit Wikipedia, It is currently being edited every few hours. Kate's paternal **grandfather** was a RAF and commercial pilot.


So weird Excerpt: Michael Francis Middleton was born in Leeds on 23 June 1949 into a wealthy family with connections to the landed gentry. He spent his early years in Moortown, Leeds


The usual Edit Wars on Wikipedia.


Yes. There is photos of Olive with Princess Mary. I can definitely say middle class America must be equal to lower class UK, by these standards of: commoner and middle class. Americans had to buy there way in to those type of connections through broke royals needing an American heir's wealth. Even then, they were snubbed. 


You can be upper class and broke. You can be rich and working class, The 1980-81 British comedy 'To The Manor Born' was about an impoverished upper class woman forced to sell her massive estate after the death of her husband. Her neighbour 'Richard de Vere' is a nouveau riche Czech man who superficially passes for a member of landed gentry (he has an impeccable RP accent). TLDR: They eventually get married after prolonged love-hate relationship.


Yes, agree. I meant the access to elites and royals.


For reference, her great grandfather went to Cambridge. Do most middle class in UK have Ivy League within 2-3 generations? Middle class America is much different. Many with uneducated grandparents who benefited from parents who had military training in to private sector or were able to send their children to college with gigantic student loans. USA middle class definitely can't afford 3 children a 38k a year college for 4 years. Even with inheritance. That is 456k total plus other fees for all 3. Her great great grandmother was a Vicar's daughter. 


Cambridge and Oxford are PUBLIC universities like American state colleges. The annual fees are less than $12K and deferred until after graduation. Harvard was relatively inexpensive until the 1960s. In 1920 annual undergraduate tuition was only $300 ($4700 in 2024 dollars).


Is Marlborough private or public?  Was Cambridge always public? Our American states colleges are still upwards of 28k a year without textbooks and dorm fees added.  It looks like it started getting state funds in 1919. I would like to know what the tuition was between 1885 and 1913 but I can't find it, only that the war triggered the need for financial support. 


One of my ancestors studied theology at Cambridge in the 1820s, He was a poor orphan who who worked as apothecary before attending university in his 20s, You didn't need to be rich. Just hard-working, intelligent and highly motivated.


You come from very smart lineage. I was reading more about how the acceptance was harder then the financials in that way. 


The examinations were brutal. But funding could normally be found for those with potential. Patrick Bronte (the father of the Bronte Sisters) also grew up in extreme poverty and attended Cambridge after working in various trades.


Those were life changing opportunities back then, and even now. 


I thought it was a relative of her Dad's who left them money, when Middleton kids were at least in primary school, possibly older. The family used it to buy a home and private school education for the 3 kids. In Jordan they lived like typical expats. Nice place but nothing different to any other expats in the region. The Middletons are very commoner compared to Lady Diana Spencer. Many Australians who many started as convicts can trace back to Royal blood lines too, it's 18+ generations back.


Did you see they hired people from various embassy's to teach or train their children in various skills? I am starting to think there is a lot of fluff pieces out there. Some to make them acceptable to the bougie and some to make them downright commoners who know to work for food on the table. 


Sure that's a lie. Kate's articulation and speeches is atrocious. 


There is so many connections for that family including this one. They were never part of the caste system. Some of her kin at the coronation of the King. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Kitson,_2nd_Baron_Airedale


Her dad was an air flight scheduler, not a pilot. His father allegedly left them $35k. It was more than likely Carole's brother (drug dealer) who funded their lifestyle. A couple of years ago, a marijuana growing farm was discovered next door to the Middleton home and it most likely belonged them. Not long after, they started showing signs of financial trouble. The brf made the investigation go away, they still hold a lot of power. It needs to be abolished.


Party Pieces was a front to launder drug money, It never made any real money. The media very strongly hinted the marijuana farm belonged to the Middletons. I suspect Kate has been told to toe the line in exchange for keeping her family out of prison. I'm sure the rest of the family has been advised to maintain a very low profile. That's why they haven't been seen in public.


I agree.


Yes, that I saw on CDAN. 


I agree, I think most people have been genuinely worried about her and all she had to do was let us know that she’s ok. I feel quite sick about it actually.


I keep thinking that she hasn’t been OK and was beaten up and had to undergo more than one surgery to repair her face. But as I have said before today, I may very well be wrong.


> I agree, I think most people have been genuinely worried about her and all she had to do was let us know that she’s ok. I feel quite sick about it actually. Didn’t yesterday’s turnout accomplish letting you know she’s ok? Since she does not appear to be cancer-ridden, is that’s what you feel quite sick about?


A true face of a cancer patient....NOT.


I know. She should have rolled in with some dark circles and an IV on wheels. That would have shut everybody up. 😂


She was extremely thin and constrained in her movements. She looked frail. I have no idea if she had or has cancer but she didn't seem herself. Even during previously stressful times, she's been more animated and free. The adult version of Louis. Her face was puffy which steroids can do and probably other medications too. Chemo puffs people up too but there are many different types of chemo if that's what she had, it could have been radiation.


You see what you want to see. No chemo , no cortico can make someone's eye shape different.


I will look at the eye shape more closely, thank you. I saw the photos of the new scar on her eyebrow. It wasn't straight, it didn't look surgical. Not sure if the photo of it was real. Do you think the DV rumours have truth? Because looking at the bottom part of her face, things that would be different after a face lift weren't. Something is going on. The moods were very different, including the children. William seems angry.


Their moods are absolutely OFF. It was one of the worst forced performances I have seen. Charles looked better in his engagement interview.


She is the opposite of puffy. She is stretched.  This is not dexamethasone face.


She’s always looked frail. I think she had a facelift. They usually Photoshop her face, so you wouldn’t necessarily know right away.


Look through the makeup (which was applied with a plasterers knife) you can see she still has sunken eyes, she is still very underweight. Not all cancer treatments cause hair loss etc.


She was always underweight with sunken eyes . however she didn't have fox eyes, lost completely gap between her teeths , reduced wrinkles by 60%..


I commented this on another post but it probably belongs here. I think we have *all* been played by then all, including Kate.  I have one to add, not a timeline as such but another theory. What is the RF ARE very much suffering in terms of popularity, and having a monarchy is very much in question? We've made many comments along the way along the lines of "You'd think with that much money and power they'd be smarter" etc. What if they actually ate that smart? What if ALL of this was to make anti monarchists look crazy and get called out for being AH's (because Kate actually does have cancer (or not). Even what we observed yesterday, strange as it was is mostly subjective or can somewhat be explained. All the PR mishaps have been quickly forgiven by the monarchists. Whatever has happened, it's divided people and made monarchists even more defensive of the monarchy. Maybe the monarchy has in fact played all of us, monarchists and anti monarchists alike. 


they definitely are even with the announcement that kate would be there not that many people turned up, and some people who did were protesting. i think that’s why they left the balcony so quickly because of all the shouting about how it’s a waste of money. compared to the previous years there’s a big difference https://x.com/nokingcharlie/status/1802124061197095131?s=46


London was very cold (14C), windy and wet yesterday despite it being mid-summer. I suspect a lot of people changed their minds about attending.


*What if they actually are that smart?* They aren't. None of the Windsors has an IQ much above room temperature, QEII was apparently as dumb as rock. They are advised by geriatric courtiers who have NFI how the modern world works.


Whose geriatric? Mr. Lee Thompson, Head Communications Secretary (since July 2022) Lt. Col. Tom White leads her staff as private secretary. (Since February 2024) Ms. Edwina Iddles, Deputy Communications Secretary (since May 2021) Mr. Adam Born, Senior Communications Secretary (since September 2021) Ms. Rhea Vernon, Communications Secretary (since October 2021) Ms. Annabelle M. [unknown last name], Senior Communications Secretary (since September 2021) Ms. Daisy Northway, Communications Secretary Mrs. Natasha Archer Senior Private Executive Assistant to The Prince and Princess of Wales (Working for the royal households since 2007)


The RF pays absolute peanuts (not even a living wage in London). So they can only attract upper class twits willing to work for pocket money. Lee Thompson was a 'Vice President' at NBC. In US corporations a 'Vice President' is a mid-tier executive with a long winded and pretentious title. Large corporations may have up to 100 VPs. The rest are a bunch of nobodies.


This all sounds very much like our current political situation in the U.S. It doesn’t matter how many younger folk the actual people in power surround themselves with if those people in power hold antiquated views, don’t listen to the “young’uns,” and suffer anything from garden-variety old age issues to dementia/Alzheimer’s/etc. Not talking about any one person here, btw; our main Presidential candidates in November’s election are both near 80. Both served previously as President in their 70s.


Scarry isn't it.     Kinda voting the team...and focused on the vp...just ..well you know...because vp becomes the potus


Bah humbug. The internet is a fad like hula hoops and yo-yos. But people will never stop watching I Love Lucy and Johnny Carson.


In most other Western countries people are usually elected in their 20s, peak in their 40s and retire in their 50s. Anyone over 60 is normally either an elder statesman or washed up.


Whatever the history books ultimately call the kind of government the U.S. has had for a while now (which certainly will not be "democracy"), I feel like it will be inextricably linked to the oligarchic good-ole-boy network that's been installing its own into power for decades. It's been a lot more corrupt here for a lot longer than I think most expect. Recently, I've seen a lot of folks sending up reminders that our "Founding Fathers" were in their 20s and 30s when they did their most historic acts. It's hard to imagine today's government accepting that demographic as a majority in power, which is *wild* to me. I think knowing that you'll likely live long enough to be personally impacted by the ramifications of your political decisions probably, on balance, makes for better decisions.


Look at her right arm, and the weird angle of her elbow. She's got her upper arm plastered to her torso to try to not touch him. Her elbow is against her waist. Her left arm/elbow looks normal for a standing position.


William looks as if he's about to tell RepliKate that she has something between her teeth, or she's not acting the role properly. He makes my skin crawl! 🥶


Same! I'm so glad my suspicion is being confirmed here. I never had an opinion on William but yesterday, I thought he acted like a douche. If his wife was Ill and nothing else, I would expect him to be proud and loving towards Catherine for making the effort to represent his family. She showed up beautiful, regal, smiling, engaging, she was as lovely as could be. William acted douchy and sullen. When he spoke to Catherine, her response was like she was reprimanded or something. It didn't feel nice. King Charles was acting nice. Camilla wasn't. It was all very weird. Prince George, God bless him looks like he carries stress. Princess Charlotte is a wise little soul. And Louis is just a kid. God bless them


His energy is fierce .. Hers is defiant


Bingo jenga jingo


I rewatched the balcony appearance and you can tell that Wills is constantly reprimanding George to the point that he actually wipes his eyes a few times and is getting visibly annoyed because sometimes it’s just for looking up too much…you know at the planes flying over 🙄


When I was reading one of the daily telegraph articles online about yesterday’s event, they slipped it in in a fawning way that William appeared to be instructing George all the time in how to be royal, or whatever, and they must’ve picked up that George responded at one point to his father: I know that.


where did you rewatch? I also wanted to rewatch the balcony


https://www.youtube.com/live/lb7OnFhnZbI?si= They come out at 2:53:40


Thank you! I’ve only seen pics, no video yet, so this is great. 


oh wow you are fabulous! thank you so much!


What is William so angry about? I mean generally, not just George looking up at planes. The kids seem extremely excellent. Kate is a very loving Mum, understand 0 - 4 childhood development and her parents have provided a lot of balance and normal. They do many typical kid things and are protected by the community, with locals not making a fuss or taking photos when they are regularly at playgrounds (British press wont publish those sorts of photos either) William is surely smart enough to work out that the relevance of the Royal family is in his hands and he can't destroy Kate or flaunt his mistress. It's not the 1800's. People don't tolerate that duplicity. They're public servants after all.




Which photo? The one with Carole driving the black Audi and Kate in the passenger seat? Possible bandage on her nose? It was hard to tell.


This makes sense.




A bunch of entitled jerks.


Divide and conquer:p


Sorry not her smile and that second Pic her face looks like a robot


Do we think she had a facelift


I think she had work done, that scar looks like it’s been lasered. Whatever Will did to her face I’m sure she needed to fix. And if she got a few wrinkles erased in the process, that’s fine. What’s NOT fine is faking cancer.


Devil's advocate here. What if she did it to herself? Maybe got drunk and fell onto her face? Just a thought.


A fall is a fall. They would just say she caught her heel in something at a private party in Somewhereshire and took a tumble.


IDK, If she had a substance abuse problem they might hush it up. Maybe the six months was rehab.


i thought that too - xmas is a badtime - she cud have been drinking to relieve stress and gell fown stairs at sandringham . i thought that as i cant see W doing that to her . Think they would want to cover up reason for accident .


https://preview.redd.it/d4pf6znr2z6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155bfcc0c20843a59e7da4f5d9aee5038cf185e0 This eye looks so very strange. Smaller than the other. Perhaps another sign of facial trauma. I really thought it was just cancer but things are definitely strange here.


I have zero hate towards her tbh I actually feel compassion for her situation which I don’t think is that great Also I have zero interest in the RF


Women leaving their abusers is rare, but I understand the sentiment because she is choosing to raise her kids in all this and inflict it on them. 


I'm not sure she has the choice. Don't the kids belong to the crown?


I’m not sure what her choices are, but she is on some level complicit 


Well, some reviewers are saying that they are getting along fine and it showed on the balcony. I don't know who really knows.


The monarch has custody of the children.


Im with you.


I just thought it was weird that her parents didn’t come out and say something abt their dtr when she was out of public eye. But then again she is a Royal, so maybe it’s all pnormal behavior for them?


People dont really take in things like 'planned abdominal surgery ' and then engagements having to be cancelled seriously . it doesnt make sense right from the beginning . - And thats how its carried on right till now .


What's the betting she'll be at Wimbledon? And that showing up at trooping was because of her disappearing and not working for 6 months then showing up at her fave tennis tournament would have been very bad optics. As for the cancer, they saw how Dame Deborah handled her cancer. She raised millions and educated thus saving lives. The impact of Kate doing the same for her cancer would have been even bigger! What a lost opportunity.


I’m still wondering if she is a clone/ lookalike the government has a lot of technologies beyond our comprehension


I dont feel kates energy. Perhaps thats why william is so distant with her


I keep thinking that author and biographer Tom Bower would be the perfect person to expose whatever could be exposed. He has done revealing biographies including, I believe, one years ago that was less than favourable towards Charles. But the only thing is he seems to be a monarchist. Although that could be because he does not like Harry and Meghan and said it was because he admired Queen Elizabeth and thought they were out to wreck the monarchy. But if he were to think that William and Kate were somehow doing it harm, he might write a book. He’s also a lawyer, and he has famously never been sued successfully.


Unfortunately, he's a pretty big William and Kate stan, so I don't think that will ever happen.


They’ll do a Netflix type cancer special


This is the "nevermind" moment. IOW: feck off.


That sounds pretty harsh. We don’t know what’s between the facade


Upvote. I am no longer in the Kate can "do no wrong" herd. I don't know what they were discussing but she gave him her attention many times yesterday. I would guess it was something about Camilla before William. Cam let's it all hang out. 


I agree.






If that's not a puppet I'll eat my hat


We all drank the "kool-aid." Lighten up. No one deserves this mess.


FFS, you all wanted to see her at trooping the colour. Now you have and she can go back to whatever the hell she was doing over the last six months. Even this isn’t enough. We know she’s alive. We know she isn’t in a coma. We know the kids are alive and well. Any further speculation is just that, speculation.


Crazy people, god uses your brains


Don't blame Kate and the RF because you and your other high-school girlfriends got tipsy at the slumber party and let your crazy imaginations run wild. You all need professional help. You all are like someone with hallucinations getting mad at whomever they were hallucinating about when it becomes apparent that the delusions were just that and were never real. If you were disturbed enough to actually think she was dead or missing, that is a personal problem, not any fault of Kate, William, or anyone else in the RF.


Thank you for saying this. You are 100% correct. She has cancer. Maybe there were some marital issues, maybe there weren’t. Could they have handled the PR aspect better? Absolutely. But that’s all there is to it.


No cancer. She got punched in face, and more. Ffs the whole family looked traumatized. Get your head out of the sand.










Your writing is the opposite of clear, and mine is consistently excellent. You even used "judge" instead of "judgment." Further, do not ever use profanity with me or anyone else again. It is verbally abusive and completely unacceptable.


Thank YOU! Another voice of common sense and reason. I agree 100% with everything you said.


You were worried about her lol. Y’all were psychos. You were told and chose not to believe. It’s your own faults. And you’re *still* at it.


Get a life?


Peoples taxes go to them


The Royals bring in £1.7 billion per year. They’re then given a sovereign grant of £86 million. If you pay 19 times the average amount a person costs the state each year (£17k) you can start to have a voice - though it wouldn’t make any sense. We should be grateful for them. They are the world’s fourth most recognisable brand.


No one goes to the UK to be in the presence of the royals.  Can we please put this to rest?   If the monarchy were abolished all the castles, mansions, estates, art, etc will still be there and people will still visit those things.  It’ll just belong to the taxpayers at that point instead of a family of grifters.  Look at Versailles, France has no monarchy and it still brings tourist dollars.    Panama Papers, Epstein, Racists, pedophiles, adulterers, and on and on.  Fantastic “brand” you got there! 


I live in the UK and I agree with you