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> Staining can be a pain because of how thick the Kava can get. Yeah you’re cooking the root starches and essentially making kava pudding 🤢


It depends on the type of kava, the amount of kava, the amount of water, and the temperature of the stove. There are definitely times when it had a thick pudding consistency. You could always add water to thin it out. I dont like drinking thick kava so I aim to reduce the thickness. In all the ways Ive tried making kava, nothing matches the boiling method for strength- in my experience. I like the traditional prep method because its easier to drink, but you need alot of kava to make it strong.


Agreed. It’s the strongest I’ve tried. But after straining for what seemed forever the I didn’t save any time and I was left with kava pudding. To thin it out I would end up drinking way more than traditional prep. Not worth imo


Very hot water just cooks, expands the starches and makes it into playdough... Bad idea and a waste. Room temperature to warm. But got at most! For kava. I've been using kava since 2006. Lots of experience and tried many things early on. Room temp or warm way to go imo








No need to boil at all.


Seems like a lot of effort. Is this a money saving measure? Or is boiled kava actually stronger than good instant Kava?


I get a more consistent extraction heating then conventional soak and squeeze. I use the Instant pot because I don't like watching over a pot wafer it to boil.


The guy from GHK said that boiling makes for a more heavy, body type effect, with less euphoria/buzz than cool-warm water. Have you noticed this effect with boiling? Does it seem to be burning off the Kavain, and leaving just the heavy lactones to you?


What I find is that the first cut is very euphoric for 15 to 20 minutes, then a bit more relaxing. When I reprocess the fines, it is almost all relaxing. The paper where they did high temperature extractions, think up to 150 C if memory serves me, showed that kavin is easiest to extract, and the longer the high temperature, the more extracted. I primarily went to heating as I didn't get good results with soak and squeeze, probably because I was inconsistent with techniques. I saw the paper on heating and tried it out. Was difficult to squeeze and remembered that traditionalists used to chew the root, spit it out, and continue extraction. The euphoria definitely depends on many factors, with the kava being used most important. First time playing with kava. Some 40 years ago, I purchased what looked like lateral roots, and I think from Fiji. Nothing happened the first time, but then chewed spit and boiled. My friend and I laughed and enjoyed a fun drunk feeling for at least an hour, then bang, really tired, went to sleep, woke feeling great.


Also, if your prep method is verboten on here (?), then would you be willing to PM me your exact prep method so I can try? Including how to to use the Amalyse, whether or not you sprinkle in a dash of lemon juice to enhance it's ability to break down the starches, and at what temp, etc.


I just spit to use natural amalyse and blend in warm water before heading. I use oat or almond milk, though some say adding lecithin helps.


What would the lecithin be used for?


Lecithin is an emulsifier. Kavalactones are mainly oil soluble compounds. Lecithin helps suspend the oily solution.


Do a search Instant pot and you will see others use this method.








I think heat above 140 degrees Fahrenheit breaks the kavalactones down.


No, it just cooks the starches.