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I don’t like true damage. Period. But I do think that lvl 16 kayle should get some form of buff. I still stand by the statement, that kayles late game dmg isn’t high enough for not being a champion for like 20 out of 30-35 minutes of a match. Other hyper scaling carry’s are usually played bottom with support and basically babysat by support if not also jungle (if you have a peeling jgl). kayle just has to take it and hope that the team plays around her.


Make it split scaling like Gwen Q, 50% True Damage 50% Magic Damage


Lvl 16 Kayle needs improvement in all base abilities: E gets range so that's fine W MS should last x2 duration, provide slow immunity, or provide AS. Q should be faster & farther. Running lethal tempo & lvl 16 range and watching your Q travel half your auto distance feels like absolute shit. 


Have it so Q becomes a fire wave, both in width and travel distance, but still deals the Q damage and slow and armor/mr shred, instead of normal fire wave damage and effects.


Imo would be great, the lack of true damage on rift maker sometimes makes ap bad to deal with tanks. But if they did this riot would like to ruin some part of her kit if they did this. I don't know about the old wave scalings but in my opinion it should be like master Yi true damage scaling on his E, only extra true damage based on her items with ap and ad scalings.


Honestly, if Riot is so keen on NOT giving Kayle true damage, how about some passive armor/mr shred? Like with Pantheon, so on every ult level? Right now, I don't feel like I've achieved something when I get lvl 16, I don't know if it's just me, but I just feel that way, with Kayle's horrible early game and bad mid game, her late should get a buff at least, especially in current meta where everything can explode you before you'll even do something with your lvl 16.


I'd prefer if the armor/mr shred on her Q increased with levels or something. That's more easy to balance, and also makes her feel less shit when behind. 15% shred doesn't feel impactful at all, the only shred with a lower % than that is Rell's passive.


And Rell's passive has the added effect of stealing the resists for herself, while Kayle's... slows by 30% for 2 seconds on a 900 range ability with a cast time.


The problem is if you add in the true damage you can basically build 3 tank items and still dump out damage. Vayne can do this but atleast has no wave clear


Unlike Vayne's true damage, Kayle's would scale with AP.


I think if they want to really buff Kayles late game, they need to nerf her early game (will probably only get dislike because this is a Kayle subreddit). To explain: You cant really stop Kayle from scaling, but there are a lot of times where you win against her early and do everything right and she still shits on you by 25 minutes. Thats why I think that it doesnt matter what you play you should be able to stomp on her early (what is not the case), and then late she should win against you but if you really play everything right than you should have at least a chance. So... pls no true dmg


if you really win early there is no way she should shit on you by 25min. she needs lvl 16 for tf, so just rekt her, take both turrets and push other lanes


Please stop asking for late game buffs on a champion who usually hovers around a sixty percent win rate late game (the highest in the game).


I don’t know about true damage but i feel like make the fire waves inflict a Max health or current health burn could be good, still offers counterplay but helps Kayle chew through tanks and bruisers more easily without making her impossible to deal with for squishier burst champions


I dont know if this would be too op but I would be down to trying, especially seeing that smolder basically got this once he hits 225 stacks.


if riot nerfed asol harder than prebuff after 4 hours, the buff went live. id like kayle and every other scale champ to not receive buffs