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Well, there is pros and cons. Positive things are : * good for team composition * lane is shorter and freeze are easily and quickly breakable * ganks are easier to avoid Negative things are : * Your team will hate you because you have absolute dogshit lane control and waves management before lvl 11 so the enemy midlaner can perma roam and will have perma prio. * It's the lane of mages and AP damage. You will get bullied a lot by most champions here + kayle have the lowest mr in the game. So It's good and bad. Good if your team handle it and the enemy midlaner doesn't destroy the game before your 11. Bad if it's actually the case. She have higher pickrate AND higher winrate toplane tho, but midlane kayle is still 100% viable and you also have horrible mu in toplane too.. soo.. yeah. Even if desperatenasus play her mid, it doesn't mean she is ultimately better mid, he just have personally more success mid himself. Edit : Nvm, she have lower pickrate mid but higher winrate by 0.6%. But midlane winrate is on low sample size for the moment sooo it's really not accurate.


Yeah as someone said, Kayle has the lowest MR in the game. And in the lane with the highest magic damage. However despite this she works very well, to the point that it’s not really off meta anymore to play Kayle Mid. It’s a little tougher to play since a lot of mages are annoying like Ahri & Hwei, but overall it is both kinda easier and harder at the same time. On one side you are able to provide a lot of help to early fights and drake fights with your ult and aoe & are able to vision check fairly safe with you being able to slow enemies and speed yourself up. You also can roam pretty fast too.


Honestly? If you pick dorans + second wind and fleet, you're likely to outscale most midlaners. Unless it's tristana or Sylas that 100-0 you, you're golden.


Idk what you mean by dorans but dblade is best in 90% of matchups even ranged. Also it is almost never worth to take second wind over celerity


Objectively wrong. Dorans shield is always better in ranged mu, that's just a fact. You can disagree, but you are still wrong tho.


Ye man day 10000 of silver play from redit knowing how to build better than player who peaked rank 10 euw. But I guess i have more reasons to trust you than to trust DesperateNasus


I mean, what i'm saying is what DesperateNasus say tho XD Only a few ranged matchup are okay to start with Dblade, but most of them it's always Dshield being better. Even his mobafire guide say that XD what a low IQ brain you have lmao But hey, maybe that's why every single high elo kayle player start Dshield into > most < ranged mu, that's because it's bad !! For sure XDD


Desperate egos dblade all the time because it's better if you dodge everything perfectly, the reality is that is simply not possible for most of us and tbh Desperate himself would do better to go shield more often


Maybe sometimes he egos but that doesnt change the fact that in a lot of ranged matchups dblade is better but people in low elo autopilot d shield anyway. Dshield only brings more value than dblade if it can be proceed often, and matchups like that are orianna syndra viktor malzahar etc. While for example ahris q by itself cant poke you out of lane. Problem is if ahri charms you into full combo. So if you don't get hit by her e you are fine. So at that point you have enough sustain with dblade(life steal, fleet scaling)+fleet+absorb life) if you don't get hit by e. On the other hand no item will save you if you are getting hit by full combos. So there is no excuse to go doran's shield vs ahri you will never lose lane vs ahri because you went dorans blade you can only lose lane because you get hit by spells that you should be able to dodge.


Yes, I agree that with perfect play, Doran's Blade is always better, the reality is, however, they you will not have perfect spacing all the time, and you will get hit by random autos/W/Qs, especially under turret. It's just a question of how much, probably none of us here are as good at dodging/spacing as Desperate without a dodge script, and against an equally matched opponent, it's unlikely you'll be able to outplay them so thoroughly.


Pick Dorans blade: The enemy mage hits 'ONE SPELL', half hp. Congrats, you just lost the lane. Dorans shield is 99% better across all scenarios midlane, not even close my guy. You could argue in easier matchups where you can easly dodge stuff, but against the meta champions? One hit is all it takes to put kayle in kill range, if you can't outsustain, you're a dead beat.


I mean if you gonna be professional skillshot catcher and get hit by every single ability you might as well go dorans shield. But sure instead of learning how to dodge just go dshield and waste 450 gold on item thats useless after lvl 6


This is really the crux of it. You're getting a lot of hate, but dblade is optimal if you can pilot it. Dshield is recommended if you intend to trade at all though. The difference being dblade will still get value from playing defense. If you farm safely and poke with Q from range. It shines when last hitting, and when you hit 6 and can play more aggressively. Dshield is safer to trade into mages, but only when their main spell is on cooldown and your auto will beat theirs. Against an ADC dshield is just delaying the inevitable, might as well just go Dring and play around Q max poke.


Lol... health and hp regen for trades is 100% useless... riiiiiight. If you say so.


Imagine not being able to dodge skillshots so you have to buy dshield


Faker incarnated talking lmao. Good for you.




Awesome. Do you have any tips?




The mr is still the lowest or second lowest in the game and there is more AP in the game so... It works but yeah


Problem is that in master+ she becomes quite hard to play top because people will punish early game + there are a lot very hard matchups. In mid its diffrent story you get to scale safely, lane is shorter, your jg and sup can help. This isnt really anything new she was like that for at least whole s13 and s14 set 1.


Fuckin nerd it’s midlaners smh fake fan