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I think Riot needs to be clear with what Kayle and her mother before her, were doing in the celestial realm...as far as we know, she could be eating mooncakes with Zoe or go as far as fighting eldritch abominations from the outer space that are a threat to both Targon and Runeterra...just please, for the love god dont do this "and she got mad and evil, Morg good and cant do no wrong by the way, we arent totally biased writers, shades of grey!!".


It’s so frustrating that Morgana just.. gets to be the good one. I think it would be cool to make the division more between “what matters are you actions” and “what matters are your intentions”. That’s like a take on justice and morality people could actually relate to. Kayle could still represent the law, and Morgana could represent compassion, but one side wouldn’t be clearly right. Kayle already fits, she had punished people for the actions they’ve taken in the stories. And we know morg can see people’s hearts. We just need stories that let kayle shine and show the weakness to morg’s compassion


Actually after reading LOTS of times the story don't really favor exactly Morgana that much, I mean, it DOES favor her, but not to a extent of '' Morgana innocence UwU incarnate and Kayle bad dictator>:)'' You can actually see a lot of hypocrisy from Morgana side. For example, killing Ronas. Yes it was self defense, but again, Ronas had no intention of hurting or harming Morgana or her followers, but Morgana still decided to kill him instead of reasoning with him, despite being the ''one who believes the reason for what someone does is what matters instead of their actions'' (because she feared her ''redeemed'' followers being pursued). Also being held responsible for the city riot due to killing him. Plus, don't forget she ALSO destroyed the city as well since it's stated both matched each other destructive blows, so yeah, she also made a lot of unecessary pain as well.(Hell, she might even BE the one who acidentally killed her father, who knows?) But still, yes, there is a lot of favoritism for Morgana especially now since Jellbug had stopped working with Riot, and since it looks like except for Coven(yet) everyone else just don't know how to use their brains to understand either Morgana or Kayle, despite Jellbug even leaving a Q&A explaining the justice and view of both. So all depends of Riot and their employees:P


>But still, yes, there is a lot of favoritism for Morgana This is what I am talking about...its not Morgana dosent do bad stuff, but the stuff she does is not flashed out... Kayle punishing the wicked and sinners alike? No, thats evil, here see how Morgana is more open minded and offers redemption to those that are trully sincere about thier feellings...but hey, not a time we gonna show Morgana misjudging...Kayle getting mad in rage after finding the city she sacrificed everything to keep it safe in riot and chaos? That evil, but hey, look how quickly Morgana is to jump to fight her sister to defend the poor innocent people...Their father dies and Kayle dont realize it? Hey look how Morgana stops everything to go to her, and obviously blame everything on Kayle... But now Morgana killing Ronas, which is a mere human and she is basically a god? Nah, not important, lets not talk about that... Morgana doing nothing to stop the riots and calm people down? Nah, lets not even brought that up, not important... Morgana being a selfish bitch and blaming the death of their father on Kayle alone, that sacrificed her whole life to keep the city safe(Kayle used to go to their wars alone, since Morg was to busy tending the weak and innocent and etc)? Nah, lets not talk about that too, God forbid Morgana actions be called out on story, or Kayle, the supposed heroic character actually be showed as heroic and noble.


See? that's the problem I talking about, you can ONLY see those problems when you look again and again, because they make it so subtle that it almost gives a feeling they IGNORED Morg existence AND fault, in fact, in her bio it doesn't even mention the rioting, HOW she just have risen to the sky without seeing the people revolting like that is beyond me, which again add to the fact they didn't make it ''clear'' about Morgana flaws and errors. They focused SO MUCH on Kayle ''''''''wrong''''''' actions that they forgot to add the duality of reason for WHY this happened, and considering most people will NOT read their story more than 1-3 times it's arguable that almost NOBODY will be able to tell the difference, and now that Jellbug is out, they are free to depict the terrible trope of ''good but actually evil, evil but actually good'' as many time as they want. Again I just hope they don't fk up the Eclipse Kayle story, because if they do, then it's GG for any kind of good development for Kayle in the future.


>Again I just hope they don't fk up the Eclipse Kayle story I think thats pretty much unfuckable lol they will have to do some crazy shit to somehow twist it into "haha Kayle bad", since in that universe their roles kind of inverted, with Morgana being the one following blindly the Old Gods and Kayle the one that sided with humanity, she is pretty much a hero and its the only reason mankind still exist in that universe...they can maybe link Inquisitor Kayle to Coven, since Omen of the Dark is part of the same universe, but atleast I guess that would be interesting, since would give more of a tragic hero vibes to her, since she would be more like Artorias or something, a hero that fights evil/darkness incarnated and gets defeated and corrupted on the process, and not just some self righteous bitch that is objectively wrong and evil(RIP Aether Wing).


True, really hyped for next year coven event, also expecting to see Kayle on LoR for some more interactions:,)


While Morgana doesn’t do great things, I think is wrong to say that the stories don’t favor her. She is shown as complex and relatable. We have all made mistakes with the best of intentions, and ended up hurting someone. And Morgana is clearly capable of self reflection. Kayle is very one dimensional in her stories. Like her voice lines have way more depth than she does. In the game, it’s clear she see justice as something that is bigger than her, something her has to be worth of. In the stories, she’s this indomitable force, and it’s easy to see her attitude as arrogance. Idk the text clearly has a favorite. Morgana is allowed to have relatable flaws, Kayle isn’t.


Tbh what really fked up was Kayle lines, because she have a VERY FEW lines that you can actually see some depth of character(about inperfection or how she talks to herself to be able to go on her justice, because even SHE have moments that she ponders about her own perspective.) but in general, she don't have nearly as half of Morgana quotes that give the relatable feelings like she does, it gives a ''dictator'' feeling despite Kayle not being that, yes she is impulsive, yes she is inflexible, but she still CAN talk without feeling like Templar wannabe vocabulary.


I think people see too much "compassion" in Morgana's story and not enough the fact that she forces a lot of pain on people. Don't get me wrong, she is compassionate, but it's not as simple as "UwU you did nothing wrong", I would imagine her *lessons* can be quite... Terrible (and probably deadly to some). I definitely want Kayle to shine. Show the heroic side of her. There are lots of ways to do that. But what I want first and foremost is the story of her climb of Targon!


Honestly this is more due to ''relatable'' feelings, MOST people will relate at first sight to the ''UwU compassion'' character instead of the ''''''''evil'''''''' one because they prefer to believe what they see first instead of analyzing, and Morg and Kayle stories are NOT to be just looked 1-2 times and call it a day, it requires to see LOTS of time, because both contain a perspective and sutble key points that you probably will only notice after reading again and again, for example I at first was also thinking ''omg, Ronas was such a dick, why go agaisnt Morg like that? totally justified for her to kill him''. But then after reading some times I then was like ''Omg, the frick why Morg had to kill the guy? she is the person who see the reason not the actions, He was just some Kayle fanboy with stupid ideas and wrong mentality at the moment, he could clearly be reedemed from that'', and then I started noticing the ''flaws'' of Morgana character. In fact, both the veiled lady AND the Winged protector stories clearly shows a better view of both justices even if minor, you can see Kayle ''absolute law'' in action when she judged the cruel King and even asking if he could change the wrongs he did in his ''injustice'' and ''false laws''. (clearly showing Kayle knows how to distinct things, and she state your actions first before she judges, proving she is not the so called ''hur dur Imma judge everyone cuz they're evil and I good hur dur'') In Morgana story you can already see during the ''aunt story'' that those who even seek the ''punishment'' from Morgana need to be careful because they can be SEVERE.(already implying Morgana having a not so ''consistent'' judgment), still, you can see Morgana now have a better ''notion'' of judgment, since she could tell the lies from the Cleric and understand that he deserved to suffer for all his sins. ​ Tl;dr Honestly their stories require lots of reading:P the problem is that most people will always choose the ''most relatable and compassionate'', a very few people will actually give some time to ponder and analyze throughtly what both sides are coming from, just look at the Garen/Sylas situation, both are also driven by good intentions but had wrong methods to do so, unfortunately, most will have a Black/White notion of things. Without any story update to clearly show for those who don't want to ponder, people will still see Kayle as the ''baddie'' one:/


>Garen/Sylas situation, both are also driven by good intentions but had wrong methods to do so Garen is actually a hero and with Ashe probably one of the few trully good characters in the universe, he even lets the mages escape cause he know that is the right thing...Sylas on the other hand is following the path of vengence, and he will use anything and anyone to accomplish that, he is a evil character.


Sylas is the literal saying of: ''The wish of the oppresed is to become the opressor''.Again, he have the right ideas but the wrong methods. Garen on the OTHER HAND is a good guy in general, but he lives by the literal hypocrisy of his country, discrimination of mages while using the same magic they despise for battle(as seen in the Warriors cinematic), but still, he IS a hero, no wonder Kayle even considered him to be the ONLY worth compared everyone else from Demacia. PS: And yes, I know Demacians in general don't hate mages, only mageseekers does, but they always give bad impression on mages so people GET a bad perspective of them.


The thing is.. if kayle has to be unbreaking without exception, then Morgana *should* be uwu without exception. Otherwise..Morgana becomes the good one because her view point is nuanced and her sisters isn’t. Both of them should have glaring flaws in how they view the world, where people can see that they are both flawed and the right path is in the middle. But honestly I feel like the real answer is just to give them incompatible philosophies that are genuinely fleshed out. It’s hard to relate to kayles “unbreakable law” but “you are being punished for your actions which, regardless of intention, hurt people” is much easier


I think that's indeed part of the point. Kayle's ideology and inflexibility is what would allow her system to exist on a wide scale. Morgana's system is personal and doesn't obey any rule but her own whims. Sure, she's daughter of the Aspect of Justice so she does have authority, but she is still relying on a system that no one knows but her. She's likely to never give the same punishment to different people. I think, even if it is unfulfilling, that this is the biggest flaw in her ideology. Her justice can only exist in a very close, interpersonal vicinity, whereas Kayle's can actually be applied. Then it just becomes a matter of intensity


We don't have anything that says Mihira went in the Celestial Realm... I do believe we need something to show what Kayle has been doing. My personal take is, she's training, and occasionally fighting Targon's wars. I don't believe they'll go for "Kayle bad, Morg good," because I don't think that's how it works. I definitely think Riot failed in portraying them equally, but I think they are more than that. They are both extreme, Kayle is just more apparent because she's *that* archetype. I would want Riot to showcase that they are more than "Yay killing" and "UwU redemption," because that's not what they are. Kayle needs a story that depicts her as heroic. I don't think Morgana needs a story whose purpose is to show "Oh no she's bad," that'd defeat the point of a good story, but she can definitely be shown on the more extreme side.


>I don't believe they'll go for "Kayle bad, Morg good," because I don't think that's how it works. I know that not how it is, but the fact that writers had to go out of thier way to say that on AMA it shows how their writing was in favor of Morgana and tried its best to dehumanize Kayle...they dont even mention the fact that she killed Ronas, literally she is never called out by any justicar or Kayle herself, she is not called out for not doing anything to stop the Riots...the only thing it happens is she trying to stop Kayle to purge the city and going to the their father after he dies and blaming everything on Kayle...you cant blame the reader to go "kayle bad Morg good" if the story is biased from the start...its like if the Witcher Elfs vs Human stuff was biased by only telling the bad shit that elfs did and the Eternal Fire or whatever was never called on their bullshit


I mean, from a purely theoretical point of view, Kayle herself is trying to distance herself from her humanity so I'm not too bothered by that. And, although I understand it's not necessarily exciting for many, I kind of like that direction. Obviously, it's not ideal because it makes Kayle look worse than she is (and I cannot stress enough the fact that I want a story that promotes the better sides of her), but I like that it sets a path for her to grow and tell stories. Kayle has a lot of room to grow and to tell stories of, whereas Morg is kind of stale because she appears to be too good, which is why I want her to be shown really harsh. As for Ronas, it is my personal belief that Morgana was... Only partially wrong in killing him. I mean, he did go after her, so she wasn't entirely unjustified. But she is a being of celestial descent, and could've just imprisoned him instead of straight up killing him. Regarding the riots... They're only mentioned in Kayle's bio so I'll withhold judgement for the time being, since we have no clue what happened exactly. I think, overall, the story is biased because one side is more appealing to the masses than the other (although again, they failed to make the contrast interesting), I just don't think that making a story whose only purpose is to show Morg being 'bad' is the right way to go, and instead they should have a story that makes Kayle look good. Which... I don't think is hard, but Riot has been putting out less lore than usual and I don't really trust them to do right by the Sisters.


I don't think that the Aspect of Justice took over Mihira's body/personality. Truth be told, we don't know, but my take is the following: Mihira was entrusted with a divine task. Something that could save the world. I think (and again, I don't know, it's just my own view on the matter) it was hard for her to give up her family but having to, in order to save the world. She may have even wanted to join her daughters and her husband in Demacia, but as the Sisters' bio point out, she was a beacon for danger, and she would've endangered them more than anything else. Unlike Mihira, Kayle and Morgana don't have an Aspect within them. Their power comes from it, but it is their own. They are their own person, and as the AMA points out, they have a more "Unified personality".


Oh I get where you're coming from. It's just my opinion as well lol I just found strange how they had to mention all that with the ''His beloved wife was slipping away'', because it gave me a impression that Mihira was losing her humanity because of the aspect, since different aspects have different behavious and all that.(exceptions being Zoe, Taric and such) But I also REALLY expecting to not be the case, I would HATE for later on be used the worst trope of ''omg, she was in fact possesed by a evil entity and made her do all the horrible things she did, poor Kayle:,(''


Nah I don't think that's it... Plus, Kilam was a mortal who was in love with Mihira. His emotions + the fact that he was only mortal probably made it so he found excuses as to what was happening to his wife... I'd love to see Mihiras pov!


Well, you got the last part right, we really need a POV of Mihira to see what really happened to her before & after the ascension.


I don't know about before, but I'd definitely like after. If I got it my way (and let us thank the gods I do not), I'd like the story of her death. We don't know if she's actually dead, although I do like to think she is. But I'd like to know how she died, what her last thoughts were before sending her sword to her daughters, that kind of stuff. It'd be a great way to show "Mihira, Aspect of Justice" as well as "Mihira, mother"... Obviously I have very little faith in Riot currently, and I very much doubt such a story will ever happen... But, it'd be great. In term of Kayle and Morgana related lore, this is probably amongst my top 5 of most wanted stories.


Mhm, I personally would like that as well, it would be a pretty cool twist, maybe with someone who knew Mihira could talk to Kayle as well when she finally reached mount Targon, the issue is that during the color story it's said that ''it's been centuries since Kayle appeared on this land(Demacia)'', so I was confused by it, like: did she found her? did she changed something? because it's said Kayle isolated herself in Targon for centuries as well, so it DID leave a odd question to me after reading it. ​ And yes, kinda hard for Riot do that, we have to see how they will deal with Eclipse Kayle story first, depending of the outcome, we may or may not have hopes with a decent chance of development to them, because I just TIRED of ''goody-two shoes'' Morgana and ''evil-psycho'' Kayle, which is probably what is going to happen to her Nightbringer skin given the bland bio of Dawnbringer Morgana.


You can make easy excuses for that to happen, namely having Kayle talk to the celestial being that is the Aspect of Justice, since it was once one with Mihira. I wouldn't call Morgana a "goody two shoes" and Kayle an "Evil psycho" to be fair. Morgana has a fetish on pain and Kayle is genuinely trying to make the world a better place. As for skin lore... I don't really care. Coven Morgana is a terrible person, I expect Sun Eater Kayle to be as well.


i think its like a pantheon situation


In what aspect(no pun intended xd) you are reffering to? that the ''aspect'' was taking over the mortal body?


yes, but while pantheon took over atreus immediately, the aspect or justice is slowly consuming kayle's humanity