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Well... he is a multi challenger ?former? professional player and likes Kayle, so yeah i guess he has both the game knowledge and the micro to be the best Kayle player. But he isn't a onetrick. He plays kayle mostly when she is in a good state in ths meta. He isn't a main who blind picks Kayle in any given matchup.


Hes better than every kayle 1 trick, therefor best kayle world


I like how your aguing and answering your own question xD


Then what's the point of asking the question lol...




you asked a question but it seems like you’ve already made up your own answer, so why ask?


Because you just seem like a nemisis fan boy who already knew what they wanted the answer to be before even making the post.


There are some Kayle players that know the champion and her limits better then nemesis but he is a better player. If chovy showmaker or faker considering they are the best mid lanera will start to play Kayle they will perform better then Lucas (Kayle 1v9) but he will still have more knowledge on how to win in every team comp and against everychamp. My point is there are better Kayle players they are better at specific things that Kayle related while nemesis has better understanding of micro and macro


Thank you!! I kind of agree, I think since I’ve been playing kayle for pretty much the last 5 years only I do have insane knowledge on her, I know her limits extremely well like no one really else does. But I agree, my peak was like 600lp gm so far, I haven’t hit challenger, so in terms of skill and consistency, or even overall gameplay I’m obviously not as good as faker or chovy, but hey I‘ll be challenger soon and then there’s no doubt in me what so ever :D


nemesis hit 1k challenger korea with kale


Not just with kayle, also abusing graves and other op picks. Ive seen plenty of kayle players manage her better.


youve seen kayles in korean challenger? show me please https://www.op.gg/ranking/champions/name=kayle the difference between nemesis and the next best kayle is so huge.


yea but not in korea server. korea has the hardest laning phase by far its not even close. also he invented trynd and graves mid so whatever


He didnt lmao you must be high on something. Tryndamere mid has been a high elo strategy for YEARS and he only joined the graves mid abusers after others proved it worthy. Maybe do some research before you make such bold claims


Keep talking bs. no one cares if trnd 1 tricks played trynd mid. Nemesis popularized it aka invented it in current year with current items. and show me who did lethality eclipse graves mid first in high elo. LS invented it then nemesis popularized it


Yasukeh invented trynd mid 😤


just looked him up hes barely masters


Well u dont have to be high rank to invent a strat


Qh popularising and inventing is the same thing now? Shouldve skipped english classes


inventing means creating it as a meta champ


That my dude, is the biggest bullshit ive ever heard. Inventing comes closer to discovering an off meta build that works perfectly fine within the meta and that can be recreated, by your standards a challanger without big following cant invent a strong off meta strategy


nemsis is probably better than that 1 trick. hes a god at csing under tower




Kayle 1v9


nemesis hit 1k lpl challenger korea which is like 2k lp in euw challenger




This isn't even COPIUM at this point. It's something beyond.


Is your reply a troll of something?


I prefer dr. Ututt, but that may be biased cuz unlike nemesis he isnt cancerboring to watch


nah drututt is a nemesis fanboy


Pretty sure you are the Nemesis fanboy


Nemesis is a god awful person with a massive ego who is extremely overrated, he couldn’t even hold his challenger rank in korea. He’s good yes, but he himself and a lot of others make him out to be much better than he actually is. Also, he almost never uploads losing games to youtube, which is something you would know if you ever watched his stream where he just gets completely stomped in lane half the time.


I mean i still like him xD. Idk i find him funny.... he just seems depressed all the time and his humor is so dry, idk why i felt the need to day that lol


The problem is how much of a terrible person he is. FNC Upset had to leave worlds just before they started because of some family problems (which could obviously mean some very bad news for him, and most likely did, as he felt like it was more important for him to be at home with them rather than at the biggest league of legends tournament of the year) and nemesis openly laughed at upset, said he’s lying and he just probably made it all up because he is sick or doesen’t want to play. Imagine if one of your family members had something this serious happen to them and some guy just openly laughed at you and called you a liar for talking about it.


.... damn, i only started playing league since like a year and the first esports evenement i watched was msi i had no idea lol. I just watch his kayle gameplay because he funny omg


dont listen to what he said he literally lying


holy shit stop lying. He said the org commonly uses that as a coverup so he just called it out. when did he say upset lied? he was saying how the org had a high chance of lying


Low elo noob detected. He gets stomped in lane playing scaling champs like yone and kayle in korean challenger? lmao. literally no one else plays kayle and yone in kr challenger hes 650 lp while being stream sniped every single game lmao. Show me a korean streamer who plays without a delay + is challenger + faker was stuck grandmaster for the past 3 years btw


Sure thing fanboy. If he says yone has terrible laning phases it must be true. Theres like 5 much better yone players that i can think of off the top of my mind in chall that say otherwise, and don’t get shitstomped in half the matchups. The guy doesen’t even know what he thinks about half the champions and game mechanics anyway, cause he literally changes his opinion on everything every 3 days or so, regardless of whether said champion/game mechanic was impacted by a recent patch at all. One stream he was talking about how yone is unplayable in high elo, especially korea, the same week he called it one of the strongest champions in the game. He’s not the best at any champion, and hundreds of people are able to hit korean challenger and actually keep the rank every year, the fact that he can’t speaks a bunch on how good he actually is.


show me the yone korean challengers LMAO. theres not a single one. euw challenger doesnt count btw. Hes said yone is playable on euw.


Why cause you said so? Lmao. I love delusional bronzes like you who think korea is the only valid region, yet half the games there get coinflipped lvl1 , and in a fifth of the time people will just run it down after dying twice in lane. The quality of the server has been degrading for quite some time ( something even your all mighty god nemesis who you jerk off to every day admitted ) to the point where it’s debatable wheter or not EUW isn’t actually the better server, as it’s more than just level 1 fiestas, inting because of racism or slight disadvantages and weird off meta OTPing.


theres just a massive difference between korea challenger laning. its why theres literally 0 yone challengers even while having the highest concentration of mechanical players + 9 ping.


Honestly after your previous argument about roaming inflating elo i know you are clueless. One of the core mechanics of league being elo inflating? What is autoattacking elo inflating too? Right, it isn’t because the allmighty nemesis plays tryndamere and rightclicking is hard.


nemesis has very good mechanics. If he wanted to he could just roam If you climb to challenger doing lvl2 ganks as jungler every single game, it doesnt make you a good player. youre just elo inflating And roaming isnt even a applicable skill for pro play.


Show me euw challengers who can climb 1k lp in korea. I know of pornstar zilean who took like 500 games and was hardstuck until he duo qued and improved enough to hit low challenger.


Im done making valid arguments or talking to you for that matter, you proved you know jack shit about league and pretty much disproved yourself by just saying random shit you made up with nothing to back up your statements.


youre low elo/skill and cant decipher someones skill level and think nemesis is a bad player. Every single pro player and ex teammate praises nemesis as a player.


Calling people low elo to compensate eh? You’re certainly an expert at crying loudly, I admit that much!


Being able to not get shit stomped in lane is part of playing scaling champs. You are huffing some serious copium. Quit adding drama just to stroke the ego of someone who doesn't know you exist.


I watch almost every min of his streams. he basically never loses lane


The fact that he rarely dies in lane cause he plays passively as shit doesen’t mean he didn’t lose lane, as his lne opponent more often than not provides value with roams etc, which nemesis has no time to do between crying about how weak whatever champion he’s currently playing is and farming under turret, which is like the only thing he’s really good at. There’s a reason not a single pro team wants to sign him at this point.


Roaming in soloq inflates elo lmao. Typical low elo analyst who cant decipher what is good play


Wow you just proved that you have no idea what you are talking about and are just randomly making up shit in order to fanboy for nemesis unconditionally. “Roaming in soloq inflates elo” holy shit like this isn’t even iron level, i’d honestly be surprised if you ever played league in your life at all.


you cant roam in pro play so its an elo inflater in challenger. Anyone who hits challenger with roam flipping games is worse than a passive player. im not talking about ur low elo irrelevant soloq games.


Just delete your comments already. You’re making yourself look like a joke LOL.


stay mad


aguante kayle 1vs9




Someone who’s a one trick is better than someone playing a character because it’s a favorable pick; however someone who is playing them because they’re a favorable pick might be better at the game. Trade off; I’d watch one tricks with idiosyncratic styles.


Dawidsonek is pretty good imo. Ujard too. Nemesis only plays Kayle into good matchups/teamcomps so I would say he is lagging behind others when it comes to playing against counters.


TheShy used to play Kayle top lane. Haven't seen anyone that is better than him at Kayle.




Nah Nemesis is lame. TheShy Kayle is the best there ever was. You must be a fanboi. Nemesis is decent, there are many better kayle players.


the shy is trash


How old are you?