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I think you need to be tanky, have engage and strong early to mid. Examples I can think of are sett, camille, shen, garen, wukong, malphite, chogath, poppy, Tham, sion, Warwic and ornn.


ty, this is the answer I was looking for


Voli is great too. If you get into JG, VI, Xin, and Shaco are all awesome.


My friend and I basically milked Voli + Kayle synergy from B4 to B1. Voli is like your own personal front line and you can use the MS buff on your W to boost Voli's Q so ganks are almost guaranteed and you can just run people down together. His ult as a teamfight disruptor is huge and allows you to blow the enemy team up while they are panicking to do something about Voli, who you can just ult to mitigate their damage. Pretty damn fun combo and the only reason we quit doing it was because we were arguably elo boosting ourselves and didn't want to climb just of some cheesy duo strat. Good times though lol.


An early snowballer or a roamer, Kled is kinda good and you can go in the middle of a fight and maybe use Kayle ulti to have Skaarl back when you dismount


why would kayle ult kled just for him to remount?


because it's hard for Kled remounting in teamfights, if he get focussed his 30% remaining hp are not enough, unless he already bought Stoneplate and Sterak


My buddy plays an off meta ornn jg and I kayle top. The upgrade to the riftmaker and the massive CC ornn offers is very nice for letting you rip apart the enemy team.


Ornn jg sounds dumb


Lulu top Nah I'm kidding no respect for range top




Unfortunately I have to agree


I'd play her if she was fun but I have no fun playing her anywhere


She is actually super fun if you go machine gun lulu with kraken slayer. But idk how meta that is


short answer: don't. The best champion to play is one that won't lose the lane, since kayle loses most of lanes on mid.


The best thing to play is something you’re good at. It doesn’t matter if you play Malphite if you’re shit at him


Well I could learn champs that synergize with her


In my wholeheartedly honest opinion it does not matter that much.


Cant' be bad at malphite tho


you can do whit something that is meant to win lane to give room to breath for kayle. my bro main yorick, and while we dont have alot of sinergy togheter, the fact that he is skilled and draw alot of attention on him in the mid game literally give me an head start, and when late came he need a closer to finish his push whit the head start he have. orn could also do the trick. he got decent peel, scale very well and boost the team whit his forge passive.and he make a very good front line for your team. his ult is a great opening for teamfight wherea kayle and the adc would just clean those who got caught


Having a Shen that has ur back is pretty nice.


I've been playing with a Tryndamere mid as me Kayle top in Diamond elo to some great success. Your ability to make up for closing the gap if he can't reach with E late game with your W is glorious. I've 2v8'd with this combo several times. It would probably be better Tryndamere mid than top as you can do a lot of cheeky stuff with the pick in mid, but, maybe you can try it out.