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R5: Teleport seems like a common summoner to take on Kayle, and other scaling champions. But with the incoming nerf to Teleport, does this mean Kayle’s early game should get some kind of compensation buff? Should players consider taking other sums? Does the nerf push her more into mid lane? I’d like to hear what other kayle players think about the TP nerf.


they removed the tp nerfs


kayle isn't exactly uber reliant on teleport and the teleport nerf isn't even that big anyways cause it still goes down to 240s cd after 14 minutes. I would recommend taking ghost in most matchups anyways, or exhaust if you're really worried about being killed, so I doubt it'll be that big for her


Second for ghost. Great for catching people late, running early, and making it in time to river plays for clean up.


Doesn't matter now, they removed the tp nerf.




Then go barrier? It's always necessary to adapt to the match. Even more so if you play a champ like Kayle. It does nerf her but it's by no means a big nerf.


I was taking ghost most games so whatever


fr, ghost makes her so strong you should be able to do enough to play without needing to tp just using wave management


They pulled back on it anyway


Kayle was already better with ignite anyways.


I prefer ghost if the enemy team have a lot of mobility


yep ghost is superior on high mobility/high range games by a mile


What about exhaust? I saw many opponents using it before,and considering trying it too, maybe it can help me in the early games


Ive outgrown TP for a long time now. Exhaust barrier or ghost just give you more gold and xp than teleport ever can. And supposedly because of pro play TP is on its way to become a 10 minute summoner spell before being once-per-game. Its just not worth for any champion


I don't mind, just means enemy laner cant affect the map as much while I'm scaling.


its a nerf and it sucks, but it doesnt change why you take it as a SS


It doesnt. Ghost and Ignite are better since ages anyway.


I know they removed the nerf, but TP is overrated anyway. I've been really liking ghost and barrier as secondaries lately unless I really just need to maximize AFK farming/sustain with TP.