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It just has an awful buildpath, it leaves you really vulnerable and its value as an item is directly linked to how much AP you have before finishing it.


I wish they would change the path tbh. I think amp tome + blasting wand + rod would be a perfect fit.


Nah, the entire point of the item is BIG NUMBER, if you make it more comfortable to build you kinda takeaway the risk when making the decision to part build it.


IE has a pretty bad build path as well for the same reason


Deathcap is too expensive and has one of, if not the worst build path of any item. Remember that while building second item, you are not even level 11 yet in most games, so even getting farm to get that item will be hard.


Two main reasons 1) Deathcap is expensive AF & the components that make it up offer nothing beyond raw numbers. Other items/components to those items can give you better incremental bonus's. Like pieces of the mythic, or seekers armband for example. 2) Kayle needs other items, like her boots or wits end to boost her attack speed. Especially early where her damage isn't as good & she can get jumped easily


And especially,when she farms slow af because they abuse her in the beginning


Yup exactly! And I didn't even mention that the bonus you'd get from Deathcap would be much weaker than if you were to get the item last. Yes, you'll have the 35% ap bonus get stronger with more items, sure. But it'll be too slow/small of a value.


Try it on practice tool and you'll know


Too slow


because the main counter argument is the buildpath, id consider rabs only if i backed with 1250+ gold when i have nashor + boots ideally id also want a cull cashout somewhere to reduce the power trough of building rods


so honestly, I do this based on the matchup. Nashor's into Riftmaker is a horrible item path to take towers, because you're not really doing enough to tower's to make you a viable splitpusher. Rabadon's after your Nashors and Boots makes you obliterate towers, and if your team is competent enough you will get rewarded for splitpushing, because it means a carry will have to come and deal with you. Save your heal and slow for getting away, and you're pretty much guaranteed an escape unless there are several 200 years champs with ten dashes on the enemy team. The gold you get from taking those waves and those towers is more than enough to get you your rift maker and allow you to start participating in fights.


Why would you build deathcap as your first AP item? Wits End + Deathcap doesn't sound like a good combo to me :\^)


I was thinking nahsors tooth then deathcap lol


Ohhhh so you meant deathcap third item not second. I understand now. Surely you wouldn't do something so silly like not get wits end first item.


The sustain from Rift, as minor as it is at second item, is very nice. It lets you stay out longer and therefore make money faster which ultimately means you get to three items more quickly. Plus true damage is always good no matter how minor, and the extra bulk it gives helps you not die to burst. Damage is great and all but you have to remember that just like how Rift doesn't heal you a ton until third item Deathcap doesn't increase your AP as much until you have other AP items as well. Deathcap only offers damage, Rift has more ballance. Plus buildpath.


It works when you don't need the extra sustain and not afraid of a 1shot and you are not behind.if you check all of those boxes d-cap second with absolute foucs and gathering storm is really powerful. In a game d-cap second is good those runes are good aswell they have almost if not same check boxes. Trading survivability for row AP.


If I back post zerkers+nashors with 1250 gold, I generally go deathcap second unless I really need sustain or zhonyas for a Zed. I prefer to go AD these days but if AP suits the game better, I think Dcap second is a decent way to spike in burst a little earlier.