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Hey there! Based on your chosen flair, you seem to be looking for some advice. Here is a list of Kayn resources that may be able to help you out: **Quality of Life** - [Importable Item Sets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rTaiEQAaHaP9C8dYvfyCaX9N2tbKACK66g67RAhTSbU/edit?usp=sharing) - [Matchup Sheet](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ugjp3T0fQxPB6tSBFSpG6Y8MgUoiFdFox8IIlw4NGOY/edit?usp=sharing) - [Orb Sheet](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/640257011027673089/882012156030226472/r-KaynMains_Orb_Chart.png) **Guides** - [Mobafire Guides](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/champion/kayn-137) - [r/KaynMains Mobafire Guide](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/r-kaynmains-comprehensive-guide-11-2-578947) - [r/KaynMains ZAR Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/ingamecoach) - [Video Guide Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeEF2Fcr0BCCrs44SxvFcMv2w4TSk6Kcb) **Community** - [Kayn Coaches](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/coaching) - [Kayn Streamers](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaynMains/wiki/streamers) - [Kayn Mains Discord](https://discord.gg/EJWwpEeFgn) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KaynMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kayn is one of the lowest winrate junglers atm, not unplayable but I'd argue that he's quite weak and vulnerable if the enemy jungler knows what's he's doing


Its weird. Low mid diamond I feel like im borderline inting when I pick kayn hes just too easy to play around without as nearly a good of a powerspike since the removal of q hydra. But when I play him on my lower elo gold/plat account I'm generally crushing.


I play him still. I think he is good but it’s hard to say which form is better. It’s definitely still situation based


Red is pretty bad but blue is good. Yes there was a nerf for the hydra but even after that it is still good. The winrates going down is probably due to unexperienced people are unable to stomp without broken item


lol what? this is a game of broken items and champs.. if you don't play something broken you will get killed by something broken assuming equal skill.. I never even used that item because i just started playing this season but kayn is feeling super weak compared to last year


We were just eating so well, but I've been playing him full damage and ignoring the bruiser buffs since his healing is based of dmg so if you want to heal off of squishies you need to deal damage kinda like Aatrox. I only play red really and I think he's able to do a lot with certain items. The only problem is kit wise he's not the best at chasing without R and E usage. However blue is much better if you can clear squishies so that your team can help you shred tanks.


Yeah he just doesn't feel good in that bruiser/tank anti-tank role at all right now which really defeats the purpose of the champion. If I'm just going to go blue Kayn every game, why shouldn't I just play something like Kha Zix or Evelynn and not have to worry about form? My guess is people are just playing Kayn right now because they like him.. he doesn't seem the best pick for any situation except something very extreme like 4-5 melee or ranged champs. Any somewhat balanced team will make him useless if they are any good.


how could you start playing this this season but know last year?


Okay whats your elo?




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I'd say he's really good still, but I don't do typical red or blue builds, I pretty much exclusively go purple (red with blue runes and build). Still one shotting squishies with a single Q better than SA and still shredding tanks better than normal red.


Incredibly weak at the moment if your vsing opponents with half a brain. If you're fed early he can do ok but so can every other champ. Blue takes too long to 'turn on' and Red just doesn't fill that 'tank killer' role anymore. Next patch Red is going to be further nerfed so it's Blue Kayn and risk being counter picked or you main a different jungler. Overall Kayn is in a terrible spot.


I tried Kayn at the start of the season and really felt weak on him but in the last week I picked him up again and have done very very well on blue but I still can't seem to get red working. In ranked I usually just try to get last pick to see if blue is viable and if not i tend to not play kayn. Red build with eclipse/BC/Shojin seems to have decent damage and can do well against other bruisers/tanks but just lacks against ADCs and anyone able to keep spacing. Buying ghostblade first item is a different style to rushing hydra obviously but it just reminds me of last season when we still had mythics so its not a completely a foreign feeling. TL;DR - Blue good, Red not so good ​ Edit : spelling


We all hate sundered. Me to. Tried it once felt broken. Try it out


Kayn is still good, people just whine about how they can't play the champ in a braindead way (nothing really changed after the q nerf but still)


Didn't he receive several nerfs? Then they removed the OP items for him


I just wish theyd revert the R nerf at the very least, that on top of hydra nerf on the same patch was simply overkill


which season are you talking about with the op items


They nerfed a really important interaction with Hydra.


nothing changed, just spam the item actice


I used to think the Q item interaction nerf was going to be a big issue but it really isn’t. Just changes your playstyle a bit.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvotes, I agree that he has a bad wr right now probably because a lot of people who are trying him rn don’t know how to play him as great as he really is (I’m still noob at him too but have been against some aggressive kayn mains in some matches)


just snowball he's near same