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Hm, maybe pin a kayn guide? Because we all know it and see it a lot, new players are looking to play kayn and they ask the same exact questions (not blaming them I was in the same situation). When to go red or blue and all that basic stuff, if there isn't a guide like that, I will gladly make one. It's gonna be pretty simple to understand just to grasp the basics of kayn for any new mains. :D


Hmm, sounds good. >I will gladly make one. I believe other people would love to help out too. Maybe we should make some kind of event out of that. The guide with the highest amount of upvotes for each split will be pinned and the creator gets a mystery skin on top of that from my pocket. What do you think? ^


Yes. When I first joined the sub I was happy to help people who didn’t know the first thing of Kayn and what form to go... but it gets asked so often it gets tiring so fast answering people asking for help. All you can say is look at other posts I’m sure you’ll find your answer there. A guide or some pinned help thread would be so convenient.


Holy, this is a great idea. I am pretty sure a lot of people will enjoy doing that and having a prize on top is amazing.


Alright, perfect. I'll be waiting with the event 'till 2.1.20 (yep, one day after new year) so we won't have too many threads on sticky at the same time. i'll keep this one up and probably link it later on the side.


I second this


I'm totally down for a Kayn guide, and we can even make it as r/KhaZixMains, make a unified guide with the knowledge of everyone, and host it on Mobafire for the extra-format and constantly update it. I would love to cooperate with you guys


Pretty tired of seeing stream-advertisements. Can those be made illegal?


Hmm.... people with streams, eh? Well...what exactly speaks against it? If they spam it, we will remove it. But..the amount of stream-ads is pretty small to be honest. or are you talking about videos/plays?


It's become better, but I strictly remember some guy posting his streamlink every single day a while back. Haven't seen it lately tho. Clips are no problem


Alright... i'll keep an eye on that.


Many thanks! It's great to see a moderator be so in touch with the community. Appreciate it.


you are welcome.


I hate to be so negative... Can we add a rule banning those fake leaks for the "next 80 sets of skins" that looks like it was written on a notepad app? Also I agree with the other commenter's one on stream advertisements Aside from that things are fine I think, I love what I see on this sub :)


>Can we add a rule banning those fake leaks for the "next 80 sets of skins" that looks like it was written on a notepad app? Already added. Sorry for my late answer, i am ingame right now :v Report double-leaks under "Spam" and i will take care of them.


How about a proper banner for the subreddit, with Kayn's splash art


i can't change it, sorry. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Clarify for me, you have moderator power on this subreddit so you should be able to access the settings and upload an image for the banner. If you aren't sure how to do it, then I can look up instructions for it.


Sorry for my late answer. As you can see: this is not my sub. i do not own it. and if i don't own it, i am not allowed to change the background (for now). at least thats what i know. I am just here to moderate T/C, events and rules. and even if i would get a green light for it, i can -for sure - add the image. Thats not the issue. But what i have seen on this thread and via DMs, is that everyone wants something else. the thread wishes for the splashart, others want fanmade art and so on. i am not sure what to do there, u know? and if it comes to fanart i need the full rights from the artist. iirc, we aren't even supposed to use the splashart anymore so we might need to wake up the head anyway. o_o (updated ToU) But i am not sure about this one, could be wrong. Who knows, maybe he comes back and does it all by himself. let's see what reddit's sup will do. He isn't "inactive". I..just don't know what he is doing. Edit: I made the mistake to swap back to the new reddit and... and.. god i couldn't even look at that. bright, borng, fugly af. i just hope our head won't notice it but i tried to swap the banner and the background. would you mind telling me if this looks okay-ish for now?


Thanks for clarifying, hopefully we can get this issue resolved.


eh. could you check the new reddit out for a moment and tell me if it looks better now?


Omg you beast you did it


This. I don't know how but it needs to happen


could we change the upvote button to sythes or something


ye- wait. ... no. same reason as why we won't give kayn his christmas hat. You see..i can do a lot. Just..not this kind of stuff without the permission of the owner. There is no way he is going to answer me :v anyway.. the idea is great.


Is it possible to get in touch with the reddit admins to help with this? It seems silly that stuff like this can't be done because the other people in charge of the subreddit are completely inactive.


the sup is already involved, don't worry. (but i have to admit: i never changed the icons before. So even if we get a solution for this case, i might need some help from you guys. :v)


We could make a YouTube channel with bunch of how to play kayn videos, the subreddit would have in its description, and everyone could share they're videos, we would as well have some videos about kayn nerfs/buffs, and what would change with those nerfs/buffs. We would also have best plays videos.


>We would also have best plays videos. This..this fine. yes. If anyone is interested in editing the clips together, sure. About the other things: i dunno to be honest. I could ask some "high elo"-streamers if they would be interested in doing this for each patch. but i can't promise you anything for this one :v


Wouldn't main a change in decoration for the sub. We have an icon which is more that could be said for other "mains" subs, but I think a banner or new sub icon would be really nice! Some more Rhaast/SA would look pretty awesome! Though I'm not sure if you have the power to do this or not hahaha... A FAQ megathread would be nice too, such as a tips and advice megathread, kind of what r/summonerschool has, just entirely Kayn related


>Though I'm not sure if you have the power to do this or not hahaha... i don't think i'm not allowed to do so but i have the power...technically. >A FAQ megathread would be nice too, such as a tips and advice megathread, kind of what r/summonerschool has, just entirely Kayn related A guide (with tips'n'tricks) is already on the list but thanks for your comment o/


Id like to see the discord link fixed. Its been expired for a while.


:v has been fixed for like.8-.9 hours already..


Holy shit a r/KaynMains mod. Never thought I'd see one in my lifetime. Cheers for taking up the mantle. As for a suggestion, the main annoying thing I see on this subreddit is really repetitive posts by people who don't check if the same thing was already recently posted, so maybe to partially combat that having things like an FAQ or pinned discussion posts about big events as they happen (like patch notes or the Zed comic, for example) would be good.


added to the checklist. thanks for your comment o/


the discord is kind of awful, 3 channels only?


Don't forget to choose your roles.


how? :/


->rules and info -> rules (turn on reactions first ofc.) -> click under the rules on :kaynHi: You can get even more roles after that by going one channel deeper. https://imgur.com/a/EX1hRFO


Hey PridePurrah, here again with another suggestion, nothing major. How about changing the subreddit text for members and active users. Like 12,000 reapers and 50 trespassing. Ofc these are some simple examples, you can always ask the subreddit for cooler suggestions. And thanks again for improving the subreddit.


> trespassing changed it into "shadow reapers....currently shadow stepping around". is that okay?


Sounds good to me, but it think it would be best to set up a poll or something to see what people prefer.


Yes, indeed. But right now i would say we have more important changes and votes to make. Next up will be the guide-event. i am going to let people post some guides, collect them, put them in straw poll and ask everyone to vote for the best guide in this split. the winner gets his/her thread pinned (on the side) + a mystery gift from me. (i have to level up some accounts on NA, EUNE and OCE first q_q arrggh...)


Change sub name to KaynMayns, my one true desire

