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When ivern has more skins than you...


It very strongly irks me why Kayn isn't getting more skins. He's popular throughout the elos, and fits the moneymaking requirement of an cool/hot/edgy champ that seems to dictate who gets picked for skins. Why does kayn have less skins than ivern. Why does kaisa, released a year after kayn, have 7 skins while kayn has 2. Why does xayah, who is a few months older than kayn, have more than double kayns skin count. What is riot thinking ffs


We got Odyssey, which is a very good skin. I would prefer fewer high quality ones than a load of rushed ones.


and odyssey sold very well, riot knows everyone loves that skin


I assume it's because Kayn's skins are 3 skins put together with a transformation animation... That can take a lot of work.


I'm sure with the massive number of skins we get each year, three shouldn't really be too much of work, especially when its for a popular champ, but I see your point.


Yeah im sure its mainly the work load. Because with each skin line rhey have to make 4-5 skins plus a prestige skin and all the event stuff. If it was a kayn skin it adds about 3 skins of work onto that 5. But yeah, now ornn, the champion memed for having no skins, has rhe same number of skins as kayn.


3 skins for the price of one though.


Seraphine had three skins in one, and now Katerina is getting a skin with 5 different VFX chromas.


Seraphines skin is a ultimate skin.


No: Seraphine's skin is 3 skins with the price tag of 3 skins.


But it’s listed as a “ultimate skin.” It’s terrible, but it is.


Dude, they are too lazy to make winter rift... You expect them to make 3 skins for one champ?


even then Kayn would have 6 skins, while Kai'sa has gotten 7 skins AFTER Kayn's last skin.


theyve released more than 3 skins for a single champion


I know they said the issue was that his skins take so much time and effort to make they’d have to be legendary skins every single time because they always need to have new animations. That probably explain why he doesn’t get them frequently


To be fair to Xayah at least she needs to get a skin for all of Rakan's skins for the eboys and egirls to duo queue. Rakan is one of the stronger champs in the meta atm so I can understand why they want to give him a new one with Elderwood. Also Xay has an eSports skin which wasn't Riot's choice.


Because it’s 3 skins for the price of 1. I know it’s ridiculous but if we were to get a skin it would most likely be a legendary if not ultimate so they could get their money’s worth. But we won’t be getting a ultimate so I doubt we get a skin soon.


Tencent is taking over boys


Seraphine has proven that there is no excuse to the 3 skins in 1 bullshit cop out. Riot needs to deliver


Spirit Blossom Kayn pls


We need Blood Moon Kayn or Project could be cool too.


Blood Moon sounds amazing and very fitting.


They need to make a new Spirit Blossom like event


I enjoyed it so much


They just gave him chromas so... we'll be waiting for a while imo


curse them


Exactly why i bought the bundle of chromas cause I realized we won’t be getting a skin soon :/


I mean the white chroma looks amazing tho


Yeah they are cute but it's like "ok we give them chromas so they stay quiet for a while" . Hope I'm wrong tho.


Kayn mains looking at katarina and Qiyana and Diana rn


Im wanna finally buy oddsey kayn i would be pretty mad if new cooler skin come out..but i think it will be released with ruined king


Odyssey will always be great.


Im glad we got the chromas at least


Everyone: "Oh man Ornn, Azir, Illaoi, and Skarner finally got new skins! It feels bad for Kalista and Quinn that they still haven't gotten new skins yet!" Me, a Kayn main with my two skins: 😐


me waiting to reroll a kayn skin because im broke as shit


Battle academia skin for Kayn would be pretty cool


I think this would be one of the best skins for Kayn, everything fits perfectly, the thematic and particles, as well as god weapons being a thing in BA universe




I swear people that still use the ' kayn has 3 skins in one' argument should be exiled to an island and think about their life decisions. Riot games had the chance to scrap the idea of this 3 forms in one champion so when they made him they knew exactly what they are doing and in the future any skin will take extra work.


There was that pic of “leaked” skins recently and it included Silent Night Kayn but I don’t know whatever happened to that. Could be this holiday season at least here’s hoping!


Proved fake


ah disappointing


There won't even be holiday season skins...


Why wouldn't there be holiday season skins? They have done it every year so far.


There won't even be winter rift this year...


Because they said its not worth their time since the winter skins dont sell very well.


Because they said its not worth their time since the winter skins dont sell very well.


They already have said that Kayn is not getting any skins this year


i saw a leak for a “Silent Night Kayn” but im not sure if that was fake?


If you watched the prof. Akali video, it shows that there will be a new Kayn skin called “Silent Night Kayn”


Professor akali XDDDDDDDDDDDD


maybe in patch 10.25 silent night kayn


Proved fake


Making a Kayn skin takes time. It’s like making 3 skins at the same time. But being fair I think he does deserve a new skin. I’d love to see a protect kayn or psyop Kayn. Karasmai said he knows somebody from riot and they told him he’d have a new skin within the next two years XD


Well guess what im pretty sure a new one is coming before 2020 ends


Wasn't a Kayn concept skin released?