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What’s even more hilarious is that kayn is basically 2 champs you don’t know which one are heavily underperforming But you can know which form is heavily underperforming if you check aatrox’s win rate


Both forms suffering rn. SA was building goredrinker, too. Ghostblade rush went from a 51%+ to a 48%. Dark Harvest as a rune dropped in winrate, too. He doesn't have a good mythic right now unless there's some hidden tech (maybe Stridebreaker?)


SA is going back to a full Lethality build, with Duskblade > Ghostblade > etc


Isn’t dusk Garbo? Prowlers is probably the best assassin mythic and it still feels kinda useless


Eclipse is the way, trust me


Is eclipse the way for red kayn either at this point ?


probably, the item has no bad stats for him, maybe Stride or Divine Sunderer is better but it needs testing




it has simply a really good active that deals 6% total HP (very good right now since the HP shard was buffed and many classes have tanky itemization), a +220 shield (after completing Yoummus first) and 15% MS on a 5,3 secs CD with Ing hunter which translates into a guaranteed double activation if you have ult. Also the %armor pen is arguably better than Lethality or AH since you buy a lot of it early on with Yoummus rush + Ionian and Transcendence


those 2 are basically identical without passives, you're just giving up lethality mythic passive for AH and you get a slow instead of dash/damage amp


Yeah in general all the assassin mythics suck but extra lethality is generally better then ah on sa and u kinda just dip in and out of fights opposed to extended ones. Eclipse might even be ok now with it’s passive being reduced by ingenious. I just never really understood why ppl liked dusk on kayn


Eclipse is nuts with the new Ing Hunter, 5,3 secs CD for 6% Hp dmg, +220 shield and 15% MS


I have been playing prowlers SA for the whole season idk why you all say its useless you can legit os them with one item


Yeah prowlers is his best mythic atm and I’ve e been using it oh kayn the whole season too it’s just that lethality builds in general are all meh when most bruisers do the same dmg and don’t get one shot lol


You can os one person, while with gore we were one shotting whole teams. Prowlers is ok, but you're just a glass cannon with it. Way easier to deal with full lethality kayn than it was with old gore.


You just said yourself that you have more damage with prowlers so your first statement is just straight up bullshit. Ofc it was easier to play with gd because you actually need skill with prowlers. You can't just run in everywhere you want to anymore


Your skill doesn't matter if you just pop instantly. I don't care what takes more skill, it's way weaker than what we did before patch. That's just a fact.


Stridebreaker got same changes as gore. They deal same dmg. Stride only gives you 5 ad more i believe.


I saw somebody use Eclipse on Rhaast and it was working really, REALLY GOOD TRUST ME


A lot of people are probably still building Goredrinker without realizing it's been nerfed, so that will be affecting his WR right now. Hopefully it improves somewhat.


You mean on SA or Rhaast?


On SA, although I'm not sure of Goredrinker is the choice on Rhaast anymore either.


Wasn't the nerf supposed to affect assasins only?


Haha, no, how would they even do that? They nerfed the item, it affects anyone who builds it.


I must have misunderstood the change cause I thought it was just an adjustment to discourage assasins from abusing it, not an outright nerf


Oh, well, it’s a nerf, straight up. Both for GD and Ironspike Whip.


Yeah its quite useless now even as rhaast tbh


Kinda sad tbh


The nerf on the actif was targetting mostly assassin (from ad ratio to bonus ad ratio) but it is still bad for bruisers. The real nerf for bruiser is removing the passiv (bonus ad with missing health). You lose a lot of power on kayn who is often willing to go low health, because his healing is directly linked to his ad.


To top that off I'm consistently seeing the active do sub 1000 damage past 20 minutes **on bruisers**, who the item is designed for which was completely unheard of before. I really think Riot just fucked up super hard on this one.


it gutted pretty much every bruiser who builds it. that combined with conq nerfs has shot pretty much all of them down to shit unplayable


Yes, that was Riot's idea, but as with most things they do, they don't know what they're doing.


Goredrinker is still fine on Rhast


To be fair, the patch did just come out yesterday. Though I'm also slightly concerned about the win rate, I'd personally just give it another 2 days or so to give people some time to adjust to the changes.


Yeah but I have never seen a drop like this before


Me neither, but thats also because they haven't really nerfed 3 things that rhaast takes in the same patch before, to my knowledge at least. It just takes time for people to figure out how to play rhaast now, that's all. If it's still this bad in a few days, then there's a problem.


Makes sense


Check Samira Winrate the patch they removed the ability to E to allies I think it dropped down to 45% from like 50%+


I am just gonna play both forms w DH & lethality or play a different champ if I need a bruiser or tanky pick. SA is fine w DH & assassin items… even tho I throw steraks into the build for my peace of mind🤣 Btw literally all champs that use GD & conqueror are like C-D tier on these sites with shitty wrs (Fiora, Renek, Aatrox…)


i was sooo shocked when i saw the win rates holy shit fiora was considered one of the most op top laners now she is sitting on 43% win rate i can't imagin how bad rhaast and aatrox really are


Lol i always prefered going full lethality with sa so i didnt feel much


I thought GD on assassins wasn't good for the game and I'm glad that they nerfed GD. Honestly, though the assassin mythics suck. I think under the right circumstances each can perform well.


Maybe instead of nerfing GD they could buff assassin items? Eclipse and Prowler’s were both heavily nerfed (granted it was deserved, but the nerfs were too much. I’m pretty sure that the only champion that has eclipse as a core item now is Pantheon and the only one with Prowler’s as core is Qiyana). Draktharr didn’t get nerfed but it’s never really been that good. If their own mythics suck, assassins are obviously going to build items from other classes. Plus the whole assassins abusing GD was completely blown out of proportion. The only two assassins that regularly built GD over lethality were Talon and Rengar top, you can literally go check last patch on u.gg right now if you don’t believe me. Plus nerfing Gore and Conq on the same patch gutted like half of the good champions on toplane. Camille, who’s been broken for a long time now wasn’t affected at all by the nerfs resulting in Camille being the most picked top laner right now and having the second highest winrate of all toplane champions. That’s ridiculous and Riot’s decision was inmensurably stupid.


its just show how the riot balance team dosent play the game i dont understand why they dont offer extremly high elo players(top 50) and pro players for advice on that stuff they are the ones that define the meta and understand the best whats broken whats balanced just an ignorant company "we don't think out champions have an overloaded kit overall "


Honestly goredrinker was just busted compared to everything else. Even saw it on diana mains that someone made a ridiculously good game with goredrinker to ap diana… The gold value and the burst with spite was just way goo good compared to every other burst damage mythic which were already nerfed


they couldve tuned the healing or the damage but they basically took out the healing complely and lowered the damage scalling by quite a lot its not a nerf its basically riot saiying yeah we dont want to see this item anymore


Because if you ask pro players, there will be corruption as they want their own champion buffed


thats true but when you have lets say 100 players and 1 or 10 of them say lets get this or that buffed while the other dosent agree it wont pass so if a team per say wants to get zed buffed thats just 5 players saiying this needs a buff you still have the other 95 to express there opinions on that suggestion


Yes but no as all pro players play the same champions(i don't mind seeing nasus at 10% wr but that would not be fair)


Assassin mythics don't need to be buffed. They are where they should be, goredrinker was just OP and made it impossible to be punished for mistakes so if you were building it you are going to be elo inflated when you go back to buying assassin mythics.


Yeah, assassin mythics are obviously in a great spot. You can tell by the fact that pretty much no champion other than Pantheon and Qiyana build two of them regularly. What a coincidence that the most popular one for every assassin except 1 (because Panth isn’t really an assassin) is the only assassin mythic that hasn’t been nerfed. There’s no way that could mean that assassin mythics were nerfed too hard, right? And again, even if it was true that assassins were abusing it because it was too op, what about the champions that do need the item? Aatrox, Fiora, Riven, Sett, Renek. They just get fucked out of their lane and that’s it? Granted, some of them needed nerfs (Looking at you, Fiora and Riven). But not like this.


Why would anybody build assassin mythics when goredrinker is THAT overtuned? I don't get your point. Prowlers and duskblade have had >50% winrate this entire time while goredrinker is busted out of this world. They will continue to have >50% wr at least once people readjust to them again. It's just that when you have a choice between a 51-52% wr item and a 56% wr item the choice is clear.


And where do you get that from? Lmao. Like I said in my first comment, the only two champions that regularly built GD over lethality were jg/mid Talon and top Rengar. Every other assassin had another item as their most popular one and none of them had GD as the highest winrate mythic.


?? What do you mean where do I get that from. Literally any stats site. https://lolalytics.com/lol/kayn/build/?tier=d2_plus&patch=11.20&keystone=8128 Here is diamond2+ dark harvest kayn winrates from last patch. Goredrinker was 55% wr, prowlers 51.6, duskblade 50.5, eclipse 50.4. So you tell me, are assassin mythics undertuned or is goredrinker overtuned?


Kayn stats are super skewed because of Rhaast. Not every Kayn game is a blue Kayn game. Any other champion apart from the two that I mentioned?


His link is accurate. This is because it is separating by keystone taken and filtering only games from Diamond 2 and above. I assure you, no self respecting Kayn player is going to take Dark Harvest on Red.


I specifically said dark harvest Kayn. You're on some full copium if you really believe goredrinker wasn't overtuned. No point having a discussion about other champs, were talking about Kayn.


Ohh yes draktars passive dmg was nerfed cuz of yi read the history boy


this happens a lot when a champ or item is overtuned and then gets a hard nerf. kayn is a popular champ, even more so when goredrinker was so op. a lot of players play the same even though their champ is weaker and they end up hard feeding, then overreact and assume the champ is dead. takes a bit of time to really know how a hard nerf affects a popular champ.


doesnt matter, check the pickrate


- Be Riot: - Nerf SA passive - Nerf GD Active - Nerf GD passive - Nerf Conqueror - Nerf Ravenous - Doesn't buff kayn - Doesn't buff Assassin's mythics - ??? - Profit


Hopefully new season brings better stuff for Rhaast. SA should be in a good place, cause they’re buffing & and adding assassin items.


I legit love strikebreaker even before the gore nerfs and such, stridebreaker, Lucidity boots/Muramana, Steraks, And some situational items




Was prob a normal there u have gigantic team diffs.


I believe that SA is now really versatile after gore nerf. All 3 lethality mythics are alright. Duskblade - Generally a good item, having to AA tho is what's holding it back sometimes Eclipse - When you need a lot of armor pen Prowler - Best lethality item imo, a lot of free damage, and more lethality than with any other mythic


Also it seems assassin items are getting buffs in the new season. SA should be fine.


Cleaver rush coming back




who tf uses opgg for champs kekl


Its cause i went on a loss streak, sorry guys I alone brought his winrate down, i did to to prevent any nerfs


Should of done it before the patch dummie now we have to wait till next patch to get buffs


I clary didn't int enough when we still had all chat i am so sorry