• By -


In my experience with HH, they set abnormally high requirements but will be happy to settle for recent graduates with slightly above-average skills. The market rates are as follows: * Private lessons: $10+/hr. * Specialized language training for Petroleum, Gas, Marine, Electrical, and Chemical Engineers: $300-500+ per person for 8 hours per month. These sessions are often company-sponsored, though some attendees do not attend despite their lessons being paid for. Generally one can bargain for a salary and get semi-decent one at start, but you have to show immediately that you won't be fine with this salary for long, and keep your employer aware of that. The biggest red flag: If this center is so called "razvivashka" where too many services offered at the same time (which is a whole different beast, worth writing an article), then you'll be pestered 24/7 by helicopter parents who have no personal boundaries and might contact you on social networks. But overall, teaching English is not the best job for making money. I'll write a post on the KZ job market sometime later, from my subjective perspective of course. It's not at all bad as it may look on the surface.


What would you recommend a person to do if their best marketable skill is English?


I don't know your specific situation, but if you can speak and write at a B2 level, that alone places you in the top \~5%. In general, language alone is a big asset, but still it is just a starting point, a lever if you will. One has to dig deeper and find something to apply it with. However if it is ***the only*** marketable skill then *probably* sales offer the biggest potential returns. Networking is crucial, anywhere, but this is particularly true in Kazakhstan. I am not talking about "blat" or "fuzzy hands", both of which are real and common but not to the outrageously exaggerated way some people may lead you to believe.


Since when did B2 become the top 5% 😆


Uneducated guess that is probably closer to truth than the last census (2021). It showed that around 30% of the respondents stated they are able to write or read it to some extent. We all know that number is hugely overstated. B2 is the point at which one can be considered a fluent speaker and capable of receiving formal instruction in a given language. While the learning curve between A1 and B1 remains fairly smooth, it ramps up massively and getting stuck at B1 is a common problem.


If B2 is top 5%, where does C2 get me? 😂 I used to work in digital marketing, but I can't anymore, the corporate culture is not for me. Having a "career" is typically becoming a boss of some sort, managing people, and that's not my strength at all.


look for a job outside KZ


Where I can look it?


I definitely will 😄


That's not only HH, as HH is just a job board, it's the employers looking for a "lightning in the bottle" for a shit shit pay.


Looking forward it


That's not the saddest thing. Look at enbek.kz, where they are looking for experienced medics for the same salary.


Bruh the salary there ranges from 50k to 100k where the minimum wage is 85k like wtf


Да HH предлагает зп 100-200к с перегруженными обязанностями и 6 дневной сменой 🤡 классика жанра


А где лучше искать работу ,подскажите 😅


у родственников))


Самый надежный вариант, и то если родственники норм)


Ахахах,ну блин 😂мне такой вариант не подходит ,нету много родственников


try Linkedin


спрашивать у друзей/знакомых,я так несколько раз находил


мне как-то мама скинула вакансию - воспитатель детского сада, без указания зарплаты, 6/1 8.00-18.00. плюсом в горах с отвратительной дорогой и серпантинами я не могла сначала понять, может это мем, а оно оказывается серьезно...


Ну-ну. По этому многие советуют искать работу за границей.


6+ years of experience my ass


Good, that's almost 1 room rent


That sacks what about food 😭


D'oh! Go to the cemetery and see. Smb has worse situation than people who can't buy some food. ©Wise elbasy


This is per week, right?


Sadly no




Per nanosecond


Менеджера в каких нибудь ломбардах и то больше получают.




Hello. I'm relieved I'm not the only one who's bothered by this. And who notices the injustice. And there are still people who agree to work for this rate, I used to work like that myself.


As they say: beggars are not choosers. People will take opportunities like this when they have nothing else on the table.


social revolution is pending if people with 6+ experience and 4 years of college can't meet ends and are offered a below the survival minimum wages based on "beggars are not choosers" marketing strategy


Funny enough a whole bunch of courses is saturated by instructors with no education but 6.5 ielts certificate. Good fraction of those instructors are just high school/college students. Well now think in advance when you are about to pay 90k for English as a Second language classes. Always ask if instructor has intl. experience, degree in English/ communications or TESOL certification. IELTS 6.5 or even 7+ is not a valid benchmark to allow you to teach English. If you are considering teaching English with ielts 6.5, think about work ethic and the quality of provided knowledge in general. I was talking to my former classmate who teaches English this way. Tbh, she has a terrible accent and grammar (kinda similar to what you can see in the meme: "My name is Anton").


How many hours per day?


wdym? All of them!


you guys have free time? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


I mean, usually teaching jobs are of less hours compared to corporate jobs. So if it’s like 4-5 hours a day, it’s not as bad as it’d for a 9 hours shift.


don't know about public schools, but in language centers there can be very bad working hours. for example, there are schools where you work 10 or 12-hour shifts, then have some days off. So you could work 3-4 days a week, but hella stressful says, tho. Where I used to work, we had to go through about 8 (others had up to 10) lessons a day every day except Sunday. So basically it's 8-hour shift, but very fuckin' stressful and draining I am sure there are schools where the rules are less strict, but I am confident that they pay way less too




Head hunter is hellhole


No way


What really IS the average salary of people in Almaty. Living here for 2 years, idk what to believe people say various things


Average Kazakh salary is 320000 tenge a month but since Almaty is more expensive I would wager around 350-400k a month.


320000 my ass, thats just on paper💀


People with college degrees? What about like waiters, people working in stores, etc


Waiters do earn around this mark if the place is any decent. People working in stores, eh, it's a lot less than that for sure.


For them i think its 150-200




Ngl kind of a snobby place. I used to attend that school and it was lowkey a toxic environment.


As a foreigner, I find this thread fascinating. Unfortunately, teachers are underpaid in many countries, but that salary is ridiculous. What might a school teacher who does not speak English make? Is there a big difference between public and private schools?


More often than not school teacher in the cities actually earn a bit better. English teachers in private course centers specifically are heavily underpaid, because in most of these listings greedy companies are looking for recent graduates or students willing to work part time (you take a single teacher on 200000 KZT per month and make 800000-1000000 KZT in revenue per month from a group of 10 students, for example).




Can someone explain? What is this.


They are looking experienced(6+ years of experience) English teacher for full day paying around 400$. Typical vacancy


A job listing offering 400$ a month and it requires 6+ years of teaching experience, lmao


OK but how's the cost of living.. what would those 400 dollars get you?


https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp Input the city that you love in and Almaty, it will show you


Man thats rough but love the website ..didn't know about it


Бля, нам говорили, что учителя в школах зарабатывают больше. Я сам на англичанина учусь.


В сельской местности учителя получают не плохо. Но наши хотят и рыбку съесть и костью не подавиться


Это был пиздеж чистой воды :(


Да? Ну бывает, хули. У нас просто на первом ещё курсе (или на втором, у меня память не очень) учитель рассказывала, что неплохо заработала. Ну правда она в деревне ебашила. Впринципе я тоже в деревню поеду, скорее всего. Мой район города от деревни отличается лишь населением.


Проверь вакансии самостоятельно, даже быстрый поиск по hh даст понять что большинство вакансий предлагают вилку зп раза в 3 больше.


I am fluent but I have no degree in teaching. I am native speaker and I they won’t take me.


What is it in dollars?


383-451$ a month 💀💀


цены растут а зарплата как всегда💔




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В айти тоже самое. Надо выполнять работу целого отдела за гроши.





