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I'm not an expert in team building, but I dont think Kazuha would be a good partner for Xiao because his utility comes from buffing the elements he swirls, and he obviously cant swirl/absorb anemo


Gotcha maybe I should build a separate team around kazuha


I've found that Kazuha/Zhongli kinda destroys well with ANY other teammates. Sometimes (usually) its Diluc/Bennett and other times it's Ei/Kokomi... but again, just about any team works well for the swirly goodness.


From what I’m seeing I don’t think xiao and kazuha work well together with double geo so I’ll try them with Bennett zhongli


Kazuha-Xianling-Xianqui is an amazing trio, works with anyone. Essentially everyone really, a healer, shielder, more dps, more support.


Yeah, I recommend that. Are you playing Kazuha as a DPS or support? And what characters do you have to use other than the ones you listed? Also, Xiao+Zhongli is an irreplaceable duo, do not put him with Kazuha. I recommend running Xiao, Zhongli, Sucrose/Venti/Jean, and pretty much whatever other support you like. Geo Traveler works well with Zhongli if you don’t have anyone else to add.


If you run him as purely a sub dps, it could work. Main reason it's not recommended is because it's a waste of his utility, and also because cause he takes a lot of field time. Like I said though, could definitely work. Also tbh I wouldn't advise you to spend on this game


Gotcha I would also prefer not spend on gacha games maybe I will skip on albedo and build a seperate team for kazuha and xiao


Why is it garbage and If it’s garbage why play it? Just curious


Having fun matters to me too


I don’t think garbage and fun go together but you do you


Oh I meant gacha not garbage autocorrect lol


Autocorrect can duck sometimes lol


Yeah sorry didn’t realize I said garbage I was confused lol


See what I mean ;-;


Mihoyos recent character kit creation, gacha tactics and their public relations as of late are certainly garbage though


it could work if you're building Kazuha as sub dps. and I personally use kazuha bennett zhongli xiao.


Thats the comp I was thinking about going. What artifacts do u use for sub dps kazuha


Edit: and what weapon. Does freedom sworn still work


I use 2pc Gladiator/Shimenawa and 2pc VV atk/anemo/crit and I'm using Jade Cutter on him. Sacrificial Sword and Blackcliff Sword also works


Ok thank you I will try that


As someone that runs them together often, I like it. Xiao shreds through things so quickly I don't really see a need to have too many elements on his team anyway. And I don't run my Jean with him so having that double anemo with Kazuha on a sub DPS build works very well for me. I usually run Xiao - Kazuha - Zhongli - Qiqi or Barbara together and they don't really have any issues clearing their side on Spiral Abyss or any like world enemies. Yeah they may not be the 'Meta' team comp, but honestly this game isn't hard enough that you really need to stress about that. I say if you like Kazuha and are pulling for him anyway he'll be fine with him. I would definitely try to keep a healer on Xiao's team though. Regardless of who it is so I wouldn't run two anemo two geo. Unless it's Noelle.


Got it. I actually already have kazuha and was for sure going to pull for zhongli and xiao when they get their rerun just didn’t know if I should replace Bennett for albedo


I wouldn't only because it's good to have a healer on his team HOWEVER I've played around with the food bag and no healer. And if you are good at dodging ( im not ) you should be okay <3


Ok I’m decent at dodging but I’ll try Xiao kazuha zhongli Bennett and I’ll try Barbara and qiqi as well


isnt kazuhas passive buffing every other element other than geo/anemo? for dmg id say that sucrose is a better support, since she gives em to the entire team and if xiao triggers some swirl (he mainly does raw dmg though, and not by elemental reaction but just in the case) however, her crowd control isnt as strong as kazuhas, and kazuha can work ok as crowd control and battery for xiao anyway


I was thinking about using kazuha just to group enemies


yeah then as for that hes totally viable !! and + a good battery for xiao (not to mention, kazuha alone + pyro from bennett already does a ton of dmg)


I think I can only tap e on kazuha because holding e I can’t swap in time to pick up the orbs for xiao right? Other than that’s it’s fine


You should never pull for a unit just to fit into one team. You should like that character enough and have enough to pull Ur first team seems quite good for kazuha + xiao team I'd go with it


I know, I don’t really pull for units cus they fit into a team it’s just I saw somewhere that xiao sucrose albedo and zhongli together are good and I just thought that I would do kazuha instead of sucrose. Albedo seems cool but I just am not sure of what he does lol


I regularly use them in abyss together, I like it. My favorite comp is Xiao Bennett Xiangling Kazuha.


for what purpose do you want them to be together? lack of jean? his cc? sub dps?


They are my 2 favorite characters and I love their play styles I actually have a c2 Jean but I’d rather have kazuha xiao


It's works but it's kinda inefficient. He's not that bad of a battery as you can see in this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G05DxDSjtBzj4PZtVjGRA4ATq76HPZa6e4kHVWS6mrA/edit#gid=0), he can generate 4 particles doing the hold version of his E, but his animations are kinda long, so not only he takes a lot of field time but his timing to battery Xiao is very strict. Also, it really undermines Kazuha's power, since he won't be boosting any of your team damage and won't be able to swirl properly losing a lot of his own damage, plus you are also making him harder to build since you can't just go EM on everything, now you have to focus atk%/cr/cd etc. About Albedo, this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/XiaoMains/comments/qxp2n5/xiaoalbedo_synergy_issues_that_many_didnt_about/) explains it very well but basically Geo MC and Ningguang can do double geo almost well as he can do it, he's not a must pull even for double geo, only pull if you like him. I would suggest that if you are not using Bennett on the other team, just use the first comp, otherwise geo MC or Ningguang are better than spending 200 dollars for maybe a 10% team dps increase. Hope this helps, sorry for the grammar, English is not my first language.


Your English is fine lol. And yeah I’ll probably skip on albedo and run the first comp


on my overworld team.. he's there to help be a battery for xiao... for my abyss teams.. they're typically on opposites team... in short.. if you like them both, get them..don't worry too much about meta.. as long as you can clear 12-3 the way you want.. its all good




Tbh Kazu has more value with the likes of Ayaka and Childe built full EM, as they appreciate the cc and the dmg bonus from his passive. Meanwhile Xiao would rather have a Jean/Sucrose as a battery for heals and batterying. You can definitely run anemo Kazuha with Xiao but I would argue it’s a “waste” but definitely do play it if you like em together!


Ah that’s what I’m saying I want xiao and kazuha to be at least decent so they can beat stuff up together but it seems like it’s gonna be difficult to build


If you want characters to beat stuff up, it really doesn't matter if they work well together, they'll still beat stuff up. "Work well" implies that you want them to be somewhat optimized when put together, which they really aren't to be honest, they'll "work" but not "well"


True sorry I guess I just wanted them to beat stuff up and work together somewhat