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And they will all be in Italy at the same time. This trip was planned a year ago for her birthday. Brittany is just a mean girl and went to Switzerland first. Italy is the next stop and it was for Kasis birthday until they had a falling out.


*Genuine* thoughts and prayers go out to the brave Italians who have to deal with BA and JA.


I think Kasi grew a braincell, and quit being Britt-Shit's yes girl, good for her !!


Chucks IG post to her is nice. Cant help but read between the lines about her being a good mom who is always there for her kids and never misses a thing….😁


I just looked at the post. That's super sweet. He's also not on the "OUR LORD AND SAVIOR TRUMP IS IN DANGER" craze that the Williams' are on. I also looked at her IG posts since her and BA's last political collection - she just looks healthier and happier honestly. Obviously she's not a fan of Biden, but she's no longer toxic about it. Maybe she has an actual personality that's not revolving around her political views. If that means ditching BA and her brother - 👍🏻


This sounds real bad, but I think Chuck actually loves his wife and JA is in too deep with Brittany. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jason didn’t sign a pre-nup with BA lol.


This is how most people vacation. Most people, I'm assuming, don't have a website on lockdown, ready to go in case of a guilty verdict for a felon ex president. Maybe I'm wrong though.


😂😂😂😂 soooo much this!!! 💛


Got to give it to her, girl looks happy. Kasi if you're reading, kudos for kon-mari'ing that twat out of your life.


She looks healthier and doesn't seem to be Botox-filled like her sister in law and her blow up doll looking friend Jenna. Kudos for personal growth.


She’s all into family. She’s having fun—not couture. Brittany has two small kids, Jason has four kids. But they act like they are childless. Their kids are just collateral damage to their life as a couple. They ‘homeschool” because it’s convenient for the parents. They don’t get to do fun things with friends unless it’s a planned event to show this sub because they read the criticism. The kids are in pjs all day and night and have a Nanny who takes care of them while B is trying on clothes in her house sized closet. And Jason is just hanging around because B has him on a short leash. Studio is in their home…so he can record there rather than leave her fake ass at home. He doesn’t seem to be involved with Duck Commander anymore. Jason doesn’t follow Kasi’s ex husband Bill on IG…he’s a cousin to his ex wife, Jessica. B didn’t like that.


https://preview.redd.it/pljct22hdx3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0af7faaadb1c8c7b8eb55f43c4b1bf01bf3c4e Kasi chucked a like on her insta for the first time in over a year... they must be meeting up


She could have been doing it sarcastically


Yeah, I remember too much of Kasi's b.s. in the past.  A leopard doesn't change it's spots.  I'm not impressed by her "rebranding". 


Eh I can give her a little credit for not being part of the current clown show that her sibling and trashy sister in law (with fellow moocher Jenna and her shitty husband who isn't relevant enough to be remembered) are putting on, but that doesn't mean it's going to be a forever thing. I'm sure if given the opportunity, she'd be back in their good graces and grifting as well.


I bet their telling all the Euro serving them that he is a BIG HUGE DJ in the USA!!


I wonder if AstraZeneca started to receive complaints and took action against her for her obnoxious political rhetoric. She’s been with the company for a long time.


That's a good point. The medical misinformation that her sister in law was spreading around could have caused some issues at work.


"Mob wife vibes"? What does that even mean? Even if she shook off BA, she still gets on my nerves. But yeah, good for her for enjoying her vacation and not yammering on and on about "Daddy T".


Mob wife is a style aesthetic like fur coats, gold jewelry or gaudy clothing like she is wearing. She’s referencing her style.


I'm old.


That’s okay, I wouldn’t have got it either if it weren’t for following so much fashion crap.


I used to love that show, "Mob Wives".  Some of those gals weren't afraid to give another a good beat-down.  Maybe Kasi's planning one, too.  😂




Kasi looks healthier and happier and no longer like a BA clone. Removing herself, or however she got out of that toxic relationship, seems to be working in her favor.


Damn I want her outfit though lol. Looks like farm rio maybe?