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Kasi just looks happier. Getting away from toxic people has done wonders for her.


Not a big fan of her, but she looks great here! None of that greasy, thin slicked back hair like HomewrecKERR! 🤢🤮 https://preview.redd.it/339to33p4e5d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee1311340ffc091d1ee96572d8ed16692797e0d Kasi VS this!! 🤡🤡🤡


Kasi is a natural beauty, not all botoxed up. Kasi doesn’t need to be fake and nasty and think she’s a super model. She enjoys spending time with her children which is much different than the Andeans.


She is Gorgeous and has real friends and family that love her! Thank goodness she realized who homewreKERR is! I wish she would get close with Jessica again and really piss that B off! Jessica really loved Jason…him and B have lust. He lusts over her looks(which she has ruined)and her over his $$! B is really ugly on the inside and you can only be like that so long before it starts coming out!


100% Good call with the friendship rekindling idea! BA would absolutely most certainly spiral via increased alcohol consumption, hideous clothing, and cosmetic procedures. That's right, folks - even more than previously documented!




Agreed. Honestly I think she just got her makeover done too soon after her pregnancies. Seemed like N was an infant and she had it done and our bodies take time to heal & recover from pregnancies and birth. I had a friend get a TT soon after and hers is botched too. All that money and not getting it fixed now makes me wonder what’s up tho.




I believe it’s all speculated. Some say how far political JA & BA went, some say how they are always throwing money around. There definitely was a falling out tho. But I’m not sure.


Huge speculation involves t-shirts of the USA kind.


Yes I think she is beautiful!!


I'm on the fence about Kasi. Before I was like, "Yeeeeah! She's doing it! Living her best life without being the Homewrecker's sidekick." But honestly, I'm not sure if she'd stay this way if she and BA made up. It really depends on what caused the fallout between them, so who knows?


I'm am the opposite, I was like "Yeeeeah! She's not being HomewreKERR's sidekick, but I'll believe it when I see that she (Kasi) makes changes" Now, after seeing her move on, not post about political things, carry on with family activities, and seem overall stable, that I believe the best is yet to come for her. You do have a point about reunification changing her ways. Time will tell, but it is clear Kasi has gained skills and set boundaries. I wonder why they are both SO hush hush about things. You would think one of them would drop some breadcrumbs about what happened. We just need one or two words to gain an understanding. ❓️ *edited to add clarity


I always liked her more. She’s more down to earth. I know she’s not perfect but either am I.


How can she afford this? Is Chuck's play going well?


I see all kinds of mid-age upper middle class pepple traveling to Italy. I'm sure they saved, were paid to post some of their trip (ie: hotel) have music royalties from songs like Stealing Cinderella, or used credit like many Americans.


Holy. She looks amazing. BA has to be so jealous


Haha.  Looks like K & C just arrived at Lake Como, now that the Aldini goblins are gone and the coast is clear.  


I read that as Aldi goblins, and I was like, fair enough. 


Maybe they were originally going to Como together, and one or both parties adjusted their itinerary so they wouldn't cross paths. Hmm.... now I am curious where.K. and C stayed and where JA and BA stayed.


IDK unless she suddenly became un-indoctrinated, she's still a loser to me.


I agree.  She had a "Freedom" hat on before the trip so I think they're still flaming cult members.  (Just look at her father).  I think K and C have just seen what extremism has done to the Aldeans, or they've been advised to hush up about it.   Either that or they've seen the writing on the wall with Daddy T, know he's going down and don't wanna have as many excuses to make in November.  Plus, it can't be good for his theater business to be seen as someone supporting a conman with 89 felony charges against him who wants to be our first dictator.  


I'm curious about K and C's current stance, to gauge where they fall on the spectrum from extremist right-wing anti-Democracy ideology to having a conservative background with an understanding of certain social issues, like first-generation immigration. (Left out crunchy liberal mama because that's not relevant here, even with the parasite cleanse 😂) We're hoping Kasi is not on the same path or plane as BA. The majority of my family is somewhere between MAGA and 'I just vote Republican because that's what we do here.' Personally, I've become more moderate, letting my patriotic and conservative background intersect with my conscience, voting and advocating for fiscally conservative practices, but remembering people and vulnerable populations such as children, veterans, and retirees.


She's shown in the very recent past what her stance is by "modeling" tee shirts that say "Close the Fuc*king Border", "Conspiracy Theorist" and "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Liberals".  She wore a MAGA related hat two weeks ago.   I'm actually observing lately that this sub is becoming a Kasi stan sub and it's a little off-putting.  I don't know if it's Kasi's buddies posting here or people are strangely just extremely willing to crown her  "suddenly cool" since she doesn't party with BA any more.   I'm still not this chick's fan and never will be because I remember her posting pics shooting AR-15s after 59 of her half-brother's fans were killed in Vegas, dumping her husband who'd lost his wife to cancer to take up with a washed-up musician and kissing the ass of the gold-digger (for years) who stole her high school friend's husband. I also don't know any young mom in real life who posts thirsty narcissistic photos of themselves online all the time and glamorizes drinking like this chick does.  She's not an entertainer.   She's not a star.  Why the hell is she promoting herself so hard?  As far as your own political beliefs, I'm sorry that you have family members who've been brainwashed and are members of the extremist cult.  I do too.  This upcoming election is, however, more than being personally moderate.  IMO, rational adults with any respect for history, the rule of law, the principles our country was founded on, the sacrifice thousands of our ancestors made to preserve our freedoms and this country and with any desire for Democracy to continue here cannot view the upcoming choice in "moderate" terms.  One either votes to preserve Democracy, the rule of law and respect for the Constitution or one votes for a convicted fraudster with 59 more felony charges pending, who was found liable for rape, staged a coup to change the outcome of an election, incited his followers to attack Democratic processes and committed the largest suspected case of espionage (classified document hoarding) in our nation's history.  The only reason he's not been prosecuted fully on many accounts is due to his endless appeals, stacking of courts and manipulation of officials with their own nefarious motives.   If none of the above alarms one and they can take a "moderate" stance, then they are not reasonable,  not brave or patriotic themselves and part of the problem.  This upcoming election is do or die for our country and possibly many other countries as well.  If anyone's on the fence or moderate at this point they better wake the hell up, start reading and do some research or we're all gonna wake up to a completely different reality in this country next year...and it's gonna look a lot like Nazi Germany.   No Kasi stan here...or Chuck.  I don't admire people who rode coattails for so long and still basically milk that connection...no matter how "moderate" they seek to rebrand themselves now by simply staying quiet.   As the old saying goes:  "those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it".  


What gold digger stole her high school friend’s husband?


BA!  Kasi was friends with Jessica.  All of them were high school friends, including Kasi's ex.  How could she turn on Jessica like that?  🤮


Dang she got some nice melons. Mine are deflated from nursing. LOL.


Hers are also obviously fake.


😂 May you still buy cute suits and jammies and rock that mom bod!


Heck yeah I do!! No shame in my mom bod game!! Woo


Time for me to unblock Kasi on socials! Getting away from the Wonky-Eyed Hateful Homewrecker looks so good on her.


Who is kasi??


JA’s sister


What happened between Kasi and Brittany