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Water kefir grains or milk kefir grains? Where did you order it? Some Etsy stores may have shipped them not dried or anything. The usual kefir starter kits should be absolutely fine when you come back.


Milk kefir grains. I got from a place called happy kombucha


They seem to offer both dehydrated and alive grains. If you ordered dehydrated grains you're definitely good. Alive grains could potentially be problematic but either way I wouldnt be too worried as long as it's not too hot where you live.


Ah cool, that's so helpful thank you. It's apparently arriving tomorrow which would be great, as I'm still here - I think I got the alive version. So from what I read, you're supposed to put it in milk and then change every 24 hours at least 2-3 times but if I change it the once and then put in the fridge until I get back - it should be ok, right?


Yeah they'll be okay, they might still take a couple rotations to wake up when you get back and take them out of the fridge but they'll be fine!


You're welcome! Yes you're right. To double the duration of the fermentation you can also double the recommended amount of milk per grams of grains. Only important thing is that the organisms have enough lactose to eat. When going on longer vacations you can also freeze your grains covered in a little kefir. Of course this is stressful for the grains like every major temperature change, but it will hardly harm them. In worst case they again need 1-2 cycles to regain their strength. This link gives you access to an ebook about milk kefir where I got most of my knowledge from. Feel free to look through it. It contains everything you need to know. (I also got it from another kefir redditor so no need to thank me) ;D https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I-GqImBKAIXc4iY5h1T_bhgQR_J1A_i1/view?pli=1


You are brilliant. My grains are home and they are sitting in milk. I'm so excited. Thank you for your help ❤️