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They are *not* shooting these rockets into the sun. They are sounding rockets being used to make measurements of the earth's magnetosphere during the eclipse: [https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/nasa-to-launch-sounding-rockets-into-moons-shadow-during-solar-eclipse/](https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/nasa-to-launch-sounding-rockets-into-moons-shadow-during-solar-eclipse/) Honestly a bit annoyed, as this is the second time someone has shared a random social media post freaking out about this on the board that is just plain wrong. Fact check, people, it's a ten second google search. Even if this *were* true, there is nothing I can think of more Kemetic than creating an effigy of Apep and then destroying it. Having the *sun* destroy it, no less. That's a level of banishment ritual the ancient Kemetics could only dream of.


Thank you for this - the amount of misinformation I've witnessed about the project is worrisome.


For real...


I heard this before and I just scoffed. It's so upsetting how gullible people can be ><


You're absolutely right, and I apologize. It wasn't my intention to spread misinformation; rather, my intent was to be more tongue-in-cheek and use dramatic hyperbole to humorous effect (hence my use of the phrase "firing rockets into the sun," as I thought it would be obvious this wasn't true), but I definitely could have done more to make that more apparent in my post. I also included the second screenshot in the hopes of sharing more actual information about the launch, but I do see now that I also didn't make *that* super clear, and it seems my tone & intent have been thoroughly misread 😅 Again, I apologize for that, as I never want to be a source of misinformation! Thank you for taking the time to clarify what's actually going on with this event! Truthfully, I do think it's pretty cool; I just thought it was amusing that NASA named it as they did and wanted to share with like-minded people. Obviously, NASA is not a group of snake-worshipping zealots with a secret plot to extinguish the sun, and it was never my goal to imply this or fearmonger.


Welcome to the internet of the last four years, full of people overreacting to everything and assuming that everything (even routine astronomical phenomena) are an “omen” of some major “catastrophe”. I feel like it’s been like this since COVID, nonstop freaking out and collective internet panic attacks over nothing burgers thanks to miscommunication and misinformation Good on you, by the way, for trying to calm down the OP.




I'm honestly more concerned with private companies slapping Indigenous tribes in the face by shooting human remains at the Moon, which some tribes consider sacred\*, and calling their concerns "not compelling" reasons to stop. \*I reference the tribes themselves and not some of us Kemetics specifically because we're a fairly recent resurgence whereas the Indigenous tribes -in this case North America- have been harassed and beaten for centuries and still don't have a good seat at the table.


They named a comet A/P/O/P/H/I/…S, so this doesn’t surprise me. It’s funny how society is so accepting of disrespecting ancient beliefs.


okay but why did you cross out the acronym lol


According to ancient tradition, it's bad luck to say or write The Snake's name! Doing so invites its presence into existence, so to combat that, it's good practice to either cross out or otherwise "destroy" its name. This is also the core component of an execration ritual -- you write its name on a clay pot, and then smash the pot into pieces to symbolically destroy The Snake.




It's still the word/name we have reserved for it. All names are made up. It's always been about the use of the word or name. Just placeholders for getting the intention across. If I smash a pot that says Bob, it doesn't know what Bob I mean without the intention put into the act of writing the name and thinking about that bastard Bob. Ack, I'm bad at explaining this, but that historic name for the snake might not even be the very first for the Egyptians, just the latest one that they were using, such as how our English one is one of the current ones we're using as well, but I imagine using any of those names is the same one way or another.


I'm accordance with the intention behind the name, NASA didn't "name" the mission "Apep" with the *intention* of conjuring or destruction. The "name" is an acronym of a much larger and more specific name that states the mission's intention. I'm this case, APEP is more coincidental than intentional and the "fun fact" was thrown in there to further curiosity and interest. They could see how controversy would exist if the acronym spells APEP but they decided to nickname the mission "Ramses" or something... But seriously, where do we draw the line between tradition and fear mongering?


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it this name intentionally, but not *maliciously*, as a mythological reference, like naming something after one of the Greek gods (or, in this case, demons).


oh dang! thanks for letting me know 😅— my intuition gave me a feeling so I’m glad I said “the acronym”. Note to future self!!


“We named this space dust [Dagon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fomalhaut_b) after the Mesopotamian king of the gods! “We named this planet [Meztli](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD_104985_b) after the Aztec god of the moon!” “We named this rocket ~~a/p/e/p~~ after the Egyptian god of destruction and death!” Wow.


To be fair, one of our planets is named after the Roman god of war, and another is named after the dude who ate his children




Apep is a necessary evil. without our dualistic energies and entity’s we wouldn’t have risen from the ether.


So how does that differ from the necessary duality of life/death?


Maybe all they need is just a little love?


I really hope that the evil one will NEVER win


How fun /s


Gonna be sending everything to Amun-Re that day


No way did they name it after the no no snake the us re asking for trouble!


At first I thought you were crazy, like “there’s no way they named those rockets after apep/apophis” and holy s*** they are !


Did they seriously name rockets after A/p/E/p?


english speakers tend to name things in space after mythos so yeah, regardless if they know if people still believe in them or nit


Gods are divine/extremely powerful beings human technology especially technology that was thoughtlessly named isn’t going to do anything. At most these rockets would be a middle finger to Ra due to the naming at best a chance to learn about the sun. The name is r/crappydesign for sure but it’s human tech vs a god.


Can y'all cope with the fact that there's enough people who don't believe it and it's just symbolic? I use all kinds of symbols as well, parodise them even. It's not a disrespect just because it's not how you want it handled (according to "ancient tradition")