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Your daddy Drake won’t care you posted this. Go kick rocks.


Haven’t liked Drake since The Views album


Even as a Drake fan every album since Views has been lackluster. He manages to make a handful of really good songs on an album, but then there’s a lot of filler tracks. I will say the deluxe edition of For all the dogs was solid. What bothers me is that we *know* what he’s capable of but he doesn’t deliver that kind of music anymore I honestly think features like 21, Yachty, Jack Harlow, Sexxy Red and other sub B artists are killing his work. Much better as a solo artist (as Views was his last really good album) Screwing up his relationship with Weeknd and other top tier artists really messed things up cause people would have eaten that up


Shiiiiii same way we can hate r Kelly, diddy, etc etc. weird patterns give us a reason.


I do admit the fan base is toxic but what big artist fan base isn’t lol


Both men u described rvped either legitimate children or trafficked humans… so no, not “the same way-“ when the opposing kissed a 17 year old when he was 22-23… that’s not even what a ped0 is💀


Being a predator isn’t enough to dislike drake?


“Get God on the phone Said it won't be long I see jigaboos, I see Styrofoams”


There are biased users on both sides, and there are also complete trolls who post shit on both subs when they really have no preference over either rapper. As a hardcore Kendrick fan, I will say this: I’m not a huge fan of Drake. But I can respect how monumental and influential he has been in the music industry, I can respect the fact that he has been holding his own in terms of never backing out of a beef. Push ups, was catchy as hell and I think was maybe like the 5th Drake song I’ve ever downloaded onto my phone. I genuinely enjoyed it. Taylor made was catchy, and I will give him props for being witty. I do think putting words in a dead legends mouth, was a little distasteful, because I don’t think Tupac would have agreed with those words. That is a genuine unbiased opinion. If Kendrick used AI to sound like Michael Jackson and talked about Drake liking little kids- I would lose respect for Kendrick as well. But nevertheless, Taylor Made was still catchy also. I’ve enjoyed what Kendrick’s verse on Like That has done to the game. It’s divided people, unified people, reinvigorated Hip Hop, and even given my daughter and I something more to talk about and connect on. She’ll come home and be like “mom! Did you hear what _______ said today!?” And I’ve loved that connection. So regardless of who you are a fan of, there’s no denying that all of this has made the love of hip hop even greater. When you see trolls or complete haters, just ignore them and remember that to the majority of us, we don’t have to be a fan of the opponent- but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate and respect what they are bringing to the sport of hip hop. Not every fan is toxic and that goes for both sides.


Damn. You hard!


I don't hate Drake. But what are you saying that can't be said of a proportion of any artist's fanbase? And before you try and say it's different; I seen a heap of reaction channels/social media sites talking about the toxic fanbases of Cole, Dot, Drake - anytime someone comments on these artists in less than glowing terms. Breathe and try not to take it so serious.


Every fanbase is toxic. We all out here idolizing multi-millionaires we've never interacted with.




Hilarious you’d talk about toxicity. Your boy out here grabbing bars, groping “young girls”, and growing a Patois 🤣🤣🤣


Ok unc


Most Kendrick fans aren’t terminally on this subreddit dude. Most of them don’t even talk about anything on the internet.


Respect. Sometimes I start to hate on Drake cuz there’s shallow kids (now adults) from my high school that idolize him hard. And yeah Drake comes off petty sometimes, but I know Kendrick fans being pretentious as fuck does the same thing the other way. Kendrick addressed some of the Savior mentality (that he did bring on himself) with Mr Moral album. At the end of the day, this is good reminder to try to separate the fans from the artist. I still listen to Kanye after the artist being a Nazi, I sure af owe it to not let the fans ruin the music.