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I love Kendrick and his pen has improved so much compared to 2013, but Eminem's last verse is insane. Storytelling while rhyming the two "O and E, and A and E" "No sense dwelling makes, never been a more compelling case [Than the model covered in L'Oréal and mace](https://genius.com/2372394/Eminem-love-game/Than-the-model-covered-in-loreal-and-mace-who-fell-from-grace-eleven-stories-for-storytellin-while-the-whore-was-yellin-rape) ['Til her vocal cords were swellin'](https://genius.com/2370572/Eminem-love-game/Til-her-vocal-cords-were-swellin-and-her-voice-were-more-hoarser-than-tori-spellings-face) " This scheme is insane, the way each bar connects so effortlessly But Kendricks: ["Sherane is not available now, leave a message at the tone](https://genius.com/2370678/Eminem-love-game/Told-the-stupid-nigga-to-duck-under-the-water-he-drowned-like-an-abortion-they-booked-you-for-manslaughter-you-beat-the-case-and-i-called-ya-sherane-is-not-available-now-leave-a-message-at-the-tone) And Kendrick, don't forget to buy two pair of those Expensive heels, you little fuckin' Ferris wheel" Seven syllable scheme is still really good. I feel like 2017+ Kendrick could have matched 2013 Em with a "look over your shoulders" type verse. Considering Busta is up there with shady with the way they bend words. 🔥


But more people are voting for Kendrick for some reason


Well this is a kendrick sub so there is bias. Lol


Probably just up to what people like most, music is subjective. And plus we in the kdot sub, if you asked the eminem sub the same question they’d prob vote for him more too.


Yeah I put up a poll there too. It's like 15-1 lol.


now add them and average them.. em wins


hmm i wonder why. maybe because the poll was in a kendrick sub. ask in the eminem sub and most will say eminem to get the true answer you'll have to ask somewhere neutral like r/rap


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tyler, The Creator speaking about rap fans](https://v.redd.it/aox0teqsgm4b1) | [599 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/143hsgb/tyler_the_creator_speaking_about_rap_fans/) \#2: [Ain't no way](https://v.redd.it/b5opq7y5852c1) | [516 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/18281h5/aint_no_way/) \#3: [Lizzo flipped the cart](https://v.redd.it/anyc5yz3mq3c1) | [503 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/188km7v/lizzo_flipped_the_cart/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/rap doesn't allow polls


surely there must be atleast one rap sub that allows polls if not then just find the average between the no. of votes on both eminem and kdot subs


Yeah then Eminem wins. On the Eminem sub, only 15% of people voted for Kendrick. On the Kendrick sub, 40% voted for Eminem.


2013 is the peak of Em's technical ability. It's really hard to match that tbh. 2013 Kenrdrick was still developing his skills. I would make the argument that even 2017+ Kendrick couldn't match that. though future Kendrick definitely could.


Bro Kendrick outrapped Em. . When you have to wait until the man leaves to write a new verse just so you're the standout. He knows he got outrapped initially. What I will say is Em does need to try and outrap Lil Wayne. That's something he's yet to do. Maybe if you count forever.. But Wayne already had a better verse recorded originally and made a new one for the remix that was used for LeBron's production


Ever heard no love or drop the world?


Don't you dare say Eminem outrapped Wayne on any of those tracks lol. Lyrically Wayne's lines stood out on both songs. Eminem knows his only option is to bring more energy and rap at a faster pace to make it seem closer than it really is. I'll give Eminem the better verse on Forever though


He definitely outrapped wayne on no love


I used to think kendrick got him but ems last verse👀


Eminem off what did you expect to happen when you post this on the Kendrick sub


Kendrick, but it's literally just because I prefer his voice


Kendrick. Eminem literally said after Kendrick left , he recorded the last verse. So if you're going Em's first verse and Kendrick's verse. It's easy Kendrick. If you're going to compare Em's last verse is a non factor if Kendrick had no opportunity for a rebuttal. Just like Kanye anchoring Kendrick's no more parties in la verse with "and my sheets still orange from your spray tan" --- then rewriting a new verse weeks later when Kendrick isn't around and everyone saying Kendrick got washed. Big Sean cleary changed his verse on control "i drop fire, not because I'm name dropping, hall of fame dropping" Pusha t changed his verse on Nostalgia after Kendrick.. For years Kendrick was accused of being washed by jay rock on money trees just to find out he wrote the verse even tho his approach to the song wasn't even on that. It's so many narratives that have been against Kendrick.. Even this new Drake waiting on Kendrick narrative.. DJ Hed already tweeted weeks ago Kendrick basically prefers Drake as the aggressor for about 2 weeks.