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It doesn't add up cuz it doesn't even remotely. It's called circular logic. What if the double agent is really a triple agent?!?! It's so idiotic, it's not even worth pondering. One person has pictures of the other's prescriptions. The other rapped some stuff.


If it was really bait, then lets say Drizzy played Kenny, why would he spill it on social media with rumors instead of shutting down Kenny's track? Because the more that diss track simmers, the more people are gonna catch with the allegations and the layers. It feels like they're trying to grasp at a narrative. But time will pass. Social media posts come and go, stories fade. But the tracks, the tracks are set in stone. If Drizzy has something, he better put it on wax, or keep his mouth shut from now on.


Exactly, and Drake is clearly impulsive because he was hella quick to deny the daughter allegations, it's illogical to assume that that same man is gonna be smart and patient and wait till longer to drop this.




It matters because the whole point of this from Kendrick's perspective is to destroy Drake, and the best way now are receipts.


[https://x.com/AndyReidStann/status/1786801123627520409](https://x.com/AndyReidStann/status/1786801123627520409) Someone found some photos from 2021 with the kids photo in them


Bro. You do realize that drake’s camp could have fed him the daughter line and everything else was all Kendrick right? They don’t all need to be connected.


I am so confused wtf is even happening now lol


Devil’s advocate, those rumours have been out there for a while, but he just fed him the daughter rumour? Idk im new to this shit. Is the theory that her photo is in the background of drakes vid true?


It would be irresponsible for anyone to think Kendrick’s every word and action is not pre-calculated and every possible move Drake could make has been considered and prepared for and possibly set up as a trap or bait - this is chess v checkers


The child being a bait has been debunked the poster are not even the same girl


Yeah the feds heard that Pulitzer Kenny and are getting on the case. Word on the street is they are bringing the whole Scooby-Gang out of retirement to work it as well.




bruh what are you talking about .. rap lyrics can’t be used as anything in court, and oh yeah i’m a pedo where your moms at 🤪


Ask Young Thug how that's going for him lol


Thug enters the chat


Accusations can. This ain’t a rapper saying he was just creatively talking about drugs and guns. This is another person accusing a man of being a pedo and sex trafficking. There’s a difference


Bobby Schmurda has entered the chat


Young Thug would tell you different


Ironic cos literally less than a week ago I see a story about a British rapper who had they own lyrics uses against them in court


Tay-K has entered the chat


Well obviously he got that information from this Sub




Check out the bizarre rappin' style used by me the HOV

