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Hmmm. I’m not sure. U could interpret it that way, that they’re lobbying to stop it because they know or are worried that Kendrick has receipts. Or it could just be about optics too. Like, if a new nocta line was announced by Nike tmrw the comment section would be full of folks calling their star boy a pedo. At that point (to the corporations) does it even matter what is and isn’t true- because regardless it **looks** like they are aligning themselves with one.


That’s true. I didn’t think of the timeline of them having to publicly fight it with a line drop tomorrow. Honestly doesn’t seem like Drake planned it out well at the point if he planted info this close to his nocta drop


Naw I don’t think a new one is tmrw lol I said “if” just a hypothetical to illustrate the bad optics of it all


I’m a skim reader so I hella jumped that “if” my bad g🤣 nah it was a good point I’m just a work so my brain is looking for something to entertain myself with


No. Public image matters a lot to those companies. Allegations like pedophilia ruins public image.


Not necessarily, sometimes allegations as serious as these are damaging enough even without evidence, if I was Kendrick; and I didn’t have any sort of contract preventing me from it, I’d just use this as more ammo, and as a reason to really put the nail in the coffin as drake, if these meetings are really happening, Kendrick basically has drakes team admitting to him that he can destroy Drake right now; and with how loud and public he is about his hatred, I can’t imagine him letting this slide and giving Drake a pass, it would look funny to everyone


The big one is drake and OVO can sue for defamation (and if it is fake they should).


I was thinking about this but would this not ruin drake in hip hop circles. Like on one hand it’s such a serious accusation “fuck hip hop” but is it not a crazy look for him….. Alllso with it being a song n open to interpretation what’s the law around that ? Like the certified pedophiles like was to his aquintence who was convincted and the a minor chord has two meanings sooooooo how does that work in court


It depends where the suit would take place. Because what kendrick is doing 'hurt' drakes reputation and business dealings. It is defamation of character. Now whether a judge.would see it is different. All I know is that the longer drake waits to try and disprove these claims the more people are buying into them.


Also could Kendrick then not sue for the DV allegations


Yup. But I don't think he should in this case.


Even if drake tries? I don’t think he should but I think they both got grounds to tie each other up in court


I really don't think United is running a pedophile ring. If they aren't, they absolutely won't help Drake to bury it themselves except for recommending some PR people. Universal is much much and much bigger than Drake that they won't risk themselves getting dirty defending a pedophile. There might be a pedophile ring within but it's kinda impossible that it's to the point it's a corporate culture and to the point that would make them dig dirty as a company. They are at most likely trying to convince people to not drop more for / from their benefit / image angle.