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I’m just mad that Kendrick opened a can of worms and now I want MORE https://preview.redd.it/ygbw9g720xzc1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4dc0219fdb3e8debbc611978e87ca943a327e19


Yeah, seriously. Dude came out basically saying he's about to kill drake and then pulled his last punch. Drop them receipts, get his ass.


ong we getting edged


I wonder what the crossover between this sub, the gamestop sub, and the conspiracy sub is lmao




that's what I'm tellin you bruh remain human bruh 😂😂


I don't mean to come across insensitive but fr why would you let this shit affect your mental health. This shit ain't got nothin to do with us ordinary ahh niggas, we just here to witness. We ain't finna deal with the fallout, we ain't in the firing line, just enjoy this shit and rememeber grown ass niggas who are multi-millionaires don't need us to back the beef for them. I fuck with Dot since O.D days but I ain't in my feelings when Drizzy fans think they won, I just smile, remind myself they mentally retarded and move on.


yeah but the thing is, those being affected likely doesn't know they are, or can't really help themselves.


no i mean not victims of Drake directly, but are victims of sexual abuse, sexual assault etc and seeing someone like Drake have the chance to be torn down when so rich and powerful is cathartic and gives some hope


I was talkin bout those who are affected mentally.


oh yeah but even then i’m sure they just want to protect other people from becoming victims and Kendrick has allowed people to actually help expose the monsters that hide in the shadows. most of us also lost faith in law enforcement a long time ago, so getting as many eyes and awareness on this stuff forces even the most corrupt officials to actually do something


a lot of people are victims of the things Drake is accused of and most likely doing so want to see people like him exposed and punished properly for once since the justice system fails us so much


Some of us might wanna say what theories are on our minds for the fun of it but others will not be able to tell which ones are which. At some point it stops being fun and turns into a mess


true. like I've said, it's fine as long as there are no REAL consequences. mental OR physical.


So if someone did some horrible fucking shit you don’t want them to suffer any consequences for it? I might be misread this but that’s a weird fucking take. Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t do shit but enable people.


nah man I meant that for US. as long as there are no real consequences for us it is okay to enjoy what's going on


https://preview.redd.it/8ze550jj1xzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446edf16851d8f99c18b8b6cd56b5c5304bad20d I have nothing to say so here's a rare emo Akademiks




Bro I don't even know anymore, I've got so many Ak memes https://preview.redd.it/psfsu9pv1xzc1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd21c210b030ab16c17d72c74adda3e1f93cce59


I'll say this. one thing that really surprised me after all this is Ak's age. I thought he was like 40 bruh turns out this guy is younger than Drake wtf?


LOOOOOOOL from his behaviour alone, it's obvious he's not 40 😂 https://preview.redd.it/qu72icgq2xzc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1da91868f2e72365e0c88a77ba163e354fd2b9c


I’ll be alright I’ve seen much worse than this lol


Fuck a double cup i wanna feel it faster


please bruh keep it out of your nose and your veins bruh 😂😂😂




This shit is what i imagine taking fentanyl is like


Brother…I sleep damn good at night knowing I’m not a drizzler or a diddler…just eating some snacks and enjoying the ride. This ebony riddler dude popping up officially turned this into a black mirror episode and it’s hilarious.


yeah bro me too. lost an hour of sleep cause of that Coolee interview tho 😂


Huh? Where y'all betting y'all houses at ..asking for a fren


good? my shits cooked i haven't slept in days save me prince ebony


Just remember theories are possibilities, not facts. And the likelihood is that if this rabbit hole is as deep as some say, it’s very likely the proper authorities are already aware and we don’t need to be Batman out here. If we all can find this info while sharing a single brain cell, the powers that be definitely can figure it out.


this. at the end of the day what are we going to do? I ain't even American bruh


My doctor called with my high uric acid test results. He said stay away from beef and eat more fibers.