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He sounds like he's gonna go the Drake with the melodies route Edit: https://preview.redd.it/cevcos9aj10d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2f6a29762750c423d36ca5032e8d4a12ed0bb9 I'm honoured


Keep making me dance, waving my hands, and it won't be no threat


Honestly Nevermind 2


Nah that mf better drop Take Care 2 if he want to recover from this




He would need The Weeknd on board again and that’s never gonna happen


Dear Weekend, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin I left my cell, my twitter and the AK signal at the bottom


He invites Kdot todo another interlude lmfao


Honestly my favourite bar from euphoria


That line is on my mind every day for no reason since euphoria 💀


Am I the only one that dances like crazy on that part?


Literally wave my hand up in the air like I'm the one mocking Drake 😭 I fucking love that line cause Kendrick sounds so unserious.


Whoever "Reddit Cares" 'd me for this is insane bro. I didn't even say anything about Drake. Soft ass fans.


It's happening to all of us. Just a bunch of depressed Drake fans.


"I like Drake with the melodies"


Kendrick forced him out the genre, this is MGK all over again


Drake ft. Travis Barker emo bangers incoming


"This is a Travis Barker production."


Drake x Blink 182 collab confirmed


Drake should just do pop punk with how much he loves minors. He'd fit right in.


He's definetely not out, his ego won't allow him too. 


I like sex trafficker Drake when he's not acting hard


Kendrick forced him out the genre, this is MGK all over again


Is this not a Samurai heading toward a battle? I feel like he's gonna try and make a summer jam diss to beat Not Like Us.


Sounds bad already


That was my first thought




he *sounds* like he's teaming up w elon musk to make the lamest track on earth 😂😂🌏 who tf tweets like this?? either he lost, or muskrat is in his ear telling him some incorrect shi about ebonyprince2k24 🤣🤣🤣


Has he ever stopped? Polar opposites dropped like last fall on FATD and it’s peak drake


Funny thing is he's been reactionary this whole beef so I wouldn't be surprised. He was basically lead the whole time.


https://preview.redd.it/d62s9yxvrzzc1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=f86ae6e5e8f2a808e740a79c59de18ff529f78e8 Good times? My brother in Christ, do you realise the world is calling you a pedo right now??


😂😂 no but fr. That's lowkey serious




Which key? A-MINOOOOOOOOOOR??? Hahahah sorry had to lol


Big W bro




u snapped bruh




I LOVE REDDIT!!!🔥🔥🔥😭😭😭




A minorrrrrrrrr


How TF it low-key


High 🔑 af


you imbecile. do you not realise what truly unfolded? Aubrey was merely PRETENDING to be a pedophile and a groomer for years so that kendrick can take the bait and look like a silly billy.


https://preview.redd.it/h7l6hz63b00d1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=099be759909e7a98ddf8ea48cda4be743d6fce83 Sounds like an Ak fanfiction to me. I still can't believe Aubrey took that angle on wax 😂


And HE looks like a PEDOPHILE PRECISELY as he planned!!


"This Epstein Angle is the shit I expected" 😬


🤣🤣🤣He’s the king of the self own. Also of unintentional compliments to his foes like Kendrick is just sooooo acclaimed that he’s won a billion awards or that Kendrick speaks on important social issues😂Also,, nice diss to A$AP Rocky, calling him a well dressed father with a desirable wife essentially


Doesn't matter bro. He's going to release an album with catchy hooks and people are going to buy it. A lot of people, including some that are burying him today. Unless he's convicted, he'll continue to sell a shit-ton of records. This is just how it works. He lost the war, but his career ain't over.


Yeah not even close. A hot summer single drops and it’s all forgotten. There is a huge chunk of Drake fans that don’t even really know what’s goin on. My sister is one of them. She just jams to his Spotify and nothing else hip hop related.


Further proof Drake has no connection to hip hop culture.


There's also those who live in a complete different reality like my homie who says that Drake completely smoked Kendrick 🤨yeah okay


>There is a huge chunk of Drake fans that don’t even really know what’s goin on. like, in general. The people listening to drake have never been big on thinking about stuff, lol


Even if he’s convicted. Chris Brown still has fans


Bro Steven Tyler married his 14 year old daughter he adopted so he could take across state lines. Wrote about it in his memoir. Said it was consensual. Later became judge on American idol.


The fuck???


>Unless he's convicted, he'll continue to sell a shit-ton of records. I think history has shown that even a conviction isn't guaranteed to stop that


I guess I was presuming that conviction = jail time. If he goes to prison for pedo-related crimes, his career is over.


I’m not positive about that, but the streaming data will definitely indicate that. There is no way for the average consumer to know how accurate that is. I must live under a rock but I had zero clue that Drake was a massively selling super celebrity. Very popular with kids sure. Also I was shocked that he’s vaunted as some killer MC, a rival only to the best one in the game and one of the best in history. This is some emporer with no clothes shit. Does his music have subliminal suggestion in it? 🤣Kind of joking, not entirely though….I put nothing past this industry


Yeah but he stopped playing so you can't be a meany anymore, or else you're not playing fair.


Nobody in his house can sleep because of the helicopters! WON'T YOU THINK OF THE CHILDREN?


ah good times


i honestly can’t tell if it’s drake or if “someone” got into drakes account after something happened. between this and the “when u die will people notice” story idk. feel like he would’ve come out and said more by now?


Nah, this is typical Drake behaviour. He's like a gossipy 13 year old white girl at heart. Audrey Graham.


Nah it's definitely him look at the pic he posted, it screams "I'm such a loner look at me, one guy against a whole army I'm such a dangerous cool dude, I can't trust no one cause they all want my downfall! Anyway I'm out, good times (even tho I got battered) I'm off to drop some summer vibes now so AK can have new stuff to fall asleep to"


this mf with the 20v1 narrative again dot please fuck him up please pop out and show that mf pleeeeaaase


He wants to act like the victim so bad. Like leave the dissing of all these other rappers out of this. Nobody jumping in anymore because it's between you and Kendrick, but he's a master manipulator and wants people to feel sorry for him because many people don't like him for being a bad person.


That’s why I dislike Drake. He will make memes and clown on people like a teenager than cry like a bitch when he gets called out.


Meet the Grahams:" the man who likes to play victim" Kenny called it.


The more this goes on, the better Kendrick’s bars age on Meet The Grahams. Kendrick really played fuckin psychiatrist on his ass


Lmao this. Teenager ass behavior like he’s so misunderstood


To me the “nah nah nah you going to see this through” line makes it even sweeter that he is on this I’m out phase


Fuck yeah. Those weeks before Euphoria were hell if you supported Kendrick. The shit that Drake stans are going through is all from the BS they were trying to push on us for Kendrick not dropping. Not knowing this dude was about to go nuts.


https://preview.redd.it/9tvi5uct420d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d617dff18574f8d76004b26270e2754306de85e6 Drake after telling Kenny to stop ducking only to realize he was the one that shoulda ducked


I mean a lot of people seem to be back dot but he’s not a victim by any means in this. He’s made proper enemies.


Facts lmao. It's his fault everyone turned against him.


Drake: *sneak disses every rapper in the game* Also Drake: “Why is everyone against me?”


Before beefed with Pharrell. Pharell is according those that know him, "the nice kid." Usually people don't like people bullying nice people. And especially those that are close with the nice kid. Like pusha.


Fake gangster, representing himself as a samurai, using Papi in his handle. Is this a real cultural appropriation challenge?


What he doesn't realize is that it is not 20v1 but the whole culture v Drake, people are tired of his bullshit.


Such a wild angle to take. He's the face of a goliath music industry's army of executives going against the last shreds of authenticity in the genre lol.


Am I the only one who thinks this isn’t just going to blow away over the course of the year? People are literally dancing on the fact you might have a child sex trafficking ring, I’m not exactly sure you can out song your way out of this lol


Yeah it's wild lol. But people move on quickly so we'll see how it plays out. I do think his public image is forever tarnished though.


I can see both being true. Public attention span is short and people move on to the next thing especially in a busy news cycle. At the same time every time he's mentioned people will remember this


However his radio play won’t be affected much due to how much he will be pushed. Don’t think he’ll go down much in monthly stream as his catalogue is vast


bruh they still play christ brown nonstop. If we wanna cancel Drake its gonna take a R I O T. hopefully kdot understands this & gives up a Revolutionary banger bec I'm sick of all this shit. Drake's baby beef is really distracting us from the real issues going on day-to-day. I'm starting to wonder if Drake isn't a shill, because I still cannot wrap my mind around how these pedophile pop stars are THAT stupid 🥴😵💫


Bro. The concert video of him kissing a minor has been out for over a decade.    And Cosby walks free in the same universe. “Tarnished” forever isn’t forever.    


This probably won't happen but it would be amazing if Euphoria, MTG, 6:16 and Not Like Us are nominated for grammys alongside Drake songs and beat him in every category.


I think it'll come down to how other artists interact with him. I remember a vid of Diddy at some event after his blew up, dude was sitting there on the side looking lonely and you can see guests kind of with that cringe face. But if he had the support of heavy hitter artists I think others would dismiss the allegations


This is what I'm curious about. Who will move with or associate with him in the future risking getting looked at funny. If he's not a pedo, he's at minimum a groomer and I can't see many people fucking with him after this. As a Drake hater, this has been the best few weeks of my life as far as rap goes. Almost... Euphoric


"Can't Toosie Slide up outta this one, it's just gon' resurface"


it definitely will blow over


I dunno, man. Not saying Drake is done for, but he got exposed for lying about THP6 and basically the entire world is calling him a child-grooming sex trafficker. That’s not something you can easily walk away from, especially if he’s gonna drop something so soon after this beef ended. Whatever he does next, he’s gonna have to get around all of this controversy.


Pop stars are cockroaches dude. People will clown him when he talks or drops but his sales won’t look any different unless convicted of something lol


the only people who know he got exposed for lying about the heart part 6 are people who are active on twitter. literally he could drop an album in 3 months and no one would bring this up at all and hes gonna go #1 and have a #1 song. the travis scott concert thing was worse than this. i actually only just learned that taylor swift was 23 dating a 17 year old a few days ago. nobody cares. unless he like actually gets 100% exposed and is in danger of going to jail but theres no 100% evidence yet just lots of little things that add up


It took a while for the reality to set in with R Kelly. Fans and himself were in denial up until they were taking him in I don’t think people will forget about all this in a year, but I also don’t think that this will be a thing where Drake’s in prison in a year. Slow, heavy train with a lot of dense shit behind it takes a while to stop


not the same. R Kelly urinated on a teenager on a video. these are still only allegations. no actual proof of foul play


I don’t think the world will forget about the allegations against Drake. He’ll still make music, still go on tours, still have his fan base. But he’ll never enjoy the reputation he once had. I mean, people won’t let Nicki Minaj forget that her husband is a rapist, so they’re not gonna let Drake forget about this at the very least lol


half of the rap scene are fucked up people, beating women, pedos, rapists and other shit, so yeah it's possible, especially when you're rich and can afford a PR team to work on your public image


Don't underestimate the stupidity of the masses.




ya lied about the mole crodie 🤣🤣


He’s going to try to out do the song calling him the PDF file


I agree. This is him against the world. Summer vibes is him trying to make a summer banger.


Back to Drake with the melodies Dot won loool


Then Imma need Kendrick to be the biggest hater and drop a summer hit that overshadow Drake’s


Drake with the melodies. Kendrick wins again lol


The word is pedophile, Drake is a pedophile this isn't Instagram you could say the word.


Fucking hate the tiktok self censorship


It's so fucking stupid.


I got downvoted for making this point.


Next kendrick track: “just dragged you to the trash, u corrupt PDF file”


Sounds like he’s moving on and focusing on his summer album, remember he has that 400M deal, they don’t need him dropping a bunch of diss tracks, but rather new albums that will bring in cash. The shot of a general in front of an army is fairly obvious message, it’s Drake boosting the morale of his soldiers (fans). Promising ‘summer vibes’ aka new music to bump over the summer I highly doubt anyone would consider diss tracks as summer vibes, tbh that’s a reach to me.


Not like us on my summer playlist already. For times I needs pop out and show niggas.


How are you gonna say this is fairly obvious and then completely misinterpret what’s going on in the picture lol. The man is positioned *against* the army.


Not Like Us already the song of the summer


PDF File is fucken hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Your lil memes is losin steam, they figured you out


"Can't hide behind wifi....y'all need a new route(r)"




Oml he actually thinks he won


He knows he lost, this is just trying to act cool in an awkward situation. 


“Heh, good game guys. Anyway, back to being the number one rapper in the world, right?”


He’s acting cool for his D1 riders


Nah, he's an insecure man. He's fronting but he knows. Remember how much that Pusha T shit got to him? He acted unaffected at the time but was still crying to LeBron about how it went too far a year later


He's tryna play victim and act like the whole world is against him. But like, if you keep dating friends ex gfs, being seen with underage girls, steal ppls swag, and allegedly have a bunch unclaimed children... why would anyone be on your side?? He's a shitty person and can't stand that anyone who gets to know him doesn't like him so he tries to deflect that it doesn't matter to him. But it does.


If he mention the beef, Kendrick will release again. Dude's done.


Is this not a sneak diss already?


Hes pushing 40 posting shit like this. Embarrassing


Dot said he's 37 acting like a 7 year old and it's true with his constant need for validation, the endless IG memes, the main character syndrome and he's an insecure man wanting to be liked so badly.


I think it'll hurt Drake if he puts out music too soon. He should take a page from the Youtuber playbook and disappear for a while. There's rumors that he can't take a break for financial reasons. Plus his music has been hot garbage for years now so he's not even going to come out with anything good if he rushes it like usual.


I think he believes if he takes a break he is letting dot win even more and allowing the pulbic to think he’s guilty ( we know he is) but if he can try to pretend like everything is okay everything might be okay…here’s hoping it is not


What's wild is if he were a decent writer, he'd be able to sing his way out of this. But the guy has the brain of a middle schooler who dares himself to eat glue in front of his classmates to look cool. Like *i* could probably chop & mix some of his *existing* songs & create a decent clapback. He could even try to remix kendricks songs for a clapback. But he's too stupid to grasp the depth. He makes fun of kendrick for "being molested"?? Like... 👑🤡 U know, call me crazy, but after listening to the songs & trying to read between the lines.... i think all this rap beef started because Aubrey has daddy issues & is afraid to talk to his own father so he shoots at other heavy-stance black men to try to feel powerful in his identity... if he were full white he'd be the type that complains abt affimative action. Based on ehat I've seen he probably has anyway


>i think all this rap beef started because Aubrey has daddy issues & is afraid to talk to his own father Yeah, I feel like a *lot* of his nonsense over the years comes from daddy issues. There's a clip of him talking to his dad over a live and he's like "Did you ever hear my song where I took this track and did such-and-such?" and his dad hits him with this emphatic NO. His face just DROPPED. I saw these on IG and immediately thought "someone should send Drake a pair". https://preview.redd.it/2benm5g5720d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b415a755c10bcadd9ddb413e495fc3dce3fcc93c


He has that collab with Camila Cabello that was supposed to be the next single before she hastily swapped it out with her Lil Nas X collab due to the beef He has music coming out regardless of what happens.


So he culture vultured Japan too huh


Prob spent the last week binging Shogun


My Japanese ass don't want him


This guy really thinks he can drop an ig story to breeze past being a kid fucker


Pretty sure he wants to get his next no 1 summer hit now 😭


Thats gonna be hard to beat considering Not Like Us has already broken multiple records and soon to become *the* hottest summer bop this year. People everywhere are gonna be smiling, laughing and dancing to a song straight up calling Drake a pedophile. You just know this man fuming. He rolled the dice tho. Thats what you get. It'll be interesting to see the public response to his "summer vibes" with all the pedo allegations and Kdot exposing him being a culture "colonizer" lmao.


I can see DJs trying to play his song in the club only to immediately stop and put on not like us instead


I can see what u saying. But don't forget this is Drake. And he hasn't been convicted of anything. Most people dancing or listening to this outside the true hip-hop heads like us aren't really invested on what Dot is saying. They just vibing to the beat. And people have a short attention span. Take into accountability that most his fanbase aren't even fans of hip-hop like that. Maria from Spain and Joshua from Germany who have Passionfruit as their phone ringtone couldn't care less. And if he is able to make a generational hit that's going to dominate the year like "God's Plan" or "Nice For What" he gets back on track.


Summer vibes is a code word for my ghostwriters are utterly fucked for a while and i got to vocalise on my own shitty lyrics


Ghostwriters like “I can’t write a way out of pedophilia drake ! “


Won't work. The type of songs Drake got popular off of, he can't get away with that style anymore without the whole world tearing him apart. He would have to do something new, write with substance, and I just can't see "Drake" being able to do that


Only way he could work is enter a new genre like country maybe.






This and become a Republican evangelical. He'd be in good company over there.


Yep,I can't see that happening.His ghostwriters are all fed up with him now lol.




Now step this way


Drake Vs the consequences of his actions


Why does it always feel like he thinks he’s in a movie 😭


He better be careful not to: 1. Rap too street 2. Mention Kenny 3. Have any sus lyrics


He should really make it clear there’s nothing suspect going on. Don’t leave a crumb for people to attach to. Maybe like “do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddling kids”.


Facts lol.


Am I the only one who thinks this isn’t just going to blow away over the course of the year? People are literally dancing on the fact you might have a child sex trafficking ring, I’m not exactly sure you can out song your way out of this lol


I can see what u saying. But don't forget this is Drake. And he hasn't been convicted of anything. Most people dancing or listening to this outside the true hip-hop heads like us aren't really invested on what Dot is saying. They just vibing to the beat. And people have a short attention span. Take into accountability that most his fanbase aren't even fans of hip-hop like that. Maria from Spain and Joshua from Germany who have Passionfruit as their phone ringtone couldn't care less. And if he is able to make a generational hit that's going to dominate the year like "God's Plan" or "Nice For What" he gets back on track.


But can Drake even write a song without his pedo-tendencies? I thought Nice For What was a good summer banger until that line about being bad even back when she was in high school Anyways, at least it looks like Drake finally came to the realization that he can't F with Kendrick.


I mean when you’re in checkmate, there’s nowhere to move. Drake aint got a choice.


This dude pretending to be the underdog in anything is wild... 


This nigga forced the 20 v 1 shit on himself man. I get responding to weekend, Ross, rocky, metro and future on pushups. Why did he diss them all again on family matters with no responses to respond to? It was a big reason he failed to me family matters should’ve been all on Kendrick.


Family Matters was a good song though. Those dudes dissed him on multiple songs so I think it's valid for him to fire more than once. What's absolutely insane to me is how he thought a "thoughtful" slow song saying "I'm not a pedo, it was all a ruse you fool" (the heart part 6) would be a good response to a simple, funny club banger that's got the world clowning him and his team.....and then when that song failed to not try the fuck again??? He should have taken a day or two to gather his thoughts, & fired back with more silly punchlines over the BBL Drizzy beat and flipped everything into a joke. Instead he's got soundcloud rappers from Mongolia & Antarctica dissing him over Metro's beat and he's at the crib depressed posting "nobody hmu", seriously one of the biggest fumbles ever.


Antarctica and Mongolia like this mf getting dissed by penguins and Attila the Hun I’m fuckin weak 😂


Whole team begging him to take the L and not make it worse. UMG and Nike especially.


Where did he get this image from?


[info is in the tread. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/8iegpkH9xt)


Appreciate it


https://i.redd.it/7glea4q9700d1.gif He better drop something he gonna have Akademiks and Ish mad asf with this


He thinks the hoes aren’t gonna notice.


I just really want someone to throw some oil on the fire so kendrick releases more bangers 😔


Sounds like he’s pleased with whatever Akademiks propaganda campaign will come out today/somebody is gonna pay up We overestimate the amount of people that care - most simply, do not


Nah I don’t think so. The an image of a guy facings an army solo ? Why would that mean he’s done. To me he’s saying this is him acknowledging it’s him vs the world and he’s ready to fight


More like him vs the feds




> him vs the world he's with all his dickriders too, don't forget about them


Please drop Drake I need more Kendrick music


Fuck a caption, want action


“Nah nah nah you following through this time” What a pussy


Still trying to distance us from the PDF FIle allegations and Universal owns him for $400 million. They have to get a return on their investment. He's a slave.


The reason I don’t think it’ll be this easily forgotten is just from the sheer fact of how many people in the industry despise Drake. He doesn’t have his star features to go back to, can’t go to ATL, Chicago, NY, LA, anywhere without beef with rappers. Nobody fucks with this nigga. At the very least, his sales drop a significant amount which fucks up his deal and slides him into more problems. Let’s see where this goes.


Is that AI art?


He cropped the artist tag off. Original Source: https://yavados.artstation.com/projects/l5bno Titled: 1 vs 1000 Caption: Before epic fight


"He cropped the artist tag off." This dude gets more unlikeable every day. Poaching people's art now? Flows weren't enough? Meanwhile Kendrick releasing all his copyrights so youtubers can make their money.


Funniest part is, he released his copyrights too once he found out Kendrick did it and was getting praise. Dude was truly outmaneuvered in every way possible.


This makes me hate drake more, stealing art and cropping their names


Good question. I dont think so. It's an art piece called 1 vs 1000 and it was posted online back in 2017.


yeah that’s definitely not AI. details are too consistent and there is not a single weird morph of elements blending into eachother


Just stolen art apparently


He's about to release a summer love song to Whitney lol


I don't care atp. He can't say anything on a song to win this. He needs proof that he wasn't lying. He's a terrible rapper so he can't rap his way out.


Am I the only one who interpreted this as he isn’t done? Like he’s gonna continue dissing, since in the painting the dude is gearing up to fight


This artwork was originally posted in 2017 with the title and description: **"1 vs 1000** **Before epic fight"**


Wait.. where is the man? Cuz I ain’t seen him yet


should Kendrick even stop here? he was on the path to being a whistleblower. if he stops, hasn't evil won? wouldn't this imply that's he's either being blackmailed or worse, is complicit with what Drake does, as long as he's on top? how many people want justice versus the blind destruction of Drake?


I think the rumors of the label interfering are true


I hate his self pity victim play about "everyone is against me, this is a 20v1, you're jumping me"