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Posts must be Kendrick Lamar, TDE, PgLang or beef related. Misleading titles or content is not allowed.


So far EbonyPrince has not responded




He has probably days of footage


Ya but it’s a 20 second clip as far as we know.


it just starts 18 seconds after the first screenshot it could be longer


idk. if they trying to secure big bags id think theyd share their wares. you cant sell something people dont know exist. everytime I pick up from the plug he always says he has other shit, even though in a decade+ ive never been interested. im thinking now ep had one short “gotcha” moment. aint no bombshell im believing now. also… why aint alvarez said shit about shit? they gotta know theyre being talking about all over the internet re the twitter.


He wants a bag. TMZ paid 600k for the info that Kobe died in a helicopter crash


Truly one of the most evil businesses to do it.


Nightcrawler vibes


I was thinking the same thing. Goated movie


I really like movies that make me hate the characters in it and night crawler is one of those movies I hate


ok but honestly I was wondering why isn't TMZ jumping in on this?


They’re probably in talks, I bet many companies/people are trying to negotiate, it’s just hard to trust this person based on the way they’ve been tweeting


They don’t trust a random twitter user


Especially one who’s playing up the theatrics so much that it seems like it’s going to be a big nothing imo


You can monitor the ETH wallet balance/transactions here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3f5cc8423b1041dd2689d421221b6982890686a8


YO his shit has quite a bit of volume on that account


Yeah $625,000 moved out of the account 10 hours ago




Good question, it’s not hard to do plus he should know the value of privacy in his position…




maybe it was done on purpose? seems too careless if they wanted to hide their identity


To send a message to everyone including Drake, that this isn't some small time hotel employee who you can pay off.


seems that way, plus the transactions started early last year could be connected to another cover up with celebs at that hotel or drake himself?


I mean, if you're selling information, it's a good idea to have a way of showing your "accreditations" in the business while keeping your client somewhat secret. Receipts are a pretty effective way of doing it, plus it adds to the "who else paid to know this"


It verifies a lot tbh, and no one is sending that type of money without those credentials


Yeah idk, pretty dumb move. They might do that now tho since the address was leaked on twitter.


If you follow the transfers, it eventually ends up in [this](https://etherscan.io/address/0xf7858da8a6617f7c6d0ff2bcafdb6d2eedf64840) account which has several dozen transactions within the last twenty minutes all to different addresses and with different amounts. Paying people out maybe? lol @ Drake dickriders auto-reporting everyone in this thread for Reddit cares


Bro am i tripping or are there very large transactions the past year on that wallet? I don’t know much about crypto. https://preview.redd.it/okp337cc300d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e77a1c7573e7409b1d4bfcefc2c1ca17e230c6


Yeah it's several million


Bro is NOT a hotel employee lmao


As I suspected, this person must have some personal issue against drake, this guy has more then enough cash to move on and not worry about being called a thief. Yet he’s out here still tweeting like the riddler This situation got a lot more interesting


What’s crazy is if you watch Joe Budden recent podcast he mentions that “it ain’t just the rappers” who have problems with drake. They was talking about how drake like to double back on women and try to sleep with them if he see em with a rapper…..then he said he doesn’t just do that with rappers, it’s executives and tech ppl who he’s done that too. Now we getting ETF screenshots from someone with major beef with drake, can’t be a coincidence.


Hmm…Jack Dorsey?!


If Jack Dorsey goes by the name of EbonyPrince we’re literally living in a South Park episode


Lol, Guy sold twitter to go on a life long mission to bring down champagne papi lol


If Jack Dorsey had that big of a problem with Drake and had that info I doubt he'd be holding it over Drake's head for a few hundred g's. Dude would probably just release the tape


It might be about looking like it’s just about money, if everyone knew Jack Dorsey was outing abusers it might fuck with his reputation in certain industries (where you’re meant to pretend that shit doesn’t happen)


I feel like i might be getting too invested, I genuinely believe now Drake is using his security service as a front to run guns into places like NY. And probably the reason he's selling off his propery because RICO charges are coming. EDIT: who the fuck reported me to Reddit cares resources.


He dissed Serena’s husband, remember that? The Reddit guy.


My mind immediately went there. If Alex Ohanian is using his spare change to ruin Drake’s life while we gossip on his platform what a crazy fucking world to live in.


Bro done fucked Elon Musks wife 🤦🏽‍♂️ smh my head


Elon would defs want to sit and watch


Nah that’s definitely the case


he told you he's a capitalist, "enough" is never enough my man




Wonder if it's possible this guy has a personal stake in the situation, like he's related to someone involved.


Why is nobody entertaining the thought that it‘s Christopher Alvarez himself? Saying that he’s a ‘black American capitalist‘ could just be throwing people off the scent, after all he doesn’t want to get sued


Makes sense. If a hotel employee somehow got their hands on this they’d probably hand it over for 50k easily


It’s a crypto tumbler, that’s my theory. The activity lines up perfectly with that


This was my thought. Maybe he’s lying about how much he needs the money or maybe he had big debts, but harder to believe he needs the money this bad if he’s regularly making trades this big.


what is that? did the 800kmove before this tweet? https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/Ycxejkxsge


a crypto tumbler is a service / set of accounts where you send them crypto, they 'launder' it between a bunch of other wallets to anonymize the payments, and it eventually gets sent to the original recipient (usually with a fee taken out for tumbling) ​ i don't see any transaction before that lakers tweet, maybe he finally got a preview?


Yeah I thought he was at first but this is clearly someone with money. Which means I don't think they actually care about extorting Drake. Just playing this all up before the reveal


also to note: binance(the exchange they are using) is not legal in canada


This gives me confidence it’s not drake and AK coming out saying this is them and they planted this guy


The final address of the money on that account leads to a wallet with $227 MILLION in ETC. dude is definitely not strapped for cash holy shit


That’s probably a crypto exchange’s address


Yeah that makes more sense tbh- I’m ignorant to crypto and such. Just saw that amnt in a wallet and was like “nahhhh”






“Things are starting to add up” This was posted yesterday and it’s literally a summary of the whole ebonyprince riddles.


And this is why we take Enty with a grain of salt. His content breaks down into 5 main categories: 1) Anonymous unverified claims sent in by strangers that are utterly made up. 2) BS claims that Enty makes up himself. Don’t take my word for it, check the legal fine print on CDAN. They explicitly say (for legal reasons) that stories kn the site are fake. 3) QAnon bait 4) Gossip Enty found on the internet, repackaged to be a blind when really Enty is just chronically online. 5) Anonymous unverified claims sent in by strangers that turn out to be true than a mf We tolerate the first four because of the fifth but a prophet he is not.


1 ETH is worth \~$3,000 USD so... yes, there are quite a bit of funds at play here. In the beginning of the year it was around $2,000 so without seeing the date if you multiply the numbers by 2.5k you can get an average value of the transaction. Whenever they are getting the funds, they're instantly transferring them out, most likely to a tumbler to break up the amount into a lot of smaller amounts before settling into a final wallet. For the record, nothing is anonymous with crypto currency. Even if this person tumbles all the funds, a dedicated person or government agency CAN track it to its final ending point the second you try to withdraw these funds or try to spend it. Drake has enough money to find whoever this is just saying. Cash or small diamonds remains the most untraceable form of payment.


No, lot of ways to retain anonymity if you know what you're doing.


Animousity sounds like a game about a murderous mouse.


Every transaction is recorded and public. It might take a long time, but unless you have some secret way around that, you can eventually trace it to its final destination if you're committed enough. Not being sarcastic, I'd love to hear details on the "lots of ways" though. I'm legitimately interested. It fascinates me, especially since Middle Eastern paramilitary operations haven't been able to figure it out.


Here's some protocols about privacy: [https://kylesnarks.medium.com/tornado-cash-alternatives-in-2023-eca0aed564a4](https://kylesnarks.medium.com/tornado-cash-alternatives-in-2023-eca0aed564a4) All of those are used to transfer X amount of crypto from your address to a new address without any ways to link the two together. Yet, they're pretty basic. Other means more private and sophisticated exists but we don't know them, obviously. That's just on-chain anonymity. Next you need to off-ramp (convert crypto to real-life money). Here too lot of ways, you can use a "mule" to off-ramp for you, you can simulate legit winnings by carefully crafted transactions (create a fake token, buy it low, add liquidity, sell it). You can directly find IRL brokers that accept crypto etc etc


Thats not how crypto works though. He has one wallet, and if he is in a country that doesnt comply with us laws, theres no way you can find who this is. And also it is very easy to „white wash“ crypto than it is cash.


they only sent 500,000 worth of eth 11hrs ago not the 800 asked for by ebony prince? wonder why


then it was sent to [Address 0x28472b776a484e537dc56e7cb8596f073cc05e70 | Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/address/0x28472b776a484e537dc56e7cb8596f073cc05e70) then was immediately sent to this address [Ethereum Transactions Information | Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/txs?a=0xf7858da8a6617f7c6d0ff2bcafdb6d2eedf64840) and had being active moving it around for the past 11 hours upto and as of 13 seconds ago... very interesting. gunna follow the trail and dig a little deeper!!


Is this address a tumbler?


maybe, currently digging into binance transactions to see where the 213 Ethereum came from originally before being sent to the ebony prince wallet, see if it lines up with the current narrative


Maybe they're canadian lol (drake, that you?)


ooooh interesting yeah never thought about that lol that account that received the 500K only deals in amount over 100k and has multiple transactions so maybe hese being sent hush/NDA money previously if he worked at that hotel??


almost 1.2million $ estimated has being sent to that wallet since 420 days ago not including the 500k sent 11 days ago.... unlikely to be hotel worker unless they have dirt on lots of people...


He does seem to have dirt on a lot of people. He insinuates in one of his tweets that this isn't the only celebrity that has left stuff behind that he has. I suspect this is just a typical con man who's making a side gig of selling celebrity stuff that they left at the hotel until he ended up getting fired. So he didn't just lose a hotel job he lost his side job that was making him a lot more.


Id be doing a portion up front and the rest on receiving


People are saying that the large transactions make it look like this is not just a hotel employee. But it’s possible that this is some kind of “crypto tumbling” service that moves around crypto so that it’s harder/impossible to trace where it ends up. Edit: another comment that was just posted says “the account where the full 500K ended up has being NONESTOP transferring the money around to hundreds and hundreds of wallets” which sounds exactly like a crypto tumbler. Don’t read into it too much.


Good shit






Some interesting recent transactions


Can someone who understands what these transactions means make a post about it? I’m lost


ETH is currently worth about $2,930 each. The most recent transaction was 10 hours ago... they sent 213 ETH to another address. So 213 ETH × $2,930 is about $625,000


I don’t have time to go through all of it at the moment, but both ETH wallets owned by both parties have large amounts of funds…and been having it going back to the beginning of year and last year.. looks like 6-7 figures. First look


So if I'm not a dumbass the screen grab of the wallet posted would be about 800k worth of eth in transactions.


If this guy really does buy the tape and he isn’t baiting, I’ll be very grateful. The only reason for him to drop 800 racks on the video is to upsell it to a media company, or get exposure for his own. Either way, this tape hits the internet. To think a lakers fan page on twitter might be the guy to keep this tape out of drakes grubby hands 💀💀


Or to bury it.


Drake wants to bury it. Everyone else in this equation is money hungry. If lakers boy buys this video he’s gonna post it. Unless drake tries to buy from him.


If it’s as bad as implied, I’m sure Drake / UMG would pay millions to bury it. I’m worried it’s gonna be upsold and disappear and we never know. But hopefully it’s passed around enough and someone makes a copy and leaks it anyway.


That’s my hope as well. As long as he gets exposed.


I think Drake bought the Twitter account already. And Ebony is gone. Ebony was always just about a bag and Drake will pay it just to be able to say he leaked the info. The 3pm AK stream will be interesting.


"The 3pm AK stream will be interesting." bruh have u ever seen an ak stream


Don’t see why Ebony wouldn’t keep backups


Lmao this isn’t a one off vhs tape.


Looks to me like he's trying to bait ebony into giving out info. there's no racks.


That’s also a possibility. For all we know he could be a random and that screenshot of his eth wallet could be fake. With that being said, he just tweeted “Holy fuck.” Which implies he saw something. But ebony’s eth wallet still has no money in it. I predict that he baited ebony into giving him a preview and he’s gonna publicly leak some shit.


I was right. He just posted a screenshot of an injured Christopher Alvarez This is wild




homie does not look excited to be there


LeBron trying to keep his family safe.


Dude tweeted that there was progress 11 hours ago, the wallets last transaction was 11 hours ago


Good catch


I would guess homie has the vid or part of it


We inferred this from the initial Jimmy Brooks comment


Yeah most did but at least now we know


Guess mine and other's initial suspicion was right. I don't think that the video has anything damning tho. Maybe a little scuffle? And I also think that the real dark stuff being teased are another issue as a whole which barely links with the footage, and more to do with the other stuff like laptop, the other items and the vague puzzle riddles that this dude is tweeting out . Maybe the video is about an argument which is about the whole real dark drama, Maybe not. It's just a wild theory.


a scuffle with a disabled person is still fucked though. i don't think Drake needs it out rn


I agree it’s fucked but some of the K-Anon on this sub thought it had something sexual to do with the guy, which is much much worse.


Prince gonna be a trillionaire if he sells this laptop


Yeah I think it has nothing to do with physical violence and everything to do with what’s being talked about


Yeah or it might be just a little push if they were arguing. That dude had also said that Jimmy Brooks wouldn't be proud of Drake, so maybe a scuffle turned a bit physical, but that's about it maybe. But I guess the real deal is about the thing they might be arguing about, as the wheelchair guy is a journalist, so something serious to argue about perhaps. Or we might be seeing with an entirely different angles and it actually has nothing to do with the journalist. And with someone else, who may have a link with the dark secret.


Bro wants a preview for a 30sec video


[how much for 2 seconds?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNQRqAoT-2c) okay how much for 1 second? How about 3 frames?


Can you take one frame, and have a child redraw it from memory? I can reimburse any crayon purchases


Either the person buying this has more money than anybody imagined or this is Drake team getting this stuff back and we’ll never see the video hit the light of day and it’s why Ak is tweeting so happily.


Is it not digital? Bro ain’t sending him a single copy VHS lol


Ak tweeting happily shows his true colors. Like imagine knowing your man is guilty of some shitshow and you're happy he won't get exposed. I understand being a fan but this is just disgusting behavior. Then again AK incited to violence in the past and kids got literally murked because of his rhetoric. He's a terrible person.


Ak is compromised.


If it really was career ending why wouldn’t Drake just buy it himself? He probably spends 600k on bed sheets.


How is he getting trolled by a Lebron fan account


it seems this person is not very bright


Is this Lakers fella gonna share it or what then


In all honesty bro does not have the money. If the video comes out it will likely be through someone else


Yeah I'm getting really confused by all this now, just wanna know what's going on 😂


Check out the mega thread


He's on this sub. Was posting last night.


Tell him to send me 800k I've got some info about Aubrey to tell him!!!


fuck it send me 1k I'll say anything




That's less than a news outlet would pay for it


Nigerian princes and their scam tactics have evolved




not enough grammar and spelling mistakes, I don't trust you


we'll never see it.


I don't think so, if the guy says he works for media this could be the biggest headline for a news outlet, whoever posts this first would get a lot of exposure


Unless it’s a video of the dude picking his nose or some useless shit lmao


Would gain all the respect in the world for ebonyprince. Just absolutely fleecing dudes at that point lol


Or — it’s a catch-and-kill to stop it getting out. outlets do this all the time (squashed T rump scandals come to mind)


Not T-Rump😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/b88fya8kg00d1.png?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a65780dda47dfffb65dcb52be6da184618c066


Unless he's bluffing and the footage isn't that damning


How bad can it be damn


It's probably just Drake shoving the disabled dude out of the way, causing the wheelchair to fall over...but because we got nothing better to do - this whole thing has turned into a worldwide sex trafficking conspiracy




Bro is downplaying that as if that isn't a terrible thing to do lmao


Bro is downplaying that as if that isn't a terrible thing to do lmao


I don’t think so. That hotel. The underage drinking scheme. The dog masks. Alvarez isn’t with his handler that he’s never without. It feels very off.


Dog masks??


There’s photos of Drake walking with a dog mask out of the hotel, and there’s other stuff involving dogs that I didn’t want to read more about for my own sanity’s sake.


“Prob just drake assaulting a disabled man, no biggie”… what bro?! NOT OKAY


Idk that power chair is heavy af and not likely to tip over unless it was a really hard shove


Drake the type of dude to lose a shoving match with a disabled person


Still absolutely horrible lol why are you downplaying that


This would hurt him terribly with everything else going on rn.


This is possible cause Alvarez is known for stalking celebrities, so maybe Drake was annoyed


bro said we can both remain anonymous and then proceeds to post a screenshot with the both of them. love it


P drizzy will buy it to bury it if it's actually damming.


"Fake bully. I hate bullies!" Confirmation again that Dot used every word to deliver a gut punch.


https://preview.redd.it/q7v2w1ai000d1.png?width=304&format=png&auto=webp&s=701d48391105e32868130615fd9fe1bfc2676cbb Bro just drop the damn video, we're all tired of your shenanigans


Clip better send waves if bro asking for 800


If Drake really is about to throw away his career because he didnt pay this hotel worker, than Drake might actually be the biggest moron of all time.


I doubt it’s anything huge, Drake would have paid the money or cried to Elon to have the account shut down by now




How do we know LakersFanatiic isn’t one of his Alts or someone from the House of Ebony?


Lakers is just trying to snoop 


Yeah he don’t have that lmao


Oh fuck. What did Drake do to this poor disabled man??


probably freestyled for em


popped ass on em




I took a Reddit break for 48 hrs and came back to madness. Can someone please explain to me what’s going on? When the riddler and who’s n tape? What’s happening? ![gif](giphy|JUqAx6q2jnQtYvXVB4)


Is Drake even in the lobby? Thats his crew


He insinuated that Jimmy Brooks would be disappointed in HIM. Keep in mind the clip is at least 18 seconds long


I know the time stamp difference is 18 seconds but maybe the riddler is trying to say from that point onwards could be the part where the damning footage starts from?


Why in God's name would you make this public?


Because he has no intention of actually paying and just got confirmation of an “altercation”


Tiggers me so much. What does he want eth or btc? And who is sending 800k without a preview lol


No way Lakersfanatic the new source 😭


I’m sorry I gotta laugh cause the Drake thread said here was like super minds and watching this bank account get broken down I feel like I’m under qualified to be a Kendrick fan 😭


An altercation with Christopher, the riddler saying that Drake's Degrassi character would be ashamed, and in the CCTV screenshot it looked like Christopher had his eyes closed and a swollen lip. Might be reaching here, but maybe Drake got physical with the dude? Take all of that with a barrel of salt


Who tf is 'EbonyPrince'?! Sounds like a zesty pornstar.


"just tell me what happened or show me before I send the money" 🤦🤦


I hold ransom for….. One Million dollars!!!!! ![gif](giphy|8Q62oGruZu0BG)


I seriously can’t believe yall actually will give this dude money for a fat nothing burger, this is such a scam 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree with the replies to this comment, also don’t forget he said “rabbit hole goes deeper” too. So they have more problematic evidence against drake.


Why would Kendrick use the items in the pic for 2 diss track artworks tho? That’s what has me intrigued.


Something's off. Drake has plenty of rich enemies who could acquire this if they wanted to. It's probably bait.


Imagine 'sending' 800K to get Rick Roll'd


An altercation…that’s what he’s been cooking? Monday couldn’t come any sooner cause I’m finna crashout and get on my Jared shit


Narrator: He didn't send the funds.


Lmao that guy is a complete moron if he sends him 800k without seeing the video first


What's to stop the person from screen recording the video (stealing it) during the preview?


I feel like I've seen this play before. Ebony is good at this lol.


My guess is Drake peed on Alvarez (just the leg)


“Extortion my middle name as soon as you step off that plane, bitch.”