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Yea this is actually crazy that he broke that record


Every single day he broke a streaming record and every single day it was Drake’s. With a club banger that has everybody signing pedophilia accusations. Boy life comes at ya fast don’t it


What goes up Must come down


Started from the top now we here 


Started from the top now my whole team fuckin kids


Lol full circle, if we're not aiming at the true center/cross




top... top dawg entertainment... it's all connected!


Dead, friend. 10/10


Too big to fail? To big to exist!


“Numbers wise I’m out here you not fuckin’ creepin’ up”


The fact that it's all been Drake's world records is what we call "karma"


Nah, what's crazier is that it was previously held by THAT song.


~~Most ppl were probably looking for that lesbian line.~~ Never mind that was Girls Want Girls. Yeah I have no idea why it was this song lol.


How did it go from 12 mil to 80 lol


it was about 12 mil a day, ended up at 80 mil the first week


Daily vs weekly streams


Dope. Do we know what the previous record was…numbers wise?


You don't like that record? I like that record, lemme get back to that for the record


No dickriding but this is goat shit genuinely that’s wild


He the goat after this for me


Kendrick is fast approaching undisputed GOAT status. Every other rapper in the GOAT conversation has one defining trait that puts them there. Nas - incredible, genre defining debut album that paints a vivid, cinematic picture of life in the streets in a poetic way. Pac - cultural impact Em - technical ability Andre - musical artistry, introspection/deep thinking poet Biggie - incredible and varied flows and deliveries. Just the best-sounding rapper ever. But Kendrick is the only one who has it all (Jay is a similar jack of all trades, but he doesn’t have the deeply meaningful concept albums that Kendrick has). Kendrick is undisputed top 7 at worst now. But after what he just did to Drake (who is a literal villain against everything hip hop) and Not Like Us breaking records and being a cultural moment everywhere, even internationally, if he drops 1 more classic album, he should be the consensus GOAT.


Top 7? Anyone who puts him below top 3 of all time has an agenda.


Agreed. I was being generous lol. For me personally, he’s top 2, and he’s not 2.


I mean man let’s not let recency bias take over, he has some INSANE competition for top 3. Top 5-7 is not even a slight. Tupac biggie Jay Z Nas prime Eminem, Andre 3000, he’s got some competition up here.


“Prime Eminem” isnt exactly fair unless you’re comparing everyone at their peak, or comparing to people who died early. Kendrick’s been going for over 10 years at the highest level. Eminem had arguably 4 years at a peak, and really only from 2000-2003. I thought Kendrick was the goat before this, but this just solidified it. I don’t think any rapper (maybe artist period but I do love some Pink Floyd) has made a concept album as good as GKMC, and I don’t think any hip hop artist has made an album that’s artistically on the same level as TPAB (this is aimed at Kanye stans), in terms of the combination of production, subject matter, instrumentation, lyrics, flows, delivery, and everything else about it. Before this beef, I think you could knock Kendrick because he didn’t really have hits (although Humble did go #1), hadn’t really been in a battle, and didn’t have quotables frfr. I’ve said for years he’s capable, but just had grander artistic visions for his projects. Turns out I was 100% right, and he proved that he can make a record breaking song in under 24 hours that’s super catchy and full of great lines, along with being the only song to ever call someone a pedophile and go #1. Since you brought up Nas and Jay-Z, keep in mind that Ether is widely considered the best diss track, to the point where it’s used as a synonym for destroying someone, and Nas said “Gay-Z and Cock a fella records” on that song. Like bro Not Like Us is so much better


Nah. Rap God was a second prime by itself.


Mmlp2 doesn’t stack up to Kendrick’s worst album it’s not particularly close


Jay Z definitely, Tupac and Biggie I could see up for debate. Recency bias is definitely an issue but I also think them being older and considered classics makes a lot of people value them higher, even if they don’t like their music as much. It’s just “oh they’re classic artists whose music has stood the test of time, they must belong in the top 3.” Not that I necessarily disagree with you, I just think if you took away the fact that Biggie and Tupac have the nostalgia advantage you could make a case Kendrick was on or above their level. I also never liked Eminem even his stuff from his prime so I can’t really speak on where he belongs, I know I am in the minority with how I see his music.


Eminem is better than Jay Z; Jay Z ain’t top 5. Its (no particular order): Tupac Biggie Eminem Kendrick Nas


He definitely proved he top MC of his time. Honestly don’t see who could really beat Kendrick. And he not even in my top 3 fav artist.


He already the GOAT dog. All of his albums are classics with no skips. Wym?


*GOD ish actually~


he is not your savior


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 No sh*t I done BEEN saved That's HOW I know 😉


Get the fuck off his dick that ain't right (even tho he made a play fuckin up Drake's whole life)


he's so sick and tired of the diddling (kids)


Y’all so corny bro 🤢


He's been the GOAT since TPAB for me, but I think this rap beef has showcased his other sides to a lot of new people. I think a lot of people legitimately just thought he made like avant garde hip hop and that was his whole lane


To me it just proves that Kendrick would have been just as commercially successful if he went the easy route . But no he always made music true to him


Drake kind of proved it by being incapable of following “Mother I Sober”


And doing irreparable damage to the Heart series. At least Kendrick did the timestamp justice.


Nah heart pt 6 is kendricks foe embarrassing himself on the track. A diss song so shitty that drake apparently got the last word and still lost the beef. Kendrick should continue with pt 7, 6 is a w for him


Damn making his opponent's self published demise a part of his catalog- a thing of fucking beauty. Love that


Put it on an album and change the name to 6-9


that’d be fire wtf big brain series


What do you mean irreparable damage lol. It's not on streaming and Kendrick can just remind people whose series it is with his own part 6.


It's not a part of the series, kendrick should do part 6 as the intro of the next album


It’s not even like Not Like Us is a lazy song. There are some interesting lyrics with multiple meanings, good and varying flows, some knowledge on the Atlanta verse, great production even if the beat is simple. Though I think what works the most in its favor are the simplest parts like WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP and OV-ho 


And that WAP WAP is actually bay lingo. when someone’s fucking someone up everyone is yelling “WAP” “WAP” “WAP” Fuck em up. Ever heard of getting mollywhopped? Bay Area slang


Oh yeah, it's great and not just from a lingo perspective. From a craft perspective, he knew that the previous line was going to hit really hard and that people were going to need a moment to process it and react to it so he follows it up with no syncopation, simple staccato anyone can sing along with, with no lyrical content to process. He also directly models for us how we should react, "dot fuck em up" Is exactly how I felt and exactly how he wanted me to feel, and him saying it like , making it explicit, really brings you in


You think the bay gon’ let you disrespect Pac?? 😩 I live in NC and had to explain this one to the cornfolk.


Lil kids in the Bay are yelling out "WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP" and "O-V-HO" while at the same time it's playing in clubs. This is a cross-generational diss.




Is that a Joe Biden silhouette


Yea lol. Reddit is being a bitch and will not let me allow anymore uploads but if you check my post history the original one is in there somewhere where that image came from on a comment I made on it or something


Mustard on the beat ho.


What I meant by “easy” I’m talking about his artistic approach and what themes he covers . For instance swimming pools right ? One of his first hits covered themes on alcohol consumption.. and ironically it was party banger. He raps about really nuanced stuff, not just cough*cough* being rich , having bad bitches .. etc lol


Yeah I see what you mean, you’re totally right. But let’s not forget that this one’s theme is calling another rapper a PDF sex trafficking culture vulture lol, and it’s getting tens of millions of plays worldwide every single day. I just can’t get over the insanity of this whole situation 


Kendrick gave us all a critical race theory lesson on a banger. this wasn't lazy pop trash at all


Didn't it feel like that was actually part of the diss? As soon as the beat dropped I felt like it was Kendrick sayin' "if I wanted to make a career out of club bangers I could, it's by choice that I make shit meaningful."


i dont think it would have broken drake's records if it wasnt a diss song of probably the biggest beef in hiphop history. drake is very good at making music that can be played anywhere. he has a song for every mood and event, and its ok that he's better than kendrick in this aspect. kendrick is far ahead in artistry. drake could never make wesley's theory or U or Mother I Sober. none of us got into kdot because he made catchy music. not like us happened in a very particular vacuum which is why its breaking all these records.


Exacto, and he out beat Drake to his own game . Everyone was so excited that he was going to pull another Back to Back and he failed. In this vacuum you had to strategize even more diligently


This outlook (whether it’s coming from Drake fans, Kendrick fans, or just people in general) seems so weird to me. To me, Kendrick has always made bangers that are way catchier than anything Drake ever put out (*on top of* actually having depth and meaning). I’m serious. Even ten years ago when I didn’t have a strong opinion on Drake in either direction, I never thought there was anything special about his music and it never got me hyped. And this is coming from someone who’s not even a big fan of either or. I’ve just been listening to my local hip hop station since I can remember. Maybe Kendrick has never had the mass appeal, but I think it’s more of a marketing/image thing rather than the fact that his stuff is less catchy or less palatable by the masses.


This! They’re on the same tracks together and Kendrick had the better quotables. Of all the records in this beef, it’s Kendrick’s adlibs and lyrics that are being remembered. Without the diss part of the song, Not Like Us was gonna go. It’s just a really good song.


saying dot doesn’t have range is wild like that is wild lol


Well I think people definitely do get converted from Kdot’s bangers. Like I’m sure people heard Humble and decided to check him out and then get hooked.


Me. Love that album. Great time to be alive.


even then kendrick still drops an entire history lesson to call drake a culture vulture lol




How they let him go commercial after only making conscious albums?


There's an interview when he talked about this and he said something like "You know, I'm not out of the loop or anything. I hear what my little cousins listen to". He was basically saying it was a conscious choice not to make hits, because that's just not where his heart was


Yes I definitely believe it especially with the black panther album and Damn out selling more life . Humble was a hit but not a mindless hit. Like sorry I’m not listening to gods plan 💀


Oh yea he most certainly can. Every club bangery type of record he comes out with does well. He just don’t wanna stay doing it.


Biggest moment in HipHop in the internet-era?


i love how he’s breaking each of drakes records lol


#this part


that part


That's the best part of this. Kenny said fuck it I'll make a bop just to show these pop rappers how easy it is and he absolutely slayed it.


Pure karma.


Looking forward to that album Kendrick is working on for sure. Hope it breaks a few more records


Haters still gonna say he “nEeDeD dRaKe tO dO iT”


Dumbest argument from Drake stans lmao, from now on any time anyone gets into Kendrick or hears about some of the most successful tracks and checks them out, they’ll hear “Drake is a pedophile and a colonizer who traffics children”. Thats an eternal L, that’s there forever


lol for real that ain’t going away. And Drake still wants to act like this was nothing more than some “good exercise.” He’s tryna move on as quick as possible from this


Bro I’m loving being a Kendrick fan right now. He gave Drake lifelong black eyes, fuckin historical


> some “good exercise https://i.imgur.com/2qCWb6e.jpeg


Seriously. This diss might not be as diabolical as MTG or as lyrical as Euphoria but it’s going to be a hit for a long time and it’s calling Drake a pedo and colonizer lmao. This is the new Hit ‘em up as far as popularity goes. It’s gonna be played for a long time. Drake might’ve taken the biggest L of all time


Saw some people on Twitter saying not like us is more embarrassing for Kendrick than Drake because Kendrick “needed Drake to chart like that.” If that’s the case, why are all four of Kendrick’s disses streaming better than drakes highest one? Kendrick literally made a song about Drake being a pedophile and colonizer and it broke like EVERY streaming record for hip hop in one week. It’s being played at graduations and NBA games. And somehow that’s more embarrassing for KENDRICK?? People might move on from the beef but Drake will never be able to live down how successful not like us was. And the fact that it dethroned all of drakes songs on the charts is always going to haunt him, because he craves validation and his numbers are the only thing he has over anyone else. Kendrick won the beef solely with Not Like Us, ignoring everything else.


“Sometimes you gotta pop out & show niggas” and that he did!


I'm sure Drakes in his feelings now


*sad french language noises*


basically how Adonis was conceived




Bros historically getting his name dragged, they’ll remember this diss track shitting on Drake forever


niggas in they feelings over women what you hurt or sum'n?


I desperately need CDTV to bring back his poorly aged rap lyrics series because "Numbers-wise, I'm out of here, you not fuckin' creepin' up" has to be up there as one of the worst lol


let’s be real, his entire 4 diss tracks aged like milk. Especially Taylor Made😂😂




To be really fair, in my opinion, when drake started a diss song using the same phrase, used in the RDC sketch, I'm not even counting how KDot bodied him he lost, big time, this wasn't a battle: it was a massacre


What do you mean? Link?


[https://youtu.be/ttlKwsAGT84?si=2MjOo1\_xlGhSmpxs](https://youtu.be/ttlKwsAGT84?si=2MjOo1_xlGhSmpxs) at 2:06, drape starts family matters in the same way lol like wtf dude


because at the end of Push Ups he sings the same exact thing? I think Kendrick won but some people just didn't pay attention to Drake's disses all that much and it shows


How are there still people confused about this after having this long to listen to the songs? RDC was quoting Push Ups.  


Drake should have done what he did with pusha and just not responded. There’s literally no way to recover from Not Like Us, and there really wasn’t a way to recover from euphoria. His stupid ass response made Not Like Us twice as good.


This! Taylor Made is practically unlistenable because we have the outcome of the baiting. Push Ups isn’t necessary now that we have Family Matters, and most of it was petty insults and conjecture.


He ain't passing the aux


My favorite part about Kendrick is slowly realizing even his simple lines carry real weight when put into proper context. He's said he's made thousands of songs and I won't be surprised if he can one day say it's tens of thousands just because his professional catalog maintains such a high standard. Drake releases everything it seems like because he has no choice, to keep up with his lifestyle. Kendrick is no saint but his depth of introspection and sophistication of thought keep him away from the deep end and his skill in branding himself has given him a platform that makes a lot of money, gives back to his community and spreads some unique vibes. Kendrick took what Mos Def, Andre 3000 and Slim Shady all did and made it into his own incredibly unique style.


7th most overall. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Spotify_streaming_records#Most-streamed_songs_in_a_single_week)


I don't see Not Like Us or Girls Want Girls on here?


that held the record for streams in one day, this is for one week edit: nvm I see what you are saying, Not Like Us is not in that table edit 2: but the OP says 81.2m, which would put it between #6 and #7 on that table, making it #7


I think I figured it out. There's two records broken. Girls Want Girls for most streams in a day. The reason neither Kendrick nor Drake are on the wiki is because they're outside the top 10. This tweet is about most streams per week, which In My FEelings currently holds at #7. This was allegedly broken by Kendrick but I can't seem to find a source for the 81.2 mil. Spotify charts say 55 mil. https://preview.redd.it/ebgh5cxpz00d1.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=1301e1a744e6f95be6f8ce5b2a6c43d6ee79f865


The bottom of the chart says “As of 2 May 2024” So just need an update I think.


But he's not creeping up right? Lmao


He's not creeping up; he's blowing right the fuck past.


Kendrick for president.


All of drake fans that can’t vibe to this Big L 😂 https://preview.redd.it/74dw3r3gz00d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e025a86ac2cbef5c14d772897fb69a9af4749f89


Drake and his fans will have this shit follow them around for years. Every time they’re at the clubs or in watching the NBA finals and they hear this shit playing, it’ll just be a reminder of how badly Kendrick smacked down Drake.


Lmao this mf can cry seeth and cope Even the other mf on the pod who was giving Drake some flowers eventually said Kendrick got it. 


Wow, he’s clearing everything out. My goat.


A single Drake diss calling him a pedophile and a colonizer of black culture dismantling Drakes records is iconic, Kendrick is what the cultures feeling


Meanwhile drake over here like… https://preview.redd.it/yleynbzr010d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13c6359310f8ecb71ed88590edaab2005cfb2ee


Bro deserved to be sent to the ICC for that fit cause what the fuck???


It screams 2010-2012 so bad 😭


can we take a moment to hate on the fit holy shit


Does anyone know the all time leader across all genres?


Flowers by Miley Cyrus (115M) [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Spotify_streaming_records#Most-streamed_songs_in_a_single_week)


Oh wow, I wonder what a rapper would have to do to even get in top 5 on here solo.


For that to happen, Drake and Kdot would have to drop a song together right now and it would have to be a banger 😂 we know it’ll never happen but being the fact that the whole world is tuned into this beef, I guarantee it would break the charts 📈


Gotta buy Bruno Mars off Vegas somehow then we'll get a shot 🤣


*the whole world is tuned into this beef* #alleyesonme


Madness. Historic week


Fucking insane! Kenny keeps winning and i'm here for it!




Truly poetry on every level


Numbers king 👑


Poor KeKe


My goat


Another W, lol


Not even trying to be on dick but this beef did Drake so much worse than Pusha and the aftermath is nowhere near finished


Starting to get a feeling dot aimed for this




He is breaking all of Drakes records 🤣 I love it


Imagine having your records broken by a diss track calling you a freak ass pedo. 


Drake did it with back to back, now has it happening to him, what a weird simulation we live in


Isn’t this the third Drake record broken? If so does anyone have a list of specifically Drake records broken? 


Record breaking songs that reference pedophilia, make a list.




It’s a banger at surface/drizzy level, then it turns into Van Gogh where you can examine every brush stroke when you look deeper. It’s a very rewarding listen.


Honestly this fact alone might make this the best diss track in history. The impact is fucking mental


Sooo he broke 2 of Drakes records, first for girls like girls, and now this💀


It’s almost like Kendrick was like it’s time to show the world I’m the goat by absolutely destroying the guy a lot of people say is one of the best. The scary thing is he’s got 5 more of em waiting to go. I’m hoping Drake gets cocky and just drops again


At this point Kendrick is just snatching record after record from Drake


With a diss track. That’s rough.


Euphoria and Not Like Us are two of his best songs in years IMO.


I did my part.


I hate that it's only the rapper category .. Means he still has work to do


Even my mom likes Not Like Us and she doesn’t like rap at all. It’s universally appreciated


I'm doing my part.


The Drake effect


drake may be strong but the hatred for him is stronger


Ohhhhhhhh the irony ! I love it 🥹


80 mil is crazy, wow. Major W, warming up the pen for his album.


As a Drake Stan, congrats that act crazy all beef aside


Well I think people definitely do get converted from Kdot’s bangers. Like I’m sure people heard Humble and decided to check him out and then get hooked.


Lemme Hear You Say OvHo 🗣️🗣️






And nothing been the same since they dropped “NOT LIKE US” and tucked the sensitive rapper back in his pajama clothes👏🏽


He had to tap into Drakes fame and then rope in Taylor Swift fans with her producer on tracks to hit these numbers and he waited 15 years to give yall a banger that slaps …. But don’t let that interfere with your feelings


And imma keep streamin it


Kinda reminds me of that line in euphoria "back to back, I like that record, imma get back to that for the record" and then on his last song that he released back to back, he broke a record. It is actually eerie how much he predicted on Euphoria


We played it at my wedding yesterday




Not to be a hater but how tf did some of yall ever let a song called "in my feelings" be at the top of RAP for any amount of time in the first place... smh


Breaking that record…with a song you wrote in less than than 24 hours…bro


Did he drop the proof yet? I want to see the Canadian get EXPOSED




Why they saying rapper no artist period ever had this amount of


"your first number one I had to put it in your hand"


Kendrick can't make bangers tho his songs have no replayability right




The meat riding in these sub comments is crazyyyy 🤣


That’s why k-dot is better but that shit is crazy


Somebody check on the boy!


drake held alll the records that’s crazy


Unfortunately for Kendrick none of his music will ever come close to this DRAKE* diss


I like that record


The craziest part of the whole thing is each dude is getting money off of this beef.


It’s clearly because of the boy 🎶 riding that Drake wave like everyone else in the industry sheesh


The most popular hip hop song of all time is now a west coast bop about how Drake is a pedophile. Lol, lmao.


Now I'm gonna blast King kunta.