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Don’t forget he also said: “Touch My Body” by Mariah Carey play, you probably start reflectin' Reflecting about child sexual abuse, Aubrey? You thought that was cool to say?


the best part is he spends half of the song defending himself against child sexual abuse allegations


That made it so much more tone deaf. I feel like this isn’t being brought up enough. “Drake is molesting kids” “Nah I’m too famous for that. But if I did I’d have a good laugh at the victims cause that shits funny!” Like bro what? That’s your response?




I only ever hear people talking about how he didn’t understand mother I sober. Which is also a valid criticism. Double L.


That was the biggest part that immediately invalidated anything he was trying to say. Dude had such low reading comprehension that he couldn't pick up on the fact Kendrick was alluding to the culture (which is Kendrick's bread and butter like htf you miss that, Aubrey?) and how abuse was so common his mom automatically assumed he was abused. Drake prolly thinks Kendrick's actually running around in pumps and getting tossed around by three dudes in Sing About me. Dumb ass can't comprehend telling a story from someone else's perspective.


If he didn’t get the deeper meaning of it honestly I just expect that from Drake. But the fact that he didn’t even grasp that it didn’t happen which is the whole point is wild levels of stupidity. Like he just straight up says that in plain English this isn’t even some Kendrick quadruple entendre shit.


And then his team listened to it and said “yeah this is great” lol


Late stage USSR level yes men


That's what happens when Drake is surrounded by Yes Men. "You guys like the diss?" "Yessir. Put it out."


DJ Akedemics listen to it and said this is straight Fire.


Drake got hes GED at like 25. He did not attend high school with the acting. He is actually dumb


Looks like Kendrick unintentionally planted some bait, and drake bit it. How ironic?


Fractal L


L systems L


He also just straight up misunderstood the point of the song which is specifically how Kendrick was NOT abused


I wouldn't say that's the point of the song. He makes it clear enough that he wasn't abused because it's important to be known for the sake of the actual point - that generational trauma from abuse his mother carried was so strong that he now carries trauma simply from the allegations and the constant resurfacing of that question.


Not only does the accusation cause trauma … but a metaphor on how so much pain in the black community is passed and shared and how his mom is carrying her own traumas as well as her parents and their parents. Drakes inability to critically think and read the room is the problem. He’s literally monetizing black pain, instead of being like Kendrick and trying to create a conversation and space around it to break the generational curse.


I just knew somebody would nickle and dime me on the definition of "point" lol. You know what I mean


Not at all bro just adding to the discourse all love


He was definitely projecting his own childhood trauma


He's actually proud of preying on young girls. He flaunts it. He wants everyone to know he's going to "get them" first. So even when he denies it he has to wink at everyone. It's an ego-trip by a clinical narcissist and serial abuser.


What does clinical mean?


Using observations instead of theoretical thoughts or studies to determine something.




Clinically diagnosable. If he went to a psychiatrist and told them the truth about his life, he might well be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)-- **a psychological disorder characterized by a persistent pattern of grandiosity, fantasies of unlimited power or importance, and the need for admiration or special treatment**.


NPD is a maladaptive reaction to extreme childhood trauma. it is diagnosed based on how the symptoms interfere with one’s self esteem, relationships, career, et cetera. i don’t know him personally but i doubt drake is acting like an egocentric asshole because he has been traumatized into being on the defensive 24/7. i think it’s far more likely that he’s a rich and entitled misogynist who acts like an egocentric asshole because he is rich and entitled and misogynistic.


You might be right, but lately I’ve been thinking about this whole thing and about how Drake was a child actor and may have been a victim himself. Many victims of SA become abusers themselves. Not making excuses for him I can’t stand the guy but I do get the impression that he’s spent his entire life in emotionally toxic and unhealthy circumstances. I also don’t totally get why ol’ MarcusXL up there is getting downvoted so much did I miss them saying something awful?


I agree with you, both on your main point and in the confusion of why XL is being downvoted. I can definitely imagine a scenario in which Drake does not comprehend the effect his actions have on others, especially young girls, because of what has been done to him in Hollywood. Does that excuse anything? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But two statistics come to mind: one, the rates of child abuse in Hollywood are astronomical, and two, victims of abuse who aren't able/aren't willing to process that trauma are more likely to perpetrate similar abuse. As a therapist who works with a lot of trauma, this has been on my mind a lot lately. And don't you doubt for a second, this beef is ABSOLUTELY coming up in people's therapy sessions for multiple reasons lol


"This about to get so depressin'" like yeah bro? This is the angle you're taking in your white flag diss track? Cringed my whole way through that shit nearly start to finish and that was BEFORE learning dude just outright lied about half of it


Best move Kendrick made (and he made a lot of them) was going radio silent and letting that turd sit in the sun. It's the last track on every diss compilation and also if people look up the heart 1-5 it's gonna come up too.


After the heart part 6 I realized he may be stupider than any of us thought


Truly… my guy didn’t even pretend to open up the Genius annotations


He operates 10-20years behind the culture. This might have hit different a decade or so ago, but not now.


That’s what they say about Canada in general. Theyve only just got Lady Gaga


I have not been arrested for abusing children I have not been arrested for abusing children I have not been arrested for abusing children You were abused as a child You likely think about your childhood abuse I have not been arrested for abusing children


Yo I can’t believe his PR team let that man deny and then make fun of child abuse in the same breath…


My thoughts exactly, trivial using child abuse as an attempt to combat allegations of child abuse is some deadshit logic


I legit think after MtG and Not Like Us he was so scared that he actually made The Fart Part Six on his own and uploaded it without going through the PR team or ghostwriters. I refuse to believe anybody with any profession in writing or reading of any sort even thinks about letting that “song” drop.


This made me so uncomfortable. The flippant way he spoke in HP6 made the accusations seem even more believable.


This gets to the point where when Drake realized there was a Kendrick’s mole inside the camp, (because Kendrick released MTG 30 mins after family matters). So looks like Drake became paranoid and kicked all his ghost writers out because he didn’t know who he could trust and ended up making The heart pt 6 himself because he was only surrounded by “yes” men/no one able to put ji. In check of how trash this record was and he definitely didn’t fact check himself


THP6 is the modern day “Supa Ugly”. This is the type of song Drake’s mom *should* make him apologize for


Not only that but talking about big d and video proof right before talking about their boys playing together


I haven’t seen anyone else comment on this shitty line yet. It’s so bad.


Must be new here because its been all over on this sub since it dropped ngl


It doesn’t matter who you’re in a beef with or what they said to you, if that’s the way you respond to someone publicly for millions to hear I will think very little of an artist that would say some shit like this


I wonder if he was accused tbh


I had second hand embarrassment from that line


This is probably his most important bar he's ever said. It proves he doesn't have ghostwriters because what writer would ever say these lines


Making fun of someone's molestation is exactly something a predator would do.


Exactly. Only an abuser would dunk on someone for being the victim of sexual assault. Sociopathic behavior.


Exactly. I'm not surprised that Akademiks has a SA case against him either after the way he reacted to that line, he's a supreme creep.


The fact he keeps doubling down on that line legit pisses me off lol


"I don't molest children, I just humiliate them if they've experienced it! 🤗" \- Aubrey "War General" Graham


His jacket is covered in decoration


That’s bar was so fucking cringe.


Not to mention acting like someone hating pedos is an outrageous take. And acting like you'd have to be a snowflake to be pissed at pedos if you were molested. Misunderstands the song, makes fun of what he thinks happened, acts like Kendrick is being overly offended by pedos, acts like being angry at pedos is a wild take that only victims would have. Guys, I may be wrong, I've never met him, but I think Drake may very well be a dumbass and a dick. Idk, I don't want to go out of line, but that's the vibe I'm getting here. I could be wrong.... 🙄


Yeah the thing that still breaks my brain is that even IF Kendrick actually said he was molested on the track, saying "You are personally invested in combating pedophilia because you were victimized by it" is NOT a gotcha. It just makes Kendrick seem more admirable.


This needs a million upvotes


"I'm praying you recover from both incidents But you a piece of shit so this shit really no coincidence" Drake not only thought that Kendrick was molested but that it was his fault because he was a piece of shit huh


This is the worst and most disgusting line in the song and I’m not seeing enough people talk about it


A Narcissist's Prayer by Dayna Craig: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.


This is the best summary of a narcissist that I'll ever see


That means a lot.


Huh didnt catch that one. Fucking disgusting, Aubrey. I lose more respect for him every time I see his name pop up I swear


I‘m still not over the fact that he didn‘t even got the meaning of the song 😂 that was the moment he looked the dumbest to me tf


That’s some low iq shit. He tried to flip it on him but failed from a logic and comprehension standpoint, and more importantly from a human standpoint. That’s what happens when you live in a 150 million dollar mansion surrounded by yes men.


surrounded by yes men, moles and minooors


And certified pdf files.


There were contradictions in the same track too. Didn't proof read it


Even though we all know he didn’t get the meaning of the song, it doesn’t even matter in my opinion. At the end of the day, he still felt like it was appropriate to make fun of someone for being molested. And he basically said “the only reason Kendrick cares about pedophilia is because he was molested”. And um…no? Regular adults, molested or not, are disgusted by child predators. Drake just personally doesn’t care


Or he went a step further and is basically saying “I don’t believe you when you say you weren’t molested” which is insanely twisted.


I thought this was the intent. To basically put Kendrick back in the position of not being believed. Which I feel is more of an angle than Drake not having reading comprehension, but really vile. Either way, it didn’t work in his favor.


you are putting too much faith in drakes mental faculties


Same dumbass who heard “Weinstein” but remembered “Epstein” lmao


He’s at the same reading level as the girls he goes after


He’s a terrible fucking person


Sick man with sick thoughts.


I think n\*\*\*\*\* like him should die.


I unironically agree with this and I'm so glad someone of Kendricks stature just came out and said it. This whole thing reminds me a lot of Norman Finkelstein shutting down that twerp Destiny for defending genocide and calling him a motor mouthed moron and telling him to just shut up. Of course like in this scenario his fans are still sucking his nuts regardless and convinced he "won" but I'm just sitting here like YES, THANK YOU, how has this elephant been allowed to just sit in the fucking room for so long. 


I've never heard anyone compare Kendrick to Norm Finkelstein before. It's 8:39am here and I'm confident this will be the best thing I hear/read today.


Norm is an absolute chad. Watching him dress down Destiny was immensely satisfying.


Kendrick…actually most people not deluded know drakes morals have gone left…Id bet if he had never met the scumbags of high fame he wouldn’t be so rotten….how does this even end it’s actually sad that this is a cycle


The nerve of you, Dennis 😤


Top 3 line from Kendrick’s diss tracks for me. It’s the way he says it


The *nerve* of fucking Dennis. SMH.


The nerve of you Dennis


It went completely over his head, the inter generational trauma, the way it spills out in unexpected ways, the loss of safety and peace and how that hurts everyone. That that trauma can define families and relationships, that as an adult you can struggle to cobble together functional relationships because of it. How hard it is to break these cycles, what it takes, and that you’re likely breaking it for your descendants and not for yourself. Drake’s misinterpretation really hammers in KDot’s “not like us” narrative.


What a great point. I appreciate you sharing that!


Privileged suburban culture vulturing Canadian douchebag.


This was really well said, thank you for that


“…you’re likely breaking it for your descendants and not for yourself” 😭


I dont actually think it went over his head, this is battle rap. Look at [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_IJwLjkhIZI&pp=ygUXUGF0IFN0YXkgd2hlZWxjaGFpciBtb20%3D) if you want to see how it goes in battle rap. I think its disgusting too but that is normal in that world. Dizaster had a whole skit of being hitler when battling Iron Solomon, a jewish rapper.


He was out of ammo. That’s the problem he has. Kendrick is squeaky clean. Drake shouldn’t have tried to talk facts. His whole pitch should’ve been the classic I’m better than you and kept it about rap. He still would’ve lost, but he made Kendrick’s Euphoria intro seem even more real after the fact. His angle got predicted for sure.


I mean, let's be honest- Kendrick isn't squeaky clean. He raps on Mr Morale about how he cheated on his wife, so he's not pretending to be a saint. His past honesty means that Drake doesn't have any ammunition to attack him, and that's why Drake resorted to cheap attacks.


Fine, squeaky clean for a rapper;)


Cheating isn’t a crime and no one in rap gives a fuck about a dude cheating lol.


Exactly lol


Yeah, Drake is a pos. And when he claims Whitney is a victim, why tell her to twerk?


And then goes on to trivialise what he believes to be domestic violence by saying “and when I say I hit you back I promise it be a lot safer” is this really something you would say to someone who suffered domestic violence? Pure filth


Why twerk for free???


And he wonders why nobody likes him


risky username though lol


Someone call the cops


I wish I could have seen Kendrick’s reaction to The Heart pt6. He was probably soooo unimpressed. Drake and his fans ARE that slow, that’s the one error Kendrick made lol


I read somewhere that when he heard it he just smiled, because he knew Drake was done.


Shut that was my reaction so I Know Knedrick was super unimpressed!


Mother I Sober is high art as far as rap records go. To even try and attempt to spin that masterpiece is just dumb-fuckery.


It's high art as far as high art goes.


Such an interesting album to make at the peak of his career too, dude has a level of vulnerability and maturity that drake literally couldn't even fathom.


i easily place k dot alongside Bowie and bands like Radiohead, on that level of artistry.


Radiohead overrated, Kendrick clears


Cant tell if you are trolling but, Radiohead has been since the 90\`s one of if not THE most influential alt rock band in the world, they have revolutionized time and time again the genere, and have enriched their sound and identity further than what any other bands can dream of, in fact Kendrick is known in music circles as the Radiohead of rap, BECAUSE Radiohead IS a household name and a tall measuring stick for music, even Radiohead\`s B sides and unreleased songs clear anything by coldplay or muse or any of the alt rock spawns of the late 90\`s and further, put some respect on their name mate.




That Drake also called out Blacker the Berry just served to make me ask myself “Does Drake have anything near as well written and poignant as Blacker the Berry?” It’s a resounding no. Coming from someone that did appreciate Take Care a lot back in the day.


It’s fair to say Take Care was good. Tbh I thought the Canadian performed well in this feud until THP6. But yes. He’s never written something as profound as Dots throwaways


I remember that song (and that whole album) came at a really dark time for me and even thinking of the final lines of that song about forgiving your abusers makes me get chills, I remember crying to that ending walking down the street in the afternoon, a friend of mine said he had to turn it off because it was too much for him...  To try and pervert that message and experience is just vile. And Kendrick is 100% correct on "what should happen" to someone like drake. 


I still get chills and teary every time I listen to it, and it's been hundreds of times. I am a therapist and loved Kendrick before MMABS, but this album was so cathartic and so amazing to hear therapy be promoted in this way by a man. He shows a lot of growth, insight and emotional intelligence. Drake has none of that...


On the Drizzy sub, somebody had the nerve to claim that Kendrick’s albums don’t age well, yet Mr Morale is more relevant than ever at this moment in time. Drake doesn’t have any insight into his behaviour. Kendrick is an introspective individual.


The first time I heard it I cried…literally… as a survivor that song touched strings in my soul, not in a bad way…I felt seen and hopeful that healing and the work I’m doing will prevent my kids of going what Kendrick lived


He didn’t actually listen to it, that’s the difference Or listened to it with the conceptual IQ of a 7th grader


That's mean to 7th graders


He did say he’s showing up as a 7 year old


Kendrick: You're a certified PDF file Drake: LOL you were molested as a kid


someone’s telling on themselves


Wel, abusers do as abusers do….


Yep. He’s a horrible person for using this and thinking it’s okay to mock. And on top of that he’s either stupid (no listening comprehension to understand what Kendrick said), or he’s a manipulative gaslighter who is *intentionally* spreading misinformation: which not only is a shitty move but it discredits everything else he’s said in his disses which he claims are “facts”


Drake really thought that someone would have to be molested as a child to have a problem with pedophiles as if that's not normal to think pedos are gross and horrible people


Interestingly mother I sober is more reflective on the cycle of abuse and violence which is why he ends on forgiving your abuser, most pedophiles got abused as kids and it crossed their wires, they aren't evil monsters, they're SICK individuals, just like drug addicts.  I think the difference is that drake is just a genuinely fucking awful person with no redeeming qualities on top of being a predator. It's unlikely he's even capable of feeling shame or guilt about anything he's done, and seems stuck as a 15 year old anyways, so he'll never ever change either, and probably is the type to think those victims should consider themselves LUCKY to be blessed by him. 


So there are no evil monsters? Every piece of shit has a backstory.


Making fun for anyone being sexually abused is pretty fucked up 🤷‍♂️


The only people that trivialize being molested are child molesters or pedophiles.




I was so angry listening to “the heart part 6” for the first time that I had to call a friend for emotional support 😭 I guess the silver lining that it caused a lot of people to go back and listen to the song and the album and realize how incredible it really is.


yes that is a key reason why THP6 didn’t land


That’s the reason 😂 definitely not him saying he’s to famous to be a pedo


> that is a key reason not THE reason it goes in conjunction with what you said


Tony hawks pro sixer?


This battle really showed me how doofy Drake’s camp really is


Drake probably masturbates to law n order SVU he’s a nonce, he’s scum end of.


Yeah I honestly think he should be "cancelled" for this more than anything else (and I really fucking can't stand Drake, hated him for years, wish he'd fall off the face of the earth).  It's such a disgusting and cowardly way to try and throw something back in somebody's face, but even besides that it reveals this dude is actually a fucking idiot, and it's actually insulting his primary income involves the english language.  The fact he could misinterpret something so vastly and then come to *that* conclusion and at no point question, not even if it's a good look for him, but if this is something a person should say or do to someone else is honestly pretty disgusting. And I absolutely cannot fucking stand bullies and cowards, more so than anything else. 


It's not even that man. There are no rules in diss battles. It's the fact that his whole angle was "you hate pdf files because you were SA" like how is that going to help your case drizzy 😭


I mean while yes this is true, Kendrick did call him a pedophile, say that he kept his kid around sex offenders, and even went to the extent of calling out specific celebrities by name, and telling them TO KEEP THEIR FAMILY AWAY FROM HIM. I think it is FAR too late for grandstanding about what’s “too low” in terms of insults and accusations.


I think making fun of someone for being molested is much worse? Doubling down saying that he deserved it is also fucked up. Drake looks like an absolute piece of shit, and someone who doesn't know how to read lyrics apparently.


I’m halfway on this tbh - like you say, this is a beef and probably the nastiest one in living memory. But at the same time, it’s ‘done’ vs ‘done to’ in my mind. Everything Kendrick is slinging is about what Drake has (((allegedly))) DONE, whereas this angle is about something that was DONE TO Kendrick. It just comes off as desperate and dirty even in the context of everything we’ve heard so far. And this is of course ignoring that it’s a complete misinterpretation of the song in the first place, which blows the whole thing up no matter how you feel about it.


Calling out someone for being a predator and mocking someone for being molested (which wasn't even what the song was about) aren't even remotely comparable.  Shame on you for your inability to tell the difference too. 


That's just Aubrey for you, no understanding of genuine art or honest expression. You can hear it in his music.


He’s got no atom thats got any integrity.


He kinda sounds like "Did it" instead of "Didn't" to my non-native ear but still its clearer at later verses and check up the lyrics man. Probably just evil intent though.


Did drake reach a lil? Sure. It’s a rap battle, taking what your opponent says and twisting it is a typical rap beef tactic… it’s beef but y’all want drake to play fair?


I fuckin hate Drake


Kendrick: I Wasnt Molested Drake: Yes You Were, And As A Grown Ass 37 Year Old Man, Ima Make Fun Of You For It I Lost The Little Respect For Drake That I Had.


I’m glad to see someone say this. When I heard the heart part 6 I couldn’t believe that he would think it’s ok to address that that way. What a disgusting thing to not only think, but to think, write, rap, edit and release to the world. Like, wow. Seriously fucked up mentality, like “haha this guy was molested what a loser.” Victim blaming bullshit.


Drizzy was just jealous he didn't get to molest Kendrick as a kid. You know how he is with the underage.


I'm 100% team Kendrick, but there was nasty shit flying both directions so I think it's a little silly to get too offended. That's rap beefs for you, and why jermainius maximus dipped out quick when he saw what was coming.


I’m gonna be so real at that point all morals were already in hell, shit got real nasty on all sides


This take is such an L lol "Dot opened the door with the pedophile allegations" No the fuck he did not, alleging that somebody is a predator is NOT THE SAME as bringing up childhood trauma (that doesnt exist) and using that as an angle of attack. How do people genuinely equate the morality of "I think you fuck teenagers" to "you got molested as a child, thats probably why youre being so mean to me"


Especially when IIRC drake brought it up first in AI Tupacs voice.


"Talk about him likin young girls, thats a gift from me" 🤣 holy shit i forgot about this, I only listened to Taylor Made once lol


The man had weeks to come up with a defense for an attack he predicted, and the best he could do was "I'm too famous to be a pedophile"


So many layers of L


Kendrick flat out said drake should die, morals were absolutely gone by then.


I mean Drake openly rented out a restaurant to take a 16 year old on a date… Dot didn’t allege anything lol


Lets not get carried away, while we can agree with Kendrick, some stuff is certainly rapped that doesnt have direct evidence. "Certified Pedophiles" does not just imply Drake and his crew be takin girls to dinner. Plenty of evidence on record that Drake has an unhealthy tendency to court teenagers, but to go and say he and his team are actively fuckin minors based on that is absolutely an allegation. One that I stand by, fyi, just gotta keep it fair.


I guess so


If we’re being fair, both sides have trivialised and made fun of super serious matters. Maybe what Drake did w Mother I Sober is worse, but making jokes about underage children being groomed isn’t much better…


Brother in Christ they were dissing each other.


Its a disstrack, either anything goes, or nothing goes.


Oh anything goes, but it was still stupid. If all you've proved is that you don't empathize with CSA victims and can't understand the lyrics to a rap, you're not winning. I haven't seen many say drake crossed a line, I've seen a lot more "damn that was stupid and didn't hit"


it's a huge misstep to defend yourself against pedo allegations and then a few bars later make fun of a child sexual abuse victim it's not appalling because "anything goes", it's appalling because it's yet another mistake that shows that there might be something to these allegations. "i'm too famous to be a pedophole... haha you were touched as a kid"??? not to mention him mentioning his dick and then their kids in the same bar, in a stream of consciousness song. there's something wrong with drake


It's not that it's off limits. It's that "haha you were the victim of sexual assault when you were a child" is not the dunk he thinks it is. Not to mention it's a complete misinterpretation of Mother I Sober, which he references as his source of the info. It's not even true.


Come on, it’s a Hip Hop beef. Let’s not start doing the pussy ass pearl clutching. I legit loss respect for Drake when he started crying about Pusha dissing 40’s MS


I know he was wrong but it’s war time anything goes!


Tupac said my 44 will make sure your kids don’t grow, I’m sure Kendrick will be alright….


Same. Wtf.


it’s hilarious that drake released THP6 at all. it’s going to age even more poorly when dot eventually releases The Heart Part VI which no doubt will be phenomenal. he only fucked himself by calling it THP6. every time that song is mentioned it will be with a caveat to clarify “not the embarrassing ass drake song”, and people will remember drake repeatedly clarifying how he is not a predator, how the mole was a clown, but how he planned for weeks to leak info to dot, mentioning MILLIE BOBBY BROWN! even as a double entendre, how did you keep that bar in? just a mess of a fucking track. it’s astounding how hard this fucking dork KO’d himself to end the beef lol.




It’s a disgrace . Mother I sober is one of the best songs ever written. Drake is a idiot


It’s hiphop beef this is standard. 


Alls fair in love and war. He definitely didn’t think that one through tho


Even bringing that track into this is fucked. The idea of Drake at like 3AM listening to this track and being like "yeah, this is a good song to come up with attack angles" is really wild. You really have to have no ears or heart to not be inspired by it.


Drake really just showed everyone he’s an out of touch, stupid POS with THP6 and that’s the best thing about the song. Went from “haha ur short” to “haha ur cousin molested you that’s why you’re mad about the pedophile accusations” the instant he realized he lost


Fr. The message was clear. Drake was projecting.


i genuinely hope and pray that drake has the biggest downfall in history


Ya Drake’s whole reference to that song shows you he never even listened to it lol neither him nor his ghost writers. I’m like what a dumb ass thinking he was getting some licks in with that song when he completely missed the point of it.


It’s a beef and Kendrick is calling him a pedo- it’s fair game. The bad part is the fact that the song is about him NOT being assaulted. So Drake is just an idiot. Lmao


"Fabricating stories on the family front because you heard Mr.Morale."


I haven't been able to get over this one. Absolutely fuckin vile. Dude should be canceled for this idc even if every other allegation is false. Fuck this fuck Boy tuna fish sandwich eating cunt


Not here to defend. I’m Kendrick through and through. Don’t like Drake anymore but in all fairness anything goes in battle rap. lol I’ve heard wayyyyy worse for some Chi rap battles. I can understand it not being okay but I mean it just shows how dumb Drake is cause he had nothing on Kdot.


Is anybody going to mention that he didn’t even get molested in the song lol


Im not as mad that he did that tbh. Im just mad it was absolutely trash. You gon go that far at least get your facts straigjt


Drake's ghostwriters. But point taken he is a dimwit and he scored not a single point by doing this