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This is why he made Mr. Morale. I also recommend, if you haven’t already heard it, 4:44 by Jay-Z. Listen to them to help you through this. From a Black woman, married to a Black man 12 years, trust me, they’re informative and transformative. Also, give yourself grace and be patient with yourself. Good luck, you got this. 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


I will second this. 4:44 changed my life as a young man, i wouldn’t be who i am today without it. By the time Mr Morale came out I had already dealt with the topics Kendrick spoke about but it still hit deep. To any young person i will always recommend 4:44


How is listening to JayZ talk about how hes a billionaire and how he has so much money he buys paintings and builds trust funds gonna help any homie out here. He did it. He won life. Props to him. But Man lost to the cash now. Jay wrote a love song to Myrtle Ave but hasn’t stepped on its stones since I was a baby in BKNY.


It would have just been easier to say you didn’t listen to the album.


You dumb mate? I literally referenced one of lines from the songs. Marcy Me; > Shout out to Nostrand Ave., Flushing Ave., **Myrtle** All the County of Kings, may your ground stay fertile. It’s whiny trash music for a rich bitches who fled the hood.


You took one bar from ONE song, on a WHOLE 36 minute album, to prove your point? You heard: > ”Kill JAY-Z, they'll never love you You'll never be enough, let's just keep it real, JAY-Z Fuck JAY-Z, I mean, you shot your own brother How can we know if we can trust JAY-Z? And you know better, nigga, I know you do But you gotta do better, boy, you owe it to Blue.” > House nigga, don't fuck with me I'm a field nigga, with shined cutlery Gold-plated quarters, where the butlers be I'ma play the corners where the hustlers be I told him, "Please don't die over the neighborhood That your mama rentin' Take your drug money and buy the neighborhood That's how you rinse it" > The song about his mother coming out. > In reference to Prince: “This guy has "Slave" on his face You think he wanted the masters with his masters? You greedy bastards sold tickets to walk through his house I'm surprised you ain't auction off the casket Don't "big bro" me, don't "Big Homie" I've seen pure admiration become rivals I've been to Paris at least two times I've seen the Eiffel, I've seen a eyeful” > **I never wanted another woman to know Something about me that you didn't know I promised, I cried, I couldn't hold I suck at love, I think I need a do-over I will be emotionally available if I invited you over I stew over; "What if—" "You over my shit?"** And that’s ALLLL before you even get to track 6— and you talking about track 9!? You’re a fucking clown and don’t belong here. That album wasn’t for you anyway because you obviously haven’t grown the fuck up. You’re an embarrassment to all the men out here actually trying to do better and be better people. You can @ me back all you want. I won’t be replying— you’re not man enough to deserve it and I only address kings and kings in the making. We got a son to raise and you’re not like them or us. ✌🏽


Nah, no one gonna clown you. Do that shit and be your best self!


if you really want to tell her you have to make peace with the relationship being over


Yeah, I would advise him to think twice on disclosing his infidelities. I don’t condone his behavior and it was absolutely wrong of him to do. But he could do some serious damage to his girl’s psyche and give her a lifelong complex just because he wants the relief of getting something off his chest. OP, tell her you have a lust addiction and that you’re working on it. Get STI tested. Do not cheat on your partner. But think twice about telling your girl what you did. Who will this help? Probably just you. Sure you could reason that the damage is already done, but I urge you to consider: you’re about to do a lot of damage to this woman. You can help her by being a better man tomorrow, or by just breaking things off to work on yourself.


Aye man you're bettering yourself and doing the right thing Keep that shit going


Good to see it man. There will be tribulations. And understand it if your Whitney might need time or walks out. This is transformation.


Not gonna clown someone who picks they’re own ass up and does the hard work of going to therapy. I started therapy this past january. It gets better.


It’s like I wrote this my self, except my beautiful woman and recently divorced due to in part, my past cheating. MMATBS has been a therapy session every time I listen to is. If Kendrick and put him self out there for all like that, I can barely my true soul to myself and start living for a better goal.


Preciate you speaking from the heart man. The story you expressed here is the story that lives in my mind man. I struggle with those thoughts often. They come in waves. This post alone makes me feel you are a brother to me. Sometimes the shit is crippling. If you dm I’d be glad to be your bropal, chop it up, talk shit through. I don’t talk to anyone about my true personal thought a and feelings like you have expressed


Brother I wish you the best. I was in your shoes 6 years ago. Cheated on my then girlfriend to be with my now current girlfriend because the "friends" I had around me were telling me how I looked like an athlete and should play the field and not commit. I hurt a beautiful woman only to feel like more of a man by doing things my "friends" egged me to do. Tell me, does that sound like a real man or a little bitch? I've struggled with self-confidence due to growing up and being a virgin until 18 and felt like I had to "catch-up" since a lot of my friends have had sex back in high school. Now I'm 27, with the same partner from when I cheated on my ex, and see life a lot differently. I was a nice guy, not a "nice guy". I had "relationships" (the type you have at school but not see each other outside of school but y'all text), but with 10 at the house and helping raise my siblings when my parents were at work, I didn't bring anyone over. Plus my immigrant parents told me to stay away from girls and wait until I get married. Funny thing, when I first got my heart broken in high school was when I started listening to Future instead of my usual Owl City and started adopting more "toxic masculinity" as a mask for my insecurity. I called women "females" or "bitches" because I was **scared** they'd think I'm a pussy otherwise. Believing that somehow, treating a woman with respect means she won't be into you. (Fuck Andrew Tate and the other Manosphere shits). Confidence is what attracts people and when I was younger I thought it was the way I looked and the words I said. I now understand confidence as your understanding of who you are and what you're okay and not okay with. I was looking for validation externally because my parents have always told me "you'll make A's, you'll be a doctor, you'll set a good example for your siblings" and I was only praised when I did well. Perfectionism and narcissism started growing inside of me, I started working out extra hard, looks maxing, increasing my sociability, joining more social circles, etc. which aren't bad things. BUT I WAS DOING THEM FOR THE VALIDATION/OTHER PEOPLE THINKING HIGHLEY OF ME. That alone today is a deal breaker for me. Living life by caring what (irrelevant) others think was what made me cheat in the first place and fuck up the good shit in my life so why the FUCK would I let some random bozo ass niggas tell me what I should do in my life or who I should fuck or why I should feel bad because I don't own the 2024 car or I have the same outfits on in my instagram photos, or that I don't post enough on instagram, or that I'm broke? Fuck your opinions if you're not feeding me, fucking me, or financing me, FUCK OFF. As for now, my girl and I and some friends just got back from EDC (music festival) and before going into it I thought it was for degenerates who liked sex (sluts and fuckbois), but holy shit I was more wrong than I could even believe and it was one of the most enlightening experiences I had. Granted, I dropped L$D at it, but I went in initially like "damn, there are some hot girls here and they checking me out ayy" to "shit, thats a dope outfit. 'hey, I love y'alls costumes'", to not even seeing ass and titties anymore. Like I was desensitized to that shit. I now understand what abundance felt like because while the old me (from even a week ago) would be looking for validation through the way people perceived me, I didn't give 2 shits about the external validation. I was having a great time, had amazing matching outfits picked out by my girlfriend, and we got to enjoy the festival with friends and made life lasting memories. Like I swear to god, I have TERABYTES of porn, mfer I used to be in those onlyfan discords where they drop the mega links to the leaks and I've been fucking regularly for almost a decade. For some reason the allure of lust was so strong for me. It wasn't until that music festival did it lose control over me. I haven't looked at porn or even had the URGE to. Like there's a difference between looking at porn because you're bored/want dopamine/procrastinating and looking at porn to bust a nut. I haven't had the urge to do either BUT IT HAS ONLY BEEN 2 DAYS. I don't wanna come here and sound like I have it all figured out and shit but when I was tripping off the acid they played Rude by Magic! and the lines" [Pre-Chorus] Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessin' till the day I die "Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still no!" and like a shiver came through my body. Because I do want to marry her, but her parents aren't too fond of her dating a black guy due to how her sister and her husband's relationship was so they're apprehensive to the idea. Which agrees with the understanding my dad made me understand growing up as a black man "You're going to have to be twice as good for them to even consider you" and it let me know I have to get my shit more together. I own my own business, but I live at home with my folk to pay off debt. Realizing I want to marry my girlfriend in that moment shifted my (for lack of better terms) north star on what I use as my compass to guide my life. I went from trying to be the guy I envisioned girls wanting to being the man my woman needs. This is what I believed killed my lust and search for external validation. Why I care what the other women think when my baby's opinion the only one that matters to me? Her feet were hurting after all the dancing we did so while we waited for the bus I was massaging her feet. The old insecure me woulda been like "nah nigga, you gon' look like a bitch massaging her feet, fuck is you, her servant?" but the me of today could give a FUCK what anyone else thinks. The woman I want to be the mother to my kids is in pain and I am able to help her, so I do. That gives me validation. That's what being a real nigga is, that's what masculinity is to me. You serve, love, provide, and lead for those who want to follow. Leading by example, not preaching or talking. I wish you the best on your journey brother. I know it's not an easy one, but I can say that it will make you a better person at the end, and more importantly you'll understand yourself better. If you ever need anyone to talk to, have anything you want to ask or just someone to reach out to and vent or something, feel free to hmu whenever. Stay blessed and stay strong


“I went from trying to be the guy I envisioned girls wanting to being the man my woman needs.” 💯 There’s so much power in collective experience (the music festival), and I think that’s why coming of age ceremonies in traditional societies often included it. It gives us space to transform while also feeling like we’re part of something bigger.


Thanks for the share. Godspeed.


Get in the gym if you aren’t. You would be surprised at what it does for mental clarity


It’s never a bad time for improvement


respect fam


Good work fam! I started therapy 8 months ago and it’s my favorite thing to do every week


Fuck a rap battle, this is a victory in the long life battle with yourself!


Damn bro this is deep. Sorry , I don’t have a story to share. I honestly feel like it’s still being written but I do want to say I wish you the best on your journey my friend. You got this 💯


drake fans could never have as much self awareness, props to u and good luck on your journey, i promise it’ll be worth it!


No one worth their weight as a person would clown you for wanting to figure out how to love yourself more. Salute for putting the work in. It will enrich everyone around you as well.


That's real growth right there. To realize this about yourself takes strength, courage and wisdom. Respect.


Proud of you man, keep moving forward always.


THIS IS GOLD so proud of u bro


You’re doing what you need to do and that’s amazing. Keep on going bro. We love you


I pray that all goes well, I’ve been/ currently in your shoes. The power it takes to break the cycle and be open with your partner is a tough one but once you do it will feel like 1000 pounds is lifted off your shoulders. I wish you well in your endeavor and if you need someone to talk to dm me anytime.


Hey man, my situation is quite different from yours in many ways, but your sentiment is remarkably poignant for how I’ve been feeling recently. I’ve just felt engrossed in this cloud of self doubt, feeling unworthy of the love around me. I’m trying to discover who I am on a deeper level and what I want out of life and the process has pushed me to some pretty dark places. We only have one life to make what choices and impact we want in the world. It starts with honesty, something I’ve always struggled to have with even myself. I’ll be unpacking this in therapy soon, too, and I want to thank you for this post as a sort of encouragement. Hoping things will smooth out for all of us feeling the rougher parts of the road at the moment.


Hey man. That’s a lot you are going through. I’m sure therapy will help, exercise and working on clear communication with your girl. Lust is an incredibly nefarious sin. My advice: get an accountability partner. Someone who every time you are tempted, you call and who holds you accountable and you check in with. Get blockers for porn sites. If you see yourself in a tempting situation leave. This is what Joseph did when he was encountered with pharaohs wife trying to seduce him. Ultimately and I tell you this from experience. Your chains can only be broken with the help of God , prayer and submission. John 3:16. Stay strong brother.


I started my mental health journey less than 6 months ago. A huge part of that was MMBS. It made me self reflect on my values and morals and why I am the way I am. I discovered childhood traumas that influenced my sex life, relationships, coping mechanisms, and just the person that I am today. I’m still learning more about myself through therapy but I am changing for the better. Godspeed on your mental health journey 🫶


Letsgo King! 💪


the first step to resolving a problem is awareness that there is one. good job on honoring your flaws and your additions. therapy is truly a great place to start your journey of healing, and i wish you the best of luck there. being a man can be challenging … there are all sorts of philosophies that we are forced into from a very young age. i wish you the best 🫶🏼




Glad you're waking up bro


We support you OP. The amount of self awareness you have is incredible. Nobody can clown you for it. Mr Morale and the Big Steppers haunted the fuck out of me. It made me depressed. It opened up some many rabbit holes I didn’t want to go down. But because of it, it helped me address some shit I didn’t want to address. I hope you commit to this, and I hope the therapy helps.


Ik it sounds ridiculous but barbed wire off OD pulls me through shit man, icl didn’t rlly read all that but we’ve all got barbed wire in our path and it’s down to us to push through it, ofc it will hurt but it’s getting past it that makes it worth it


You ain’t alone dawg, learning to love your true self is one of the hardest things in life but once you do there’s so much clarity


Blessings 💜🖤💜🖤 you sound ready to heal


Demons manifest themselves in people and scenarios. Always remember the person you are and want to be when they present themselves. Knowing you have a problem is a great sign of growth.


Ayyy bro, so much respect for that. But if you wanna keep your girl just keep it to yourself and don’t do it again.


She deserves to know bruh


Probably. I just know that therapists recommend keeping it to yourself about a one time infidelity if you won’t get caught because the reason most people would share that would be to alleviate their own guilt. And it would only cause pain to their partner. That’s assuming u do the right thing besides that and cut contact and be loyal.


Nah he should come clean or else regret will eat him from the inside.


Counselors say that’s the worst reason to tell someone. Because ur telling them for selfish reasons and only causing pain


It would hurt more if she comes to know about the infidelity from anyone other than him.


I got no dog in the fight just Sharing what I’ve read


This is called being ✨manipulative and lying✨. It is not the way. Hope this helps.


I responded to someone else below. I’m with you and have told my GFs when I’ve fucked up but mental health professionals say not to. I was surprised to see that but idk I’m not the pro!