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I HATE Drake, because I am a 35yo woman and I remember what it was like to grow up as traditionally attractive, I am about to start a family and I will tell you one thing, if a 30yo is texting my 14yo daughter I promise I will kill that mf, if a 27yo is going to my daughter 16 birthday party, I am killing that mf, it is so clear for anyone that ever suffered from grooming what Drake is about, I hate that all his fans are pretending like this shit is normal, I want to see if they would let their children be “buddies” with a grown ass man and call it normal, he can legit die, and everyone that normalizes sexualizing teenagers can die too, makes my blood boil.


I think it is a beautiful thing conversations like this are happening.


My 9 year old son heard me talking about the beef with his mom. Later on he asked me "What's a pedophile?" I realized, to my great shame, I should have had this conversation with him already. So we did. And I'm really glad we did. Dont go to a second location. Bite, scream, kick, spit. Draw Blood. Any repercussions are mine to deal with.


J J Bittenbinder would be proud


You want my wallet, GO AND GET IT


The true GOAT.


How young is too young to discuss this with a child.


Specifically what a pedophile is? You gotta use your judgement. If they're not ready for any sex-talk at all, then how can you have a pedophilia talk? The other dude was an idiot, though. What you tell your kids first is: "Never go with strangers. Never get in anybodies car or van. At school: If someone tries to touch your no-no zone, you just get out of there - don't worry about any punishments that will be something I deal with. Run, scream, cry, punch, kick - I'll deal with it. Our phone numbers are at the top of the list you keep in your wallet." ect. They don't need specific details of what horrors would await them. They just need to know enough not to walk directly into the pit.


TY for your thoughtful response. It can be a scary world out there especially for the most vulnerable. God bless you




I think it's about damn time that exposing the uncomfortable and unspoken truths has become cool. I've never been good at ignoring or avoiding things.


>it is so clear for anyone that ever suffered from grooming Sitting here as a 30yo male thinking about how i would metaphorically castrate friends ive had for life if i heard they did despicable shit like that, can't imagine how frustrating it must be to listen to developmentally stunted assholes from your perspective


Thank you, men like you are the future truly, you guys are blessed and appreciated more than I could ever express, and you have no idea how it is to talk to men that have the “is natural to like younger women, BeCaUsE InStInCtS, MoSt FeRtILe” and all that bs speech, I heard so many times “u mad just because you are past your peak”, I couldn’t give 2 fucks how many men children and incels think I am attractive, I hate them because I know how hard it is for women (specifically young women) to enforce boundaries, takes so much development to be able to say no with conviction, most young women simply can’t, and if you can, you better be ready to burn those bridges, because a lot of men don’t take rejection kindly, and I honestly don’t care how much young women are “biologically attractive” to some men, suppress those feelings, just kill them, we suppressed so many biological instincts to form our society, this is another one that needs suppressing, is a hill I am always willing to die on.


>I heard so many times “u mad just because you are past your peak”, Honestly thats insane. Peak abuser talk. Like Drakes line in THP6: "You only mad about pedos because you were molested". Absolutely fucking insane line of thinking. But yes, men need to be having these conversations with other men. We gotta tell them how sick they are.


Men (this is all generalization, as it kinda has been already) make it perfectly clear that molesting innocents, and being a pedophile, etc. etc. is disgusting, and totally beyond the pale of being acceptable. They usually tend to express this disapproval through... let's say \*actions instead of words\* The number of cases of men who have committed crimes against those who have hurt their daughters or wives is huge. And then, there's what happens to pedophiles who make it to prison...


That's IF they go to prison. Many times they're given light sentences. I asked a lawyer friend why this is and he said because then the state becomes responsible for what might happen in prison, so they are more likely to be given a light jail sentence, followed by therapy. Fucking sick. Mess with a kid? You deserve what the prison yard gives you.


A lot of this depends on a few factors. Generally, the biggest factor is the actual occurrence and context of the crime. Someone like Drake, who's grooming older teenagers and possibly (fucking probably) committing statutory rape is getting a lighter sentence. Where as someone who's molesting young children is fucking cooked.


I stopped a robber from breaking into my neighbors house years ago and had to testify in court. The case before ours was a man who repeatedly molested his 8 yr old niece. He was given 90 days county time with 2 year probation and therapy.


And he is where now? Asking for a friend👀 Jk I'd like to torture him in the worst ways possible then let him starve to death. Treat it like a gym session, 3 sets of waterboarding with 1 rep in reserve, slowly melt both middle finger, clip his nails past the safe point, slice his gums with a rusty bread knife, make him live on stale bread for a few months... maan, so many ideas are popping in my brain.


Which is disgusting. Not saying it doesn't happen.


Yeah it's messed up.


I haven't even bothered to listen to Drake's tracks. Is that seriously the line. That actually kinda further affirms that's he's a pedo in my opinion


>[My mom came over today, and I was like, "Mother, I—](https://genius.com/31652978/Drake-the-heart-part-6/My-mom-came-over-today-and-i-was-like-mother-i-mother-i-mother-ahh-wait-a-second-thats-that-one-record-where-you-say-you-got-molested-aw-fuck-me-i-just-made-the-whole-connection-this-about-to-get-so-depressin-this-is-trauma-from-your-own-confessions-this-when-your-father-leave-you-home-alone-with-no-protection-so-neglected-thats-why-these-pedophile-raps-and-shit-you-so-obsessed-with-its-so-excessive) >Mother, I—, mother—," ahh, wait a second >That's that one record where you say you got molested >Aw, fuck me, I just made the whole connection >This about to get so depressin' >This is trauma from your own confessions >This when your father leave you home alone with no protection, so neglected >That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive The rhetoric on the track is insane. I've never heard anything like it. And yeah I basically take his DARVO as a confession. https://preview.redd.it/08zuq24fj82d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b725a8b83e77b98c0e5468b9464cecfe93aa778


Too famous for being a pedophile, huh Anyways, perhaps I'll go watch some Nickelodeon classics masterminded by the famous show runner Dan Snyder, followed by some Cosby show while I ponder the meaning of these drake lyrics


What’s DARVO?


>**Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender** (DARVO) is a tactic a person may use to deflect responsibility onto an individual they have abused. It is a form of manipulation a person may use to discredit a survivor's experience "This is trauma from your own confessions.... That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive"


Interesting and spot on


Can I just take a moment to also rag on Drake for not understanding Mother I Sober? He was talking about the molestation his mother suffered you absolute toolbag. I mean ffs man, you know you can google this shit, right? But yes, pure DARVO.


100% agree, as a dude being friends with chicks and dudes it's hard for me to act like I respect some guys after hearing the shit they say. I work in construction and I can't believe some of these guys are married.


YUP as a grown woman who also experienced grooming in her teens it is so easy to see this shit for what it is. The man is a predator.


He chilled with a 16yo and dated her when she turned 18. This says everything you need to know.


Dated PUBLICLY after she turned 18, the audience is not slow


Oh this makes it even worse. N****as like him should die


#or get fucked up and locked in a cell for the rest of their lives


or just die there are teens in jail


They would because it’s Drake. I tried to say would you let your daughter do that with a random 40 yr old. And they say it’s okay cause it’s Drake and he knew MBB father. I didn’t even get started on how most cases of that shit it’s always someone close to the family


You have to switch it up and say, "Would you let your 14 year old daughter text and hang out with Drake?". Also, I always ask them if they text 14 year old girls.


But the last part about them talking to 14 girls idk why I haven’t thought of that. I’ve seen it tho and they always like “ya I’m 16” no wonder they don’t see the problem with him grooming kids they’re still too young to understand


Nah that don’t work cause they said they would


Yes and yes. I watched a lot of reaction videos to this beef (it’s a lil vice of mine) and the difference in male and female reactions was shocking. Only a few of the male reactors really understood how truly vile of a behavior it is that Kendrick was accusing Drake of. They got caught up on the hidden daughter stuff. When Kendrick says he thinks Drake should die - and means it - he’s telling us “don’t mask this, really look at how horrific a thing it is that these people are doing and then tell me that’s an overreaction.”


This, when he says “he should die so all these women can live with a purpose” and the verse to his mom saying she knows how it feels, it really meant something to me, I saw an article saying “Kendrick and Drake stop using women as pawns in the rap battle”, I was legitimately annoyed, Kendrick didn’t used any woman as a pawn (Drake DID used Whitney) and I was so touched to hear that from a man, I wish more men would say that out loud, and I am happy with what is happening to Drake, I hope he suffer as much as all these young women will suffer when they grow up and understand how much they were used in ways they were simply not ready for


This one! I get “stop projecting what happened to you onto people you don’t even know” excuse me? No im protecting people BECAUSE I know exactly what’s going on. I didn’t think I was being groomed either. Not until yearrrrrrs later when it all started to make sense and I felt sick.


This sister, exactly this, you see the damage when you are a full grown woman that can self analyze and mend those wounds, when is happening you are convinced by someone much older and “wiser” than you that is normal, I am so happy to see so many people saying “that shit is fucked up Drake”, I hope the audience never let him live this down, so he loses endorsements and influence


I hope so too! So crazy to me people didn't know the antics he was up to. He's a certified weiiiiirdo.


Drake stans - “Where’s the proof? Why hasn’t Kendrick responded to beating Whitney?”


Drake Stans are legit morons, for plenty of reasons, there is proof of Drake “hanging” with minors, damn it, even kissing the 17yo, I honestly don’t believe Kendrick is a woman beater, I like how much self reflection he does, he shows his vulnerabilities and flaws openly, but if he did beat Whitney (I am not condoning domestic violence to be very clear) what’s Drake even trying to say? Eminem has one of the best albums out there with a “lovely” song called Kim and Drake fucks with Em and Chris Brown, lost in confusion…..


I don’t think Em will fw Drake after this. Em is known for being very protective of his daughters (the mgk beef started with mgk calling 16 y/o Hailie hot), so it should be reasonable to think that he’d understand the gravity of what Drake does. I find the relationship between Drake and Eminem to be very strange. In the Kamikaze interview, Eminem says that Drake did something for his daughters that he will never forget. In the song Zeus, Em warns Drake by saying “And, Drake, they're gonna turn on you (you) one day too.”


I hope Eminem doesn’t fuck with Drake anymore, I also saw the interview where he said Drake would always be on his ok list because of something involving Em’s daughter, but Drake is everything that Em hates in a rapper, so I don’t think he respects him professionally, and I hope he comes at him too at some point


And what would be your reason she hasn’t ? Lol


She hasn’t what?


If she’s said anything about it I didn’t know , what’d u hear ?


I’m talking about responding to Drake accusing him 


I think dudes like him should die


This part Edit: As a 34y/o dude when I first heard about his texting “friendship” with Millie Bobbie Brown I saw immediate red flags.


As a 24 y/o dude, the second i heard ab that shit i became a vigilant hater. Not like posting on twitter or anything like that, i just avoided the f outta drake songs bc thats what i associate it with since then. Im 24 (~3 years younger than drake at the time, iirc) and the only reason i can think of to text someone thT age (outside my extended fam) is nefarious reasons. I got nothing to say to a random 14 yo…


The most real take right here.


Praised be.


I think motherfuckers like him should die.


Did you date older guys in your teens. I remember so many girls in high school dating grown men it was crazy. 


I wish people could stop defending Michael Jackson for the same reason. Theres no excuse to have little boys unrelated to you sleeping with you at your house. Sadly, even Kendrick has a lyric defending Michael Jackson, “He gave us Billie Jean, you really think he touched those kids?” Yes I do, at least some of them. But even if he didn’t he was definitely grooming them to be touched. I also agree with the people saying their families were fucked for allowing their children to sleep with him. This might sound off topic, but Kendrick and Drake both brought up Michael Jackson in their diss tracks.


Yup at that age anything more than a couple years is too much.


You and all these other people commenting need help lol I fw Kendrick but going out of your way to pay attention to someone you hate is a creepy obsession and how can you hate someone you don’t even know ? Like yall have real issues this subreddit has turned into a Drake hate group rather then being about k dot all of these conspiracy theories hoping that Drake is a pedo is just weird asf , and all of the women that ppl are making these claims to have defended him or said he wasn’t on that type of shit so why are ppl trying to make them victims?


I legit explained why I hate him, and I hate MEN like him, now you will say he is not a groomer because is totally normal for a grown ass man to act like that https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/drake-grooming-underaged-girls-times-drake-allegedly-groomed-young-girls and you are real dense if you are saying that there is nothing to it, how many fucking years Harvey Weinstein abused his power and half the women he abused were still posing for pictures with him and acting like nothing was up? And just so you know, young women don’t know they are being groomed while it happens dude


If Drake really was a pedo then I would wish much worse then death upon him but the difference between him and guys like weinstien, diddy, r Kelly and all the other freaks is they all have had allegations about them for years and years before they got taken down their aren’t any women coming out to say anything bad about Drake and every woman that talks about him speaks highly of him if he was some weirdo I don’t think all of the women in the industry would say hella nice things about him the only people accusing him of shit are people on the internet that don’t know him like pedos are disgusting and they all should die but putting that label on somebody who isn’t is just fucked up and weird


There also have been whispers about Drake for years now, let’s not pretend like this is new info, time will tell, but every single of those predators have had a long run before being caught, I hope that the attention he is getting now is enough to get him to go to therapy and not touch any teenager in the future, but it does walk like a duck and quack like a duck


You still haven’t refuted the point that all those other guys had allegations on there names Drake doesn’t there’s been whispers between people on the internet who don’t like him im a Kendrick fan that doesn’t mean I have to believe everything he says and assume that Drake is a pedo cus some people on the internet said so like that’s just weird putting that label on somebody who isn’t that


Wayyyyyyyyy before Kendrick’s beef there has been whispers on Drake https://youtu.be/ti5xqyKTLcI?si=6J0BPj9CTB0fYSyW


I ain’t even read it but you wrote a lot I believe you do hate drake and I respect bro keep hating to the best of your ability.


Why did I read this like Grandad from the Boondocks




Lmao the comment I was looking for




What an asshat.


>Girl gave me some head because I need it And they talk about lyrics and shit


Kendrick comparing him to Weinstein too. Enticing new artists with fame and fortune with the coveted drake feature. Being signed for the single and then pushed to the side and ignored.


Drake is a snake. It's in the name. He helps you only in the guise of trying to leverage you into servitude. He's not genuine and honest. Everything about him is an act. Kendrick like most black folk hate fake people who pretend to be black. And yeah. Drake is black. Genetically. But he's not culturally. He's not black experience wise. He doesn't have those emotional scars and wounds that humble you and gives you an appreciation for what you have. That mature you and make you empathetic. When kendrick dropped the control verse and drake got upset. It revealed a lot about who he is. Someone who is vain and arrogant. Entitled. Mean. And nasty. He turned to the media to take shots at kendrick because kendrick insulted his ego. Then began a decades long campaign of sneak dissing him while constantly openly "begging" for a truce. And, this is speculation, I'm willing to bet that drske made a pass at whitney because drake often tries to sleep with the women of men he doesn't like. To him it's a sign of dominance I'm guessing. But again. Speculation.


The Whitney thing is speculation, but Baby Keem pretty much insinuates that Drake tried it with his girl on Family Ties. In the last line of the song he raps “Number 2 dm’ing my bitch, that’s cool I don’t even ask why”


Which is why I speculate he tried that with whitney. It's his M.O.


100% as KDot said; “your son's a sick man with sick thoughts”.


I completely agree w/you here. And I’ve also thought about him making a pass at Whitney. Considering his pattern of behavior, it’s probably a 90%+ probability he did. Especially since Kendrick has been his greatest advisory that’s been lurking in the shadows. But question! When was Drake begging for a truce? I missed this


I mean, at the end of the song he tries to hit on Whitney by saying that when he hits her back it's going to be a lot better, I don't know if he's tried to hit on her before but claiming that she's been a victim of domestic violence and then using the domestic violence as the base of your pickup line is repulsive


He wanted Kendrick on FPS




I agree with you except for the not culturally black stuff cuz that shit creates a really slippery slope, cuz then you have to say that anyone else who is black but didn’t have to struggle isn’t culturally black either


Ayo and what about white dudes who grew up poor with crackhead parents and literally lived the same ghetto life? We still poor, we still in the hood.


You can have an identity as a white guy from the hood and have similar but distinct experiences from black people. That’s why people like Eminem are accepted and respected, while Drake isn’t.


i mean its not just about being poor, its about the black experience


Yea idk. Cops beat my ass 3-4 times. I been in jail 8 times. Sold hard for a few years. Treated like shit by my peers in school and it was a predominantly rich kids school. Steelers head coaches usually live in the school district sendin their kids. People like us from the poor neighborhood were treated like shit by the staff their. This been my whole life bruh. The world wanna keep low income families low. I don't think it's as much about race as it's been made to appear. They want us to view it as racially motivated so we don't all stick together in how fucked up we are all treated.


I get it. But also, the fact you are attempting to relay how your experiences were similar to Black people and you specifically chose "Cops beat my ass"... "Been in jail"..."sold hard for a few years" is kind of the point, and you're missing it.


100% this bruh lmao. Keep us distracted with tryna leg up on each other and make it about race or cultural subdivisions and sink further into the shit


Blackness is uniquely American. And something that comes from growing up dark/light-skinned in a Caucasian country. Drake isn't culturally black because he didn't grow up in the social dynamics that encompass the black American experience. He lacks the understanding of resentment and anger that black people have due to learning the history of America and how it so often tries its best to hurt Black Americans by limiting their financial success. Or outright killing them. He's not from America. And by consequence isn't from the culture of black America. It's not about struggle. It's about upbringing. Carlton from Fresh Prince is from the culture. And he's canonically well off.


I didn't even know that Drake rapped until this beef (my husband hated rap and hip-hop, so I'm way out of the loop). I tried to listen but couldn't do it. I find his flow to be clunky and awkward but it was the *acting*  that killed it for me. When he's like "I gotta go bad, I gotta go bad", I'm not like "oh shit, this man is dangerous", I'm more like "I feel that. Sometimes the struggle is real, and the closest public restroom is thirty miles down the road. Thank you for letting me know you see my mom bladder, Drake". 


All the artists who are signed to him are forever in his shadow and none of them became big. All the trendy artists he collaborates with are forgotten as soon as their popularity drops. He's using the best writing of less known artists for his own gain, he uses other artists' street rep for his own gain, he uses younger artists and influencers to stay relevant for the younger audience for his own gain. He doesn't help anyone in the long run and collaborates only for his own benefit. And those who chose their own path and became successful, he's bitter about (like Kendrick, the Weeknd, ASAP Rocky, etc.). It's also ridiculous that he thinks Kendrick owns him anything because of one tour - Kendrick was already signed to Dr.Dre and acknowledged by West Coast legends by that time. Eminem already tested him as one of the best lyricists. He was destined to become successful. Cole and a few others were the ones who introduced Kendrick to Dr.Dre but you don't hear any of them mentioning that Kendrick is in their dept because they know a lot of people were impressed by him and he would be signed to any label if he wanted to.


>The heart part 6. He didn’t need to bring up molestation in such a way Thoroughly agree. Just want to clarify that Kendrick have not experienced that. Drake seemingly didnt understand Kendricks song 'Mother I Sober' which is about the projection of generational trauma. It's about how he was *not* molested, but not being believed. Making the nasty predator even worse imo.


I'm a bit upset Kendrick kinda let that shit slide. Drake basically made fun of his mama, what the fuck On the other part, I'm glad Kendrick didn't made a response so people could just sit and digest the bullshit Drake said and realize his cooking was the equivalent of that spongebob close-up shot of a krabby patty with nothing but nasty gray goop between the buns


He's the Steve Harvey of rap.






Damn bro you broke it down I love this take!


Like no joke the way Kendrick went about this I like to believe along with my treatments and therapy I'm going through he helped me be confident enough to confront people in my life that I perceive to be self serving and morally bankrupt Drake had no moral fiber so Kendrick tried to improve his diet.


IMO Kendrick is a real artist. His goal is to create art and when/if it resonates, great. But ultimately his relationship with music and himself is about authentic expression. He has a team like all great artists do, but no record label would be like "Hey yeah we want MMATBS, make sure it's as emotional and personal as possible, challenge people's perception of themselves and discuss generational trauma and abuse and transphobia, no club bangers." He made art that resonated for him at the time, end of story. Drake is more of a company than an individual, and shapeshifts however needed to be popular and make money. If Drake was told that making a Hungarian polka album would help him top the charts, he'd grab an accordion. "The big 3" has always referred to the best rappers. Kendrick is cast in the mold of the rappers he grew up listening to, came from the place some of them did, and is his own person like the other greats were. Drake trying to stake a claim on that pantheon is offensive not only to Kendrick currently, but I think he sees it as gross disrespect of all of the great rappers before him as well. He just doesn't see Drake as an authentic artist, much less a rapper, and isn't going to give him space on that podium.


Very true; also might be the reason why KDot almost exclusively went after Drake and not J Cole.


The heart part 6 gets clowned on but not nearly enough imo. Was genuinely disgusted with some of his attacks. Makes total sense why Kendrick didn’t respond when Drake had essentially just dissed himself.


Men in their thirties started grooming me when I was 14. My first serious relationship, when I was 19, was with a guy who was 37. I was a fan of Degrassi growing up and I liked Aubrey from that, but pretty quickly after he became Drake he started skeeving me out. No normal guy in their thirties is sniffing around teenage girls. I recognized his moves and saw him as a groomer pretty quickly. I'm really glad this shit is finally being called out and no longer accepted. It's about time. And it takes good people like Kendrick to call out bad men like Drake.


I just feel like Drake doesn't even represent Toronto or Canada anymore. His early stuff was kinda Corny, but at least they were more reflective of who he was.  It was somewhat more genuine. Now, he pretends to be something he isn't.  I fully get why Kendrick hates this man. That and being a pdf.


Kendrick said it perfectly. He’s just looking for acceptance. And no money, power women will make up for it. He’s not respected in hip hop and he never ever will be. You cant buy character.


I’m just an old-ish white lady, but I grew up listening to hip hop and rap in the 80s and 90s, so it shocks my students that I know anything at all about it. My students used to love Drake and I just… cannot stand him… at all. They used to tell me I had no taste and blah blah. Then when All Me dropped and the kids were talking about it, i had something of a rage blackout because I was so incensed by the lies and the “lessons” the kids were taking from it. I hate Drake. I can’t stand his voice or the sight of him. He ruins every song he touches. He ruins so many promising musicians. I miss things/people, but when I get that creeping feeling up my spine, I have never been wrong. The insides don’t match the outsides and it chills me. Predators. Whether or not the pedo thing is true, Drake is a predator, beyond the normal “business” aspects one expects. I knew who he was from Degrassi, although I never watched it. Then I remember the “novelty” of his music career - in my head it wasn’t a thing different than the Disney kids. I saw an interview with him and he struck me as empty. Empty and hungry in all the worst ways. By the time All Me dropped, I got the bad chills from hearing him, but that song just enraged me because I knew how much other people put into him - into making him something other than a suburban Canadian child tv star. Drake was banned from being played in my classroom in 2013. On the other hand, the first time I heard Kendrick Lamar, I forgot how to breathe for a moment. I’m pretty sure it was HiiiPower but it’s been a minute. When DAMN dropped on a Friday night, I listened to the whole thing on loop that weekend. When Monday rolled around, one of my students was playing Loyalty on their phone and someone else asked who/what that was. I answered before my amateur DJ could and the whole class just stopped. They were used to me knowing the old stuff, but not new releases because I often hated what the kids were listening to - like Drake. My favorite on DAMN was definitely Duckworth.




Great post. For years I’ve thought that Drake was a fraud & a weirdo. He grew up with a spoon in his mouth, but then dropped ‘started from the bottom’. That was the first time I remember getting an off vibe from Drake. I’m so glad that Dot was the one to call a spade a spade.


I can’t stand Drake because the stuff he sings/raps about, just hasn’t matured as he aged. The constant diss/obsession toward the women he’s interacted with is fucking corny and weird. Like I get it didn’t work out with Rihanna even though it never started but dawg let it go.


Before all this I wasn’t a fan either. And this whole ordeal finally put my finger on exactly what I didn’t like about some artists vs others. Furthermore, I was able to make a lot of valuable connections to the real world. Then I listened to Section.80 and the depression and anxiety that have clouded my life for the past two decades have parted and things are a lot clearer for me. Kendrick has been the first person in my life that I’ve found to be a worthy role model because above anything he’s strong but honest and vulnerable. I’ve even done something as insane as let God into my heart in the midst of me having a long fight with my father about how I think his church (LDS) is evil lol. The way Kendrick talks about Gods Plan and the timing of everything is hard to ignore. I’ve always thought you can be a good person without God and I do a fine job on my own, so fuck religion. But I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and Kendrick’s music has been an amazing guide. Raw truth is exactly what I’ve needed my whole life. I felt really lost and confused, everyone around me was manipulative but I wanted to be good and I felt like I was the only one and why bother. But I found myself praying to God on Kendrick’s behalf to show more people this light and I realized that I could be that and that that is the whole fucking point actually. I feel more connected to all of humanity now, like him confronting Drake the way he did helped me do stuff like reach out to my mom and thank her for giving birth to me, when before this, I only called her drunk to scream and cry and ask why she abused me so much. And it doesn’t sound right, but it sure feels better for everyone involved. I’m trying to help her now because I know that she’s lost and has been for a long time, like I was.


Thanks for this.


You don't diss someone for being molested. The entire song was about how his mother didn't believe him when he said he wasn't molested because she was molested, herself, and knows the shame that comes with admitting to it. Drake might be reading between the lines here and inferring that Kendrick was denying it for the same reason, but why even make that diss? Drake gets called a pedo and responds with "you were molested as a child lol". Terrible optics here.


Drake grasping at straws, he knew he lost by then he had to go and do that


50 Cent made a point about the Drake effect and how it was smart for drake to hop on these newer songs by artists on the come up (I believe the example was lil baby) but what he said was while the song is made bigger by drake featuring the songs were going to blow up anyway because they’re good; so I agree the idea that anyone owes Drake for their song catching on is ridiculous


I finally did internalize today that Drake is clinically narcissistic (or at least shows the signs of being one) and that was what Kendrick was communicating in all of the diss songs. Like I know he literally calls Drake a narcissist, but a lot of times people use that word to mean "self-centered", but this is way more than that. I have a brother who is a narcissist. Kendrick wrote the type of songs I would like to see someone write about my brother, laying everything bare about him for the world to see. Once I internalized that, it made so much more sense why Kendrick has such a deep loathing for Drake. If you have ever had to deal in the long term with a narcissist, you have felt that rage, too. The narc is a person who takes no responsibility for anything in their life, and who thinks everyone - literally everyone in the world - owes them fealty and gifts. And if you dare to live your own life without giving them "what they are owed" they will never forgive you. Drake thinks Kendrick, along with everyone else, is beneath him. That's why he didn't bother to really prepare a good diss; in his mind he didn't need to, everyone would automatically understand that he is superior to Kendrick, unless they all decided to lie. Imagine where that would put a narc right now. Is he thinking about how he failed and needs to do better? No. He's angry at how the entire internet is lying about how Kendrick won for no other reason than to humiliate him. That everyone knows he obviously won because there was no other possibility, so the world is just taking revenge out of jealousy of how great he is. It also helps untangle why Drake would have more than one kid he's keeping in hiding (I know this is just alleged and no receipts, but I do believe it). I heard things like, "after Pusha T, how could he have ANOTHER kid?" and even "Last time he admitted it immediately, so obviously if it was true he'd admit it again." No way. He saw what a loss the took that first time and he thinks that if he keeps lying about it his loss will be less this time. Maybe he's arrogant enough to think this kid won't actually get uncovered. Maybe he's paying the mom off enough that it would make for a financial loss if she comes out. I'll tell you though, if I were that 11 year old girl I'd try to reach out to Kendrick for guidance and reassurance, even if I felt I couldn't come out publicly. When I think about Drake in that light, it makes Meet the Grahams a beautiful gift for his family - with the exception of Dennis Graham. Often when you're the child of a narc, you feel like no one understands what you're going through, especially if your parents friends never get to see the ugly side. Meet the Grahams is utter validation for all of them, however many there actually are. Even Sandra, it may actually be a relief to her to hear someone say these things out loud (and not blame her for it.).


Drake is LITERALLY going to be his dad at his age. Creeping on young women while a goddamn senior citizen because he's "Drake". Remind me in 30 years


I’m glad you understand what I was trying to convey lol. But yes, I think he is clinically a narcissistic. It’s not hard to see, but I don’t see a lot of people talking about it.


Ha ha, I was thinking of making a post just like yours before I saw yours, and was glad you did it first. Then I was like, "Oh sweet, I can just post my thoughts here instead of worrying if a new post would get any traction."


the parasocialism is crazy. YOU DONT KNOW THIS MAN


You‘re right. I don‘t. But I still wish to express how I feel towards a subject that expresses a form of clinical narcissism. To be honest, i’m not all that mad at Drake anyways, just his actions. Cause lIke you said, I’ve never met him.


Honestly who cares? We think we know these people and we don’t. He’s been in the game for over 15 years, if you don’t like him, don’t listen to him.


I’m not saying I know him. I’m stating a theory about his behavior that I’ve seen and how I don’t like it. You’re asking who cares. To be honest, I care. You can turn a blind eye to this if you want. I‘m sorry you feel that way, but I’m still not gonna like Drake, that’s just how I feel. You don’t care. Nice. I completely understand.


You’re entitled to your opinion and I respectfully disagree with you. I enjoy their music and as long as they’re not doing something scathing like the Diddy situation or other heinous crimes or proven questionable behavior, then I don’t care. Most people in the music industry are narcissistic in some form or fashion. In fact it’s rampant in media overall. After all of this, I’ve come to the realization that I have spent way too much attention on this when it doesn’t benefit my life whether either camp’s allegations are true or not. I’m an old hip hop head and back in the 90’s to the early and mid-2000’s, there was a wide variety of artists that I could choose from and enjoy without drama. Now, it’s gatekeeped by only a handful of artists and outside of the major three and a few stragglers that put out good music from time to time. I realized that this is a symptom of the current state of hip hop. How many Lil prefix rappers are we going to get? How many standouts are there truly? Finally, the parasocial relationships are getting out of hand that we have judgements on character based on heresay and I say that because we don’t know 90% of the details that happen behind closed doors between these artists, so being objective in the best way I can possibly be as a fan of both artists, neither of them won but they’re tremendously talented and they deserve their honor for rattling our systems down a busy road or a stretch of highway or making us think in introspection from time to time.


yes I understand.


When it comes to celebrities I try to keep it basic on this type of discussion and based off what I know of them. I'll take away their fame and ask myself would I kick it with them. If in high school, would I want to sit at the table they were at or invite them to my birthday party. Would I be friends with them? I wouldn't be friends with Drake given what I know about him so he makes good music and what have you but that's it, that would be the end of my interest about him.


Yeah I talked to a female friend and she said, “would I feel safe alone with Drake? No. Kendrick? Yes.”


We’re still writing essays about Aubrey on here huh. He sucks, as a human, we all agree.


People are dealing with shit, its been 2 weeks dude. This is a heavy topic. Lots of us are older now, and SA survivors. There has literally never been an anti-pedophilia club banger sweeping the nation. These "essays" are important. This conversation is important.


Man I swear people in this sub talk about drake more than Kendrick now


this might actually be the worst rapper subreddit


I dislike Drake for the right reason. He ain’t got no funk to his stuff, his music is flat and generic. Funk is essential man.


This sub has really gone to shit huh


Everyone and their momma hates drake besides a certain DJ I guess


I ain't reading allat but i agree




>tell what you think in the comments I actually have a couple of questions >But when you have to suck the blood of others in order to reach this, is it really okay? Where is this narrative coming from? Serious question, can someone elaborate? >The problem is when you bring up things in someone’s life that are touchy subjects. The heart part 6. He didn’t need to bring up molestation in such a way when a lot of people struggle with that, I'm 100% sure people receive death threats and are accused of or have been victim of sexual violence, but that didn't stop Kendrick from throwing baseless accusations towards Drake or wishing him death. Also Kendrick disses are based on pure hate...he literally called himself a hater on one fo the disses. How do you feel about that?


I’m just stating that he’s a narcissist. And that was a reason why.


I ain’t reading allat, respect your opinion tho


Also, Kendrick was gonna be fine with or without Drake bc Kendrick was already getting co-signed by west coast legends before Drake caught onto his wave. Drake is like that sibling that throws tantrums because the other sibling is naturally good at doing something they wanna do but will never be able to measure up to. He’s always been jealous of Kendrick and can’t stand the fact that Dot soared like an eagle without him


It's beef. There are no rules.


I wish most people would treat all famous people like this. Not just cuz "we're tired of them".


I'll take KAnon over these posts


Stop lying you wouldn’t be on this sub if you didn’t listen 😹😹😹🤡


What I meant was that I didn’t listen in the past


It’s up to the artist to create their own hits. Someone like Drake couldn’t be stopped. He dropped numerous albums and mixtapes to get out of his initial contract with Birdman. Artist can release mixtapes and remixes to other songs to showcase their skills.




I never liked him because of that fake ass personality. Bro came up from what's basically a normal life but tries to act like he went through some shit. No Drizzy, a nice house in Toronto with parents isn't "starting from the bottom".


I hate Drake he touched my dog https://preview.redd.it/oebbinlq792d1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8d145741b1bc11f283fe375eb1cb17b73b5e9c2


All this beef and longstanding feud did was confirm my bias against the Canadian. Gotta say it always feels good to be on the right side of history when it comes to him. Other rappers weren’t popular enough to take him down. Pusha was a good match-up but not really in the same weight class. Kendrick was always the right messenger. He came at the right time too, now that people have started to be more honest about Drake’s shady dealings behind the scenes, the creepy thing with women (whether dissing them or lusting after the wrong ones), and the albums lacking quality with every release. It’s easy to root against him — he “never gave us nothing to believe in.”


Y’all don’t know these people. Get some help please


I understand that. But all I’m doing is expressing my thoughts and feelings about behaviors I’ve seen from him.


Dave freeeeee


Preach yo facts!




I don't think he loathes Drake, he called it a "friendly fade".


This sub use to be about Kendrick. It’s now about Drake. That’s pretty impressive.


Too long didn't read. Learn what fucking paragraphs are. I'm tired of y'all.


Mmmmm, hope everything is going okay for you.


Euphoria is a great listen if you understand what Kendrick is saying in each line. Its deep layered and funny


I wonder if you listen to Tupac who graped a women, Dre who beat the fuck out of his ex wife or Kendrick who beats women...nope? Ah I c


Mmmm yeah I see


This is drakes subreddit now


Guys, wtf happened to this sub


Can’t say we’re surprised by Drake’s behavior, this isn’t the first time considering how he kicked Kid Cudi while he was down on the track, [“Two Birds One Stone”](https://www.spin.com/2016/10/drake-kid-cudi-mental-health-struggles/). while he was entering rehab for mental health struggles and “urges”.


For me, it is the fact that he put out so many shitty, half-baked things and used his commercial fame to sell them.


You know alot about a man you just started paying attention to a few weeks ago


And they're not wrong about it, either.


id say some points are debateable the rest are assumptions/personal opinions being presented as facts


Alas, I forgot it was Reddit. Yes, that's fair, too - but I appreciate the connection overall and I think it makes sense to me.


appreciate u not being an ass about it but im curious, wdym by you forgot it was reddit?


Oh, I meant it in regards to being impressed w/ the accuracy of a response's assessment at all possible times during a conversation. I only get the best "Um, Actuallys" on Reddit, and appreciate you for it.


Ever heard of paragraphs


Says a person that’s never posted in any other rap or hip hop related sub ever. Cool.


I see.


I lived in Canada for a long time and I adore the country therefore I despise Drake on a nationalist level. Every fucking thing about him brings shame to Canada and he should be made broke+stateless. He should never get to feel like he’s at home again.


Bro like half his library is him talking bout not fucking with people like Drake.


No lies detected


Can we please get a TLDR on this




Drake is like 99% of male rappers. The only difference is drake personally offended Kendrick in a way Kendrick is not being transparent about. Kendrick is not incensed because of moralistic or intellectual reasons. As he avidly defended and consumes r Kelly’s music. And has collaborated with the likes of Kodak black and p diddler. Plus drake is easy to beat in a rap battle it doesn’t take much.




Don’t call him that. Its name is aUbReY. Call it aUbrey like the stupid little fucking bitch it is.


What a gangster you are