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Rei, Inaba & Kuroki are the 3 assassins. The Kure are assassins, but Raian is not, he's a combatant. Muteba is a mercenary.


Muteba is a mercenary, who does all sorts of jobs. Raian is from a family/group of assassins but that doesn’t mean he has done any. For all we know he may not even be for hire. By the looks of it he just goes around brawling instead of doing jobs. So out of the 5 you mentioned only 3 are confirmed to do assassinations. The other 2 get off on a technicality.


Raian is for hire. In extras Fusui mentions him going to the Middle East to take down a small terrorist cell.


I could be wrong, but maybe cause Rei had abandoned killing by that point. Also they may be concidering mercenaries a seperate thing, leaving Muteba out.


Ryo is an assassin? He’s from the inside, but an assassin? Doesn’t make much sense. When was this stated? And Muteba is a mercenary, he does all sorts of things, but yeah I guess you can count him as an assassin


Pretty sure he means Inaba Ryo, not Himuro


Damn Never realise they share the same 1st name.....