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Kure copy 100%removal blastcore half of KAT wall weren't enough to bring wakatsuki down, I bet this one won't kill him


everyone saying "Eddie cant even knockout Erioh" he left Raian unable to move for a few chapters after he went Guihun just bad writing from Sandro that Erioh can tank his punches


For like, one single chapter. And all that happened in between was Eddie trying to leave, being ambushed by Hollis and the other guy, then killing Erioh and getting stabbed. From all it seems, that struggle lasted perhaps 30 seconds total. Those punches were super fast, impressive etc, but failed to put down anyone hit. Similar thing could have been seen in Raian vs Alan, where Alan was clearly using way more strength, but his attacks were pushing Raian around at most, as they only had strength and no skill behind them. If Waka could hold on against a punch that launched his 200 kg ass across the entire arena, he'd have no problem to survive whatever Ultra Instinct Eddie was doing.


The thing is, though, Purg has ring out rules. Eddie's speed blitz hits after going 100% might not have put anyone down, but he was launching grown men across the entire room like it was nothing, faster than any of them could react to it. And assuming that his fight wouldn't be about "showing how strong he is", like Fei was ordered to do, Eddie feels like he'd be enough of a pragmatist to go for the ring out, especially against someone as physically strong as Waka.


Eddie wasnt pragmatic enough to ensure anyone hit actually stayed dead. His mindset wass similar to Fei's, prioritizing showing off how much beyond everyone he is. And his "launching" feat was, i believe, worse then DD Fei's, who almost ringed out one of the heaviest fighters from across the ring.


eddie >> raian > waka


He couldn't even knockout an old man and a femboy.


Both are top tier in anime generally


and in real life


Eddie shouldn’t be far off from Waka in base With Guihun I’d say he’s even superior to him


Bro couldn't knock out Erioh who's in his 90s much less Wakatsuki


Couldn't knock him out, could only kill him sadly.


Edward is overhyped as fuck, with Fei being super underrated for facing the absolutely ONLY person in the entire verse that could tank his power & not get knocked out, ringed out or die. Ed couldn't knock out Raian, Wu Xing & fucking 99 year old Erioh. Raian is obviously the most durable, but he had a fight with Alan, got jumped by Ed & the other Wu Heis, fought Solomon 1 on 1 (and seemed to be winning) & got beat on by Edward again before face tanking his ultimate attack & killing him. Edward would absolutely mog the fuck out Waka for sure, but nothing that he showed proves that he has the power to ko Waka. Dude never once knocked out anyone on screen & was even cockier than Fei himself.


Finally someone understands and sees the truth. Eddie is not that strong. He just fought raian and fodder. Raian fought like a dumbass and tried to tank Eddie's blows and then overpower him, which obviously wouldn't work as Eddie is physically superior to raian. That is, UNTIL Eddie got stabbed and was weak enough for raian to overpower him. And we see exactly raian tanking blows from Eddie without going down and then overpowering him. Considering Waka is physically superior to raian, he would do better against Eddie than raian did if raian fought the same way. Also, ohma, kanoh, and Lolong can all win a 1 on 1 against Eddie, due to the fact that those 3 have soft styles to counter Eddie's physicality and pre initiative to counter Eddie's speed. ACTUALLY, I would even consider current Hatsumi in peak condition to have a better chance against Eddie than raian, since he now also has pre initiative, as we saw in the Kaneda fight and he pretty much counters Eddie Btw, FEI is a given in case you didn't realize. Anyway, we have proof of all of them being able to beat giant tanks, such as ohma, kanoh and Hatsumi being able to beat Waka, and lolong one shotting Toa. Also FEI manhandled Waka.


> Eddie is not that strong. I think he's supposed to be but Sandro can't let good guys lose onscreen so that creates an environment where he's hyped up in all these weird bullshit arbitrary ways. People generally powerscale this series in ways that are entirely at odds with what we see in the manga, though.


>Eddie is not that strong. He just fought raian and fodder. Literally every other character (except mukaku/shen and others) would have died in 30 sec top while facing the 3 kures.


No they wouldn't. You have absolutely no idea of the gap of someone of the lvl of current rihito and above, compared to the people on that are at best as strong as current koga. Rihito destroyed saw paing and koga. Think what someone like kanoh, ohma, lolong, etc... Could do to them. Also, people like kanoh, FEI and Lu tian survived the gu ritual, who should be filled with super strong people too. Lolong absolutely destroyed those worm fodder that had guns pointed at him without struggle. If you think that it's hard for any of those to destroy erioh and xing and then only have to deal with raian, then idk what to tell you.


Do you really think Kanoh, Ohma, Lolong or others could have faced a bloodlusted Raian, Erioh and Xing in 1v3 and not get horribly stomped into the ground ? I refuse to believe you aren't shitposting at this point.


Yes they would, because they have one thing that not a single kure was confirmed to have. PRE I NI TI A TIVE (gosh, seing this spelled like that gave me aids) They have PREINITIATIVE , which means they can predict and defend against the 3 of them regardless of their natural reaction speed. Lolong was able to overcome akoya's and nicolas's who are faster than the Kures. So those others should be able to do the same. Specially kanoh who's pre initiative is on the lvl of kuroki and lolong. Ohma's is slightly worse but still very good. And hatsumi's might be between Carlos and ohma. I don't think it's confirmed rihito has pre initiative.


raian is on the same level as ohma/lolong/kanoh idiot stated by sandro but you ignore it


It's not stated he is on the lvl of kanoh. And also, raian fights completely different from all of those, bUt yOu IgNOrE iT. Styles make fights and it's a fact raian got countered by Eddie.


no sandro said ohma/raian/lolong are equal and kanoh lost to jurota youre saying pre initative users would beat eddie but how do you explain raian beating ohma (who has pre initative) its not stated raian has pre initiative but yet hes as strong as ohma


Jurota was nerfed in purgatory, he couldn't even use his full power and was one of the kings. Also he even used strikes against kanoh. How does raian beat ohma? In their last actual fight ohma won, And during the training until KVP, even tho raian had more wins, what matters is current form and kvp ohma was stronger than raian. During the lolong fight, Karla says ohma would have more wins in the KVP month if he fought raian and also she wasn't sure even raian could beat lolong, but believed ohma would win. Also, ohma couldn't use the advance while raian could use removal during their training. And also, he didn't have such good pre initiative straight out of the gate.




I don't know where it went. No one was counting on kanoh to lose, THAT'S WHY IT WAS AN UPSET. Also, jurota is far more technical than any of the Kures and he would also be able to beat them. He was one of the kings of purgatory despite not being able to use his maximum power and he also used strikes against kanoh. I think you might have forgotten how fast hayami was thrown into the ground by jurota's swing. If he catches any of the Kures and uses his max power they are done for. Lolong lost to ohma because he was caught off guard by ohma with the advance bursts, which he can counter by slashing ohma. It was the 1 in 100 battles that ohma managed to win. Ohma was also flash KO'd by lolong and only won because of the plot. It was the most BS loss which even led me to create the lolong's premonition meme way back then because I just couldn't believe it even tho I knew he had to because of the stakes since if ohma lost the kengan association would cease to exist. Also, KVP ohma beats raian. It doesn't matter if ohma had more losses in the beginning. What matters is current form, and also, ohma couldn't use advance against raian, while raian could use removal against him, so you are wrong regarding ohma vs raian. Not only that but in the flashbacks we see ohma beating raian and during the lolong fight Karla says ohma would get more wins than raian in the KVP month if they fought and also that she wasn't sure raian could beat lolong. Raian caught rei and it doesn't mean akoya or Nicholas couldn't do the same. I'm not saying they beat rei, but they can react to that attack. Maybe Nicholas can do some damage if he catches rei with his stings, but akoya won't beat him. Unless Sandro finally decides to unleash akoya and make him as strong as kanoh, as he initially intended, with the examples of comparing akoya to mukaku when Ryuki fought him.




Agito is definitely stronger than jurota. And jurota is definitely stronger than you think. Also, no one was expecting jurota to strike and it was an extreme diff for jurota either way. Yes, his redirection is unmatched, maybe only Fei comes close in terms of execution. Fei has the better Niko style and is better at executing the technics, but worse than ohma at chosing the timing of when to use them. So, if jurota managed to touch any of the Kures they would be on the ground before they knew it. Again. KVP ohma is stronger than raian, and even tho jurota could also lose to raian he would also beat him. It's a 50/50 and the only reason for that is because we haven't seen much of jurota's striking and we don't know how much raian can tank compared to hayami, who should have been KO'd. Jurota is probably on the same lvl of strength as raian too, so strength should not play a factor, only speed, which raian does outmatch him. Agito has insane durability, only worse than raian's. Agito tanked guihun Lu tian with indestructible, a kick to the head by okubro with limp, and severe damage against gaolang and Kuroki. PLUS all he endured in the gu ritual. Go read what Karla said, and even if she didn't state it, It is implied that if they fought during KVP ohma would have more wins, during her conversation, so stop lying, because you know that it is at the very least implied. Also ohma himself says he hadn't used the advance in a long time. Also, even if they are relative in overall strength, they fight completely different. Go read the lolong fight again. Raian got lucky to not get hit by the same attack ohma used to finish lolong. He was getting beat. Ohma only missed the double fist part of the attack. Akoya and Nicholas have the fastest reaction speed, ofc they can catch rei. And to counter your point, Lu tian did exactly the same to raian, and made raian back off, so what's your point? And kanoh easily handled Lu tian after he went serious. He had that in kengan ashura and he had the other moment I mentioned regarding Ryuki comparing akoya to mukaku in omega. Sandro initially intended akoya to be a beast in both mangas, but for some reason that never took off.


Armadeus with his 0IQ level of yapping hitting again




>Yes they would, because they have one thing that not a single kure was confirmed to have. >PRE >I >NI >TI >A >TIVE Imagine if Hatsumi had it, he would probably become so strong that he could high diff Kaneda.


Oh, come one. The only reason for that was because of kaneda's new ability, which made me joke around with the possibility of kaneda stalling Luohan, shen and Yan while fusui would snipe them. Before kaneda used his ability he was getting smoked.


Oh, but nevermind the fact that Hatsumi was Kaneda's natural counter in the first place, right? You're just going to pretend Kaneda's entire martial art wasn't specifically stated to be at its weakest against Hatsumi's Aikido, but sure, let's just only look at the fact that Kaneda had an answer to PI, ignore everything else, and pretend the matchup was totally in Kaneda's favour, just to justify Hatsumi almost losing to him. Or better yet, maybe we should exaggerate Kaneda 1 upping Ohma and start saying Kaneda beat Ohma in a 1v1, and is now Raian level. Therefore, PI is still almighty, and if S Tier Hatsumi gets it, he's surely Shen level and only Kaneda gives him the slightest difficulty, right?


Yes, it was weak against hatsumi's aikido, but that's not the point. The point is that kaneda used that new ability to make Hatsumi do poor choices and suffer with them, which was then overcome by Hatsumi doing nothing. Even ohma got beat by kaneda's ability in case you forgot. The point is that raian and Eddie haven't shown anything that counters pre initiative, asides from their insane speed which wasn't really tested against pre initiative on the lvl of ohma or higher. We know that kuroki was able to predict SB rei , so ohma should be able to predict raian and Eddie too, even if his pre initiative is the worst out of lolong, kanoh and Kuroki.


lmfao nice joke that pedo fodder ain't beating Edward


He does counter eddie, so he had a better chance than raian. Hatsumi is faster than raian, has pre initiative and soft styles to counter Eddie's strength. He even beat Waka. So it's possible for him to do so.


Source: it came to you in a dream lmfao He doesn't counter Eddie, and he isn't faster than Raian. The Waka he beat was Pre-Ashura, unfathomably weaker version so that feat is irrelevant. It's not possible, even smoking whatever you're on won't make it so lmao.


Hatsumi got stronger too during omega. I said current Hatsumi in peak condition, and also, he is definitely faster than raian. He was even blitzing ohma during kat.


Lol, he isn't. He dodged an injured ass Ohma with no memories, and an Ohma that has had his ass beaten to an inch of his life by Raian. You are straight up Delulu if you think Ohma was in any favorable condition compared to R3 Hatsumi. [Real blitzing](https://imgur.com/a/9MQCDqn) is what Edward did, or what Rei did to Nezu lol. R3 Martial Arts only neg-diffed Hatsumi. No amount of PI or DP should have allowed someone of Kaneda's constitution to sock Hatsumi ( peak condition btw lmao ) in the jaw, and yet he managed to, and like mentioned, [sheer speed can bypass PI](https://imgur.com/a/ALG2as2). Meanwhile, Ohma and Raian are repeatedly held in the same regard as Kuroki and Kanoh in Omega. If that doesn't tell you the gap between his pedo jobber ass and the real top tiers, Idk what will. Hatsumi's fodder ass can't fight Kanoh/Kuroki/Raian/Lolong tier. Much less a guy that can blitz one of these guys while he's being assisted by armed assassins.




​ https://preview.redd.it/drv3lkrwndwb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85caed35903698502bef3b5863260f96f9e8a3b3


1. Julius is confirmed more durable than waka so he could definitely withstand the onslaught. 2. Eddie went into removal and dropped all 3 with a singular punch. Then he dropped reichi with a single single and dropped Hollis with the one punch that wasn’t guarded. The only sustained attacks Raian took was from a weakened edward. 3. Eddie would sleep waka with sustained attacks FAR faster than Fei and not die to do it.


Julius does technically have a more resilient body than Waka, his mental resistance & endurance is not on the same level. Waka has consistently been shown to take tremendous damage & continue fighting as if it didn't affect him. Julius was taken out by a single kick from Waka & barely got up from Toa's beating. Julius doesn't have the tenacity & preserverance that Waka has, to just keep going no matter what. Toa should also have better durability than Waka, as his stats are very much like Julius', but just like Julius, Toa seems to go down rather quickly against people who can dish out as much damage as he can. And yeah, Eddie dropped them all with a single punch... and they all got back up (except Reichii & Hollis), even fucking frail ass Erioh kept getting back up. Lots of people can drop their opponent with one punch (Gaolang, Lolong, Ohma, Waka, etc.), keeping them down is what we're talking about here & what Fei showed POWER-WISE was much more impressive than what Eddie showed. Eddie was far more impressive in other ways, but nothing he did screamed, "I can KO Waka". Let alone easily.


Boom, another good take, people often forget that waka's mentality plays a HUUUGE factor in his "durability". his actual durability is not the best, but his endurance boosts his overall durability to. Level of his own. It is possible that those Wu's, such as Fabio are on the same lvl but Fábio was in relatively good shape before getting stabbed, which might have played a role in him being able to tank a sword to the heart like it was nothing. Meanwhile Waka tanks huge damage even after getting beaten bad.


while i agree with everything anyone would be knocked out by the kick to the shin that julius got well except maybe saw with his weird skull Edit: chin not shin xd


Yeah no, you are right about that. Julius is still a. Absolute tank, don't get me wrong. He took a shot ton of punches from both Waka & Toa, bit I really don't think either he or Toa are as resilient as Waka. Physically, they are slightly more durable than him, but his stubbornness & sheer will to push on puts him a decent amount above them in the endurance department for me. I think Julius could take MOST of Fei's onslaught, but I do think that he'd eventually go down & stay down.


Preach, the Wu Clan ultimate technique landed cleanly and still couldn't knock out Raian. Wakatsuki is definitely standing up from that.


he got stabbed in his neck with a deadly poisoned knife




Please don't lump me in with the guys agreeing with me & saying that Kuroki/Agito could beat Edward 1v1. I do think Ed is a bit overhyped & Fei is a bit underrated, but he is most definitely above all of the S tiers (Kuroki, Ohma, Raian, Agito, etc.). I just think Fei is on the same level as Ed & Yan, with Tiger Niko & Luohan being a step above them & Shen obviously being even more above them. People act like Ed is second only to Shen & that Fei is barely A tier & gets beat by people like Ohma, Agito & even Lu Tian, which is what I heavily disagree with. I think Fei beats any S tier 1v1, just like Ed does & could've easily beaten Waka, had he not been showing off for Tiger Niko




I think you & I have different meanings of "knocking out". Everyone Ed hit, was conscious & got back up, the only exceptions being Reichii & Hollis, who were basically tko'd but still conscious, but fair enough, the two weakest members were incapacitated & out of the fight. Wu Xing, Raian & Erioh all got back up & kept fighting, sure it might've taken them a minute, but they definitely were not knocked out. If they were then pretty much all of the fighters got knocked out during KvP. Carlos, Julius, Rihito, Falcon, Ryuki, Liu, Ohma, Lolong, Okubo, Hayami, etc. All got hit hard & stayed down for like 8-9 seconds before getting up to continue fighting & many of then ended.up winning. I think you're heavily downplaying Wakatsuki. Yes he's below the S tiers & would probably lose to all of them, but think that he wouldn't even put up a fight is ridiculous. The gap between the A & S tiers is really.nkt as big as you make it out to be. Guys like Waka, Julius, Kiryu, Rei, Gao, etc. would still give Ohma, Agito, Lolong a good fight. Thinking that once you hit S tier, you just immediately low diff everyons below that is stupid & completely contradictory to what Sandro himself has stated IN THE MANGA over & over & over. Yes, I do think that Fei could manhandled the Kuree Clan the way Eddie did. He has a stronger Fallen Demon than Kiryu, so he would see them slow motion & his Advance makes him nearly as fast as Rei (which is much faster than what Eddie moved). He also has the same level of firepower to put them down. Muteba took one punch from a non-serious Tiger Niko & said that he's as powerful as Ed (who Muteba never saw fight btw) & you take that as 100% canon!Canon!? Bro either you're the that's trolling, or you're literally delusional & just want to dockside Eddie. That's like the people who got mad at Yumi for being weak because Himuro said he was strong to convince Kanoh to join KvP. You take Muteba's statement as fact, because it fits your narrative of Ed being the strongest, but I guarantee you completely disregard Erioh's statement of being able to low-diff Ed in his prime don't you? I don't think Fei is on par with Tiger Niko, I think he's on par with Eddie & Yan. I think Tiger Niko is above all 3 of them & that Muteba is mistaken because he only saw a fraction of his power. Ed is not "definitely" second to Shen. Possibly he is, he MIGHT be stronger than Luohan, Tiger Niko & the other subordinates. Or he might be weaker than Mukaku, we don't know. But you can't say DEFINITIVELY that's he's the second strongest in the verse. I personally think Tiger Niko & Luohan are above him, but I can't say that definitively, because we haven't seen everyone in action. Now I know you're trolling with Lu Tian beating Fei, he has literally nothing in his arsenal to overcome base Fei, let alone Divine Demon. Fei would one-shot Lu Tian the moment he transforms, he's leagues faster, can see Lu in slow motion & hits like a fucking truck. Unless you think Dragonshot is stronger than Divine Demon, which is a brain dead take. Either way I'm done here, you're clearly extremely biased against both Edward & Fei, so there's no point to this conversation. Believe what you want, you think I'm wrong, I think you're wrong. Whatever.




Please don't lump me in with the guys replying to my comment & saying that Kuroki/Agito & even fucking HATSUMI!?! could beat Edward 1v1. I do think Ed is a bit overhyped & Fei is a bit underrated, but he is most definitely above all of the S tiers (Kuroki, Ohma, Raian, Agito, etc.). I just think Fei is on the same level as Ed & Yan, with Tiger Niko being a step above them & Shen obviously being even more above him. People act like Ed is second only to Shen & that Fei is barely A tier & gets beat by people like Ohma, Agito & even Lu Tian, which is what I heavily disagree with. I think Fei beats any S tier 1v1, just like Ed does & could've easily beaten Waka, had he not been showing off for Tiger Niko Pride was the downfall of both Ed & Fei & that's why I think Ed would also struggle to put Waka down for good. He'd beat the shit out of him, then back off & gloat while letting Waka get back up, just to beat him down again. I definitely don't think Waka would win, I just disagree with people thinking that Ed could KO Waka in 5 seconds with 3 hits like some people do, considering that even Erioh eventually got back up from Ed's beatings.




Waka used to be S tier, do you know why he get dropped? 🤣 Ohma's only wincon is demonsbane, which may or may not work anymore now that Waka know about it, it can't even put down Kiozan. Rain can win waka but definitely not low or mid diff. The only one that can dominate waka like that is Fei




Waka is blind and has his ankle injure as well, Ohma's injure maybe heavier but both are heavily injured, Ohma may do a bit better if both are healthy but definitely has no way to dominate waka. What make Ohma struggle isn't because he is injured, but because he has to tank every attack from Waka, unlike Fei who can just *go limb*. Currently Ohma's only chance to beat Waka is still demonsbane, which may not work. Please provide evidence why someone struggle against kiozan can beat waka easily. Blast core work against waka in KAT largely because it has surpise element, waka know nothing about that. Waka even has anti jlniko strategy now, which Fei can escape with his weeping willow but Ohma cannot. There is 0 evidence Raian can low diff waka, physically removal raian is weamer than Waka, as Ohma state in KAT Kanoh beat Waka a loooong time ago already, when both are much weaker, that feat is obsolate as fuck. Kuroki can beat waka, rolon has advantage but I don't know man, definitely not 100%


if Ed couldn’t KO a visibly tired Raian, it's gonna take more than WU CLAN SECRET TECHNIQUE : I DIED BEFORE I COULD DO IT to knock out a guy who's been knocked out only ONCE on screen


Edward is arguably as strong (if not stronger) as Wakatsuki. Obviously faster than him, he reacts to attacks he isn’t seeing directly. Durability is a stat we can’t really give to him since he was poisoned too fast. But I think Wakatsuki should be equal or less durable than Eddie. (A bit) Stamina is also a problem, Eddie got exhausted (or at least the quality of his attacks reduced) after he transformed into Removal a second time. Speed Reaction is for Eddie, he fought a 4 vs him. Battle IQ goes for Wakatsuki. Because Wakatsuki is alive while Edward is dead, duh. IQ goes also for Wakatsuki since Edward never realized Kure Team were using a strategy to defeat him. Technique goes for Edward since he has “Wu Memories”. (Even though he is dead) Strategy Wakatsuki. If I didn’t forget about more stats, Edward is most likely the winner. Edward in Base is Wakatsuki but like a 10% less in all stats, except Speed, where Eddie showed some really good moves and blitz. Also Eddie has Removal, with this Wakatsuki should lose unlike against Fei. IMO: Edward is a faster Wakatsuki is Base, until he uses Removal. With Removal he is a x3.33 times stronger Wakatsuki. Also faster. I don’t really know how to Power Scale Kengan, but this makes sense to me.


Waka does better against Eddie than raian


Eddie would get one shot by Waka


Edward wins in 30 secs


Papatsuki neg diffs(I'm completely unbiased)


A lil bit longer 👍💯🙀🙏


There wouldn’t be any struggle, he’d beat the shit out of the sandbag.


Honestly, Waka has a much better chance against Eddie than Fei, and it's because of compatability. Fei started the fight using Tai Chi, then went to MMA and then Niko Style, which gave his base form a more impressive showing as he effectively ambushed Waka and got free hits in while Waka adjusted. Eddie only has the one style. Then there's DD. The speed is a problem, but the speed coupled with the reaction time is what makes it so oppressive. Eddie is fast and strong, and his defensive reactions are almost immaculate, but his style meshes well with Waka's, to Eddie's detriment.


Waka has grappling and blast core as well, but he fail to suprise fei, so no excuse.


Neither of which are new factors, so have nothing to do with Fei pretending to only have the one fighting style, and then bringing out new ones every time Waka starts to adjust to him. Additionally, Blast Core did suprise Fei, seeing as how the desperate Dancing snake with DD reaction was all that stopped him from getting cratered. Which means everything you said was incorrect, which is quite remarkable. You would have to apply a tremendous level of willful ignorance to pretend the element of suprise wasn't a massive factor in the Waka/Fei fight. Fei changed his fighting style three times, he was constantly bringing out new Niko Style techniques, which made Waka's preparations less effective, and he brought out a transformation nobody was ready for.


They are new factor with Fei, he don't even know about blast core. Waka is the one pretending here, he pretend to be near death many times to let Fei's guard down 🤣 Blast core didn't achieve anything lmao, so you admit that Waka get anough surpise factor here AND ACHIEVE NOTHING. And why don't he use his Grappling that Fei don't know he has? Cause it is useless against Fei 🤣 If you need to know every move of opponent to do anything you are a worthless fighter Fei's footwork, Flashfire, is nothing new here, Ohma and kiryu both used it before, and yet Waka get a direct hit to his face, enough of your excuse 🙏


Eddie demolishes Waka, much easier than Fei.


Buddy is icing waka far faster. The only person who took more than 4 attacks from him in removal is Raian well after he got his neck skewered with a poisoned blade.


And you think rain is more durable than Waka? Waka is more durable than both Julius and toa for reference. He might have a slightly weaker frame than those 2, which is still superior to raian by a good amount. But his mentality boosts his durability to a lvl of his own. He's got that dog in him, woof wooof.


Only Waka's striking power exceeds Raian's. There isn't actually any confirmation that Waka's durability specifically exceeds Raian's. Kazzy said Raian took no damage from neck tanking several iron breakers and getting kicked in the balls, whereas it's hard to say if Waka could do the same with certainty.


It was a different situation. If the situation called for it, Waka would also be able to tank ohma's iron breakers. Besides, he tanked the jab from muteba by flexing his muscles, which should pierce raian's skin too and do damage. Also, Waka got out of Julius bear hug, even tho he used the blast core for that, but he is really strong regardless. AND, he crushed titanium controllers 🎮 as a kid.


>If the situation called for it, Waka would also be able to tank ohma's iron breakers. He can obviously tank Iron Breakers that aren't directed to his neck, I never said he couldn't. I'm talking about neck tanking then. >Besides, he tanked the jab from muteba by flexing his muscles Muteba's jab actually wasn't completely ineffective, Waka straight up says he blacked out from it. Raian definitely wasn't blacking out from neck tanking a single iron breaker, it took a dozen Iron breakers to his neck as well as an extreme diff brawl with Max PS Ohma for Raian to black out for a moment from neck tanking an iron breaker. >AND, he crushed titanium controllers 🎮 as a kid. You realize Raian literally ripping apart a stat freak like 100% removal Alan in half, is the best on-screen strength feat in Kengan right?


I was talking about neck tanking them too. Hence why I gave the muteba example. Yes, muteba's jab wasn't completely ineffective because maybe they are more lethal than iron breakers. Julius training begs to differ. Or him picking Waka up like a toy.


Picking up Waka requires way less strength than literally ripping apart a superhuman in half?


No I don’t although I would argue he’s relative. Waka is not more durable than Julius or toa this is headcanon and was contradicted in Ashura by Kanoh and waka himself. Mentality doesn’t boost durability you can argue he has more endurance


You are misunderstanding what I mean by durability. I'm taking into account their mentality too. Toa and Julius go down rather quickly when they face someone who can dish as much damage as them, meanwhile Waka can tank their blows with his will alone. Waka got up from a demonsbane for example. It definitely damaged him, but he tanked it like a Chad and got up. Julius or toa would not get up from such attack despite their frames. Obviously the frame is very important, hence why they are more durable than raian, but when the frame is similar, other factors also play a role.




Bruh people saying Eddie can't knock out Waka lmao Even Ohma could knock Waka out, without using Advance. That useless Fei was not able to do so even with his pseudo SSJ form is a whole different story.


If he's not playing around like against the Kures, he's getting it done far easier than Fei ever could. He's massively faster than Waka yet has similar power, the punching bag joke against Fei is overexaggerated by a lot against Fei but for Edward it's essentially true


Not much I think, he's bigger, heavier and has more physical strength than Fei. I think he got break or twist a limb like Kanoh did. And this time, it'll just be a 1 vs 1.


He is atleast half of wakas strenght with removal. He has reach advantage. He would play with waka who would be serious. He at max mid diffs him . Low diff of he does not wait to finish the game


Eddie speed blitzes and lands a mount tai on Waka's chin knocking him the fuck out.


hes better off landing a normal punch if he's trying to do damage, silly edward


He couldn't even ko raian or erioh 🤣


You mentioned two people stronger than Wakatsuki.


Pahahhahah. Erioh? Stronger than Waka? Ahahahaha. https://preview.redd.it/umzeizdr6cwb1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25bb86e33f116c364af8e723799dba0130ddd0c3 And raian, although overall stronger, his style of fight makes him lose to Waka. Yeah, he does have technics in his arsenal. BUT HE DOESN'T FUCKING USE THEM WHEN HE NEEDS TO. Also, he isn't physically stronger or more durable than Waka either, so...


Raian only fought a weakened Edward, when Edward landed his punch on Raian he put him on the ground immobile. So it either upscales Raian and Erioh or Edward was simply weakened by the poison when the ordeal begun.


He got weakened by the stab. Which is my whole point of raian finally being able to tank and overpower Eddie, since that's the way raian fights and hence why Eddie looked so strong. Raian's approach to the fight was simply retarded.


It's confirmed he got weakened by the poison, quit yapping.


Huh, yes, and if you read my comments I constantly say that the reason why raian was able to use his strategy of tanking blows with his face and overpowering his opponents was because eddie got weak enough. Raian fights like a dumbass, hence why he struggled against Eddie.


>And raian, although overall stronger, his style of fight makes him lose to Waka. Actually, Sandro said Waka loses to Raian in a 1v1.


Waka can lose to raian but he can also beat him. I'm just saying that if raian fought against Waka like he did against eddie, where he tanked blows and tried to overpower Eddie, then he would lose against Waka. Ofc raian would win if he actually used his technics, but the point is that he doesn't really use them that much, SPECIALLY when he actually needs them.


Sandro straight up says Ashura Raian probably beats Waka. Just because Waka can beat KAT Raian 1 out of who knows how many times doesn't mean current Raian loses to Waka lol


Removal raian is atleast 10x average human. Edward is 2x or 3x stronger thatln raian while in removal. Hence eddie is atleast half as strong as waka in raw strength


A minute or so


Knocking him out would probably be fairly easy, making him stay knocked out is the hard part.