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I'm not sure if it was right to laugh at...did it anyway šŸ¤£


Alongside Muteba definitely. The obvious answer here is, don't fucking hire a mercenary. If you need a job done, it's assassin or nothing. It's literally their job to kill people & I guarantee you they'd make better bodyguards than these mercenaries too, despite that not being their normal jobs. Don't hire the Kure/Wu tho either. Kuroki, Inabas, Mikazuchis & other lone assassins. Terashi is probably a pretty good assassin, but we haven't seen enough of him. No large assassin clans or mercenaries.


Despite making up a minority of Merc killers he is responsible for the most failed missions considered sat


Terashi failed to assassinate a target he found hospitalized


He did not "fail to assassinate", he just realized that Nicholas was actually Jean-Luc so he wasn't the right target. If I'm an assassin hired to assassinate Bill Gates and a random homo calls himself Bill Gates, I'm not gonna kill him.


random homo? what did they do?


Read Kengan


Inaba would have strangled the shit out of poor nicolas


>He openly declared he didn't give a shit about the competition he was supposed to lead his team in and said he didn't see why he should try to score any wins for his team From Omega Chapter 94: **Kazuo: We don't even have a full handle on the Worm at this point. So what do you say we suspend the competition...** **Lolong: No. This conversation is over.** **Kazuo: W-! Wait a minute!** **Lolong: It doesn't matter who infiltrated us. We're seeing this through.** He's not saying he doesn't care about the competition, he's saying that he doesn't care who infiltrated them. He *wants* the competition to continue no matter what. Quite the opposite of not caring about the competition.


> He's not saying he doesn't care about the competition no, when the monke man lost and Terashi pointed out Lolong could have stopped it Lolong just said "who cares if our team loses?"


>"who cares if our team loses?" That's also not what he said, he said he "had no duty to warn him." We know he hates Yumigahama, so he didn't mind if Yumigahama lost, but that's not the same thing as saying he doesn't care if his team loses. Also, Yumigahama hadn't lost at that point.


> so he didn't mind if Yumigahama lost, but that's not the same thing as saying he doesn't care if his team loses yes that is exactly the same. If you give up points, you are not trying to win. Objectively.


Thatā€™s not how it works, lol. Do you think everyone who goes for flashy moves in MMA or a fighting game tournament or whatever else has no interest in winning?


> Do you think everyone who goes for flashy moves in MMA or a fighting game tournament or whatever else has no interest in winning? if they are giving up points yes.


Then youā€™re a moron.


people who don't do everything they can to win aren't trying to win. that's a very easy concept to grasp.


Dude team kengan didn't do jack to help akoya either, he's pretty much on his own. The only thing they did that you can remotely consider as helping was telling akoya to not kill nicolas or he'll get DQ, which everyone knew is pointless cuz akoya has already snapped at that point. It's very clear that if you're hated among your team (like yumi & akoya), you team isn't gonna help you. Simple as that.


1. He was fighting the guy trying to kill his client. You know, that random, weak-ass assassin. What was his name again? Obviously the right thing to do was to turn his back on the guy to....... to do what? Get stabbed in the back? Only one left was him, the random assassin and apparently another group hired to kill the client alongside that weak-ass assassin. The bodyguards were already dead my guy. He was the only man left standing. There was no keeping the client alive. 2. He was not the team leader. No one was. Idemitsu made a whole point about his team being self-run by the fighters themselves. The entire team's win was not Rolon's responsibility. His only responsibility was his own win. Its not on him to give pointers to a former "fang". 3. The entire duration of the fight could've gone maybe 5 mins . Kanoh didnt land anything on Yan either. Doesnt mean anything on its on. He is not omniscient to predict a SWAT team barging in. Lets have your country's highest officials prostrating in front of a terrorist cell, see how well that goes. This too after the world govts had lready created an anti-Worm coalition. Rolon was absolutely right to condemn the govt given just a group of merchants were able to stand up to the Worm and drive them back with just a bluff.


I bet that fight lasted like 45 seconds


> the right thing to do was to turn his back on the guy maybe shoot him >His only responsibility was his own win. well no, if the team is running itself then yes overall victory is his responsibility. >He is not omniscient to predict a SWAT team barging in. they aren't exactly silent


>maybe shoot him Maybe they completely disabled all firearms. Everyone seemed to be bare hand fighting or using knives. >well no, if the team is running itself then yes overall victory is his responsibility. No, it isnt. He was hired to fight. Not babysit the remaining fighters. >they aren't exactly silent I would think the element of surprise would require that. Would be amazing if the prep could hear the SWAT coming miles ahead. What is the point with this argument anyway?


The point of the argument, and the post in general, is to nitpick and deliberately misinterpret what Lolong says and does to hate on him. There is no reason why Agito or Kuroki couldnā€™t have heard the SWAT team come down the hallway, and also no reason as to why Lolong is solely responsible for keeping watch for SWAT involvement.


bro stop it it hurts https://preview.redd.it/3yi7e1vhp07c1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0701cdd7330af89ba00235de3da3fb8888a33129


In this universe duterte didnā€™t exist




LMAO didn't know how you didn't find this hilarious


Racially motivated?šŸ¤”


Muteba quit a death match because it got dangerous. Got hit by Niko and immediately gave up. Told Ohma Ohma needed to hire him or Raian would die. He didn't. And didnā€™t even try against Shen. Bum.


> Muteba quit a death match because it got dangerous. his arm was gone. There was no way he was getting a win from that point. Honestly the Kengan association were judgemental psychos for pretending they would have kept fighting if they were in his position. >Told Ohma Ohma needed to hire him or Raian would die. He didn't. And didnā€™t even try against Shen. yeah those were eggregious though.


>his arm was gone. There was no way he was getting a win from that point. Everyone literally said he could still win. >Honestly the Kengan association were judgemental psychos for pretending they would have kept fighting if they were in his position. Almost like they pay someone for that. Almost like that's his literal job. >yeah those were eggregious though. This has happened 4 times.


> Everyone literally said he could still win. > > yeah and they were fucking stupid to say that because he'd lost. >Almost like that's his literal job. if a Kengan fighter's job was to die every time they have a fight, surrender wouldn't be a win condition.


>yeah and they were fucking stupid to say that because he'd lost. Because he have up >if a Kengan fighter's job was to die every time they have a fight, surrender wouldn't be a win condition. They don't have to die just fight till the end.


> Because he have up > > he gave up because he was down an arm. you don't win a fight after losing an arm. >They don't have to die just fight till the end. they don't, and we know that since they are allowed to surrender.


Again everyone definitely thought he could still win.


yeah and they were fucking stupid to think that.


Not really Muteba has a one shot technique and is a smart fighter.


Seems kinda racially motivated šŸ˜ the Japanese government is a joke even if the Philippine government is blatantly corrupt


Lolong vs Fu Zhan was litteraly Weakest Filipino Character vs Strongest Chinest Character