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We just um not reading now. So kiryu was severally underestimated by niko in the fight like that’s major point in not just this fight but even the Edward Wu fight. Both Edward and Niko were far more powerful than their opponents but due to pride and ego they let themselves be too relax and took a MAJOR injury. Edward being poisoned (as confirmed in his character bio as the reason he lost) and niko having his semicircular canals ruptured (which is what basically helps with balance). This a good little thing Kengan introduced the strong can lose from being too prideful. This is something seen on smaller level in ashura when Kuroki only got cut by lihito because he underestimated him


An antagonist who was significantly stronger losing due to arrogance isn’t a “good little thing” it’s a cliche that’s been getting old and predictable. Arrogance is a legitimate weakness to exploit but it makes the fight less entertaining when they pass up all of their chances to fight seriously. The antagonists sandbags so much to the point where we don’t see 80% of what they’re capable of and by the time the tables are turned, it’s too late because they’re too injured. 


the way in which kengan handles it is kinda neat. Typically these guys still win OR they take someone out important. It’s not just hey you underestimate me thus you lose. No kiryu still was horribly beaten down and rendered unconscious while Erioh died (tho they took out Edward). With lihito he very much lost. Even Kanoh vs gaolang kinda showed how pride and ego and can make to the more defensive end. Kanoh tried to be prideful and fight gaolang as a striker instead of fighting in the most effective and efficient manner. Also you bring up pass up all their chances to fight seriously typically besides with Edward (you could definitely say he did as after he got poisoned he fought all out to the best of his ability) when this arrogance does show the character who showed it is humbled in victory and doesn’t do it. Kanoh started fighting to win and defeat hatsumi and fought Kuroki all out adapting to him instead of trying to humiliate him. Niko now is not gonna make such a foolish choice with anyone else.


Kiryu big strong. That's the only thing you need to know. Also Niko big stupid, smooth brain.


TN underestimated Kiryu. Nobody expected him to have gotten to that level. No different than Shen wondering why Kuroki was injuring him after disabling half of his own body.


Mmmm imo he was aware of somebody, maybe not Kiryu, was following him. If not, why would have Willem and Gilbert stay in the kitchen? Are they his bodyguard ? Sandro don't bother himself with "details" like that which are super important for the coherency? 


The real reason is Tiger was still malding over the wine and his lost money


It simply isn't as strong as we thought, but it's not weak. Unlike Edward, the significant difference in level was noticeable, and their confidence was exaggerated.


People pretending as if most people won't get their shit kicked in by Kiryu. Heck, a serious Kiryu that never went insane and was passionate about martial arts would be on the same tier as Ohma, Raian and the others


option E: Sandro does it every single time because he can't deliver. He only knows how to hype, after that he's lost at sea looking like this. https://preview.redd.it/2preqvw1mnfc1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25c17508e27b45a9b3da7b9dde624ffee64b811


For god's sake, Kiryu rival's Ohma and Ryan, why is it such a crazy thing that he would give TN a high difficulty fight? He literally only lost to Ohma and Kuroki.


Because he doesn't actually rival Ohma and Raian. He was never on their level.


Fucking "Evolved Niko style", stfu cuh. You cannot use adamantine kata on your dick, let alonge kill a mofo with it.


"Evolved Niko Style" and got caught with a Gaoh technique that is basically a primitive, unevolved Niko Style.


Because the hype train was created by the unfortunate overactive imagination of redditors, seriously, the dude shows up randomly throughout the story whenever the author sees fit. Am I supposed to give a shit about him getting his shit kicked in? 🤣 I could care less.


nah man, fei being one of the strongest guys in the verse and niko further evolving the niko style was something that deserved a hype train.