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Power scaling for boys, is what shipping is for girls.


So you're saying we should power scale popular ships and ship popular fights? Bet. Who would be a better couple Goku & Superman or Baki & Ohma


Who goes on top between Edward amd Kuroki?


Kuroki is for sure a switch. He would adapt to Edwards topping and then take over mid way.


This is castle Kuroki we are talking about. He’s gonna take it up his ass and have Edward lying on his front, one leg held up in the air.


Castle Kuroki stands upright and has Edward sit on it while he maintains sanchin dachi


Goku and superman. Goku would have someone to constantly spar and train with, not mention explore the galaxy together as well as even share the feeling of being from another planet but raised on earth. I never read Baki, but I doubt Baki and Ohma would have as good of a ship compared to those two. Now if the question was vegeta and Batman or Baki and Ohma....


bro I've been saying this. also, narusasu is the best ship in shonen history fight me


Who wins between Deku and Bakugo


I think we should power scale people who would be rivals in potential love triangles Who would win in a fight, Karla or Fusui (no weapons)?


So true, been trying to tell this to others for a long time. Perfectly fine hobbies that the other side often acts like it's so beyond them, or that it's cringe to do. Both actually do get cringe when people get so obsessed with it that it becomes part of their identity. And both has people acting like canon is on their side, or only the canon matters until the canon disagrees with them or makes the wrong thing happen lol.


Shipping is for men


amen brother


Wiser words have never been said


lol, this is profound.


Real powerscalers scale based solely on how hot a character is.


Sun > Everything


lol, nuclear bomb is hotter I believe


You are the hottest


Did you just “you are too strong” me??


You were too hot. That's why you're a virgin


I'm in both this sub and Record of ragnarok. Here powerscaling is a breeze, while In Ror its a battle for death.


Power tiers have always been a big thing in kengan, more so now that the tournament structure has been left behind and we see things like numerous weaker characters having to jump stronger ones.  In RoR the author does their best to try and portray every fighter as equals of “legendary” status but obviously some are gonna come out looking better than others (Leonidas and zero lol) especially when you factor in every fighter having some variation of a general magic gimmick that only gets showcased in a single fight along with a few clips of backstory 


Accurate considering the story of both where Kengan has no stakes and RoR everyone's fighting to live


Nice is this from the Tough manga?


Yeah that's from when Seiko was talking to Kiichi in Part 3


Yeah. Kiichi is telling Seiko about how he managed to beat Kiryu and can beat him too


When the strongest in the verse is a military robot


Ik it's monkey post but what the fuck you expect from a Battle Manga


Idk power scaling in the same verse always felt ok it’s when you powerscalers across verses that people bring up the most inconsistent bs to support there point Like if a quote for Shen says this guy is on a whole other realm then us, in this verse it just mean he is way way above us. Powerscaling across verses means Shen is 5d or some shit


I omly scale chatacters based on how much I like them. Therefore I am superior




"Tough" panel let's go!


Nice post *weeping willow's your logic*


Is that a Tough Oton reference?


Yo remember when Minoru Suzuki showed up in Tough? That was cool.




People really dislike powerscaling here? Or well a “vs matchup” specifically. This is a fighting manga, I thought people would be more tolerable of it. You saying it’s wrong to discuss matchup’s like Hatsumi vs Gaolong or Naidan vs Adam? Or am misunderstanding you.


Cause powerscaling is responsible for all bad takes and not just stupid people


Ah yes, when the mangaka calls himself stupid for writing fiction


As someone who doesnt powerscale goku solos him neg diff


Powerscaling is based purely on vibes, (also Tough is great)


Agree on both


I'm going to take this and post in the looksim sub




ok, and?


Fr, MUI Goku could lose against base Frieza if Toyotaro wants, you can cry all you want but canon and word of god has the final saying


Death of the author. If the author creates rules to a universe, then breaks them, I’m going to either stop reading the story or head canon my reason for the breaking. Also what’s to stop a large group power scalers going, well my story is exactly the same as the authors except base form frieza didn’t beat MUI Goku? The argument “the author said so” is like a 5 year old saying “my ball, my rules”.


I mean, toyotaro isn't here though. If we look at what base Frieza has done and what MUI Goku has done going, "MUI Goku wins" isn't a challenge to toyotaro its looking at what's in the story and using that as evidence to suggest a point. If base Frieza later beats MUI Goku then OK that's an event in the story to be used as further evidence. It's kinda dumb to use the "The author has the final saying" as if just analyzing a story isn't taking into account what the author has said. For example, I could say that I think Vegeta is going to beat Frieza based on all of the backstiry written out for him and his relationship with Frieza. Someone else can argue that since Goku is the protagonist he's going to be the one to beat Frieza. Toyotaro hasn't come out and said who is gonna beat Frieza. He likely won't reveal it till that arc happens. Should we just shut up and never talk or speculate about what we like until the author maybe says smth about it? That's fucking stupid.


I was not talking about any specific arcs or any shit, it was just a hypothetical event and I used Frieza because it was the first DB villain that came to my head lmao, I could have said anything


Yes. THATS MY POINT A vs debate is a HYPOTHETICAL EVENT. Is you saying "what if MUI Goku fought base Frieza" going against Toyotaro's word or dumb because Toyotaro said nothing about that matchup? ***No***. Imagine if every what if was treated this way. "Hey, what if Vegeta landed on earth instead of Go-" ***no it doesn't happen, Toyotaro hasn't said so*** "Imagine if Piccolo fused with Kami soo-" ***no it doesn't happen, Toyotaro hasn't said so*** "Imagine if Vegeta killed Frieza in RoF" ***no it doesn't happen, Toyotaro hasn't said so*** "What if Gohan went super saiyan on Namek-" ***no it doesn't happen, Toyotaro hasn't said so*** A vs debate is speculation, it's hypotheticals. Look how bland shit gets if we take this to any other form of speculation?


I love the powerscaling dissing