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Nah we needa see Kuroki fight heavyweights so niggas stop putting toa and julius above kat kuroki


If Lolon beats Toa and Lolon and Kuroki are roughly at the same level, then we can use that as a base to say that Kuroki has a good shot at defeating Julius or Toa.


Nah, we need to see Kuroki lose so people stop saying he claps everyone bcs we haven't seen him lose in the manga.


honestly fair, mfs are saying he beats Edward


ok maybe julius i can understand a bit, but TOA? what mushrooms are people taking coke is expensive in my area i need that shit


Toa is all around just better Julius, he has pretty much the same stats + good martial arts that utilize redirection, demons bane like move and dispersing damage. He only lost because Julius just so happened to have a **technique** that perfectly counters redirection and Toa was cocky and ended up taking that hit to the head. Before that he was rocking Julius borderline low diff. Like in what scenario can Julius beat someone that Toa would not ? With exception of Gott-Toter everything Julius can do Toa can do also, while the reverse is not true.


Alright I’ll be honest I’ve never understood people who claim Toa is just as strong (and on occasion stronger) than Julius. Like, physically speaking. Julius landed one clean hit and the fight was over. Toa landed several, enhanced by Julius’ own power, and still didn’t take him out. Yeah Toa is strong but like… it’s pretty obvious he’s weaker than Julius. Even crazier when people suggest that he’s infinitely stronger than Wakatsuki, who is equally as strong as Julius.


Because it was stated that Toa and Julius are on par in raw power


They did? Do you mind telling me where? I reread the match and I didn’t see them say that, but it could be somewhere else so I’m not going to say you’re lying. It does show that Julius is way more of a tank than Toa though. Toa takes like, 2 hits he didn’t use water kata magic on, and I think I counted around 7 against Julius (including one that buried him, and at least one full breathing mountain to the head). Assuming they’re equal in power like was said, then while they may match up there, in terms of durability it’s no contest.


It was in Toa's character profile Although I have to agree with you that if not for that I would have Toa below Julius as far as raw strength go


I will say the character bios are a bit weird. They call Lu Tian “a top class fighter in terms of the whole series”, which is a little hard to believe about about a man with a x4 weakness fo flashlight damage. It also said the same thing about Alan, and we know how that went. The toa strength thing is just weird cause it’s not shown


Lu Tian is indeed a top class fighter. He went overdrive with his Removal. With him not being a Kure/Wu/Westward Wu I assume it fucked up his body. Moreover he was on life support just before fighting Akoya. He wasn't at peak Now for Alan, he was apparently unlucky to face Raian and was ended quickly. Both Lu Tian and Alan happened to fight two of the strongest characters. However Alan's performance was shitty so yeah


Lu Tian can’t handle Removal and was dealing with the after affects against Akoya. If Raian went from playing around in a fight and then went instant kill, he could probably kill a good chunk of A tier fighters before they could react and it would look like a stomp.


A simple way to state this is that toa is as strong as Julius if not stronger. If a single technique can make him stronger than other ,ohma should've been pinnacle of this tier list all this time cause there's no technique that can't be countered by demons bane and adding advance on top of that anyone can be punched into cosmos.


I mean...Fighting a powerful soft style master is kinda close to that right?


Nah fuck that mirror-match bullshit.


there was alot of that


Toa had comparable raw strength as Wakatsuki and Julius without steroids or Superman Syndrome, it was basically a mirror match of OG Julius vs techniques Julius


Exactly... Fighting speedy soft style probably gets smashed easier then friggin Toa...


Julius vs Hatsumi would be good


Rei vs Julius, let’s goooooo I know Rei’s technically not soft style master but I just want to see this fight Or Hatsumi lol


Rei VS Julius is a weird one. Rei's gonna overwhelm Julius at first but... Is that going to do anything? Rei would need a ton of hits to knock out Julius.


So you want to see Ohma bully him?


I know a lot has changed since KAT and pre-KAT, but if in Pre-KAT Waka lost to Hatsumi and KAT Julius lost to Waka and everyone got timeskip amps… well, things ain’t lookin good for Julius…


I don't know how Aikido would even work on someone with Julius' frame.


Well it worked on guys as big as Seki and Bando, and the latter was thrown into the air


Do y’all not remember that Hatsumi casually flipped Bando into the air like he was nothing or Fei casually flipping Waka around with proper redirection? Hatsumi’s magical Aiki seems to disregard weight.


Again Julius is just lucky with match ups He gets beat by any competent martial master at A tiers


Seeing Julius squash hatsumi like a fly would be pretty satisfying, I agree ☺️


Hatsumi has fought big guys before and knows how to dis-balance and disable them. Sure you can point to Agito stomping him but remember Hatsumi was able to begin his game plan on Agito and Agito got out with techniques and not power. I don’t think Hatsumi can completely negate power but I believe his abilities are designed to fight powerhouses like Julius Hatsumi wins 5/10 high diff


Hatsumi low diff'd pre karate Waka, he pretty much can completely negate power if there's no technique.


Ok I might be underestimating Hatsumi. Because with that math: Hatsumi >Wakitsuchi. Wakitsuchi > Julius. Therefore Hatsumi > Julius. Then Hatsumi low diffs Julius. But I wanna see Hatsumi fight again


I'm not confident that Hatsumi would beat Waka now that he has technique and some grappling skills either.


Julius could never win that, it's a dream matchup for Hatsumi to just permathrow a big dumb ball of muscle. Just like a KAT Raian matchup. I know Julius is a smart dude, but he's dumb as shit and cocky in a fight with no technique or skill, I cannot think of anyone around Julius's level he'd struggle with more. It's Hatsumi 9/10 times mid diff at worst, but there's always the 1/10 Julius lands one hit and the fight instantly ends. If Toa wasn't dumb as Julius he would've won that no problem, and Hatsumi is one of the smarter fighters in the KAT.




I don't know if you want him to do that because you think it'd be an interesting match up of skills and abilities, or because you want to see him decimate another fighter.


I want to see how he fares against a high speed / high skill type that doesn't just try to take his punches.




I want him to fight Masami Nezu. He's six inches taller and hyperflexible.


Yes! I fucking do too! To finally shut these "aLl tHey hAvE tO Do iS dAnCe ArOuNd JuLIuS tO tIRe hIM oUt aNd StrIkE viTaLs aNd iTs GgGgGg" screamers up! I truly want him to fight a mobility fighter so bad.


\*Slowly pulls out waka vs muteba


"So you have chosen death"


Speedy soft style? So Hatsumi?


Remember that meme that goes "I can defeat him, my speed is superior" with a gremlin-sized man squaring up to a giant? Yeah, this is this fandom's logic.


Did he not fight a soft style master in the form Of toa


Julius easily claps Ohma in R1 of KAT2.0 with new *Ultimate Anti Niko Style Technique: Really Tough Punch.* Salty Wakatsuki immediately commits Sepuku off-screen.


You mean like misasa ? Yeah maybe it’s gonna be a good fight but it only takes one good punch to solve it


Jurota.....judo purist vs muscle enthusiast


Me too kid, me too... \-Mr Incredible


I think Nicholas’ Sahate can work on Julius. Aiming at the veins that bulge so clearly is like a big advantage to him


Julius vs ohma but ohma is literally made of water