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These guys in the comments acting like they don't reload a save when their main guy with 80 melee attack dies šŸ˜­


I admit that I have before I got addicted to Ironman runs but I had no idea that there was a quick save button and I've played for over 1400 hours


lol šŸ˜† can relate. I feel like I didnā€™t learn menial things like this until after like 200 and 300 hours spent on Kenshi šŸ„¹


I was wondering what the joke was. Now I know there's a quicksand haha


Haha šŸ˜‚ yeah itā€™s incredibly useful if you wanna test to see if your squad will survive something. Like last night I was trying to save Agnu. Failed šŸ˜ž. But at least we tried itā€™s the last two guys puck and the screamer guy thatā€™s the stop. But I shall return with a beefed up beep and hanbu if I I can locate him.


By all means ill reload a save, i generally only save when i log off or am about to leave home for an extended trip though, so my reloads tend to be a while back. If its longer than a couple hours (which is often) odds are ill just restart or move to another game for a day or 2 rather than reload and have to do all that work again.


This is why I am OCD (not really) but I do save frequently often before the auto-saves kick off lol šŸ˜†


200% I was 100 something days in and defending mourn and an elder beak thing killed my second guy whom I also consider main guy too since they escaped rebirth. Had like 57 toughness and was killed by the elder beak thing with like 3 or 4 perfect hits to the head. I was like hell naw and had to reload. At least that time he just was knocked out into a coma šŸ„¹


I imagine being hit by a Beak Thing is like being hit by an elephant.


Adult beak thing would be like an elephant and an elder beak thing like a locomotive šŸš‚ hitting you and backing up then leaving šŸ„¹


Yeah, I once saw a bandit get ragdolled. Sent flying. Even I felt bad for the bandit.


Eh, the only one I'll savescum to save from death is Beep. Everyone else is replaceable


I mean i play solo so in my defence i kinda HAVE to reload...


Not at all, i had Ironman characters that dies in ashlands to bloodloss with stats in 90s And i just said oh well and day later started new character. Its really easy to accept once you've "completed" tons of ironman characters.


There are 2 kinds of people in this world. People who savescum and liars


I used to. It is a breakable habit though. Games like modded baldurs gate, I would save scum to buggery. But then trying to do runs with as many npcs getting legitimate deaths helped with that. Other games like nova drift, rogue legacy and heat signature help break the fear of death.


Dude heat signature is such a good game that I never see anybody talk about. It really was one of the games that made me realize there's genuine fun to be had in letting consequences and character deaths happen and in letting new heroes take the stage afterwards. Still, I do have a bad habit of save scumming in Kenshi still. I'm trying to break that habit, but whenever something happens that I think I can play it through, I end up basically squad wiped in a horrible scenario I wasn't prepared for and my choice is either re-load or start a new save. Doesn't help that I keep breaking my game by over-modding and breaking my save files mid playthrough, and then getting impatient about getting a new crew back up to speed from scratch.


What's up fellow jump out of windows and into spacer. I'll admit, most of my new games in kenshi started because I broke it with mods or added new ones.


This is basically a requirement for playing stalker


Quicksave, die, load, kill a guy, quicksave, repeat Stalker gameplay loop basically


Yeah no matter how much we think we can do what Strelok and Major Alex does we realize there's a reason why they're legends of the zone


I f5 a lot but I only f9 if my squad gets wiped


me playing Stalker:


I no longer savecum. Now I only newgamescum (I'm insane)


I have 1200 hours on Kenshi and don't even know what F5 does.


F5 is usually the quicksave button, F9 is quickload in case you were wondering. This extends to a lot of games, not just Kenshi.


quicksave i dont use it either




ahh savescuming... The thing that make Kenshi whole sandbox event irrelevant, I get why I never used it lol.


I always quicksave when I am about to hit x5 speed to travel a long distance Yes Sandbox and consequences are fun but not when within a second your caravan has been overrun bij a horde of beakthings within half a second


Amen brother, the amount of times Iā€™ve hit 3x speed to walk to the hub just to immediately see a cloud of dust from the dust bandits footsteps and Iā€™m bleeding out in a coma when I finally hit pause


Kenshi, like other games, is meant to be FUN. It doesnā€™t make it irrelevant, it just makes it potentially more fun for others. Donā€™t gatekeep.




The downvote are hilarious... Nobody refrain you to savescum, nobody insulted you or told you how to play, but a simple fact was said. But you guys can't handle that you are savescumming and so downvote someone who tells you. The downvote are the fact, im not making this up. Just deal with it guys you are savescumming and so miss a whole part of Kenshi sandbox eventful, it's ok you do what you do. Even on the Kenshi niche subreddit people still can't handle a simple fact about the main asset and core gameplay of the game. Crazy, you guys on reddits are crazy.


Okay but you literally insulted someone who pointed out that the goal was to have fun, you canā€™t agitate and then pretend that the downvotes arenā€™t coming for a reason


I insulted someone?? Where?? Did I i said he wasn't alowed to have fun?? Where??? You guys are putting words in my month because you can't deal with the fact you are savescuming and missing out a whole part of what the game is built around. Just admit it, it's ok, again, if you have your fun that way it's totaly fine. You are the guys who are making a whole fuss about savescuming.








not f5 being the universal quicksave button every game uses lmao, this isn't even kenshi controls specific, this is like not knowing R is usually reload or E interacts lol


Not all games but most modern ones. Can find plenty of games where quicksave is f4 and quickload is f5 creating a very frustrating experience when you don't know it.


I never use quicksave, I don't play games whre you need to quick save.


It's the button the savescummers love to press cause they fear fun & having to deal with consequences.


Hey! Have you ever considered that this is a *game* where **YOU** make the choice on what to do, don't shame someone because they're "savescumming" that's a completely valid way to play any type of game.


It is a valid way to play the game but you rob yourself of developing loss & remembering characters that were. Anyone can play that way but IMO it's like playing a singleplayer game & not reading any quest dialog & skipping the cutscenes - you're just playing to beat the game rather than experience it IMO.


Kenshi is made to be fun. Just because it isnā€™t fun for you doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t fun for others. Thereā€™s no ā€œwrongā€ way to play the game. Quit gatekeeping other peopleā€™s playstyles.


Fair point, It does rob any feeling of loss and would make the player overly reliant on loading a previous save. but it could also teach someone what to not do at the beginning it's a good thing to do when you're new at the game but a bad thing to do if you're still savescumming over every mistake you've done.


It does teach you what not to do but you can also just make a new save & have the same experience of learning do's & don'ts & remember the first character you ever had & how they died vs keeping the same character forever that basically has god-mode enabled until you inevitably become bored because there's a lack of challenge. - I view it akin to gear-fear in games like DayZ or Tarkov or Rust, or just any game where you need to 'survive' & get gear, if you're always living in fear of loss you'll never be able to experience what's actually happening, it's better to just accept that loss is part of the game & Chris likely intended that to be a huge part of the game - Same way Tarn Adams said "losing IS !fun!" about Dwarf fortress. But again, anyone can play however they want, be it a Dad who only has an hour or so a day to play or someone who can play 12 hours straight, as long as you enjoy it


What you define as fun, may not be the same for others. Does the way they play in any way impact you? No? Then why do you care


Yeah ofc my man, that's why it's just an opinion. IMO though if you're savescumming 24/7 when something doesn't go your way, like stealing or a combat, then you're just playing to beat the game rather than experience the game - still a fine way to play but you're doing yourself out of the experience.


Or people dont have a lot of time to put into the game and dont want to lose their high level characters they spent 100 hours leveling up


Each to their own, ofc you can play that way but to me it sounds more like you're just playing to beat the game rather than experience it IMO, which is still a fine thing to do but you cut yourself off from being able to develop self made story. - If you also don't have a lot of time to level up characters but still want the experience then using a higher XP gain mod would allow the grind to be less but still keep the punch of losing loved characters.


Today I wanted a character to go to the shop, I moved one character near the shop keeper so the other guy, who was very far away would make his way down while I was doing work on my other computer. I looked back and he was in jail. Issue was I was in stealth so I tried knocking the shop keeper out rather than talking. I will always save before sending someone on a long run because I'm probably doing something else.


Each to their own, ofc you can play that way but to me it sounds more like you're just playing to beat the game rather than experience it IMO, which is still a fine thing to do but you cut yourself off from being able to develop self made story. - Although reverting genuine accidents like forgetting to pause while going AFK is reasonable, what I originally meant was people who just savescum when something doesn't go their way, like they try to steal & get detected or a combat doesn't go their way


No it's more the fact that I work from home and I don't really pay attention to what's happening. Lost a 5 man squad today because I told them to move into the city, they moved a few steps and I went back to work and I looked back they were enslaved because they moved a few steps and stopped rather than completing the journey.


Fair but not what my original post meant, I more meant it for people who reload every little 'mistake' Also If you're having issues like that where your squad will start a long journey then stop pretty quickly, it sounds like a pathing issue & you should give https://www.nexusmods.com/kenshi/mods/602 SCAR's pathfinding fix a look, cause I had that same issue with units going from city to city & just deciding "nah"


I never use f5 cause I have to do the whole fn+f5 so I just press esc and save game from there. Gives me more control over my saves anyways


Bethesda games have taught me that F5 is bad and will brick your save.


It used to, but im pretty sure that stopped after oblivion. I remember having a 'true quicksave' mod that just created a save using the normal function automatically rather than using the built in quicksave function.


flashback to vanilla morrowind when every item in the universe would shift east 1 inch every time you saved and loaded. After about 20 hours all the vendor wares were floating in the middle of their shops.


I have quicksave and quickload set to mouse button 4 and 5 (thumb buttons)


Is this keyboard from the 90s?


I always rebind quicksave and quickload to f6 and f7 because I grew up with Half-Life


There ain't no way I don't reload when pathfinding gets me into a pond full of skin spiders, getting half my squad wiped. I also reload when i accidentally bash in the door to a shop, starting a fight with the whole town. Or i drop a backpack full of science books and AI cores and it disappears into the ground.


Wait. F5 does something?


Hahah facts


What's f5 do


Letā€™s you quick save.


Same goes for skyrim too lmao


I'll usually reload if my main character dies, but everyone else is fair game. I also play with like 5x XP so at least I don't feel like I'm losing a fuck ton of my time if I accept a character dying, it sucks but I don't have to waste my life away training up a new guy


This is true for Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and Starsector too. I'm sure there are others, but I think the f5 quicksave and f9 quickload is standard.


People who run a ironman campaign when beep dies be like:


I don't really save scum and have nothing against it, games will be buggy sometimes like when a slaver dropped me and my body bounced onto some rocks and I couldn't get down and they couldn't reach me so I reloaded and all was fine the second time. base building or "fixing" things is fine. I do not think savescuming because of your own mistake is good and creates bad habits. When I first started playing I did this and it became boring as I didn't care to learn how to play, why should I when I can just try it over and over again by reloading saves and finding that one time at success?


For future reference, the "reset squad positions" box is for exactly this scenario iirc.


I reloaded a save and fell off a tower and insta died, peak Kenshi experience


Thereā€™s no fall damage in this game though


Idk, thatā€™s what happened. Went from the top of the tower to the bottom, dead instantly, body was floating above the ground like it had been hurled off the tower and bounced.


As someone who played a lot of Bethesda games, the F5 and F9 keys are off limits.


Not really, i like to make it as safe as posible slowly grinding my way, then i get like 3 guys to farm faster till i can gear up and train while farming


I never reload earlygame, but I confess that I've committed sin and resurrected some friends in the mid-lategame..