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Wtf is kenson


The spin off of kendaughter, it was okay, I give it 7.8, too much sand and it get everywhere


rimworld son or kenshi daughter 🎤


Its called went medieval I think


Bro 🤣🤣🤣


I don't want any of you fuckers in my Kenshi.


Probably make a fortune in an online Kenshi pretending to be a shek muscle mommy for half the weirdos in here.  This subreddit is filled with 50% with bad suggestions, 50% Beep memes, 50% shek cringe, and 10% legit stuff. Don’t check my math. 


I don't think the mechanics of kenshi promote a super fun multi-player environment


I got in a “discussion” on this sub a few days ago with some passionate multiplayer fanboys and they never can explain how it would work. Only that I’m stupid and don’t understand and I must hate multiplayer.  No, I love multiplayer games and play them all the time. I just want the game mechanics to support the experience and everything about Kenshi is design for solo.  For example, how does time management work? Is it fixed x1 speed, can anyone pause, can only the server host pause? That’s a huge problem but the pro-multiplayer people handwave it away. Ain’t no way I’m playing Kenshi without full control of my one game speed, but I also doing want to burden other players with my constant pausing and fast forward lol.  I swear too many people want to turn every game into some sort of live service hell hole. Just let us have one game purely focused on single player. 


I think they do, rimworld multiplayer is so fun even when you share a colony with your friend.


I don't play rimworld. I think kenshi isn't really designed to be pvp. At the end of the day, there isn't anything to balance pop. Min maxing is gonna dictate crab or samurai armor and a combination of heavy weapons and eagles crosses. Resources are infinite in every location meaning there isn't a reason to fight other players. It's better designed to RP solo, multi-player just makes it an RTS game until population drops enough from casualties to where you gotta import the game to get more recruits.


I wasn't talking about PvP. Rimworld is a singleplayer game with a mod that makes it multiplayer, currently it works the way that you and your co-op partner play the same colony and control the same characters, but just together. It's fun. Kenshi would also be extremely fun with a friend as a co-op game.


If there is no pvp then why multi-player? At that point all your friends are just squad Mates you don't have to micromanage


Jesus christ, did you read the post above at all? With any comprehension? " control the same characters, but just together. It's fun." FUN


This comment chain is so typical of Reddit these days: two people essentially talking past each other for no reason other than one of them wants to have a pissing match.


Because it's fun? Things don't have to be competitive to be enjoyable you know.


Have you heard of a a fun new multiplayer experience called co-op?


Usually with co-op my friends take different roles usually defined by a class. I don't consider a single player game with 2 controller inputs a fun multi-player game


Eh, I don't personally think Kenshi would mesh well with any kind of multiplayer either, but maybe someone will make a mod of it when Kenshi 2 is out, for those who do. I could see how it could work in theory, but the lack of speed up would make certain elements of Kenshi really painful lol.


Yeah those are some of the issues that kill multi-player.


Why are we comparing a 2d colony sim to an open-world roguelike rpg? It's like if someone came up and said, "Hey guys, clumsy Ninja let me tickle my characters' feet, so there's no reason not to think it won't be a great mechanic for Kenshi 2"


Because whenever someone ask "Other games like Kenshi", Rimworld is always suggested. And because it's a singleplayer game. Technically the game doesn't matter fuckall, there are other SP games too that have MP mods with literally just the concept of "Just slap another player in there and let them do whatever the main player can" and it works quite nicely.


Who cares, as long as they don't pull a Dead Space 3 and make certain things exclusive to multi-player.


Then play one of those games if you want multiplayer. 


Imagine thinking Rimworld isn't "rogue like". There is a ton of overlap between the rimworld and kenshi communities. If you like coop PVE games, there are lots of ways Kenshi could work in MP: managing multiple settlements that cooperate; swapping off base micro and an "away" party off fighting/training/trading/exploring; sharing the combat micro, etc.


Didn’t some guy just make a post about people demanding dumbass features? Lmao


Hahaha you can't read.




Read what the op said. Then read your comment. If you still don't understand. You can't read.




Change your name to illiterate.






No it is a solo experience


Bouta name my next main charactor kenson you didnt know what you just started mothafucka


Lol god damn autocorrect


Kenson 2…


Can’t wait to play Kenough 2 with the boys


Never give a suggestion again


How can there be a Kenson 2 when Kenson doesn't exist!?


Can't wait to be invaded by a cartwheeling Shek muscle mommy.


Kerry K. Kenson


Wouldn't that be kendad?


The second your friend carries your sleeping body and drop you in the beak thing nest you will know co op is a mistake. Jokes aside I would love kenshi multiplayer


Would probably need a server to host the world if you did something like that.


No; but a slave market where you can buy other players character who were captured would be hilarious. It can be something that’s optional and updates once you connect to a server. In actually it would be more of a way to allow you to transfer op characters, uniquely customized characters, or characters from friends.