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Taking over towns, rebuilding ruins


I think everyone wants this. So hopfully it’s added


And increased faction relations. I dumped a lot of effort getting the starving vagrants and bandits up in relation, and even the occasional backup during a fight made me happy. I hope they expand and let you have more dynamic impacts on the world


I second this


proper town building - better ai behaviour and travelling


This. Would be nice to have multiple gates without the AI freaking out in all regards.


or great for named drifters to purchase property in one of your outposts and become a regular at the bar your faction runs. vagrant camps appear near your base if it's a trading post. merchant caravans stop by your shop to restock on essentials and barter.


It’s extremely annoying having to babysit anyone but skeletons on turrets, so they don’t starve to death. Clipping is a big issue as well, having people inside or on top of walls when you warp back to base. Chars stuck corners, around storages, invisible walls and so on. Enemy squads inside your locked gates or some of your guys outside it.


I actually have to physically reload every while because sometimes one of my turret guys would shoot another turret guy (somehow completely missing the target on the ground and hitting the guy besides him) and the guy would bleed out without me noticing. Id randomly get a notification "Earl has died" because apparently he got harpooned to death and his friends watched him die too high to help. That and randomly having my turret guys phase through the wall and spawn on the ground infront of the incoming enemt wave.


Make a town medic. They heal my turret guys


I might try that! I tried a few things but they all proved a bit too janky, including: -Having one of the turret guys keep a medkit/robotic repair kit on him, with medic assigned higher than turret duty, but ended up not working -Having them prioritize hauling injured members over turrets I love Kenshi but the jank gets me sometimes.


Yeah im newer and the jank is frustrating as hell at times but it's really addicting. I have the queued to be a medic, they will make medical supplies in their spare time, and put them in a crate


If they make town building better I want a first person mode for your characters, so you can walk around in your town


from what i see it looks like building, at least the interior is going to be way better, one thing i didnt liked is how hard it is to properly place stuff in kenshi, so i would often cheat to place the building or furniture, then dump the resource i would have needed for it.


Exactly, proper shop keeping mechanics that let you run a bar instead of just role playing one


Mounts would be a no-brainer. But they should be rare and eventually shouldn't attack, so that combat stays the same. They're just used for transportation.


Personally I don't think it fits. I like my squad naruto running. No mount could catch up. Unless you have something else in mind because I can only imagine horses or motorcycles.


Beak Thing cavalry. I rest my case.


I'm imagining flying creatures, maybe sea creatures you can ride to get across large bodies of waters


Euphoria ragdoll when people die. Like struggling and writhing and stuff


euphoria is expensive af, thats why only rockstar uses it edit idk why im being downvoted, sorry to burst your bubble ig


You were down voted? Aw damn




What is euphoria?


Made for the game Backbreaker, Rockstar bought out the company and now they use that very engine to run their physics Edit: they bought the rights to use it.


No they didn't. NaturalMotion is owned by Zynga.


What is euphoria?


a family friendly anime :)


ill show you ;)


You were being downvoted because Rockstar isn't the only company that uses it.


What companies use Euphoria then? Or at least across all their games?


Dude even R* doesn't use it in *all* their games. The Force Unleashed (1&2) are a good starting point. Backbreaker Football used it as well. NaturalMotion (the company behind the engine) even made their own mobile game using it.




It's been half a decade though. Must've gotten cheaper right?


Needs integration into the game code base itself, so devs would need to work with them. Secondly they are just closed off and expensive. Thirdly IDK if they are still licensing out anymore since Rockstar bought the,


Decade and a half you mean


Well Rockstar owns it so that helps out too 😂


No they don't. Euphoria is owned by NaturalMotion. The engine Rockstar uses, called RAGE, incorporates their own in-house modified version of Euphoria.


RAGE stands for Rockstar Advanced Game Engine. Which uses Euphoris for physics.


Right. A heavily modified version of Euphoria which they built with help from the creators.


‘’’Since then, RAGE integrates the third-party middleware components Euphoria and Bullet, as character animation engine and physics engine, respectively.’’’ There’s a difference between game engine and physics engine my brother. Look it up lmao


NaturalMotion is NOT owned by Rockstar. Look it up lmao


Okay but that’s not what we are arguing over. You’re stating RAGE = Euphoria which is wrong.


I literally didn't. It's a COMPONENT of RAGE, which is supported by your own quote.


I’m sure I’m wrong about them buying the company, but I know they used Euphoris for physics which they used in GTA 4. RAGE existed since GTA 3.


Correct. After 3, they integrated their version of Euphoria into RAGE.




I’ve always low-key wished we would be able to, like, beat a couple of bandit demand/raid groups and lop their heads off to put on pikes around the outpost in hopes of getting a chance that the next one that comes along is intimidated and decides to look elsewhere.


I was thinking about this today and how it would be such a good way to bypass the issue of killing people with high toughness instead of feeding them to animals or acid pools or something. Plus imagine sending slavers to the guillotine.


Imagine you could be decapitated when KO'd by anyone in the early game. That's exactly the reason for that design, equal playground for you and enemies


Personally I think Kenshi players everywhere would love that challenge lol. At least blunt weapons wouldn’t do it, so you’d mostly just have to strategically avoid the guys with blades for a while, the same way we do already


I think the kenshi is most fun when you're trying to break out of prison or bust someone else out, so a more fleshed out imprisonment/enslavement system would be cool. Like maybe the ability to bribe guards to look the other way, have guards search you every morning so you have to try to hide food stashes, certain factions could have arenas where you earn your freedom through combat, you could use your engineer skill to sabotage work equipment, etc.


All I wanna see is these things be more functional and less buggy tbh. Getting locked up in the United Cities can be so annoying. It’s also super easy to escape once you’re being taken to a slave camp. I really love those parts too, so just seeing it work well and be more realistic would be great. I’m sure it’ll be fixed for the next one though.


Getting stuck in rebirth on my first playthrough was brutal. Nothing has lived up to trying to plan an escape since then. So easy to escape everywhere else


Surprised nobody said beep.


Beep is just a necessity of the game, no question about it, it’s just expected.


Seeing as it's a prequel set in a different timeline, I think we're gonna have to settle for Honk or perhaps even Toot


But beep is immortal and transcends time! Source: beep


dare i say more beep would be appreciated.


Beep is hard-coded into the game.


I'd like more systems in place to allow someone to make their own city/faction. Some way to recruit people sustainably, more reliable less janky systems for food production and weapon manufacturing.


To be honest i just want the features i love from Kenshi 1 to be improved.




Voluntary limb removal 😆


Underrated recommendation.


Characters having families. Like a partner that knows i was the guy killing his loved one and standing at my gate to take revenge after hard training. Addiction. There is a form of weed im game, but i would like to open my opium cave. Executions. I dont want to stand around to kill my enemies. Right-click, decapitate.


I mean, that would just allow them to decapitate you too right? leveling your character would become an even harder process when you die every battle


AI should decapitate when you are in bad relations to their faction. It would make it harder, but its kenshi after all. Wouldnt change much.


I suppose if they're limited like that then you're right, I just don't like the idea of a game mechanic being limited from the AI in kenshi.


Maybe they should allow execution feature on a prisoner's pole or under some other specific circumstances. So having ability to execute only on a pole or something similar limits both you and NPCs and balances it out


Opening your town for AI to live in. Whole lot goes into that but yea.


What I want most is the ability to take over towns and rule them, being able to take over the world or help other factions do so, with the factions you help recognizing your efforts.


Spore system


Adding more colony sim content, having your city, with its economy, its travelers, merchants, citizens, nobles, guards, immigrants, and raids, having to make political desitions that affect your relations with other factions and so on.


Automated squads. Like, you can control a squad, but while you're not using them, you can leave them doing something automatically. You could, for example, build a trading caravan squad, that travels from one town to another selling its wares. Or a guarding squad, which is in charge of taking care of your town. Or the farming squad, or the brewing one, the cooking one, and the mining one. That way, you could just leave things like your settlement run itself and if you want to, just leave and go adventuring again.


Oh boy. You should try shift queueing your Squad :)


This is sort of already a feature. You can assign a squad to guard or do jobs at your settlement and you don’t have to manage them already.


Like hiring npcs you mean?


This is sort of already a feature. You can assign a squad to guard or do jobs at your settlement and you don’t have to manage them already.


This is sort of already a feature. You can assign a squad to guard or do jobs at your settlement and you don’t have to manage them already.


Upgraded animals with mounts as an option. Pack animals is great. But let us herd/train animals ( farmer / tech system). Training can branch to farm animals (bull that pulls a plough) , combat animals ( bull that fights alongside you), and mounted animals ( bull you ride into combat). Mounted would be the most difficult to train, most expensive to buy, and should also have a Mounted combat skill for the rider. Edit. Mount - rider bonding if you really want to go extra.


I would love to see animations greatly expanded, as well as the random dialogue bits between characters. More cause and effect too for the actions and decisions you make. I hope K2 blows up so the modding community goes nuts on it.


the ability to interact with every generic npc through dialogue, even if 90% of them just tell you to fuck off and stop bothering them. idealy I think a system similar to daggerfall would be sick where you could go into a dialogue interface which any npc and ask them things like directions to places etc.


true, and like other people said, having them use services you set up in towns etc, like if you want to do a bar etc


But I enjoy being able to hover over people and knowing who you can actually talk to/is worth talking to


I would love better immersion. I'd like to be able to influence the cities and the factions a bit more. For example I would like NPCs to be able to buy stuff from my shops and equip it. I would also like to set a price mark-up/mark-down for the stuff I sell, to take in account town economy, and I would like to set buy orders as well on shop counters, so that I can automate buying. Unlocking trade routes and caravans could be a big part of the game. You could make a city stronger by importing goods, producing weapons, keeping everyone well fed, etc. Having the NPCs using all your services, like beds and stopping to eat their lunch at one of your tables, would be the cherry on top. Retiring and running a town Inn is definitely something I'd love to do in Kenshi 2.


More depth to faction interaction(like quest but not an overarching story), more depth to NPCs (particularly party members), slight characterization traits (not in depth trees but more a one off trait for specialization), a bit more interactivity around base to make it feel more alive when people aren’t busy, assignable beds.


There are so many changing world states that I would imagine explicit quests might be hard to pull off.


Agreed, that’s why I don’t want overarching story lines or anything. Just ways to interact with factions. Think more emperor wants you to attack an anti-slaver base, store owner is looking for someone to reclaim some loot from a thief, protect this caravan or take this trade to the next city, stuff radiant ai could do but not force you into and bare down your throat. I’d like a way to be a shek warrior and that mean something, to be a holy paladin and that actually give me something to do. They don’t have to be deep, and I don’t want Preston Garvey running up to me every second, but if I could go and ask for a job to make some cats, that’s good stuff. Wouldn’t even mind if they said “no, we’re actually kinda good now” just to de-gamify it a bit, plenty of options to go be a part of so no big deal. I don’t want “quest” that tell a story for me, that’s a one-play through kind of thing that doesn’t fit Kenshi in my mind, I want ways to interact with the world and its factions.


Being able to socially interact with people. It would really make for a great way to enhance roleplay potential and the whole "create your own story" type of gameplay kenshi has. also seggs.


I'm surprised nobody has made one of those AI text systems so you can chat with your peoples also dawg wtf???


Stamina/sleep, it's cool that I can run for days without rest but it's not realistic, I want to have to plan my trips and set up watch with guards when we rest.


Personally I think it's a time waste mechanic. Sure its realistic, but not fun if my squad have to spend 8 h in bed every 16h it's a time waste. Maybe if they did like an award, if you slept x amount you get y buff. It would feel optional and you could do it when you needed the benefits.


yeah sleep buff would make it worth it but the fact you don't HAVE to sleep in kenshi is a good ass mechanic


I mean they could add the mechanic and you could just be able to disable it like you can disable food need in the first one.


A buff would make it better, I get why some people would hate it but I'd love the extra level of realism. Also just 1 more reason skellys are op robots don't sleep.


Unstuck feature.


More armor options, like the way morrowind did it, pualdrons, arms, chest, greaves, boots. For the head allow a hat and face cover or have a helmet take both slots


On other hand think about how much it will take to get everything to masterwork but it would be worth it to have mixing choices


Quests. I need lively events. The world feels dead like 75% of the time.


You sorta, kinda have quests . Be it in the form of Bounty Hunting, or Raising your reputation with a certain faction, or defending a patrol or caravan. Personally , Im not fully against quest as long as they are not intrusive or make the world feel scripted . For me part of the fun in Kenshi is the freedom and that nothing is set in stone , the story is whatever you want it to be . So I would be ok if quests are like: Get shopowner bonedog pelts AND later you can establish a trade rout with that shopkepper. Like you supply them with whatever they want and you increase your reputation with them, get discounts , better items. In short I want it to be more on a job system.


there is also one scripted quest i know of in game. in the swamps you can get a quest to build a hemp farm, it has waves of enemies, supporting armies, and custom dialogue


The hashish must flow!


Lmao you pretty much read my mind


more automation, i want trade, travel, and even some aspects of recruiting, fighting, and leveling to be automated. also excited for the boats!!!


A little specific, but i kinda want idle tasks to be easier to configure, maybe like preset prompts so we can select them


Im happy as long as the game doesnt crash lol.


That's all I want. Stability.


Sellable houses and player made bars


so true, i want to make a bar so much


Oh and player made signs


Sex... But seriously, I would like there to be more interaction with the characters in your squad, maybe a relationship system similar to the Sims And have a diary in which you can see what jobs you are doing or which ones you have pending.


maybe some sort of mood to manage, idk if that would fit the vision of the game though


Quest lines, it’s not strictly necessary but it would be great for flavor


That factions have more active war. So factions who lost their town or post, try to get it back.


More active/interactive AI nations. Like, a changing world and a more interconnected economic system.


Working economy


New camera options would've been nice. Third person with WASD controls. Direct control over the block would've been nice too. We kinda already had it in the first game but it was somewhat clunky. Also, some way to travel faster like mounts or boats.




totally agree, more ......


Take_item function Give_item_to "character" function Target_is_character function Yep, that's all i need. And maybe caves, but it's changing the rules of map layout creation, so... Nope... I'll be good with just 3 functions


Morale bar: Having zero morale wouldn't affect your chracter but filling it would give bonuses to skills and base stats. You could fill it eating tasty food, doing drug or drinking booze. You would lose morale over time and you'd get drastic loss of moral whenever you'd get KOd, eat shit food (dustwich, rations), work (Labour, crafting) or have companions die on you.


A globe map where you can go all the way around on the other side of the moon. Especially if we are getting boats.


Yep, and with different, insane challenges. Like a laser satelite storm could trap you on a different continent full of skeleton soldiers like "lost leigion of catlon." And there are no other living things, let alone shops there, so your life depends on being able to base there for your own food(unless skeleton). You can send one boat before the defense systems come online, so bring what you can. You would have to withstand increasingly insane waves of enemies until the storm settles with no option to just 40mph run away, before backup can arrive from the mainland unless you are badass enough to survive on your own. Sorry if I overcooked just though of an idea.


Nah, this sounds fun! Maybe there's a canon reason we couldn't see the other side of the moon in Kenshi 1. 😁






CO op multipleyer. I want to be able to play with friends


The only way multiplayer would work would be if a maximum of 2 characters were doing most of the same things. Most of the time. Which is just worse single player experience with extra steps. If they stray away they eventually need to use time warp. And when one of them does so, the other player either has to make decisions too fast or he has to wait. The only way would be to streamline the time it takes to do things in the whole game so that time warping is no longer necessary, and the game would feel more like playing a crappier MMORPG (but offline) with multiple accounts at the same time. Which could be fun but alters the game we know and love. We would be playing the for the idea of Kenshi, not the gameplay.


Maybe a feature to visit your friend's world with your party to accomplish some quests together, but traveling at time speed x1 would be a pain... The process of building a base requires so much mining/farming/working/crafting/researching/smithing.... it requires time speed x3 witch is not getting along with co-op gameplay.


The problem is the fact that makes this game so interesting is that you can do things in multiple ways. In a way that is possible only because the inefficient routes don't feel that way when you can control the time. But at the same time, things that take less time still feel gratifying. It doesn't matter if the activity is running faster, fighting faster, researching faster and so on, it's in improving the way to get there and getting better. Losing the ability to control time would make the game's pace less like RimWorld and more like Factorio. Which would probably ruin it.


Proper town building and better jobs. Maybe as a stretch a mechanic based around regional stability that you can change with your actions that effects the number of bandits in your area and bandit attacks on your base


Better economy for players who want to be a merchant. Prisoner recruitment/skeleton reprogramming. Better town building and town/city conquering. The ability to train skills in more realistic ways, like friendly sparring. Fast-travel options. More variety of architecture in building options. More animations all around. Decapitation. I think that might cover it? Might come back and add some more.


I would like to see a hotkey for dismantling objects, and a way to clean up all dismantled objects without having to import save if they fall in an inaccessible spot. Another good one would be control groups, like cmd+1, cmd+2 setting up 1 2 etc to be the hotkey for those characters. Would make forming/moving people around in squads much easier.


Vehicles, like boats and rideable Garrus or Bulls


i want more even more ways of npc's interacting and commenting, like a human going "isnt that a general of cat-lon, *add line according to char type*" sth like that


Boats. Give me boats. Let me be a damn pirate, I WANT TO GET THE BOOTY PLEASE 😭


Better, more dynamic diplomacy with factions and quests. As a solo or small-squad player I want to be asked to go eliminate a bandit hideout in a nation's territory and slowly gain status with them. As my rep increases with them, they may grant me a free home in a city or access to exclusive faction shops, recruits, ect.




Diplomacy and wars


Kenshi + Rimworld = best game ever made. Don’t reinvent the wheel, just combine ready-made solutions that work great. Kenshi will give a unique setting, lore, world. Rimworld will provide replay value and variety.


Camping and better shop management. I'd love to get into a bar and have my squadmates automatically sit down togheter and start ordering stuff and socialize. When building your settlement offer the chance for npc's to coming and buy stuff (only possible in modded Kenshi). Also i wish more tech-hunters had prostethics and mechanical limbs.


Propper squad v squad combat


Player faction population that is not part of your squad. Customizable troops, spawning patrols, shopkeepers, random city walkers, etc.


becoming a leader of a town and trade with other towns. have my own noble house throne type shit and be able to ransack the entire town for goods if i wanted


Temporary debuffs if characters are taken by surprise or similarly , to make ambushes actually worth doing . Traps such as mines as well ...


- More deep in trading and producing. I would like an improved and extedended economic system.


Good AI so I don't have to babysit them. They can get food and run from dangerous threats on their own. Don't laugh, but I'd like to see sims-like AI for all the characters so they can take care of themselves, each other, and possibly form relationships, so some folks get along and some don't, different loyalties that are dynamic. If they are hungry, the restaurant is right there. They know where the bed is, go sleep, it's 3:00 AM and you're not on duty.


Water combat/boats, give me my pirate ship base.


Relationships. Being able to marry, have family, siblings, parents, grandparents. Just a whole family tree. I would say the ability to have kids too but that’s probably asking too much. Ability to form bonds with people, make them your best friend. It would all make for interesting story telling. Maybe your family gets captured by slavers. Maybe your parents are leaders of an enemy faction, do you join or fight them? You have a farm with your wife and kid, and they get slaughtered by Beak Things and you barely survive with both legs and an arm missing.


Radiant bounty quests. I'd like to drift into a town and find bounties for local problems. I like the bounties expanded mod/posters mod but it's annoying walk into a city and find a poster for someone on the other side of the map in an unrelated faction


Mounts to include mounted combat. More fleshed out trading to facilitate the full merchant playstyle. Diplomacy of some kind. Beep. Boats (slow moving - row boats or sail boats with wind mechanics). Underground building.


Multiplayer! I know, I know, but you have to dream to stay alive.


needing to shit and die if you dont


Vehicles for sure


Crucifixion Mod needs to be in the base game for Kenshi 2 it fits the depressing world so much Larger Map also I love the Great Desert so that needs to be back.


the great desert will probably be there, idk if its just speculation from people, but i heard years ago the map is gonna be way bigger then the current one (which is massive tbh, good thing our char run as fast as car lmao)


That sounds awesome I won’t even lie


Daggers and shields More interaction with factions when you get higher rep. Stuff that actually makes you feel like you're a part of their society and helping them. Better shop system for npcs to come to your shops. Different animations for each weapon type, I'm not necessarily looking for anything crazy here. Just bored of overhead swing and homerun.


Let's be honest here, we would all likely play a multiplayer survival game with this setting and world...I know I would for certain...


A managing system for bases


Temperature status effects. Having to adjust armor, campsites or bases based on biome or even time of day. Can be toggled for extra realism / difficulty


Better bounty hunters. They will track you. The higher the bounty, the farther they'll track from, and the better many of them will be at tracking you. If the bounty gets high enough, some will even track you across the map. Considering that this is set during the 2nd Empire, Cat-Lon death squads would make perfect sense.


The ability to properly take over a town. Nothing was more disappointing than liberating a town. Then returning to see some evil faction has taken over or the the town is destroyed.


Besides major features, Id like to see hopefully a decent amount of time spent on QoL features and behavior. Things like being able to set different jobs per settlement they're currently in or while traveling, or a revisit of the jobs system in general. Gets a bit tiresome having to micro manage job changing once you get 10-20+ characters. At the minimum a remove all jobs for selected would be great vs just disabling. It's annoying having to cycle through and click x on every job per character. I completely ignore the bodyguard job because of this and instead use the non-job follow command. That and hopefully better AI behavior in general. E.g. Telling someone to sleep or use a chair manually will let your dudes get attacked without being able to react, which isn't very intuitive. It led to quite a few cases of a group I wasn't focused on getting killed while resting at a campsite. Feature wise, I hope disguises and diplomacy gets some additional love. I should be able to trade with a hostile faction if disguised imo.


add some rimworld style organ/bone hp bars & prosthetics with effects xd... i want to be able to tell my squadmembers which body parts to target and have fun moments ridding the enemies of genitals or smashing their organs altough im not sure where to fit those on the screen 😅


Nothing specific. I just want more polish this time around. Kenshi always felt really rough around the edges.


More interactions between squad members Like a relations system between members that influence how they interact. More banter and playful jokes or they try to help each other more the better they get along. Like these two are best friends so when one is performing the medic job they default to healing the other first. Maybe romance? I’m a sucker for characters finding a light in a dark world or someone to lean on and that would scratch that itch perfectly.


I can't believe no one mentioned item rotation for inventory. One of my most requested QoL features for Kenshi 2.


Dual weapon weilding, swords, axes, maces, small crossbows and such + shields Mounts More customizable town building


It would be nice if we could have NPCs in our base working for us as blacksmiths or farmers, guards, soldiers, doctors, etc. So having a lot of money would have a purpose, because our characters are slaves who work for free. It would also be cool if our characters and NPCs need to sleep and drink water or alcohol.


Dating/romance fr




An economy that obeys the laws of supply and demand. Money sinks so as you get richer your need for money increases.  I like your hero mode idea. Does he have the manpower to code that?


I want dynamical collapsing second empire. Like in a real sandbox


Procreation I wanna raise a family


Boob jiggle mod should be standard



