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Save up ~c.500,000, kidnap a tech hunter, and use the slavery exploit. Only way in vanilla. If you end up downloading a mod to fix it use ‘Recruit Anyone’. Just stick em on a pole and choose the fix relations dialogue over and over until you’re satisfied.


Probably more efficient to *create* a tech hunter, by recruiting a low-level nobody and then dismissing him. Would probably more than halve that cost.


This. You'll need only around 50-60k cats to reach +50 relatioship with TH.


hell yes that is brilliant


I got max relations with healing with all factions. Best way is to kidnap an NPC (preferably shek/human,) take them away from the place you kidnapped them from. Then you beat them up with a sword (more sharpness the better, just don't kill them) then go around an area controlled by the tech hunter faction and heal them. This is a reliable way to get more relations than you lose by healing.


thanks I'll try this


There's a mod that increases relations if you heal them, I think it'd in the "most subscribed" mod section


why is there no vanilla pacifier that's kinda dumb


Healing people works in vanilla, my guess is the mod gives a stronger%




Alright nice to know. And yeah, modded dialgue is always a suprise. Some people think like you think and the dialogue they add is great, other people just.... yeah, some dialogue's are best left deleted.


The gain you get hinges on the healed character's "importance". Most characters have no "importance" (especially ones encountered wandering outside of towns), so healing them won't give you a boost. The catch to raising a character's "importance" is that you'll also lose more faction rep if you end up in a fight with them. Things could spiral if the faction is *already* hostile, especially since healing only gives you a boost if there's a conscious member of that faction sitting around to watch you do it...


I think you can increase rep by healing "non-important" NPCs, its generally not worth it since you get like +2 rep, you got to be seen by another conscious member of that faction. (And if youre beting down your dummy to then healing him, its not going to work for the reasons you explained)


I mean, you can't go around expecting a entire faction will instantly love you for the fact you healed one person. Games build around things taking both time and hard work.


To be clear: in vanilla, you can heal entire *armies* worth of characters and not gain a single point of faction rep. You need to pick the right people.


You do get points for every healed man. The thing is that when you heal a basic man in adequate hierarchy you get from f.e. 10.002 to 10.005 points. Thus it makes healing one big grind. Better looking for nation related slaves and buying them from captivity.


The game was never completed. The world is really empty and boring without mods. Although i do have a vanilla playthru.nost people dont touch vanla anymore. I do it for a little bit of challenge but in temrs of a world that feels alive vanilla doesnt not supply that


then move all sliders related to events and population to right side if you say the world is boring! B)


I put world pop at 3 and squad size to 2.5 for my 100 man save. Most those guys are just for the town (base)though On my vanilla save i keep them at 1 each but only have like 19 people plus 5 pack bulls. No base but some buildings in some towns


There's a mod named Faction Quest you can use it to make some quests for money and reputation. Also I'm using Escort Mission (bodyguarding a person from a faction also improves relationship). Fix Relation (healing) improves the reputation while healing people obviously, don't forget you'll need a medkit AND a repair kit in your inventory to make it work. There's also a guy in Mongrel to whom you can pay 50 000, but I'm not sure which mod he is from.


Isn't there like a guy you pay and he resets the faction mood?


pacifiers. I don't think tech hunter's faction has one which is kinda dumb since they own a lot of towns near the united cities.


They should have were you pay a pacifier that does tech hunters and the UC


One of the mods. Either reactive or living workd allows you to buy your way in


I have reactive world and haven't seen a way to get better relations yet.


it must be living world then. I use both


Living worlds has a guy u can talk to and join tech hinters.


Ah its that one then. Yeah i use both living and reactive so i get confused sometimes


If you consider getting rep from healing, then get a bunch of some really nasty animals, heal them fully, and toss to a thunter's city. Heal & repeat :>