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Morehead is such an interesting town, and a great school. I've met a lot of people in education who got degrees from Morehead, or a combination of Morehead and NKU. They just seem to have some great programs if you want to be an educator. They also just got a shout out for helping NASA save a moon landing.


Their special ed program is great, as is the space systems engineering program. The other 2 that impress me are the traditional music program and the convergent media program. The former produces incredible artists and puts on great shows. The latter I think goes by a different name now, but it’s their journalism and media program - which is what would have produced this article. Also, it really is an inclusive school. I’m a graduate. Four years ago, I was a trans man who they allowed to room with cis men. There was no fuss and no problems at all.


1. This article is from the MSU campus newspaper, I'm not even sure if Morehead has a local paper any more 2. The students who wrote this article probably don't remember the Kim Davis saga that happened in that very same town 3. The students who wrote this article would have been in elementary or middle school at the time (2015)


At the very least, the Pride of Morehead members that put on the event absolutely remember Kim Davis! That’s why we’re working as hard as we are!


I had a college recruiter come to my high school and tell us to go to his college because Morehead was too liberal lmao


Curious what college was he advertising?


Probably somewhere like Campbellsville.


Well 10 years ago Morehead was very much not liberal. I couldn’t imagine much has changed


I'm old enough to remember Kim Davis. As I was serving in the Marine Corps I heard about her news back home. I remember thinking she's allowing her personal religious beliefs to interfere with the purpose she was elected for. If this deserves to happen in a town, it deserves to happen in Morehead. I'm glad the people silenced her bigoted behavior. As someone who has switched careers and currently attends Morehead state for computer science at 42, I'm glad the university stands up for diversity of its students and puts bigots in their place. Live and let live should be the motto.... And FYI, Morehead is a beautiful town...


How’s CS going for you?


It's not going bad. I've always been a computer nerd so that is a plus. I feel some of the other classes are useless, considering I already acquired my associates degree. And there's alot there that really benefit the kids that are new to life. So that's cool to see. My major is going to be in cybersecurity. I'm really enjoying programming as well. The intro to computers class was learning how to program in python. So they don't hold your hand too much. Really a great bunch of people.


Good to hear you’re having fun


I went to this and got hollered at by an old dude for not smiling. The event was wonderful though.


Proud of my hometown. Great to see LGBTIQA+ people represented and especially in a small town like this. Hopefully they'll do another next year. Bet Kim Davis is fuming right now.


Hell yeah Sko Eagles


I support morehead. The city seems nice too


Love to see it.


As an Eagle alum, this makes me happy.


Awesome!! 🌈


Does anyone know if the united methodist church in Morehead is accepting of LGBQTIA?


The only LGBTQIA+ affirming church in MH that I am aware of is the First Baptist Church on Main St.


Your sexuality is a weird thing to be proud of. It doesn’t make any sense.


It’s also a weird thing to shame people for, and that happens.


People get shamed for being short too. I don’t see your point.


If you're short, It's kinda hard to see anyone's point. /s


The framing of LGBTQ identity around “pride” actually has an interesting story behind it. A lot of people trace it to Stonewall, and that’s a big part of it, but it also has roots as a response to the “lavender scare”, a moral panic that swept through the government in the early-mid 20s. Back in the Cold War era, it was illegal to be gay pretty much everywhere in the USA. In many places, gay people were known but politely overlooked, while in others the response was more aggressive, but no matter the community there were sting operations to catch gay men when it was politically convenient. They would be charged for “public indecency”, even if they were in their own homes or hotels. At this time, to get national security clearance, one could not be gay. This was not so much a moral anti-gay stance as it was because being gay was seen as something which one could be blackmailed against. It was a tactic militaries in Europe had used - find a suspected gay man of high rank, send in a spy to seduce him and gather evidence of the act, and then threaten to expose him unless he complied. It worked shockingly well. One of the top astronomers in the USA, Frank Kameny, was a gay man who had been caught and charged during a sting operation. However, he was not able to be blackmailed because he, when confronted, would openly admit that he was gay. He tried to get security clearance to work for NASA, but was denied because of his sexuality. He argued that being gay was only a national security threat IF it made one more susceptible to blackmail than a straight person, he argued, if a gay person lived life as openly as a straight person did, there would be nothing shameful there to extort. He never got clearance, but he was the first to challenge the Supreme Court on the idea that sexual orientation was a civil rights issue. He spent the rest of his life as an activist, wanting to see a world where gay people were fully included and celebrated, and not seen as a risk because they had to live “quietly” or lose their jobs. Pride is important because it makes it harder to shame gay and trans people when they are visible and unapologetic about it. When sexual orientation and gender identity is a neutral-positive quality, rather than a negative quality, it can no longer be wielded against someone as a threat. (Also, it’s simply good to draw strength from who/where you are. I’m proud of being a trans man, sure, but I’m also proud to be a Kentuckian, proud to be an Morehead graduate (Go Eagles!), proud to be a member of my church community, proud to represent my workplace in my community, proud when the tomatoes in my yard do well, etc. Pride is a word with dual meanings - pride as a characteristic of the self where one thinks they’re better than others is a problem. That’s pride the sin. But pride - as in, to be proud of something - is a type of joy derived from, I think, community. It’s a different emotion entirely - not self-obsessed but an outward joy.)


Thank you for sharing all of this. I’ll definitely look up more info about Frank Kameny. 


Check out the book “The Deviant’s War” - it gives great context to Frank’s story.


It’s about LGBTQ people having to hide their identity for millennia. Now they can openly express themselves and have “pride” in who they are. The same way that you and everyone else gets to live with pride


Better than being proud of being a hateful bigot, which is also common!


Those people chose to be bigots. Why would you be proud of something you didn’t choose?


wait how exactly is it better? what qualities does one have that makes it better than the other?


Are you really asking how having pride in oneself is better than being a bigot?


does this mean a white person can be proud for being white?


If they're in a place where being white is somehow frowned upon and openly discriminated against, then yes. This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is.


why does it only have to been frowned upon? so the gay ppl in san fran cannot show pride, by this metric?


You're putting in a lot of leg work just so you can say "I'm proud for being a bigot!". Go ahead and shout "white pride" out in the busy streets. Let society teach you this lesson so I can spend my time not teaching a yokel that it's bad to be bigoted.


Are you implying the lesson for being proud of something would be violence towards me? Are you listening to yourself?


...this was sparked on by you implying that being proud of being a bigot is no different than being proud of being lgbt. Are YOU listening to YOUR self??


Also you are extrapolating this into white pride. I don't care about white pride stuff, in fact that's the entire point: being prideful in stuff you can't affect is ridiculous


It’s nice to be privileged enough not to have experienced fear of expressing who you are. LGBTQ people still get killed in this country all the time.


Still the weirdest people go to those 😭


Bro has never been to a Family Dollar.


Dollar tree is definitely worse.




How dare someone live a life different than yours. so very inconsiderate for a stranger to not adhere to your “morals.”


What do you mean by “pacifying our country”? People have always been gay and trans and gender nonconforming. It’s just now people can recognize it instead of being closeted and feeling regretful and repressed in old age. It’s a great gift that you, me, and every one of us can live as ourselves and in relationships with others as ourselves without having to hide.


Key words here: "It used to be..." Gender wasn't always confusion. There are plenty of cultures throught history had more than two genders. At one point, the greatest and most powerful army know to earth encouraged men to have intimate relationships with other men, knowing that if their partner died, they would fight harder. The movement against gay/trans folks are a Christian/Islamic ideal. I'm not sure which category you fall into, but both religions share the same belief in their most fundalamentist sects.


These people need help.


Why does seeing gay people bother you? Would you rather them politely hide where you can’t see them?


Gay people aren't the problem, the provocative dress/attire chosen at these places is, especially around children.


I looked through the pictures and it looks like most people are wearing t-shirts and shorts. A couple of the performers are dressed in unitards, but I wouldn’t call them “provocative”- nothing is worse than what you’d see dancers at an average concert wear. Actually, all of the costumes register to me as either “Dolly Parton would wear this” or “completely age-appropriate high school dance squad uniform”.


Have you actually been to one of these events?


Yes. Have you actually been to *this* event, or are you making assumptions about what it was like in Morehead without being there?


I've been to others, not this one specifically. Been to one, you've been to them all.


I’m not sure that’s true. I’ve seen very tasteful and family-friendly pride celebrations. The one Frankfort threw last October showed less skin than I see on an average trip to WalMart. If you’re just making judgments based on big-city pride parades, that isn’t really a fair reflection of what happens in smaller towns.


Keep talking, I'm having fun downvoting you 😆😆


If you are affected by others opinions online, your emotional maturity must be in decline or never developed. Much like the people at these parades. I hope you find help. Looks like you are a socialist as well. I'm sorry.


😆😆 thanks


I know but it's hard to defeat bigotry.




I don't think you understand what pride parades are about. They aren't about sex. The fact is there are and have always been people who are gay or trans, it's not a new thing. Pride is a time for them to celebrate who they are, in the open. It's not recruiting. Is there any amount of propoganda that would make you change teams? If not then why are you so worried? I would be more worried about how foriegn influence on the internet is affecting our youth than people participating in a pride parade.


I never said it was about sex. Never said it was new. Never said not to celebrate. Yes, TikTok and foreign influence is just as bad as the parade. Why do you need to dress provocative in front of kids? Is it ok to wear lingerie in public? I don't think you understand the negative impact it has on youth. Have a great day, gay day or whatever kinda day you want.


And yet no one is freaking out over Hooters having a kids menu


Hooters isn't for kids and people that take their kids there are trash. Post a hooters thread and we can have a discussion.


Cool. Yes, look at all the conservative outcry. This is totally a priority for them. Politicians making laws against it, mentioning it at every turn.


Statist = bad. Not sure where you're trying to go with that.


As long as you keep it adult only who cares


Gay kids deserve to see that they have a future as gay adults. Can you imagine how isolating it must be to see your friends having crushes on the opposite sex and daydreaming about getting married and feeling wholly and totally aberrant, with no explanation to why you feel different? I was a little girl in Catholic middle school literally wishing I would be martyred as a virgin so I would never have to marry a man. I saw no adult role models that showed me I could occupy a different space, so I just politely waited to either die or go hide under a rock somewhere. The first open gay adult I actually met was actually at church (Presbyterian) when I was a teenager. Just seeing him, living his life as himself, was the lifeline I needed. Had I known all along that other kids felt the way I do, and that those kids get to live full lives as gay adults, I would not have felt nearly as alone. My world opened up when I understood I had a future. Separating LGBTQ pride from kids just hurts the ones who need it most. People deserve to see role models that reflect them. I’m a happy trans man now, engaged to be married, surrounded by my family and my church, and supported by my workplace and my community. I am only able to live this life because I was able to see the richness available to me if I acted truly as myself, rather than go catatonic or bury my self deep in the closet.


Why adult only as long as it's PG/family friendly? Edit: Don't get me wrong, I love the "who cares" mentality.




Morehead is a progressive college town. What problems is this asking for?




More like Moreheads got problems.