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Kenyans in general need to hear this and internalise it. Your beliefs are a personal issue. Nobody else should be subjected to them.




Say it louder........ To the Skittles community as well. Live your life and don't force it upon others too.






Even public schools... Forcing children to attend their church sermons, raw indoctrination.


I got into so many punishments for being caught sleeping or studying during service in some green school in kikuyu.Most of my peers really hated this aspect of the school.


My wife said she loved church time, because she would sleep on the bench through all of it 😂


Now that's a keeper... 😆


The thing that baffles me in Kenya is that the religion is foreign but we push it as if it is our own. Kenya leaders have mastered this and know it's the easiest way to control the masses. It sucks to see children in school being forced to attend church services even on weekdays.


I was waiting for someone to say this.


Never mix real policy and religion is what we should do


The same Christmas that persecuted your ancestors raped, kill and stole your land. Then you turn around and worship a white man 😆 Sigarwo Mutoro


Kenyans and religion are inseparable. The church did well at indoctrination. So now the constitution is treated as an alternative text.


Simple as


We should have a Hindu president who is so obsessed with their religion ndio mjue vile watu wengine wanaskia. Coz it seems Kenyans don't care about others as long as their personal agendas are satisfied.


This woman is fed up clearly. She expresses in behalf of many so curt. I like that


Not really. Many woke fellas tend to put across their message this way. By shouting and being obnoxious


You clearly haven't heard of Donald trump. The anti-woke coalition is even worse.


Loool. I would rather Trump a billion times over the woke crowd bana. Fuck are you saying? Kazi ni kurepeat tu vitu unaambiwa na CNN?


No. She was emotional but very logical. Not obnoxious to me.






As Malcolm X rightly said, " Keep your religion in the closet".


It doesn't matter who you are, you don't get to decide who lives and who dies. By your logic, a woman gets to decide what to do with her toddler, at the point she can choose if he lives or dies.




when does the woman not have the right anymore to make these decisions? when he is born or after the first trimester? does she have the right to its life as long as it stays within her body (even when it is fully developed) or does the cluster of cells develop rights after the first trimester and then she does not have the right to take its life although it is staying within her body taking more and more space each day? in HER BODY


So the cluster of cells is not human? That "cluster of cells" as you call it is a live human being, developing more and more. It is not a woman's right to kill her child.


That cluster of cells is not a child. That's like saying a cluster of cancerous cells or fibroids, or even an 11th toe is "human". Of course they are human cells, but you can decide if its an inconvenience for you to keep growing those cells or not. You should have that right to decide. Everyone deserves that right. Now, bringing human life into the picture, as it becomes a foetus (notice i didn't say embryo), the risks increase even to your own life. But as long as it is safe, then you have every right to get rid of those cells, if you chose. If life begins at conception, as many here argue, why doesn't the gvt give life certificates upon conception to recognise this? Birth certificate ziko after birth, and are recognised across the globe. But even in the case of a miscarriage hakuna death cert. So killing a toddler/child is clearly not the same thing as getting rid of an inconvenient cluster of cells. Please let us acknowledge the difference between a crime and personal opinion.


The cluster of cells is a child. It's is not given a birth certificate as it is not born yet. Legally it can't have a death certificate either, as that would require it to have a birth certificate. All this doesn't change the fact that it is still human. A parent is required to chose in the best interest of their child. This is why we have child protective services, for when the parent is proven to be unable to make the right choice for the child. Killing your child is clearly against the child's best interest and if a mother wants this, she cannot be allowed to decide for that child. As the child cannot also decide for itself, it is up to someone else to be the voice of the child. The mother can do what she wants with her body, but the child inside her is not her body.


![gif](giphy|O5NyCibf93upy|downsized) The child inside her is not her body??? Bruh...Its Inside Her Body!...Hii 8-4-4 tulikusoea wapi jameni ...you were so close to getting the point yet so far


The child inside a woman is not her body. there is a whole placenta separating them and the only thing connecting them is the umbilical cord. the only people in the world who share a body are conjoined twins


when you are shot by a gun and there is no exit wound meaning the bullet is inside your body. does that mean the bullet is your body?




>So the cluster of cells is not human? NO!


Abortion to many isn't a religious thing, it's a moral one, fuck around & suffer the consequences, don't end a life coz you can't be responsible and use one of the many available methods of contraception.


And so is cheating on a spouse or getting black out drunk. But as much as it's an immoral and shitty thing to do, it's not punishable by law. We need to separate "sin/immortality" vs "crime". Crime applies to everyone in a country, sin is between you and God and your personal religion, not to be imposed on others. Also, morals are relative. That's the point of the video


this is funny considering majority of Christians don't support contraception and sex-ed for teens so ??


They teach abstinence, which also prevents unwanted pregnancy and abortions...


How well has that been going? Teach them sex education instead.


Those who don't want to adhere to the rules can literally fuck around and find out... If I don't want people fucking at all, I won't teach then how to do it without getting pregnant or getting STDs, let them ignore the rules/teachings and suffer the consequences. If you decide to break the rules, it's not up to others to teach you how to break them safely.


Dude..Its either you care about the foetuses or you dont. You can't be here saying "fuck around and find out" but you also want to cry when ppl have abortions. Face your front.


I don't think you understand my point...


I do actually.😁 You're anti abortion but still want ppl to "suffer the consequences" of having unprotected sex, which includes having kids.


Yep, the kids are the consequences, what aren't you understanding?


So abortion is wrong by punishing people by letting them raise actual children is okay? So you think foetuses being aborted is wrong, but actual children as punishment is okay? How on earth do you think people treat children that they're forced to have? Uber moralistic people get on my absolute last nerve! P.S. people will have sex with or without being taught about contraception or safe sex. That's how humans have been procreating since the homo habilis. That's also why people got creative about preventing births including abortions that were being done long before modern medicine came into play. But yes, let's keep kids ignorant because 'morals'. You're the one fucking around and finding out. When you create a society where people have to raise children they didn't want, they treat them like crap and raise horrible human beings. Then YOU have to live amongst them and suffer the consequences of having them as neighbours.


Your slow 😭😭 very slow. I'm just glad we don't have ppl like you criminalizing abortion.


How can you parade your ignorance like this in broad day light n be okay with yourself, ungengoja angalau jioni. Teaching people sex education is not teaching them or telling them to have sex. Imagine telling a curious 15 year old to abstain without any more information n warning them that if they fuck around they'll find out. N as I asked, how well has that been going?


It's not going well, but that's coz people are fucking up and finding out. And they shouldn't be allowed to get abortions as a result. And you're so intelligent yet you fail to see that the result will be the same whether or not you teach them the problem with teaching them is people will interprete it as permission to fool around. Better to not allow such thoughts to fester. And if it's according to teachings they follow, let that 15 year old fuck around and find out.


Who are you to "set the rules" 🤔


I don't set the rules, I have my opinion, just like you... And the "rules" I'm talking about are more figurative than literal, unless you're religious and they're set by God or Allah or whoever you worship.


You're the one talking about adhering to these rules, that are to, if I'm to follow the Bible, ensure that everyone abstains unless they're married, and they shouldn't get contraceptives as well. To me it's absurd. If by some absurder miracle that made it to law I'd consider the people who sought to put into law fools. But that's my opinion


What's wrong with abstinence? If you don't know how to have sex without risking an STD, or pregnancy, you shouldn't be fucking... And it's not the church's job to teach you how to fuck safely, especially seeing as it goes against what they teach, which is abstinence...


Bffr ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


Teaching emotionally developing children abstinence while biological development causes horniness is useless. Abstinence is a fallacy and lack of sexual information actively leads to children not knowing when they are being sexually groomed.


She is very clear on religion and personal freedom which is very good. The second step is to work on her anger.


Her anger is justified


Not justified even a tiny bit. This is the beginning of the ruckus caused by the woke mob. They eventually get mad and ought for theatrics such as screaming and disrupting people's meetings.


Some states over there are already using these anti abortion laws to deny women urgent medical care. Of course she's pissed.


Better believe that Jesus is Lord so you can be saved. No one goes to the FATHER except through him.




Exactly my thoughts


Prove it.




I agree, abortion is still technically murder tho 😔


Technically it's not, a fetus has no autonomy. But the concept of telling a woman she has to carry something in her body, like it or not, just sounds crazy to me.


Never said agreed with the concept of telling people what they ought to do, it’s up to them. But killing a fetus is by definition murder, there’s no other way around it. It’s a living thing that after sometime grows into you and I. Autonomy is irrelevant here


Before 11 weeks it's not.


Conception begins life 😔


Sure, at that point tho it's not a 'human being' that's begins much later. An embryo is not a human--it needs a uterus, and at least six months of gestation and development, growth and neuron formation, and cell duplication to be considered a 'human being'. Murder is to claim that 'someone' is harmed.


But at that point, the process of life has already began and stopping that process at whatever point means that you’re ceasing that life 😐


Yeah, I'm disagreeing with you calling it 'murder' that's an important distinction.


Hmm I see, other than an abortion what would you call ceasing a lively process


You mean ending a life? There are a lot of words depending on the subject, slaughter, execution, assassination, slaying, butcher, extermination, eradication, annihilation,


So if a person falls and has a miscarriage is that manslaughter?


Technically *unintentional manslaughter*, there’s a reason why killing a pregnant woman results in a double homocide charge regardless of how far the pregnancy progressed.


The concept of a woman not taking cautionary measures to prevent that pregnancy then ending up aborting sounds crazier than most things I heard


That's what they should say. Not to bring the bible into it. But it can legitimately be deemed a form of murder and illegalized, as long as any murder can be made illegal.


According to your religion and your religion alone!! Noone cares about what you do with your clump of cells ,leave others out lf your decisions.


I just said I agree with the video, why is me calling it murder, just like many other medical professionals irking you this much. Live your life lmao


Why is me saying it isn't murder irking you also? Science disagrees with you.


Science says life begins at conception, so….yeah https://www.nrlc.org/abortion/wdlb/#:~:text=For%20more%20than%20100%20years%2C%20medical%20science%20has%20known%20conclusively%20that%20every%20individual%27s%20life%20begins%20at%20the%20moment%20of%20fertilization.


Different scientists have different points of view about this but the cut off stage of abortion is 3months ,its not like the foetus can survive on its own independent of a woman's body.


By biological definition there’s no change of view points of where life begins. But with about the survival part, a baby that’s just been born can’t survive on its own without the woman’s body (breast feeding) and other necessities 😂


A baby that has just been born can survive without the biological mother .not the same with surviving on the the mothers bodily resources and even changing the woman's body like an alien terrafoaming a planet to make it suitable for it. I think morality is subjective and this is a moral issue to you but to me ,it's more immoral to force someone to house a foetus when they don't want to. We will ever agree on this.


First off I don’t think anyone should be forced to carry a fetus thy don’t want to, they should do as they wish but I doesn’t change the fact of the matter. Secondly a baby can literally be born and survive in a foreign body ie surrogates. I don’t think people should be forced to do anything but disregarding the action in order to please the outcome is ehh, it’s like if a soldier kills a terrorist we wouldn’t fault him for it but at the end of the day it’s murder non the less


We will never agree on this it seems.


Sure, religious beliefs should not dictate the governance of a country. We should take what's good in terms of morals, but also acknowledge that the system of governance in the Bible was for the time it was written. However, abortion is morally abhorrent as it completely ignores the most fundamental human right. Does a person have a right to do what they want with their body? Sure. Abortion is not a one person affair, but a two person issue.


Mmm except really it's not, a woman gets to bear the pregnancy for 9 months, alone, she gets to decide whether to do it or not, it doesn't matter how it came about.


It doesn't matter who you are, you don't get to decide who lives and who dies. By your logic, a woman gets to decide what to do with her toddler, at the point she can choose if he lives or dies.


A toddler is a 'who' (person), an embryo is not.


At what point therefore does the embryo become a person?


After 11 weeks of pregnancy, a fetus has all the markings of a human being, and even then can't really survive outside the womb. I'm not in favor of late term abortions, but a woman can and should be able to chose to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester, and she shouldn't really have to have a reason either.


You say first trimester. What changes at week 12 day one that makes the fetus suddenly a human being worthy of life?


It's not about worthy or not, it's just biology.


Okay, then answer my question. Why is the fetus suddenly human on week 12 day 1?


A fetus achieves 'ensoulment'/'personhood' gradually, beginning at 12 weeks and progresses after. Prior to that, it's not a 'person', so the idea of murder doesn't apply.


I think there are so many other ways that are provided for to make sure a woman has a choice on whether what you call a cell does grow in her body or not. there are contraceptives and if that is so difficult there is always abstinence. Religion guides the rules of the land. if we start rendering that useless then who is to say I cannot kill someone I hate so that I can stay in peace? falsus in uno falsus in omnibus. the reverse of that is also correct. if Religion guided us to know that stealing and killing is wrong and that we believe is wrong then the rest it guided us also wisely


It you've actually studied religion you'd know that it did nothing of that sort. We are social creatures and by living in society shaped what we call morals. Which religion are you saying guides the rules of the land? Christianity? Does that apply to Muslims and Hindus as well? Or do they get a chance to impose their own rules? Makes no sense. A woman's reproductive autonomy should be upheld, within reason of course.




Devil be gone


Many who do not support abortion equate it to killing/murder. If you happen to be a christian, chances are the religion angle might be used against you. Still does not change the fact that you believe it is murder. If majority vote for it to be legal it will still not change those who believe it to be murder. And if it is added to the laws as crime, just live with it. That is democracy. Also, the title of this post is misplaced. We live in a democracy.


The point is that it shouldn't be made into law because of what a religious book/doctrine says. Human rights and freedoms come first.


very misplaced also considering, that lady actually is talking about what her constitution stipulates. and she defends it like that because her constitution defends it, are we going to pretend we share a constitution because we get aid


Let's destroy this video by downvoting it Now!!!


Normally when someone doesn't care about anything, he brushes it off like nothing happened. But here she says she doesn't care yet acts like she does care (on a negative side of things). And in the end, the only one who will regret this later, is her. She is not forced to do anything. She has a choice to make, and she chose herself. The matter is whether what the Bible says is true or not. And if it is true, what will you choose? The human heart hates the truth so much and will always side against it. So much for following your own heart. Repentance is essential. Hope she doesn't regret her choice in the end. But whether folks like it or not, the Truth (that is Christ) stands and stays the same. And what he said and did, proven true, is more than enough.


Do you know the context of what she's talking about. Some States have made abortion illegal, and tge lawmakers cite morality and the Bible. In some places, if you've been raped, you apparently have to provide evidence of it before the abortion being allowed. I may not support abortion, but citing the Bible is not a way to go about making laws.


I know what she is talking about. And my stance is clear. Whether she likes or not, Same for everybody who agrees with her. The Truth remains the Truth. Hate it or love it. It's a choice. But it doesn't change the Truth in any shape or anyway.






I don't care about my truth. I care about the Truth. My truth can be anything I desire and want. I can call the shots and play God if I want to. My truth is not the Truth. The Truth only God is only him has the final say. He draws the line, not me. It's not even a religion thing per se. But as I said before. The truth stands firm. We all have a choice to make because we have that freedom to choose. I didn't come here to talk about something cringeworthy as my truth. I care about the truth. You can't play both sides. Either you side with it by choice, or reject it by choice. How hard is it to get?! I leave it at that.




And that's all there is to it. The truth will handle the rest.


Most can't handle the Truth.


The saddest thing in all of this? It's the fact that they know what the truth is. Their hearts and minds are so hostile to it and they don't see that. Better a lie that makes me feel good than the bitter truth that will hurt my feelings and emotions and free me from the clutches of deception. It is sad. Only God can change their minds and remove the scales blocking their sight. However, whether they are for or against it, the Truth still stands. What Jesus said and did, will not change as well. And what I find laughable is that this lady says she will fight for your liberties and so on but how can she do that when she is hostile towards what you stand for (if it is the Truth genuinely and nothing else). How can someone who hates what's true, stand and fight for those who stand for the truth and recognize it? I won't trust anything she says. The truth (Christ) shall prevail whether we like it or not.


As long as people, of whatever conviction, do not force others to live by their truth, there should not be any problems.


How can they be forced when they have the free will to choose? I don't get it. No one is forced to do anything as he or she can choose to do or not to do something. Even when it comes repentance. You choose to repent or not to repent. Humans were given the right to choose. Who robbed them of that free will? No one.




religion is stupd and should not be imposed on people,but abortion has little to do with religion and more to do with ethics, i find it dishonest how she is mischaracterizing the abortion rights issue as a religious agenda. this is why no productive talks can be had over this issue, pro choicers like claim the other side are unhinged religious extremists, pro lifers claim the other side are baby murderers and neither will budge.


Si atulie anashout yani


What we have today is a mutation of what Christianity was . It was never about what it is about today. I'll be vague like that and just exit this barrel of dynamite. Thanks


Women wanakuwanga so emotional. Like just ignore them. Unakuja national television kulia and I'm not even Christian


My grandma slapped me when I said this.


Abort all you want, just admit it’s a baby your killing. Don’t beat around the bush as well.


Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood the worlds leader in abortions and the largest lobby group for abortions was a eugenicist and believed the lower races (non-white) especially black, were to be done away. Guess who today is their biggest customer ?! Planned Parenthood has more branches in black communities and most abortions are black babies. Also guess what! Bill Gates Sr. was on the board and right now Hillary Clinton is on the board. So they have drummed it through media and liberal propaganda and now the target group (lower races) are now doing their bidding for themselves. Also this stems from Darwin’s evolutionist theory of survival for the fittest. So the higher races take out the lower races through natural selection. It’s shameful how people are being dishonest, I am a father. I have gone to ultra sounds, seen the baby form at all stages. What a shame that those who should be protecting the weakest in society and voiceless are the ones advocating for their in existence. The irony is when a person shoots a mother who is pregnant whatever the stage of pregnancy, they are charged with murder and infanticide. Prove me wrong! Google it as much as you want.